View Full Version : More stuff

03-21-2011, 11:08 AM
Looking for 2 million silvers for these items.

An eonake-edged steel claidhmore: no enchants, sanctified

A rose-breasted onyx and glaes robin: wearable, scripted

>wear robin
You place your onyx and glaes robin on your shoulder.

>tap rob
You idly tap the beak of your onyx and glaes robin. The onyx and glaes robin shuffles uncomfortably, as if just awakened. It leans from foot to foot a moment before arching its neck and letting forth a beautiful trill.

>push robin
You push back the latch holding the crank in place on your onyx and glaes robin and the mechanical sound of clicking gears can be heard. Suddenly, the robin seems to come to life as it flaps its wings in rhythmic motion and begins to sing a hauntingly beautiful melody.

As your onyx and glaes robin continues to sing, a beautiful and hypnotic melody lilts through the air as if the robin is pouring out its mechanical heart for the world to hear.

A high pitched trill fills the air as your onyx and glaes robin flexes its wings elegantly and brings its melodic tune to a beautiful crescendo.

Your onyx and glaes robin begins rocking back and forth on its perch as it trills out a jaunty, fast paced tune. Its jerky movements almost seem to resemble some sort of avian jig!

You smile softly as a gentle lull in the tune brings your onyx and glaes robin's song from a fevered pitch to a calm, soothing melody.

A mournful dirge pours out from within your onyx and glaes robin. Its lament for the end of the song is readily apparent.

Your onyx and glaes robin winds down as it reaches the end of its power. Its song fades and slows until the last note is sung and the robin's wings fall motionless against its sides.

Adding - A dented steel lunch box
>look at my box
The outside of the box has a couple dings and dents covering the surface, as well as a few metallic scars. The interior, however, looks remarkably well kept. Inside of the box are several small compartments lined with cheesecloth, and a round compartment labeled, "For The Sharp And Pointies." On the box's lid the words, "Cheeses for Meeses" is indented, and the cover is clasped with a small silver moonstone, carved to look like a wedge of cheese.

>inspect my box
You carefully inspect your lunch box.

You estimate that a dented steel lunch box can store a medium-sized amount with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the box, attaching it to your belt. The box appears to serve some purpose.

Inside the box is a chocolate heater with three chocolate molds.

03-21-2011, 11:36 AM
is each line a different script/command or does the robin do all that from one push? also, is it worn like any other item or does it have it's own line when you're looked at showing that it's perched on your shoulder?

03-21-2011, 11:43 AM
The robin does all that from one push, worn like any other item

03-21-2011, 12:24 PM
There's more actions as well. WAVE, RUB, PROD, and SMOOCH should get these results:

>wave starl
You point up into the air and sharply command your krodera starling to take flight. Suddenly the starling begins to flap its wings quickly. Slowly it rises bare inches off of your shoulder and lets out a merry trill at its accomplishment before landing again.

>rub starl
You gently stroke the back of your krodera starling. The creature coos softly and stretches out its wings under your caress.

>prod starl
The krodera starling lets out a low, sharp whistle while flapping its wings at you in agitation. Its angry twitter continues for a few moments while it attempts to settle down. Perhaps you should be nicer to your krodera starling in the future?

>smooch starl
You turn and smooch the krodera starling perched on your shoulder lovingly. The krodera starling seems to brighten at this and leads into a tender lovesong. Gentle, lilting notes fill the air as the krodera starling serenades you.

These things are like clockwork familiars. Heh.

03-21-2011, 01:40 PM
Those birds are very old (and somewhat rare now), they are from the first Dhu'Gillywack (I know I am spelling it wrong).

A GM Claw creation.

03-23-2011, 06:13 PM
Forgetting a couple eh?

>pull mock
You foolishly pull on the beak of your dark rhimar mockingbird. In response, it lets out an earshattering screech that causes you to flinch, fortunately allowing you to avoid its sharp beak trying to snap at you.

>tap mock
You idly tap the beak of your dark rhimar mockingbird. The dark rhimar mockingbird shuffles uncomfortably, as if just awakened. It leans from foot to foot a moment before arching its neck and letting forth a beautiful trill.

>exhale mock
A shriek akin to the death-cry of a mongrel kobold pierces the relative silence around you. Looking over, you notice people staring at you oddly, as you squeeze and blow into your dark rhimar mockingbird as if it was a bagpipe. Comparatively, even a bagpipe would sound good!

I love these things, sold mine by mistake in a backpack deal years ago and just found it again in someones shop, so happy =D