View Full Version : trouble with lich

03-17-2011, 03:29 AM
ok so I downloaded lich and installed to registy. I got it working in game but when I try to load the repository i get a wait time that is just unbarable. I asked someone else about it and they loaded ;repo list in under 5 seconds but mine takes 5min + (idk acctually know since I never let it just run). I can get the scripts in the lich scripts folder to run(like goto) but I cant get repo to run. Anyone have any helpful tips or ideas?

Oh im using stormfront on windows but am going to need to switch to avalon in a couple of days and need help getting it running on that too

03-17-2011, 12:21 PM
Sounds like you downloaded the wrong version. Download it from lichproject.org.

03-17-2011, 03:34 PM

The forum sticky was updated so that the link string says lichproject.org, but the url still goes to sourceforge.


03-17-2011, 10:29 PM
so i got it working and everything but now I cant seem to find a good lockpicking script. Im new to scripting but want to learn so i can fix this crap myself I hate having to nag and ask all the time. I have dpickmine and picker downloaded but dpickmine wont get out my pick and I cant seem to find a setup anywhere. Also what is a good program to edit these scripts with?