View Full Version : A little of everything auction

03-15-2011, 08:53 PM
Gotta make some space. More stuff to come as I have items sung to. Auction will go Once, Twice and Sold. Post here or via pm.

Fusion Arms:
a suit of blued vultite half plate - 500k
a faenor-edged golden mithglin flamberge - 750k
a haon-hafted vultite waraxe - 750k
a tanik-hafted smoky glaes sledgehammer - 750k

an embossed golvern aegis - 7x, scripted - 5 Mil

an ancient eagle-hilted claidhmore - 50k
a rune-etched silvery mithril battlesword - 4x, 50k

a white pearl-inlaid bracer clasped with a sliver of nacre - 500k CB: 700k mjc SOLD

a glistening mithril war hammer - 50k
1x, +8 Stalking ranks, +3 blunt ranks, +5 perception ranks

Magic Items:
a gold and malachite music stand - Bard-only Animated Stand - 25 Mil

Some glittering ruby dice – Dice of Fate - 10 Mil CB: 16 Mil BriarFox SOLD
SHOW: Crafted from brilliantly cut rubies, the surfaces of the large dice have been polished to a shine. Small slivers of obsidian adorning the six sides of each die serve as pips, sans the single, which is instead depicted by the intricately etched image of a lightning bolt racing across the sky.

a smooth modwir wand x5 - 604, Skinning 25k

Metal Slabs:
a heavy rhimar slab x4 - 5k CB: 8k Godefroy SOLD
a heavy drakar slab - 5k CB: 8k Godefroy SOLD
a heavy razern slab - 5k CB: 8k Godefroy SOLD
a heavy zorchar slab - 5k CB: 8k Godefroy SOLD
a heavy gornar slab x2 - 5k CB: 8k Godefroy SOLD
a heavy mithril slab x6 - 5k CB: 5k Nichelas SOLD
a heavy faenor slab - 5k CB: 40k Nichelas SOLD
a heavy vaalorn slab x2 - 5k CB: 60k Nichelas SOLD
a heavy vultite slab x2 - 5k CB: 5k Nichelas SOLD
a heavy invar slab x2 - 5k CB: 5k Nichelas SOLD

An indigo shade-newt - Shade skink from EG - 5 Mil CB: 8 Mil akhann TWICE
a scorched fire sprite mask adorned with an image of a triple moon surrounded by dark crimson stars - 5k

03-15-2011, 09:07 PM
which dice are those?

03-15-2011, 09:20 PM
MB on both of the vaalorn slabs

03-15-2011, 09:22 PM
screw it - MB on all the slabs.

03-15-2011, 09:49 PM
which dice are those?

Only played with them a little bit. There's a lightning bolt on them in the description. So far I've found 507, 509 and major shock. I haven't had them sung to yet, but I'll be updating that soonish.

03-15-2011, 09:52 PM
I'll take the dice at 10

03-15-2011, 10:08 PM
I'll take the dice at 10

a birch-hafted mithglin-spiked cudgel - 1 Mil
3x, ice flares, +10 Str, +8 Stam. Recovery, +3 MOC Ranks

I'll take this at 1 M

03-15-2011, 10:14 PM
8k on each:
a heavy rhimar slab x4
a heavy drakar slab
a heavy razern slab
a heavy zorchar slab
a heavy gornar slab x2


03-15-2011, 10:23 PM
is this an auction or flat priced sale? In the auction folder but listed like a flat-priced.....

If it's an auction, 11m on the dice.

03-15-2011, 10:37 PM
I'm interested in hearing more about the music stand. If you could either post more about it or send me a pm, I'd appreciate it. I'm also ingame as Zarston in the Landing area (Lnet reachable).

03-16-2011, 09:02 AM
I'm interested in hearing more about the music stand. If you could either post more about it or send me a pm, I'd appreciate it. I'm also ingame as Zarston in the Landing area (Lnet reachable).


P.S Free bump :heart:

03-16-2011, 09:03 AM
12m on the dice

03-16-2011, 09:20 AM
I don't think I've figured all the scripts out yet, but this item is a bard-only animated music stand. The stand is haunted by the spirit of a puppy. The stand becomes attuned to a bard by loresinging to it. Once the stand is attuned, it will follow the owner around and display ambient scripts. There are some activator scripts, but I've only found a couple so far. To give you an idea of what the scipts are that I've found:

When it attunes:
The malachite music stand seems to respond to the magic of Cappyn's song.
A glimmering spectral light briefly halos Cappyn and the malachite music stand that she holds.

Ambient Messaging:
A gold and malachite music stand swivels back and forth of its own accord for a moment.

A gold and malachite music stand swivels to face you a bit better.

A gold and malachite music stand wiggles back and forth for a moment, creating a soft clattering sound, before straightening and stilling itself.

A gold and malachite music stand starts falling sideways in a rather melodramatic fashion. It catches itself at the last minute and stands back up.

A gold and malachite music stand prods experimentally at your ankle.
A gold and malachite music stand wanders over to Cappyn and appears to be trying to stand on her foot.

A gold and malachite music stand hops around in a little circle before settling down again.

A shimmering ghostly glow flows around a gold and malachite music stand, and, for just an instant, you see the outline of a roly-poly puppy superimposed atop it. In the next second, the glow vanishes, and only the stand remains.

A gold and malachite music stand edges backward slightly.

A gold and malachite music stand moves slightly to the left.

When following between rooms:
A gold and malachite music stand scampers in, hurries up to you, and plops itself down nearby.

Third person message when following the bard:
A gold and malachite music stand scampers away, moving with the same clumsy grace as a puppy despite its gangly shape.

If someone else tries to pick it up:
That malachite music stand seems to belong to Cappyn, who probably wouldn't appreciate you messing with her stuff.

You tap the malachite music stand lightly, reminding it to behave. After one last wiggle, it settles down into the stillness of an ordinary stand.
Cappyn taps a gold and malachite music stand in an admonishing fashion. The malachite music stand wiggles briefly before settling down and performing an excellent imitation of an ordinary music stand.

The malachite music stand presses firmly into your hand as you polish it, wiggling a bit with happiness at the attention.

03-16-2011, 09:22 AM
Hell, now I've gotta figure out how to un-attune it.

03-16-2011, 09:27 AM
Are those even able to be unattuned?

03-16-2011, 09:31 AM
I hope so. If not, it'll be pulled and Cappy gets a new toy.

03-16-2011, 09:32 AM
Cradling the ruby dice in your hand, you roll them around slowly as you begin to sing. Your eyes flutter shut as images begin to take shape behind them. The faint smell of smoke and liquor tingles your nose, and you see before you a seedy room, the dim light making the smoke swirl like a stale mist around four men seated at a square table. A dark elf sits on one side, rolling a pair of dice around in his palm as he narrows his eyes and studies the others: a sylvan, a halfling, and a human.
The vision grows dim.

Your voice rises, urging the images to remain strong. The scene blurs, then as it clears you see the four men in the midst of a game of dice. The human rolls, scowling as he clearly does not get the roll he had hoped for. He pushes the last of a small pile of coins toward the dark elf.

"You know that's not nearly what you owe me," the elf says somberly.

The human glances at him, his eye twitching nervously. "I'm good for it, Ylzar. I swear I am!" The dark elf scowls, and turns toward the Sylvan. "Roll them." With a shift of his weight, the sylvan rolls the dice, staring as they stop.

The vision grows dim.

Once again the dim, smoky room emerges behind your eyes. The halfling is shaking a pair of dice frantically, his eyes darting to the dark elf again and again. You notice the sylvan, his head on his arms on the table, barely moving, the coins that had been near him gone, while the dark elf's pile of silver towers.

"Roll them!" The halfling gives a startled squeak and tosses the dice onto the table. His eyes grow wide as they tumble, and his face grows pale as they stop. He slides the last of his silvers to Ylzar with a trembling hand.
The vision grows dim.

Unable to stop the barrage of song coming from your lips, you sing louder, coaxing the dice to give up the rest of their tale. The vision returns, but the dark elf is on his feet, his arms raised in the air. He chants cryptic words as the others stare at him in terror, whimpering, imploring him to stop. Their abject pleas fall on deaf ears as Ylzar throws his arms in the air and screams out.

"It is the final time, you miserable wretches! You will never play me for a fool again!"
The vision grows dim.

With the last of your breath, you force your aching voice to continue. You see the dark elf Ylzar standing alone near the table, three sets of dice nonchalantly tumbling over one another in his palm. An almost imperceptible smile, touches his lips. He clenches his fist around the dice, and spectral light oozes from between his fingers.

"Your souls then, if not your silvers," he whispers toward the dice as he laughs softly.
The vision grows dim.

Some glittering ruby dice sit in your hand before twitching slightly, sending a slight shock into your palm. The dice fall still.

03-16-2011, 09:51 AM
Hell, now I've gotta figure out how to un-attune it.

I think another bard has to sing to it.

03-16-2011, 09:52 AM
15 dice

03-16-2011, 11:01 AM
An indigo shade-newt - Shade skink from EG - 5 Mil

5 million

03-16-2011, 12:11 PM
Can you list all the spells the dice cast? 16m

03-16-2011, 12:14 PM
6m on the newt.

03-16-2011, 02:02 PM
Can you list all the spells the dice cast? 16m

So far, this is what I've found. Only five rolls per day (not sure if it's a full 24 hour wait or not). I'll update as I find out more.

3 - 508

5 – 518

6 - 503

7 - 509

8 – 507

10 - 510

03-16-2011, 02:03 PM
Can you list all the spells the dice cast? 16m

I second this notion. I am a bit concerned about 513 being on there.

03-16-2011, 02:04 PM
I second this notion. I am a bit concerned about 513 being on there.

While I haven't found it yet, I'd be willing to wager that 508 and 513 appear on them sometime. If I could quit rolling a damn 5, I'd be happier.

03-16-2011, 02:06 PM
So far, this is what I've found. Only five rolls per day (not sure if it's a full 24 hour wait or not). I'll update as I find out more.

2 and 3 – 518

4 and 4 – 507

5 and 1 – 503

1 and 6 – 509

Likely 4 or 9 total will be 508 and/or 513 and 2 or 12 will be 520 and 519. Maybe even meteor storm.

03-16-2011, 02:08 PM
I imagine snake eyes would be Meteor Swarm.

03-16-2011, 02:09 PM
While I haven't found it yet, I'd be willing to wager that 508 and 513 appear on them sometime. If I could quit rolling a damn 5, I'd be happier.

I have plans to train spell aim in about 9m exp. 513 is a deal breaker for another 3-5 years.

03-16-2011, 02:10 PM
WTF do you need 9 mill EXP for as an empath before you do Spell Aim? 1x Dodge, 3x Spells?

03-16-2011, 02:14 PM
Finish off 3x spells, 1x MOC, .5x ambush and dodge.

03-16-2011, 02:30 PM
An indigo shade-newt - Shade skink from EG

6.5 million

03-16-2011, 03:31 PM
25k per slab on the Faenor and Vaalorn slabs

03-16-2011, 03:37 PM
If someone else tries to pick it up:
That malachite music stand seems to belong to Cappyn, who probably wouldn't appreciate you messing with her stuff.

I want to keep it just for this!

03-16-2011, 03:47 PM

03-16-2011, 04:03 PM
I'll do 7m on the newt and I'll go 40k on the faenor and vaalorn

03-17-2011, 08:32 AM
Update bump

03-17-2011, 11:46 AM
50k on the 2 vaalorn slabs and 8mil on the shade skink

03-17-2011, 12:21 PM
I'll go 60k on those vaalorn slabs

03-18-2011, 09:37 AM

03-18-2011, 09:42 AM
a white pearl-inlaid bracer clasped with a sliver of nacre - 600k

03-18-2011, 09:58 AM
a white pearl-inlaid bracer clasped with a sliver of nacre - 700k

03-19-2011, 09:41 PM
Free bump :heart:

violent femme
03-20-2011, 10:21 AM
An indigo shade-newt 9mil

03-20-2011, 10:28 AM
a gold and malachite music stand - Bard-only Animated Stand - 25 Mil

If the item can change hands.

03-20-2011, 10:31 AM
I gotta say, the first time GM Jharra shared that loresong for the puppy stand, as a dog lover, it brought tears to my eyes, it was heart wrenching, and one of, if not the best, loresong in the game.

So free bump for awesome loresong.
