View Full Version : +53 dex/agi bonus

03-14-2011, 09:19 AM
My giantman warrior now has a combined +53 dex/agi bonus.

So he can now aim a maul in six seconds.

But how will this effect mstrike times?

With a bonus of only +40 to agi/dex, I mstrike twice in 8 seconds, and three times in 11 seconds.

I guess I could simply test this when I get back home. But thanks for any help.

AIM: LizardClan1

03-15-2011, 04:33 AM
10 seconds for 3 swings, which matches what I saw with my 61 agidex

Roundtime = Weapon Speed + ((Number of Strikes - 1) * (Weapon Speed / 2)) + 1

so: 7 + (3-1) * (7/2) + 1 - 4 = 10
the 7/2 gets rounded down