View Full Version : Runestaff from Droughtman's

03-13-2011, 05:37 PM
I won this runestaff:

4x with scripts based on your stance

a silver-capped faewood runestaff
Carved images of the Lornon moon run the length of this runestaff. A silver skull-shaped cap adorns the top.

You anxiously brandish your runestaff, almost as if you were daring something to attack.

You casually brush the remnants of your last battle from your runestaff.

You drum your fingers along the length of your runestaff, waiting anxiously for something to happen.

You absentmindedly rub the side of your runestaff while contemplating your victories, both past and future.

You tap your runestaff rhythmically as if trying to tempt any nearby critters to come within striking distance.

You point the end of your runestaff towards the ground and draw an imaginary line between yourself and your opponent, almost as if you were daring them to cross.


Same as defensive except:

You tap impatiently on the side of your runestaff as you glance around the area, visibly annoyed that nothing is happening.

CB 500k to Lyllenyn

03-13-2011, 06:20 PM
... they couldn't even put heimer scripts on runestaffs...