View Full Version : a gornar-tipped spear (immolator)

03-13-2011, 05:25 PM
a gornar-tipped spear

Speaking to you, Droughtman says, "Its an earthly weapon..."

A triangular head of barbed gornar is attached to a shaft of perfectly straight rowan. Runes are carved in to the surface of the wood, and a small inscription is engraved below the spear head.

There appears to be something written on it.

In the Dwarven language, it reads: Bones of the Dragonspines


****** raises his gornar-tipped spear skyward.
Barely visible wisps of orange flame surround the weapon!

****** waves a flaming gornar-tipped spear at a rolton.
Fearsome streams of magical fire explode from the weapon, savagely immolating the rolton!
... 30 points of damage!
Hard strike to right leg breaking tendons and bone!
The rolton collapses to the ground, emits a final bleat, and dies.

****** thrusts with a flaming gornar-tipped spear at a velnalin!
AS: +64 vs DS: +41 with AvD: +28 + d100 roll: +74 = +125
... and hits for 21 points of damage!
Strike to the chest breaks a rib!

** The orange flames surrounding the gornar-tipped spear strike a velnalin with a vicious burst! **

... 30 points of damage!
Good blow to right arm!
The velnalin collapses to the ground, emits a final sigh, and dies.

****** raises his gornar-tipped spear skyward.
The wisps of orange flames surrounding the weapon vanish!

03-13-2011, 06:07 PM
Very nice.

03-13-2011, 07:43 PM
85 million? Congrats.