View Full Version : Animation Hobby.

08-03-2003, 02:34 AM
Well, several of you have known for a while that I'm into 3-d graphics and such.

Recently I've started toying with animating them as well.

The following are all very small files, but semi-decent animations IMO, since they are my first.

Sol.avi (http://caelsgrotto.com/sol.avi) 0.52Mb
Core.avi (http://caelsgrotto.com/Core.avi) 0.58Mb
TBox.avi (http://caelsgrotto.com/TBox.avi) 0.24Mb

If anyone else dabbles with animation feel free to post them here.

[Edited to update the Core.avi file which was extremely jumpy. Should be much smoother now.]

[Edited on 8-3-2003 by Caels]

08-03-2003, 03:24 AM
Can you do anything but rotate objects? Geez. You're terrible.

08-03-2003, 03:50 AM
I can do more, I'm just teaching myself the basics right now.

08-03-2003, 03:58 AM
Just to demonstrate why Rotating objects is the best way to teach myself right now...

here is how I made the treasure box...

#include "colors.inc"
#include "metals.inc"
#include "woods.inc"

light_source { <-100,100,-100> White }

camera { location <0,7.5,-10> look_at <0,5,0> }

#declare Hinge = difference {
cylinder { <-2.5,4.9,2><-1.5,4.9,2> .1 }
cylinder { <-2.225,4.9,2><-2.275,4.9,2> .11 }
cylinder { <-1.775,4.9,2><-1.725,4.9,2> .11 }

#declare Top = union {
difference {
cylinder { <-3,5,0><3,5,0> 2 }
box { <-3.1,2.9,-2.1><3.1,4.9,2.1> }
box { <-2.7,5.3,-2.2><2.7,7.1,2.2> }
box { <-2.69,5.32,-1.7><2.69,4.69,1.7> }
box { <-.51,4.8,-2.1><.51,5.5,-1.5> }
difference {
cylinder { <-3.1,5,0><3.1,5,0> 1.7 }
box { <-3.2,2.8,-2.1><3.2,5.301,2.1> }
difference {
box { <-.5,4.9,-2><.5,5.4,-1.7> }
box { <-.3,4.8,-1.9><.3,5.3,-1.8> }
object { Hinge }
object { Hinge translate x*4 }
texture { pigment { P_Gold3 } finish { F_MetalB } }

#declare Tumbler = union {
cylinder { <0,4.75,-1.89><0,4.75,-1.71> .125 }
difference {
cylinder { <0,4.75,-1.8><0,5.3,-1.8> .05 }
box { <-.06,5.15,-1.9><.01,5.25,-1.6> }
sphere { <0,5.3,-1.8> .05 }
difference {
cylinder { <-2.9,5,0><2.9,5,0> 1.8 }
box { <-3.1,2.9,-2.5><3.1,5.3,2.5> }
cylinder { <-2.8,5,0><2.8,5,0> 1.6 }
texture { normal { agate scale .2 } pigment { color Brown } finish { phong -1 } }
texture { pigment { P_Gold3 } finish { F_MetalB } }

#declare Bottom = union {
difference {
box { <-3,2,-2><3,5,2> }
box { <-3.1,2.3,-1.7><3.1,4.7,1.7> }
box { <-2.7,1.9,-1.7><2.7,5.1,1.7> }
box { <-2.7,2.3,-2.1><2.7,4.7,2.1> }
box { <-.51,4.4,-2.1><.51,5.1,1.5> }
difference {
box { <-.5,4.5,-2><.5,5,-1.7> }
box { <-.3,4.6,-1.9><.3,5.1,-1.8> }
cylinder { <0,4.85,-2.1><0,4.85,-1.81> .1 }
box { <-.05,4.6,-2.1><.05,4.85,-1.81> }
object { Tumbler }
difference {
box { <-2.8,2.1,-1.8><2.8,4.8,1.8> }
box { <-2.7,2.4,-1.7><2.7,5.0,1.7> }
texture { normal { agate scale .2 } pigment { color Brown } finish { phong -1 } }
texture { pigment { P_Gold3 } finish { F_MetalB } }

#declare Chest = union {
object { Top translate y*.125 }
object { Bottom }

object { Chest rotate y*clock*360 }

Then in the command line I entered
+kc +kff180 +otbox.bmp

Which tells it to store each shot as tbox#.bmp, and takes 180 shots. the +kc tells it to be cyclic, meaning that the animation is meant to keep running.

Then I use Elastic Reality to string all the pictures together into an AVI with MPeg 4 encoding/compression.

Its simply time consuming to animate in other ways.

[Edited on 8-3-2003 by Caels]

08-03-2003, 04:33 AM
<< Its simply time consuming to animate in other ways. >>

Use 3D Studio Max then. In the long run, it's much easier to use, although it's pretty hard to learn at first.

It's also the best non-environmental renderer available.

08-03-2003, 06:01 AM
I have Maya 4.0 on my normal comp, but this laptop only has 2 meg vid ram, so I'm screwed for using anything too good on here.

Maya is supposedly better than 3ds max, but I've never used 3ds.

Even on my computer though, I still prefer to use POV-Ray. The quality of pictures produced with the coding is so much better than any of the modelling programs I've ever seen.