View Full Version : Custom siegery miniature and an altered siegery miniature

03-09-2011, 10:48 AM
a heavily-armored dragoon miniature wielding a midnight black katana - altered

a silver-plated regal paladin miniature astride a small griffin -custom

Custom means it has been altered and the battle scripts have been changed to be unique to that miniature.

>raise min
You make a few adjustments to the miniature, and you feel confident that it will recognize you as its owner.
Roundtime: 5 secs.

>drop mini
You drop a heavily-armored dragoon miniature wielding a midnight black katana.

>push min
You press a small button on the back of the dragoon miniature.
The dragoon miniature moves fluidly forward and swings its katana in a wide arc, but misses!
Roundtime: 5 secs.

Person presses the back of his regal paladin miniature a bit.
The regal paladin miniature charges forward upon its mighty griffin and yells, "I will SMOTE thee!" as it swoops forth and spears a heavily-armored dragoon miniature wielding a midnight black katana with its Fist of Kai!

Person presses the back of his regal paladin miniature a bit.
The regal paladin miniature charges forward upon its mighty griffin, but it swipes nothing but air! The regal paladin miniature mutters, "Kai's Bunions!"

Looking for $20. Paypal only. Thank you for your time.

03-09-2011, 10:52 AM
Very cool. If I were active I would bid.

03-09-2011, 11:04 PM
miniatures sold.