View Full Version : Raising Ritual

04-30-2004, 07:23 AM
I am not sure why it is that I usually dislike the raising rituals that some clerics come up with. But this guy cracked me up enough that I want to die around him some more:

Medrak just arrived.
DEAD>Medrak smiles.
DEAD> Speaking to you, Medrak asks, "I am a priest of the non-theistic, non-sectarian persuasion. Do you wish for life by my hand?"
DEAD>You ask, "Aha a cleric I assume?"
DEAD>You say, "Yes please."
DEAD>You say, "Most definitely."
DEAD>Medrak raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
DEAD>Medrak gestures at you.
A silvery translucent thread extends from Medrak encompassing you.
You sense the warmth and comfort of salvation.
DEAD>Speaking to you, Medrak says, "I must know your name, if I am to request intercession on your behalf by That Which May Exist."
DEAD>You see Medrak.
He appears to be a Human.
He appears to be old. He has sparkling stormy grey eyes and ashen skin. He has a bald head. He has a plump face, a large nose and a short beard.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a wolf-headed grey and white runestaff in his right hand.
He is wearing a pear-cut ruby band, some gleaming rainbow-hued prayerbeads, some frayed fur-lined boots, a midnight black eyepatch, a malachite and pink tourmaline earcuff, a rich brown rough wool cloak, a bead necklace, a crystal amulet, a belt pouch, a brass-buckled sturdy canvas harness, a gold ring, some brown flowing robes, and a brilliant flame-hued rose.
DEAD>Medrak cocks his head at you.
DEAD>You say, "****** good sir."
DEAD>Medrak nods.
DEAD>Medrak says, "Very well, then, *****. Let's light this votive."
DEAD>You give a ghostly chuckle.
DEAD>Medrak clears his throat.
DEAD>You say, "Yes please."
DEAD>Medrak just touched some gleaming rainbow-hued prayerbeads.
DEAD>Medrak recites:

"I ask the Great Spirit Voln to restore the life
Of *****, if the Great Spirit Voln exists and
Doesn't mind--otherwise, I withdraw the request
Unless some other being that may exist
And be listening doesn't mind stepping in.
Failing that, I'll just do it myself.

DEAD>Medrak raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
DEAD>Medrak gestures at you.
Medrak suddenly looks very drained.
You feel a sudden jolt of nothing short of the raw power of divine intervention. For some reason, you cannot bring yourself to move quite yet, but feel relieved nonetheless.
You feel the touch of the hand leave your soul.
You are no longer stunned.
PJ>You sit up.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
sJR>You say, "Ahhhh."
sJR>You feel less drained.
sJ>You say, "Much better."
sJ>You remove an uncut maernstrike diamond from in your black leather vest.
sJ>You offer your maernstrike diamond to Medrak, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Type CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
sJ>You recover enough strength to move again.
sJ>Speaking to you, Medrak says, "Welcome back. Endeavor to live such that, when you die, even the clerics and empaths are sad."
Medrak has declined the offer.
Medrak bows to you.
sJ>You say, "Please accept."
sJ>Medrak just went west.
sJ>Medrak just arrived.
sJ>Medrak sticks his tongue out at you, and lets out with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!
sJ>Medrak just went west.
sJ>You laugh out loud!

04-30-2004, 08:21 AM
sJ>You remove an uncut maernstrike diamond from in your black leather vest.

::makes a mental note... black leather vest, top pocket::

04-30-2004, 09:06 AM
Raising rituals are dumb in general. I used to sing "living on a prayer" sometimes making fun of the whole raising ritual thing. Yeah, it was OOC, but it was funny.

04-30-2004, 09:32 AM
That is just about one of the funniest rituals i have seen, normally my cleric of Eonak just says something off the top of my head about getting up and continuing their work which is what Eonak would want them to do....get back to work

04-30-2004, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer
Raising rituals are dumb in general. I used to sing "living on a prayer" sometimes making fun of the whole raising ritual thing. Yeah, it was OOC, but it was funny. Some of us are stupid enough to think that the roleplaying game we're playing is actually a roleplaying game. Glad to know you think it's just an XBox game with shitty graphics.

04-30-2004, 01:20 PM
I like some of the rituals, others could use work. I always think its neat when a Cleric actually puts some thought, even if we think its dumb into roleplaying it out, adding a little flair.

When I don't feel like hearing it:
>depart confirm

04-30-2004, 01:33 PM
Eeesh, I'm glad no one ever decayed on me during my ritual, I wouldn't have made the connection between fleeing body and terrible performance.

04-30-2004, 01:48 PM
Medrak's always been my favorite rezzer...i would often call on him, and that one was the one i'd always request...he has several others and all are fun but i loved that one.

04-30-2004, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by Kitsun
Eeesh, I'm glad no one ever decayed on me during my ritual, I wouldn't have made the connection between fleeing body and terrible performance. Oh oops, I meant I would decay before anyone got to me(empath or cleric). lol

04-30-2004, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by Galleazzo

Originally posted by Mistomeer
Raising rituals are dumb in general. I used to sing "living on a prayer" sometimes making fun of the whole raising ritual thing. Yeah, it was OOC, but it was funny. Some of us are stupid enough to think that the roleplaying game we're playing is actually a roleplaying game. Glad to know you think it's just an XBox game with shitty graphics.

You're right, some people are that stupid.

04-30-2004, 08:10 PM
Have to say I just make up the ritual as I go ...thats if i even bother. If im in the mood for it ill whip out the old prayer book and use it as a prop...if yer a friend i may do the fire and brimstone speech.

04-30-2004, 08:14 PM
This guy is actually pretty good at roleplaying. Or at the very least, he doesn't do one of my biggest pet peeves; he doesn't assume he knows your name, instead he'll ask for it.

Either way at least 1) he is polite 2) he asks you if you want life, and 3) he asks for your name.


04-30-2004, 08:34 PM
Some of us are stupid enough to think that the roleplaying game we're playing is actually a roleplaying game. Glad to know you think it's just an XBox game with shitty graphics.

I'm not a big fan of singing rituals either. 1: It comes off as over the top almost 100% of the time. 2: You aren't a bard and sound like crap.

04-30-2004, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Nakiro
Or at the very least, he doesn't do one of my biggest pet peeves; he doesn't assume he knows your name, instead he'll ask for it.


LOL. The name bit. Fucking retarded. You have to suspend disbelief in order for a fantasy world to exist.

04-30-2004, 10:07 PM
Heh. I always refer to people as "That elf over there." or "That human over there." If they're half-elves, I check to see if they have pointy ears, if so, they're elves, if not, they're humans, until they further clarify themselves.


05-01-2004, 06:17 AM
Yeah but with SAY TO you don't got to worry about that any more.

05-07-2004, 04:02 PM
Originally posted by Celexei
Medrak's always been my favorite rezzer...i would often call on him, and that one was the one i'd always request...he has several others and all are fun but i loved that one.

I love imaginative players with a sense of humor:

Medrak recites:

"Let XXXXXX be known as the party of the first part
Let the Great Spirit Voln be known as the party of the second part
Let this humble priest be known as the party of the third part
Whereas the party of the first part is dead
AND WHEREAS the party of the first part wishes to not be dead
THEREFORE let the party of the third part ask the party of the second part
For aid in restoring to life the party of the first part.

Medrak raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison...
Medrak gestures at you.

05-07-2004, 04:29 PM

05-07-2004, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by Mistomeer

LOL. The name bit. Fucking retarded. You have to suspend disbelief in order for a fantasy world to exist.

I don't like for people to automatically know my name because they can read it on their screen. I understand suspending disbelief, but unless I've told them or someone else has told them what my name is, they shouldn't know. I always make a point to introduce myself to someone. Then, surprise surprise, they introduce themselves back. And (gasps) that can lead to a conversation which can lead to (drum roll) roleplay! Much more fufilling.

That's just me. I know there are going to still be plenty of people that walk around and act like they know your name. And don't ask them how they do... cause they'll say something stupid like they can read it. (well duh) You are lucky if you get that part in a whisper.

I also appreciate clerics that attempt to put together a nice little raising ritual. Some don't quite hit the mark... but then you find those that give you a little smile.

It's the little things here and there that can build up to the big picture of roleplay. We are losing the little things very quickly in Gemstone. I'm going to continue to support them.


05-07-2004, 06:36 PM
Thought I'd throw this out... found it in some notes way back in 2000. The BEST raising ritual I've witnessed since starting Gemstone back in 98. I stumbled across this guy and the corpse outside the bathhouse and hung around to watch the show...

Baraknar recites:
"Hail Lord Luukos, My lord of the night
One of the five that grants me might
With the knowlage you have provided me
Allow me to send this soul to thee."

Baraknar recites:
"From body to symbol the soul does flow
Then into the orb's unholy glow
The soul be now within your dark light
Take it now as is your right

The symbol glows a soft white as the body of Stranos darkens slightly, the energy flowing from the symbol into the orb causing it to glow brightly, its unholy blue light blinding for a moment before it rockets skyward to the Arkati above."

Baraknar recites:
"Take this soul I givith to thine
To torment through neverending time
Prehaps destroy this one eternal and true
Or to bless with the tainted flame from you."

Baraknar recites:
"Your will is my way, your wish my command
Your answer let us see in the land
I beg for a sign, of you will devine
Now arise Stranos if M'lord savith thine

Suddenly a dark flame erupts from the sky above and flows downward into the orb causing it to flare with a brilliant unholy blue light, blinding you for but a moment as the energy dissipates into the symbol surrounding it and seeps into the body infusing it for a few moments with a wicked glow."

Baraknar gestures at Stranos.
Baraknar suddenly looks very drained.

A bolt of soft white light streaks down from the sky bathing Stranos in it.
A brilliant glow forms around Stranos, lingers for a moment, and finally fades. Stranos awakens looking somewhat confused and seriously drained.

05-07-2004, 06:45 PM
I knew a cleric, and I rather liked his raising ritual, it was simple and to the point:

Get your ass up!

Worked perfect!


05-07-2004, 06:56 PM
Baraknar was one cool Mofo.

05-07-2004, 07:04 PM
wow thats a tight little item he has there...where's one get somethin like that?

05-07-2004, 07:06 PM
Ummmmmmmmm, it was part of his recite. Can you see the end quotes at the end of it?

That's kinda why you start coughing after awhile if you have really long recites, because people were abusing them to make things happen which weren't really happening.


05-07-2004, 07:10 PM
ahhh i see that now, makes since..i think it was all done in good taste there.

12-02-2004, 08:22 AM
Sorry for reviving an old post but I didn't want to start a new thread when this one existed.

Just saw this on the dais, Cristyl raising Wolfloner.

Cristyl recites:

"Hey Mr. Wolf, seems your a loner,
You'd probably live longer, if you weren't a stoner!"

12-02-2004, 12:37 PM
I just saw this for the first time, that Medrak guys ones are really funny.

12-02-2004, 01:11 PM
Medrak's raising ritual is great. Certainly gave me a good laugh. I always get sick of seeing those idiotic proclaimaitions of, "CLEAR!" or thumping the body when a cleric pretends to RP.

I remember seeing Baraknar's raising ritual a while back and never really cared for it. The whole recite abuse thing is something he could do without, especially after such a well-composed prayer. Something that amature cheapens his whole act greatly.

12-02-2004, 01:16 PM
You remove an uncut maernstrike diamond from in your black leather vest.

Originally posted by Parkbandit
::makes a mental note... black leather
vest, top pocket::

LMAO! I too noticed that part out of everything and made a mental note. :lol: Maenstrike, I'm assuming he's in the Elven nation hunting the kiramons.

12-15-2004, 01:00 AM
I personally think raising rituals are key. If you can't manage a raising ritual when you raise...why are you raising at all?

You've picked the wrong profession.

Speaking of raising rituals; Querthose, Subarashi, and Vishra all have interesting ones. I'm a fan.


12-15-2004, 07:02 AM
Because when I raise, it's all almost totally OOC anyway. Someone says "Anyone have a cleric in X?" I say," Sure, gimme a minute"

Magically cleric appears, raises and quits.

12-15-2004, 07:19 AM
My cleric uses a ritual but it's not very elaborate. It doesn't use any smile or act commands but does incorporate a few props that I have acquired over the years. Both are scripted and work well under the circumstances. Normally I change it up to incorporate the person's race or profession but more of a mention than some drawn out process.

There are some nice verbs too that I haven't really taken the time to investigate that might be very useful. I remember Barberik and another cleric, forget her name - back when I was a wee adventurer - they had rituals but weren't really drawn out - I liked that approach.
