View Full Version : Alteration plans for the Dhu!
I'm so pathetic. While I was working out, I was thinking of outfits I want to complete while Lysistrata is on the Dhu and I thought I'd share my planned alterations and encourage others to share theirs. Who knows, we can exchange inspiration.
The stuff marked (done) are things that I already have, whether off the shelf or altered.
Outfit #1
She is wearing a delicate hollow crystal filigree choker filled with gleaming quicksilver (to be borrowed), a trailing cloth-of-silver gown with a wide satin ribbon defining the high waistline, and some delicate high-heeled slippers (done).
Outfit #2
She is wearing a pair of garnet-beaded platinum mesh handflowers, a bell-sleeved black cherry satin houppelande with a pleated fan-shaped train (done), and some delicate high-heeled slippers (done).
Outfit #3
She is wearing a solid white jade choker with crimson eahnor hinges, an exotic single-sleeved alabaster spidersilk dress with a slim floor-length tapered skirt, and some silken leather-soled sandals (done).
(I know people hate spidersilk, but I'm going for um.. exotic.. and ostentatiously wealthy.)
Outfit #4
She is wearing a tailored red suede longcoat (done), a strapless smoke grey silk bodice with external eahnor boning, an antique silver Nalfein ring (done), a pair of slim /grey sharkskin /pants, and some tall side-buckled boots (done).
(Haven't quite decided on the show for the pants..)
:rolleyes: Looking at this list, I see that I need more shows. I just like people being able to see the dresses, 'cause so many are shy about inspecting, or asking to see shows.
04-30-2004, 03:58 PM
Here's Bobmuhthol's:
Outfit numbers 1-infinity:
He is wearing a bunch of random crap and 22 tattoos.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-30-2004, 04:02 PM
My alteration plans for the Dhu include spending 72 bucks on something else... I'm altering their paycheck!
I'm so happy for you boys! How about some constructive criticism or help?
04-30-2004, 04:13 PM
It's.. good?
04-30-2004, 04:14 PM
How about a pus green threadbare longcoat stitched with the image of an orange dragon on the back?
You should probably go with longer descrips and no shows because 50% of the player base (read: guys) don't read show descrips.
04-30-2004, 04:15 PM
<<because 50% of the player base (read: guys) don't read show descrips.>>
So true. Long descriptions pwn hard.
Suppa Hobbit Mage
04-30-2004, 04:15 PM
Show her your fancy ass cover Ed... crimson loincloth or whatever the fuck it is.
04-30-2004, 04:16 PM
A woven linen loincloth embroidered with ivy something or another...think there was a pentacle or something too...I asked my network admin to add Gemstone to its firewall till after my last final, so I can't log in and check what the exact descrip is, heheh.
Originally posted by Edaarin
How about a pus green threadbare longcoat stitched with the image of an orange dragon on the back?
You should probably go with longer descrips and no shows because 50% of the player base (read: guys) don't read show descrips.
Heh, I already have my less-than-hot character all clothed, and since she's not a fashionista, she doesn't need seperate outfits. The loincloth is for every occasion!
And yeah, I've noticed that... Ah well, my alterations seem to be a by-the-girls-for-the-girls thing anyway.
04-30-2004, 04:38 PM
I once had a bright green velvet cloak embroidered with the image of a screaming frog. :(
But some asshat I lent it to lost it. Boo. I love that cloak. It was from the collection of crazy cloaks on the very first Dhu. I hope that comes back. Each one was unique long descrip, all the cloaks were scripted, held a lot, open/closeable....the only thing was that they were supposed to be all "hideously ugly"....except I loved my screaming frog cloak. :(
04-30-2004, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by DCSL
:rolleyes: Looking at this list, I see that I need more shows. I just like people being able to see the dresses, 'cause so many are shy about inspecting, or asking to see shows.
I keep getting stern glances and lectures when I inspect girls' bodices and skirts. :?:
Still trying to get this prop done...
a scantily-clad maiden poster
SHOW:You see an intricately detailed drawing of an alluring maiden on this poster. She is posing seductively while clad in almost nothing!
Picked up a nifty pocketed ring that I want to get done into finger-armor...
some blackened silver finger-armor with a Nalfein crest set into the knuckle
some gleaming silver-veined finger-armor tipped with a curved onyx claw
I really need some decent pants, I can't come up with an idea for loinclothes that I wouldn't directly steal from someone else so I've been holding off on making em. However I did steal this description!
some black silver-laced pants
SHOW: These supple black leather pants are designed to be worn laced tightly to their wearer's form. Diagonally strung silver cords run along the outside of each leg, allowing for precise adjustments to achieve the desired fit.
Picked up a couple glowing amulets that I'm going to make into something like...
a glowing Nalfein collar
Probably start planning more once it gets closer to the launch date.
All I've come up with so far is:
A high-waisted black cherry moiré gown with floor-length trailing sleeves
A strapless black batiste gown with a pleated fan-shaped train.
I will admit that I stole the "pleated fan-shaped train" phrase from you, Dex. I apologize, but it's too nice to not imitate.
I'm not very good at coming up with show descriptions for gowns, or I'd have a few of those, too.
04-30-2004, 05:54 PM
I have almost everything on my main character altered, plus a few things on other characters as well. I suppose I could get there gonna be a flare infused on the Dhu?
Cause I got a 7x altered fang that's BEGGING to be flared.
Originally posted by TheEschaton
I have almost everything on my main character altered, plus a few things on other characters as well.
Any chances for alterations you can give to me, then! :whistle: .....please?!
Originally posted by TheEschaton
I have almost everything on my main character altered, plus a few things on other characters as well. I suppose I could get there gonna be a flare infused on the Dhu?
Cause I got a 7x altered fang that's BEGGING to be flared.
Yes, there's gonna be a merchant adding flares... I really hope they're the double-strike, stronger kind that were done at the Anfelt. My 8x waraxe is beggin', too. :smilegrin:
Edited to add in a missing e.
[Edited on 4-30-2004 by GS3 Michiko]
04-30-2004, 05:58 PM
Sure, if you're there, I'll get what you want altered. I probably won't be hanging out at many spinners, though.
Originally posted by GS3 Michiko
All I've come up with so far is:
A high-waisted black cherry moiré gown with floor-length trailing sleeves
A strapless black batiste gown with a pleated fan-shaped train.
I will admit that I stole the "pleated fan-shaped train" phrase from you, Dex. I apologize, but it's too nice to not imitate.
I'm not very good at coming up with show descriptions for gowns, or I'd have a few of those, too.
That's quite alright! I'm just tickled by different train shapes. I like out-of-the-norm stuff.
And that first gown is totally after my own heart :heart: My god, it's got all my favorite things.. high waist, flowing sleeves, black cherry color. Mmmmmmm!
04-30-2004, 06:00 PM
You lose.
<<with floor-length trailing sleeves>>
Yeah, and you can certainly tell when it's in a container, on a table, or on the ground.
Gemstone Barbie at it's best... where's Jesae when we need her? :lol:
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
You lose.
<<with floor-length trailing sleeves>>
Yeah, and you can certainly tell when it's in a container, on a table, or on the ground.
Why do I lose because it's moiré? Because of the accent over the e? Moire is the same as moiré, I just prefer one spelling over another.
And if you're going to nitpick over the fact that I have length in one of my alters, you might as well go and mention it to QC as well... seeing as I've seen off-the-shelf items that have length description in them.
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
You lose.
<<with floor-length trailing sleeves>>
Yeah, and you can certainly tell when it's in a container, on a table, or on the ground.
You can. If the gown is long and the sleeves are pretty much as long as the gown, you can very safely assume that the sleeves will be floor-length.
04-30-2004, 06:12 PM
My advice here is back off and consider women are insane when it comes to clothing, even if it is a text game.
04-30-2004, 06:17 PM
Gah, I'm slow to respond because I doubt I'll be going. I can't justify spending 72 dollars that I don't have on a ticket. (Unless of course my tax return is larger than expected). Both you girls' ideas, I espcially like the fan-shaped train which I will likely steal as well down the road. I have like 20 alterations that I've come up with so far for whatever occasion. Here is a few:
a narrow indigo chiffon sundress with thin criss-crossing back straps and wispy split-front skirt
some exquisite silver earrings hung with a complex chandelier-like web of diamond teardrops
some strappy linen thong sandals with slight wooden heels
a sultry ebon suede corset back-laced with striking aquamarine ribbons
Wow, I love those earrings. Those are really really awesome. Spaaaaarkly!
04-30-2004, 08:26 PM
Any alteration with a cultural, racial or professional name sucks. They make no sense and look stupid. Instead of turning the brain off and putting in one of those names, why not describe what the hell it is that makes it different.
Here is my latest alter: a harness. I think Sukara was upset when I didn't include any of teh above mentioned names, nor any t-shirt decals.
Bah, I deleted my response to that and will shorten it to a more sweet-natured and hopefully karma-improving, "Thank you for coming in and sharing your thoughts."
04-30-2004, 08:39 PM
Any alteration with a cultural, racial or professional name sucks. They make no sense and look stupid. Instead of turning the brain off and putting in one of those names, why not describe what the hell it is that makes it different.
I disagree. Cultures definitely have different styles, and using them to get a short description, so that you can then go into detail with a show is perfectly fine. If you object to the fact that you can see what culture they come from, no matter how much cultural knowledge your character has, you can simply choose to ignore it. It's there to inform you, the player, so you can make decisions for your character.
04-30-2004, 10:42 PM
I need a hip flask that doesn't clash with the rest of my shit
05-01-2004, 02:40 AM
Let me take over, Dex.
Fengus, is there any particular reason that every post you make has some whiney, bitching, rude, utteryly PMSing reponse to those that others make? She wasn't asking your input on alters she already had, she wanted to know about ideas that people had for their alterations. So pull your panties out of your ass and maybe try saying something positive.
That being said...I can easily tell the difference between a Hawaiian print fabric and a Japanese print fabric for example. As for professions, some might be harder to dicern than others and perhaps a sorcerer's wand harness can have a different look to it than a wizard's wand harness...much like a S.W.A.T truck and a UPS truck...same size, build, etc...but certain details like color and text on the side of the vehicle makes that determineable.
Yes, they could say when describing it you could say....a big brown truck with a road-raged man sitting behind the wheel...or a big black and white truck with a gun-toting man behind the wheel. But it saves text space in a game to say "wizards harness" or "sorcerers harness" instead of spelling it out in say a show which only allows what...512 letters? Or a description which offers 15/15/15?
Originally posted by Jesae
Let me take over, Dex.
Thank you! Well-said.
05-01-2004, 04:03 AM
Originally posted by Fengus
Any alteration with a cultural, racial or professional name sucks. They make no sense and look stupid. Instead of turning the brain off and putting in one of those names, why not describe what the hell it is that makes it different.
Here is my latest alter: a harness. I think Sukara was upset when I didn't include any of teh above mentioned names, nor any t-shirt decals.
My alters are all quite simple. I do, however, think that people who alter things into "a simple (item)" or just "a (item)" also lack the requisite imagination to create an elegant, concise alter.
05-01-2004, 02:51 PM
Originally posted by Jesae
That being said...I can easily tell the difference between a Hawaiian print fabric and a Japanese print fabric for example. As for professions, some might
blah blah blah, you've said nothing that wasn't already crystal clear. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, you know what a Hawaiian shirt is, because it is a cliche in our culture. What you do not see is a CEO's suit, instead you see double breasted 2 button italian silk suit, also you do not see Middle Management suit, you see a single breasted 2 button wool suit, you do not see a Nerd's T-shirt, you see a t-shirt with a baby dragon... with the words SimuCon 2004 written below.
While I certainly agree that Nafien could have some cultural relavance and said so in my previous post, the fact is I have no idea what its supposed to represent. Is there a fashion site online somewhere that is describing these. Or are all of your collectively saying "its something cultural and neat!!" but no one has the creative skill to set it down so the rest of the world knows what you are talking about?
As for the short description stuff, bah describe the Nafien cultural clothing and I'm sure we can figure out a good way to describe it and still allow you to get a show.
But anyway, this isn't meant to sound rude or anything, this is my interpretation of seeing these in-game with a slightly bigoted human and it seems extremely redundant to see a Nafien elf (which I see if they show their culture) and then a ton of junk also with the Nafien text. Course Nafien is just the example, most cases its Faendryl. But if I see a Nalfien elf, and he is wearing a robe I would naturally assume he is wearing a robe of Nafien make in a Nafien style. Whereas a dwarven wand harness on an elf may be an RP hook and have an interesting story behind it.
So replace my use of stupid in the first post with the word boring and you get closer to the mark of the feelings I have when seeing this stuff.
By all means be a boring novel in the text world, I don't care that much.
05-01-2004, 05:32 PM
Well as I am assuming your rant generated from Dextra's Nalfien crest ring...go here:
05-03-2004, 10:42 PM
I don't have my exact ideas on this computer but I am hoping to get my EG costume done. Three gowns, two containers, and two gifts for friends.
Yeah, but I'm drooling from what I've seen from Dex and Jesae, damn you both for being so brilliant.
05-04-2004, 12:17 AM
Originally posted by Fengus
Originally posted by Jesae
That being said...I can easily tell the difference between a Hawaiian print fabric and a Japanese print fabric for example. As for professions, some might
blah blah blah, you've said nothing that wasn't already crystal clear. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough, you know what a Hawaiian shirt is, because it is a cliche in our culture. What you do not see is a CEO's suit, instead you see double breasted 2 button italian silk suit, also you do not see Middle Management suit, you see a single breasted 2 button wool suit, you do not see a Nerd's T-shirt, you see a t-shirt with a baby dragon... with the words SimuCon 2004 written below.
While I certainly agree that Nafien could have some cultural relavance and said so in my previous post, the fact is I have no idea what its supposed to represent. Is there a fashion site online somewhere that is describing these. Or are all of your collectively saying "its something cultural and neat!!" but no one has the creative skill to set it down so the rest of the world knows what you are talking about?
As for the short description stuff, bah describe the Nafien cultural clothing and I'm sure we can figure out a good way to describe it and still allow you to get a show.
But anyway, this isn't meant to sound rude or anything, this is my interpretation of seeing these in-game with a slightly bigoted human and it seems extremely redundant to see a Nafien elf (which I see if they show their culture) and then a ton of junk also with the Nafien text. Course Nafien is just the example, most cases its Faendryl. But if I see a Nalfien elf, and he is wearing a robe I would naturally assume he is wearing a robe of Nafien make in a Nafien style. Whereas a dwarven wand harness on an elf may be an RP hook and have an interesting story behind it.
So replace my use of stupid in the first post with the word boring and you get closer to the mark of the feelings I have when seeing this stuff.
By all means be a boring novel in the text world, I don't care that much.
You're under the assumption everyone sees things the way you do.
I work in the men's clothing business and I know the difference in suits, you won't see a 2 button double breasted on any CEO maybe a 6 button, and you can tell from the cut, the weave, and the pattern if it is a conservative or fashion piece.
Just let yourself realize that everyone sees different things and that everyone will have a different level of perception and a grasp on a certain item and you'll sleep better at night.
When I look at someone and see a harness I see someone that doesn't know what the hell they are doing. I, knowing materials, should know at a glance if it's metal, leather, fabric, plastic, ball hair, etc.
Don't think you're the ultimate right and get off your bitchy high horse.
That being said I like some culture things in alters but sometimes it just doesn't fit.
05-04-2004, 07:55 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
When I look at someone and see a harness I see someone that doesn't know what the hell they are doing. I, knowing materials, should know at a glance if it's metal, leather, fabric, plastic, ball hair, etc.
Don't be dumb. You explicitly do not know what you are seeing when you look at my harness. Neat how that works huh? If you were to inspect it you might get more of idea.
While you may consider yourself a master fabric identifier, if any of that were present then it will means everybody that sees it is a super fabric identifier. My character doesn't know silk from ecru, but for some reason I know all of this and more.
Fact is this is a text game, and like books some things are interesting to know and others are not. Some things *have* to be explained in text, others do not. There is nothing special about the harness, and if it were made of metal, spidersilk or leather in this specific case it has been made irrelevant. It is not a gem encrusted and diamond dusted show piece, it is not a fancy "Look at me" article, its a simple weapon holder. And that point comes across well in my opinion.
Now, the point was not that everyone should wear simple or not include the fabrics, which you'd have known if you could read, the point was that throwing in a cultural/profession word into an item description adds nothing. For example:
You see a harness
compared to:
You see a quux harness.
Which is more descriptive?
As for this specific alter, she wouldn't accept my original alter, nor the show. So I had to get something and simpler was better, she wanted to change it to 'a simple harness' which was not at all like the subtle look I was going for. Unobtrusive was the theme not simplistic.
And in case it still isn't clear, I don't have a problem with descriptive items, some of the alters in this thread are really nice, but do they fit every character? Of course not.
05-20-2004, 07:42 PM
I need help with a feature alteration. You see, I want to get my eyes done...but I'm totally paranoid about doing something that is already cliche.
There's this irl picture of a girl who really has two different colors in her eyes. It starts with a really nice green color and blends into a brownish-red near the iris. I love the affect and would like to use it for myself...But I'm not sure I can really get it worded so it doesn't sound
So, if you're good at wording alters and would like to help...I'm looking at a smokey grey/violet type blend.
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