View Full Version : Briar Fox's Spring Auction

02-21-2011, 05:29 PM
Weapons and Armor:

ShadowDeath quarterstaff - A banded black alloy quarterstaff: The haft of the staff is carved from petrified witchwood, the distinctive grain of the wood replaced by pale minerals but still flowing and sinuous. Much of the weapon's length is shod in thin rings of midnight-dark metal, the edges of which seem to drink light. Hazes of shadow about each length of metal twitch with a pulsing, rhythmic beat. A single ring of vaalin adorns the center of the quarterstaff, etched with a tangle of fruit-laden grape vines. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. See: http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/ShadowDeath_weapons. CB: 25m Gelston SOLD, BO: 35m (Delivered)
An iridescent blue glowbark bow - +27 decently sighted composite bow - MB: 20m, BO: 27m
A pale golden ruic longbow carved with jagged lightning bolts. 4x lightning wand bow. CB: 150k DevonG SOLD (Delivered)
Thick orase buckler - +20/+3 TD. CB: 150k Afordhere SOLD (Delivered)
Some old spiked vultite leg greaves, spiked and temporarily heavily crit padded (incredible): MB: 220k NoOnesShowMonkey SOLD (Delivered)
A sleek vaalorn mace - +23. MB: 100k
Some pale ivory double leathers - +25, with temp 20% nature resistance. CB: 1m Faulkil SOLD (Delivered)
A steel-spiked dark mithril warhelm. Scripted warhelm, spiked, self-stunning. Sold on BO (Delivered)
You unlatch the visor of your dark mithril warhelm and slide it down over your eyes.
You clench your hand into a fist and proceed to punch yourself on the side of the head as hard as you can. Fortunately, your dark mithril warhelm protects you from any serious harm, but it feels like you may have broken a finger!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You smack your bejeweled dagger against the side of your dark mithril warhelm! ***Clang!***
You are stunned!
You slide the visor of your dark mithril warhelm into an open position and latch it securely in place.


An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak. Altered consolation cloak, .5lbs/LA, max lightened/deepened, over a dozen scripts (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=711285&postcount=4)- CB: 6m Anebriated SOLD, BO: 10m (Delivered)
A deep cobalt overcoat: This formal overcoat is constructed of a deep cobalt satin, stitched with blackwork at the collar and cuffs. It is fastened with a series of large cabochon onyx toggles, each slipped through a black satin loop. Armor concealer for torso, arms, legs. SA, 5 items. CB: 750k Kgolfer SOLD(Delivered)
A sleeveless sable kidskin tabard laced with sturdy eonake threads. Worn over the front, MA, 4lbs. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 400k Mr. Dallas SOLD (Delivered)
A crossed leather bandolier: The straps of the bandolier are constructed from deep black leather and are crossed in the middle of the chest and back. Stitched along the length of the smooth straps are small intricate swirls in dark thread. Though simple in appearance there are dozens of tiny pockets fastened with small bone buttons hidden on the underside of each strap, making it ideal for storing a large number of small trinkets. Shoulder-worn, MA. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 100k RydimusPrime SOLD (Delivered)
A massive black warrior's mantle: Massive in its size, this mantle is suitable for the broadest of shoulders. It has been lined with deep black wolf fur, making it extremely warm. Each bit of fur has been woven into the cloth beneath to form an intricate pattern of swirls. It seems the once noble mantle has been poorly maintained since much of the fur is torn and bedraggled. Within one of the swirls, "The Warrior's Guild" emblem is perfectly threaded. Less than a pound, holds 100. Max lightened/deepened. CB: 4m LizardClan1SOLD (Delivered)
a massive black war pack: The sheer size of the container makes it suitable for only the broadest of shoulders. It has been crafted from sturdy leather, dyed a deep black hue, and lined with soft wolf fur. Singes and scars mar the leather in many places, demonstrating that it has survived a great deal of wear and use. A thick bone disk acts as the clasp secured by a large metal loop, and an intricate pattern of swirls has been sewn into the ebon leather with delicate silver thread. 6lbs, holds 100. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 2m Lizardclan1 SOLD (Delivered)
Golvern set: a black golvern-studded satchel. Inside are: a twisted golvern band, some enruned golvern vambraces, some hard golvern-edged armguards, some golvern toed leather boots, a flat black golvern tin and a tooled black leather pouch inlaid with golvern studs. CB: 750k Archales SOLD (Delivered)


+30 thrown enhancive jewelry set - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=57383 - CB: 10m Paul SOLD, BO: 20m (Delivered)
An orase runestaff - +20/+6 defender, +3 dexterity stat, +4 spell aiming ranks. SOLD on BO. (Delivered)
A cracked carmiln runestaff. +6, +10 max mana, +10 logic stat, +5 wisdom stat. SOLD on BO. (Delivered)
A razern war mattock -fairly crit-weighted, +3 MIU bonus, +5 Spell Aiming bonus (huge charges). SOLD on BO. (Delivered)
An oak-handled imflass war mattock - +12/+5 defender, +7 demonology bonus, +13 influence (a lot of charges). CB: 700k Fallen SOLD
An invar-tipped drakar spear - +5, fire flares, +2 dexterity bonus, +4 max stamina (more than giantmen can count charges). PAWNED.
A chipped zorchar pilum - +5, lightning flares, +1 strength bonus. PAWNED
A vaalorn-edged white ora flamberge, +10, sancted, +2 harness power bonus, +3 summoning lore bonus. PAWNED
A garnet-inset copper talisman, Poison Resistance, +2 Mental mana control bonus, +4 Pickpocketing bonus, lot of charges, crumbly enhancive, persists magic. PAWNED

Odds and Ends:

A bronze shade-lizard (shade-skink) - Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its bronze-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-lizard maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of firegolden luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be. For actions, see: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=57200. CB: 12m Vender SOLD, BO: 20m. (Delivered)
A veniom-banded black leather back-scabbard. Dual-weapon displaying scabbard. Back-worn and displays large weapons. CB: 750k xt3kn1x SOLD (Delivered)
A faded and time-worn instrument pouch lined with battered wooden toggles, with a battered and worn set of bagpipes: The bagpipes appear to be rather plain in design. From the battered and grimy condition, it has been neglected for some time in some unpleasant condiitons; probably a filthy hovel. Despite the worn condiiton, it appears to still be functional. CB: 100k LordBacl SOLD (Delivered)
A large silken instrument case ringed with ornate niello clasps. Inside: a gleaming fel mandolin. Sold on BO. (Delivered)

Fusion Orbs:

+5 dodging bonus - MB: 500k
+5 dodging bonus - MB: 500k
+8 stalking and hiding bonus - CB: 500k Wizardre SOLD (Delivered)
+7 stamina recovery - CB: 800k TopShottah SOLD (delivered)
+5 stamina recovery - CB: 500k NoOnesShowMonkey SOLD (Delivered)
+4 stamina recovery - MB: 500k
+4 stamina recovery - MB: 500k

02-21-2011, 05:39 PM
Some pale ivory double leathers
100k on these

02-21-2011, 05:39 PM
An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak. - 1m

02-21-2011, 05:41 PM
Some old spiked vultite leg greaves, spiked and temporarily heavily crit padded (incredible): MB: 100k

100k on this.

+7 stamina recovery - MB: 500k

500k on this.

+5 stamina recovery - MB: 500k

500k on this as well.

top shottah
02-21-2011, 05:43 PM
+7 Stamina Recovery orb. 500k


02-21-2011, 05:43 PM
Any alter restrictions on that MA tabard?

02-21-2011, 05:45 PM
Any alter restrictions on that MA tabard?


02-21-2011, 05:45 PM
•An orase runestaff - +20/+6 defender, +3 dexterity stat, +4 spell aiming ranks. 100k...
+7 stam orb 600k

02-21-2011, 05:47 PM
A massive black warrior's mantle - 1 mil

A pale golden ruic longbow carved with jagged lightning bolts - 100k

An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak - 1.5 mil

02-21-2011, 05:49 PM
An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak --- 2m

02-21-2011, 05:49 PM
tabard -100k
warrior's mantle - 1m
back-scabbard 100k


02-21-2011, 05:55 PM
An orase runestaff - +20/+6 defender, +3 dexterity stat, +4 spell aiming ranks. MB: 100k


02-21-2011, 05:56 PM
+7 stamina recover orb - 650k, please.

02-21-2011, 06:01 PM
An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak - 2.5 mil

02-21-2011, 06:02 PM
A sleeveless sable kidskin tabard laced with sturdy eonake threads - 100k on this.

02-21-2011, 06:02 PM
500k on that pack.

02-21-2011, 06:08 PM

top shottah
02-21-2011, 06:10 PM
+7 Stamina Orb


02-21-2011, 06:11 PM
A faded and time-worn instrument pouch lined with battered wooden toggles, with a battered and worn set of bagpipes


02-21-2011, 06:12 PM
200k tabard.

02-21-2011, 06:22 PM
warrior's mantle - 2m

02-21-2011, 06:24 PM

02-21-2011, 06:38 PM
200k back scabbard

02-21-2011, 06:56 PM
An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak - 5 mil

02-21-2011, 06:57 PM
300k back-scabbard

02-21-2011, 06:59 PM
An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak :2.6
Golvern set: 500k

02-21-2011, 07:22 PM
25 on the shadowdeath

02-21-2011, 08:38 PM
Updated, and added a couple of things.

02-21-2011, 08:42 PM
A deep cobalt overcoat


02-21-2011, 08:58 PM
200k cobalt overcoat

02-21-2011, 09:06 PM
WHY? 300k

02-21-2011, 09:15 PM
Why you....500k....

02-21-2011, 09:17 PM
STOP IT 600k

02-21-2011, 09:40 PM
Can the cobalt overcoat be deepened?

02-21-2011, 09:59 PM
400 back scabbard

02-21-2011, 10:06 PM
A steel-spiked dark mithril warhelm. MB on this

02-21-2011, 10:12 PM
150k on the lightning wand bow.
150k on the spiked greaves
100k on the warhelm

02-21-2011, 10:48 PM
150k on the warhelm, 100k on the instrument case with the mandolin

02-22-2011, 12:02 AM
A cracked carmiln runestaff 100k
An oak-handled imflass war mattock 100k

02-22-2011, 12:39 AM
Some old spiked vultite leg greaves - 200K

02-22-2011, 12:54 AM
Some old spiked vultite leg greaves

220k, please.

02-22-2011, 02:08 AM

02-22-2011, 02:10 AM
Thick orase buckler - +20/+3 TD - 150k

02-22-2011, 09:06 AM
back-scabbard - 500k

02-22-2011, 09:18 AM
A razern war mattock - 120k

02-22-2011, 10:19 AM
Everything going ONCE. We'll go ONCE, TWICE, SOLD.

02-22-2011, 10:27 AM
750k cobalt overcoat

02-22-2011, 12:30 PM
a massive black war pack: 600k

02-22-2011, 09:32 PM

02-22-2011, 11:06 PM
10.1 on the shade skink

02-23-2011, 12:09 AM
10.1 on the shade skink


02-23-2011, 12:11 AM
10.1 on the shade skink

10,100,001 shade skink

02-23-2011, 12:32 AM
750 back scabby

02-23-2011, 01:55 AM
150k on the imflass mattock.

02-23-2011, 03:56 AM
A veniom-banded black leather back-scabbard- 750k
A crossed leather bandolier- 100k
A steel-spiked dark mithril warhelm- 300k

02-23-2011, 09:32 AM
Weapons and Armor:

ShadowDeath quarterstaff - A banded black alloy quarterstaff: The haft of the staff is carved from petrified witchwood, the distinctive grain of the wood replaced by pale minerals but still flowing and sinuous. Much of the weapon's length is shod in thin rings of midnight-dark metal, the edges of which seem to drink light. Hazes of shadow about each length of metal twitch with a pulsing, rhythmic beat. A single ring of vaalin adorns the center of the quarterstaff, etched with a tangle of fruit-laden grape vines. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. See: http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/ShadowDeath_weapons. CB: 25m Gelston TWICE, BO: 35m
An iridescent blue glowbark bow - +27 decently sighted composite bow - MB: 20m, BO: 27m
A pale golden ruic longbow carved with jagged lightning bolts. 4x lightning wand bow. CB: 150k DevonG TWICE
Thick orase buckler - +20/+3 TD. CB: 150k Afordhere TWICE
Some old spiked vultite leg greaves, spiked and temporarily heavily crit padded (incredible): MB: 220k NoOnesShowMonkey TWICE
A sleek vaalorn mace - +23. MB: 100k
Some pale ivory double leathers - +25. CB: 500k Faulkil TWICE
A steel-spiked dark mithril warhelm. Scripted warhelm, spiked, self-stunning. MB: 300k RydimusPrime ONCE
You unlatch the visor of your dark mithril warhelm and slide it down over your eyes.
You clench your hand into a fist and proceed to punch yourself on the side of the head as hard as you can. Fortunately, your dark mithril warhelm protects you from any serious harm, but it feels like you may have broken a finger!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You smack your bejeweled dagger against the side of your dark mithril warhelm! ***Clang!***
You are stunned!
You slide the visor of your dark mithril warhelm into an open position and latch it securely in place.


An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak. Altered consolation cloak, .5lbs/LA, max lightened/deepened, over a dozen scripts (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=711285&postcount=4)- CB: 5m Bregus TWICE, BO: 10m
A deep cobalt overcoat: This formal overcoat is constructed of a deep cobalt satin, stitched with blackwork at the collar and cuffs. It is fastened with a series of large cabochon onyx toggles, each slipped through a black satin loop. Armor concealer for torso, arms, legs. SA, 5 items. CB: 750k Kgolfer ONCE
A sleeveless sable kidskin tabard laced with sturdy eonake threads. Worn over the front, MA, 4lbs. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 200k Hedensk TWICE
A crossed leather bandolier: The straps of the bandolier are constructed from deep black leather and are crossed in the middle of the chest and back. Stitched along the length of the smooth straps are small intricate swirls in dark thread. Though simple in appearance there are dozens of tiny pockets fastened with small bone buttons hidden on the underside of each strap, making it ideal for storing a large number of small trinkets. Shoulder-worn, MA. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 100k RydimusPrime ONCE
A massive black warrior's mantle: Massive in its size, this mantle is suitable for the broadest of shoulders. It has been lined with deep black wolf fur, making it extremely warm. Each bit of fur has been woven into the cloth beneath to form an intricate pattern of swirls. It seems the once noble mantle has been poorly maintained since much of the fur is torn and bedraggled. Within one of the swirls, "The Warrior's Guild" emblem is perfectly threaded. Less than a pound, holds 100. Max lightened/deepened. CB: 2m LizardClan1 TWICE
a massive black war pack: The sheer size of the container makes it suitable for only the broadest of shoulders. It has been crafted from sturdy leather, dyed a deep black hue, and lined with soft wolf fur. Singes and scars mar the leather in many places, demonstrating that it has survived a great deal of wear and use. A thick bone disk acts as the clasp secured by a large metal loop, and an intricate pattern of swirls has been sewn into the ebon leather with delicate silver thread. 6lbs, holds 100. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 600k Zone ONCE
Golvern set: a black golvern-studded satchel. Inside are: a twisted golvern band, some enruned golvern vambraces, some hard golvern-edged armguards, some golvern toed leather boots, a flat black golvern tin and a tooled black leather pouch inlaid with golvern studs. CB: 750k Archales TWICE


+30 thrown enhancive jewelry set - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=57383 - MB: 10m, BO: 20m
An orase runestaff - +20/+6 defender, +3 dexterity stat, +4 spell aiming ranks. CB: 300k Yseult (officials) TWICE
A cracked carmiln runestaff. +6, +10 max mana, +10 logic stat, +5 wisdom stat. MB: 100k Regallis TWICE
A razern war mattock -fairly crit-weighted, +3 MIU bonus, +5 Spell Aiming bonus (huge charges). CB: 120k Dayko TWICE
An oak-handled imflass war mattock - +12/+5 defender, +7 demonology bonus, +13 influence (a lot of charges). CB: 150k Fallen ONCE
An invar-tipped drakar spear - +5, fire flares, +2 dexterity bonus, +4 max stamina (more than giantmen can count charges). MB: 100k
A chipped zorchar pilum - +5, lightning flares, +1 strength bonus. MB: 50k
A vaalorn-edged white ora flamberge, +10, sancted, +2 harness power bonus, +3 summoning lore bonus. MB: 50k
A garnet-inset copper talisman, Poison Resistance, +2 Mental mana control bonus, +4 Pickpocketing bonus, lot of charges, crumbly enhancive, persists magic. MB: 50k

Odds and Ends:

A bronze shade-lizard (shade-skink) - Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its bronze-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-lizard maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of firegolden luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be. For actions, see: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=57200. CB: 10m Vender TWICE, BO: 20m. I'll include a pocketed ring in which you can store the shade-lizard, by the way.
A veniom-banded black leather back-scabbard. Dual-weapon displaying scabbard. Back-worn and displays large weapons. CB: 750k xt3kn1x ONCE
A faded and time-worn instrument pouch lined with battered wooden toggles, with a battered and worn set of bagpipes: The bagpipes appear to be rather plain in design. From the battered and grimy condition, it has been neglected for some time in some unpleasant condiitons; probably a filthy hovel. Despite the worn condiiton, it appears to still be functional. CB: 100k LordBacl TWICE
A large silken instrument case ringed with ornate niello clasps. Inside: a gleaming fel mandolin. Sold on BO.

Fusion Orbs:

+5 dodging bonus - MB: 500k
+5 dodging bonus - MB: 500k
+8 stalking and hiding bonus - MB: 500k
+7 stamina recovery - CB: 800k TopShottah TWICE
+5 stamina recovery - CB: 500k NoOnesShowMonkey TWICE
+4 stamina recovery - MB: 500k
+4 stamina recovery - MB: 500k

Updated! Many things going twice, and they'll be SOLD tomorrow.

02-23-2011, 10:11 AM
Carmiln runestaff - 200k to Grothmag (from PM).

02-23-2011, 10:38 AM
600k leathers

02-23-2011, 02:37 PM
its still another 100k which may not be much for everyone but I was interested in the shade skink and figured I'd push my bank account a little, if you want to limit the bidding to by the mil just say so.

02-23-2011, 02:40 PM
its still another 100k which may not be much for everyone but I was interested in the shade skink and figured I'd push my bank account a little, if you want to limit the bidding to by the mil just say so.

At least 500k, otherwise I'm just being rude to Vender.

Mr. Dallas
02-23-2011, 06:27 PM
400k on the tabard.


02-24-2011, 05:32 AM
A massive black warrior's mantle: 2.1m

02-24-2011, 05:39 AM
Updated! Things going TWICE will be SOLD later today (SD staff, consolation cloak, etc).

02-24-2011, 07:52 AM
2.2m warrior's mantle ::cough::

02-24-2011, 07:55 AM
war pack - 700k

02-24-2011, 12:33 PM
Updated. I'll call stuff sold in a few hours.

02-24-2011, 12:46 PM
A bronze shade-lizard (shade-skink) - 11 million on this

Also, do you know what the chances of having at least the base on these altered?

02-24-2011, 12:49 PM
A bronze shade-lizard (shade-skink) - 11 million on this

Also, do you know what the chances of having at least the base on these altered?

I don't, unfortunately, but it should be possible. You can, after, alter the shadowdeath vambraces slightly, and they're a lot more complicated than the skinks.

02-24-2011, 12:50 PM
An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak -6m

02-24-2011, 03:40 PM
Weapons and Armor:

ShadowDeath quarterstaff - A banded black alloy quarterstaff: The haft of the staff is carved from petrified witchwood, the distinctive grain of the wood replaced by pale minerals but still flowing and sinuous. Much of the weapon's length is shod in thin rings of midnight-dark metal, the edges of which seem to drink light. Hazes of shadow about each length of metal twitch with a pulsing, rhythmic beat. A single ring of vaalin adorns the center of the quarterstaff, etched with a tangle of fruit-laden grape vines. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. See: http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/ShadowDeath_weapons. CB: 25m Gelston SOLD, BO: 35m
An iridescent blue glowbark bow - +27 decently sighted composite bow - MB: 20m, BO: 27m
A pale golden ruic longbow carved with jagged lightning bolts. 4x lightning wand bow. CB: 150k DevonG SOLD
Thick orase buckler - +20/+3 TD. CB: 150k Afordhere SOLD
Some old spiked vultite leg greaves, spiked and temporarily heavily crit padded (incredible): MB: 220k NoOnesShowMonkey SOLD
A sleek vaalorn mace - +23. MB: 100k
Some pale ivory double leathers - +25, with temp 20% nature resistance. CB: 600k Middian ONCE
A steel-spiked dark mithril warhelm. Scripted warhelm, spiked, self-stunning. MB: 300k RydimusPrime TWICE
You unlatch the visor of your dark mithril warhelm and slide it down over your eyes.
You clench your hand into a fist and proceed to punch yourself on the side of the head as hard as you can. Fortunately, your dark mithril warhelm protects you from any serious harm, but it feels like you may have broken a finger!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You smack your bejeweled dagger against the side of your dark mithril warhelm! ***Clang!***
You are stunned!
You slide the visor of your dark mithril warhelm into an open position and latch it securely in place.


An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak. Altered consolation cloak, .5lbs/LA, max lightened/deepened, over a dozen scripts (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=711285&postcount=4)- CB: 6m Anebriated ONCE, BO: 10m
A deep cobalt overcoat: This formal overcoat is constructed of a deep cobalt satin, stitched with blackwork at the collar and cuffs. It is fastened with a series of large cabochon onyx toggles, each slipped through a black satin loop. Armor concealer for torso, arms, legs. SA, 5 items. CB: 750k Kgolfer TWICE
A sleeveless sable kidskin tabard laced with sturdy eonake threads. Worn over the front, MA, 4lbs. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 400k Mr. Dallas ONCE
A crossed leather bandolier: The straps of the bandolier are constructed from deep black leather and are crossed in the middle of the chest and back. Stitched along the length of the smooth straps are small intricate swirls in dark thread. Though simple in appearance there are dozens of tiny pockets fastened with small bone buttons hidden on the underside of each strap, making it ideal for storing a large number of small trinkets. Shoulder-worn, MA. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 100k RydimusPrime TWICE
A massive black warrior's mantle: Massive in its size, this mantle is suitable for the broadest of shoulders. It has been lined with deep black wolf fur, making it extremely warm. Each bit of fur has been woven into the cloth beneath to form an intricate pattern of swirls. It seems the once noble mantle has been poorly maintained since much of the fur is torn and bedraggled. Within one of the swirls, "The Warrior's Guild" emblem is perfectly threaded. Less than a pound, holds 100. Max lightened/deepened. CB: 2.2m LizardClan1 ONCE
a massive black war pack: The sheer size of the container makes it suitable for only the broadest of shoulders. It has been crafted from sturdy leather, dyed a deep black hue, and lined with soft wolf fur. Singes and scars mar the leather in many places, demonstrating that it has survived a great deal of wear and use. A thick bone disk acts as the clasp secured by a large metal loop, and an intricate pattern of swirls has been sewn into the ebon leather with delicate silver thread. 6lbs, holds 100. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 700k Lizardclan1 ONCE
Golvern set: a black golvern-studded satchel. Inside are: a twisted golvern band, some enruned golvern vambraces, some hard golvern-edged armguards, some golvern toed leather boots, a flat black golvern tin and a tooled black leather pouch inlaid with golvern studs. CB: 750k Archales SOLD


+30 thrown enhancive jewelry set - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=57383 - MB: 10m, BO: 20m
An orase runestaff - +20/+6 defender, +3 dexterity stat, +4 spell aiming ranks. CB: 400k Urshan ONCE
A cracked carmiln runestaff. +6, +10 max mana, +10 logic stat, +5 wisdom stat. MB: 200k Grothmag ONCE
A razern war mattock -fairly crit-weighted, +3 MIU bonus, +5 Spell Aiming bonus (huge charges). CB: 200k Yseult ONCE
An oak-handled imflass war mattock - +12/+5 defender, +7 demonology bonus, +13 influence (a lot of charges). CB: 150k Fallen TWICE
An invar-tipped drakar spear - +5, fire flares, +2 dexterity bonus, +4 max stamina (more than giantmen can count charges). MB: 50k
A chipped zorchar pilum - +5, lightning flares, +1 strength bonus. MB: 50k
A vaalorn-edged white ora flamberge, +10, sancted, +2 harness power bonus, +3 summoning lore bonus. MB: 50k
A garnet-inset copper talisman, Poison Resistance, +2 Mental mana control bonus, +4 Pickpocketing bonus, lot of charges, crumbly enhancive, persists magic. MB: 50k

Odds and Ends:

A bronze shade-lizard (shade-skink) - Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its bronze-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-lizard maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of firegolden luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be. For actions, see: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=57200. CB: 11m Vanyah ONCE, BO: 20m. I'll include a pocketed ring in which you can store the shade-lizard, by the way.
A veniom-banded black leather back-scabbard. Dual-weapon displaying scabbard. Back-worn and displays large weapons. CB: 750k xt3kn1x TWICE
A faded and time-worn instrument pouch lined with battered wooden toggles, with a battered and worn set of bagpipes: The bagpipes appear to be rather plain in design. From the battered and grimy condition, it has been neglected for some time in some unpleasant condiitons; probably a filthy hovel. Despite the worn condiiton, it appears to still be functional. CB: 100k LordBacl SOLD
A large silken instrument case ringed with ornate niello clasps. Inside: a gleaming fel mandolin. Sold on BO.

Fusion Orbs:

+5 dodging bonus - MB: 500k
+5 dodging bonus - MB: 500k
+8 stalking and hiding bonus - MB: 500k
+7 stamina recovery - CB: 800k TopShottah SOLD
+5 stamina recovery - CB: 500k NoOnesShowMonkey SOLD
+4 stamina recovery - MB: 500k
+4 stamina recovery - MB: 500k

Updated! Many items SOLD. Contact me for pickup through PM or at GS4Nuadjha on AIM, please.

02-24-2011, 03:48 PM
A massive black warrior's mantle: 2.3m
a massive black war pack: 800k

02-24-2011, 04:26 PM
warrior's mantle - 2.5m
war pack - 1m

02-24-2011, 04:38 PM
razern mattock 210k

02-24-2011, 07:07 PM
A cracked carmiln runestaff 250k
An oak-handled imflass war mattock 250k

02-24-2011, 07:16 PM
A massive black warrior's mantle: 2.7m
a massive black war pack: 1.1m

02-24-2011, 08:03 PM
Some of these items really make me miss prime

02-24-2011, 08:58 PM
500k on the stalking and hiding orb please.

02-24-2011, 10:40 PM
warrior's mantle - 3m
war pack - 1.5m

AIM: LizardClan1

02-24-2011, 11:01 PM
Updated with the most recent bids.

02-24-2011, 11:42 PM
800k leather

02-24-2011, 11:53 PM
1m on the 5x doubles to Faulkil, from email.

02-25-2011, 12:34 AM
That warhelm, you offer layaway or a blue light special? 400k, I can do that, its Wednesday.

02-25-2011, 12:39 AM
That warhelm, you offer layaway or a blue light special? 400k, I can do that, its Wednesday.

You mean, if you pick it up after Wed? No biggie.

02-25-2011, 09:51 AM
Weapons and Armor:

ShadowDeath quarterstaff - A banded black alloy quarterstaff: The haft of the staff is carved from petrified witchwood, the distinctive grain of the wood replaced by pale minerals but still flowing and sinuous. Much of the weapon's length is shod in thin rings of midnight-dark metal, the edges of which seem to drink light. Hazes of shadow about each length of metal twitch with a pulsing, rhythmic beat. A single ring of vaalin adorns the center of the quarterstaff, etched with a tangle of fruit-laden grape vines. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. See: http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/ShadowDeath_weapons. CB: 25m Gelston SOLD, BO: 35m (Delivered)
An iridescent blue glowbark bow - +27 decently sighted composite bow - MB: 20m, BO: 27m
A pale golden ruic longbow carved with jagged lightning bolts. 4x lightning wand bow. CB: 150k DevonG SOLD
Thick orase buckler - +20/+3 TD. CB: 150k Afordhere SOLD
Some old spiked vultite leg greaves, spiked and temporarily heavily crit padded (incredible): MB: 220k NoOnesShowMonkey SOLD
A sleek vaalorn mace - +23. MB: 100k
Some pale ivory double leathers - +25, with temp 20% nature resistance. CB: 1m Faulkil ONCE
A steel-spiked dark mithril warhelm. Scripted warhelm, spiked, self-stunning. CB: 400k Furryrat ONCE
You unlatch the visor of your dark mithril warhelm and slide it down over your eyes.
You clench your hand into a fist and proceed to punch yourself on the side of the head as hard as you can. Fortunately, your dark mithril warhelm protects you from any serious harm, but it feels like you may have broken a finger!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You smack your bejeweled dagger against the side of your dark mithril warhelm! ***Clang!***
You are stunned!
You slide the visor of your dark mithril warhelm into an open position and latch it securely in place.


An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak. Altered consolation cloak, .5lbs/LA, max lightened/deepened, over a dozen scripts (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=711285&postcount=4)- CB: 6m Anebriated TWICE, BO: 10m
A deep cobalt overcoat: This formal overcoat is constructed of a deep cobalt satin, stitched with blackwork at the collar and cuffs. It is fastened with a series of large cabochon onyx toggles, each slipped through a black satin loop. Armor concealer for torso, arms, legs. SA, 5 items. CB: 750k Kgolfer SOLD
A sleeveless sable kidskin tabard laced with sturdy eonake threads. Worn over the front, MA, 4lbs. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 400k Mr. Dallas TWICE
A crossed leather bandolier: The straps of the bandolier are constructed from deep black leather and are crossed in the middle of the chest and back. Stitched along the length of the smooth straps are small intricate swirls in dark thread. Though simple in appearance there are dozens of tiny pockets fastened with small bone buttons hidden on the underside of each strap, making it ideal for storing a large number of small trinkets. Shoulder-worn, MA. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 100k RydimusPrime SOLD
A massive black warrior's mantle: Massive in its size, this mantle is suitable for the broadest of shoulders. It has been lined with deep black wolf fur, making it extremely warm. Each bit of fur has been woven into the cloth beneath to form an intricate pattern of swirls. It seems the once noble mantle has been poorly maintained since much of the fur is torn and bedraggled. Within one of the swirls, "The Warrior's Guild" emblem is perfectly threaded. Less than a pound, holds 100. Max lightened/deepened. CB: 3m LizardClan1 ONCE
a massive black war pack: The sheer size of the container makes it suitable for only the broadest of shoulders. It has been crafted from sturdy leather, dyed a deep black hue, and lined with soft wolf fur. Singes and scars mar the leather in many places, demonstrating that it has survived a great deal of wear and use. A thick bone disk acts as the clasp secured by a large metal loop, and an intricate pattern of swirls has been sewn into the ebon leather with delicate silver thread. 6lbs, holds 100. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 1.5m Lizardclan1 ONCE
Golvern set: a black golvern-studded satchel. Inside are: a twisted golvern band, some enruned golvern vambraces, some hard golvern-edged armguards, some golvern toed leather boots, a flat black golvern tin and a tooled black leather pouch inlaid with golvern studs. CB: 750k Archales SOLD


+30 thrown enhancive jewelry set - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=57383 - CB: 10m Paul ONCE, BO: 20m
An orase runestaff - +20/+6 defender, +3 dexterity stat, +4 spell aiming ranks. CB: 400k Urshan TWICE
A cracked carmiln runestaff. +6, +10 max mana, +10 logic stat, +5 wisdom stat. MB: 250k Regallis ONCE
A razern war mattock -fairly crit-weighted, +3 MIU bonus, +5 Spell Aiming bonus (huge charges). CB: 210k Dayko ONCE
An oak-handled imflass war mattock - +12/+5 defender, +7 demonology bonus, +13 influence (a lot of charges). CB: 250k Regallis ONCE
An invar-tipped drakar spear - +5, fire flares, +2 dexterity bonus, +4 max stamina (more than giantmen can count charges). MB: 50k
A chipped zorchar pilum - +5, lightning flares, +1 strength bonus. MB: 50k
A vaalorn-edged white ora flamberge, +10, sancted, +2 harness power bonus, +3 summoning lore bonus. MB: 50k
A garnet-inset copper talisman, Poison Resistance, +2 Mental mana control bonus, +4 Pickpocketing bonus, lot of charges, crumbly enhancive, persists magic. MB: 50k

Odds and Ends:

A bronze shade-lizard (shade-skink) - Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its bronze-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-lizard maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of firegolden luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be. For actions, see: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=57200. CB: 11m Vanyah TWICE, BO: 20m. I'll include a pocketed ring in which you can store the shade-lizard, by the way.
A veniom-banded black leather back-scabbard. Dual-weapon displaying scabbard. Back-worn and displays large weapons. CB: 750k xt3kn1x SOLD
A faded and time-worn instrument pouch lined with battered wooden toggles, with a battered and worn set of bagpipes: The bagpipes appear to be rather plain in design. From the battered and grimy condition, it has been neglected for some time in some unpleasant condiitons; probably a filthy hovel. Despite the worn condiiton, it appears to still be functional. CB: 100k LordBacl SOLD
A large silken instrument case ringed with ornate niello clasps. Inside: a gleaming fel mandolin. Sold on BO. (Delivered)

Fusion Orbs:

+5 dodging bonus - MB: 500k
+5 dodging bonus - MB: 500k
+8 stalking and hiding bonus - CB: 500k Wizardre ONCE
+7 stamina recovery - CB: 800k TopShottah SOLD (delivered)
+5 stamina recovery - CB: 500k NoOnesShowMonkey SOLD
+4 stamina recovery - MB: 500k
+4 stamina recovery - MB: 500k

Updated! More stuff SOLD! IM me at GS4Nuadjha or send a PM for pickups, please.

02-25-2011, 11:35 AM
I'm around most of the day today. Grab your stuff!

Gs4Nuadjha on AIM.

02-25-2011, 11:49 AM
An orase runestaff - 450k

02-25-2011, 06:08 PM
12m to Vender on the skink, from the officials.

02-25-2011, 06:13 PM
300k mattock.

Lynette Syrlan
02-25-2011, 08:38 PM
A cracked carmiln runestaff. +6, +10 max mana, +10 logic stat, +5 wisdom stat
350k on this please

02-25-2011, 09:37 PM
Next call coming in a couple of hours. Get your bids in!

02-26-2011, 01:03 AM
Weapons and Armor:

ShadowDeath quarterstaff - A banded black alloy quarterstaff: The haft of the staff is carved from petrified witchwood, the distinctive grain of the wood replaced by pale minerals but still flowing and sinuous. Much of the weapon's length is shod in thin rings of midnight-dark metal, the edges of which seem to drink light. Hazes of shadow about each length of metal twitch with a pulsing, rhythmic beat. A single ring of vaalin adorns the center of the quarterstaff, etched with a tangle of fruit-laden grape vines. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. See: http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/ShadowDeath_weapons. CB: 25m Gelston SOLD, BO: 35m (Delivered)
An iridescent blue glowbark bow - +27 decently sighted composite bow - MB: 20m, BO: 27m
A pale golden ruic longbow carved with jagged lightning bolts. 4x lightning wand bow. CB: 150k DevonG SOLD
Thick orase buckler - +20/+3 TD. CB: 150k Afordhere SOLD (Delivered)
Some old spiked vultite leg greaves, spiked and temporarily heavily crit padded (incredible): MB: 220k NoOnesShowMonkey SOLD (Delivered)
A sleek vaalorn mace - +23. MB: 100k
Some pale ivory double leathers - +25, with temp 20% nature resistance. CB: 1m Faulkil TWICE
A steel-spiked dark mithril warhelm. Scripted warhelm, spiked, self-stunning. Sold on BO (Delivered)
You unlatch the visor of your dark mithril warhelm and slide it down over your eyes.
You clench your hand into a fist and proceed to punch yourself on the side of the head as hard as you can. Fortunately, your dark mithril warhelm protects you from any serious harm, but it feels like you may have broken a finger!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You smack your bejeweled dagger against the side of your dark mithril warhelm! ***Clang!***
You are stunned!
You slide the visor of your dark mithril warhelm into an open position and latch it securely in place.


An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak. Altered consolation cloak, .5lbs/LA, max lightened/deepened, over a dozen scripts (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=711285&postcount=4)- CB: 6m Anebriated SOLD, BO: 10m
A deep cobalt overcoat: This formal overcoat is constructed of a deep cobalt satin, stitched with blackwork at the collar and cuffs. It is fastened with a series of large cabochon onyx toggles, each slipped through a black satin loop. Armor concealer for torso, arms, legs. SA, 5 items. CB: 750k Kgolfer SOLD(Delivered)
A sleeveless sable kidskin tabard laced with sturdy eonake threads. Worn over the front, MA, 4lbs. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 400k Mr. Dallas SOLD
A crossed leather bandolier: The straps of the bandolier are constructed from deep black leather and are crossed in the middle of the chest and back. Stitched along the length of the smooth straps are small intricate swirls in dark thread. Though simple in appearance there are dozens of tiny pockets fastened with small bone buttons hidden on the underside of each strap, making it ideal for storing a large number of small trinkets. Shoulder-worn, MA. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 100k RydimusPrime SOLD
A massive black warrior's mantle: Massive in its size, this mantle is suitable for the broadest of shoulders. It has been lined with deep black wolf fur, making it extremely warm. Each bit of fur has been woven into the cloth beneath to form an intricate pattern of swirls. It seems the once noble mantle has been poorly maintained since much of the fur is torn and bedraggled. Within one of the swirls, "The Warrior's Guild" emblem is perfectly threaded. Less than a pound, holds 100. Max lightened/deepened. CB: 3m LizardClan1 TWICE
a massive black war pack: The sheer size of the container makes it suitable for only the broadest of shoulders. It has been crafted from sturdy leather, dyed a deep black hue, and lined with soft wolf fur. Singes and scars mar the leather in many places, demonstrating that it has survived a great deal of wear and use. A thick bone disk acts as the clasp secured by a large metal loop, and an intricate pattern of swirls has been sewn into the ebon leather with delicate silver thread. 6lbs, holds 100. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 1.5m Lizardclan1 TWICE
Golvern set: a black golvern-studded satchel. Inside are: a twisted golvern band, some enruned golvern vambraces, some hard golvern-edged armguards, some golvern toed leather boots, a flat black golvern tin and a tooled black leather pouch inlaid with golvern studs. CB: 750k Archales SOLD


+30 thrown enhancive jewelry set - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=57383 - CB: 10m Paul TWICE, BO: 20m
An orase runestaff - +20/+6 defender, +3 dexterity stat, +4 spell aiming ranks. CB: 450k Akhaan ONCE
A cracked carmiln runestaff. +6, +10 max mana, +10 logic stat, +5 wisdom stat. MB: 350k Lynette Syrlan ONCE
A razern war mattock -fairly crit-weighted, +3 MIU bonus, +5 Spell Aiming bonus (huge charges). CB: 210k Dayko TWICE
An oak-handled imflass war mattock - +12/+5 defender, +7 demonology bonus, +13 influence (a lot of charges). CB: 300k Fallen ONCE
An invar-tipped drakar spear - +5, fire flares, +2 dexterity bonus, +4 max stamina (more than giantmen can count charges). MB: 50k
A chipped zorchar pilum - +5, lightning flares, +1 strength bonus. MB: 50k
A vaalorn-edged white ora flamberge, +10, sancted, +2 harness power bonus, +3 summoning lore bonus. MB: 50k
A garnet-inset copper talisman, Poison Resistance, +2 Mental mana control bonus, +4 Pickpocketing bonus, lot of charges, crumbly enhancive, persists magic. MB: 50k

Odds and Ends:

A bronze shade-lizard (shade-skink) - Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its bronze-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-lizard maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of firegolden luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be. For actions, see: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=57200. CB: 12m Vender ONCE, BO: 20m. I'll include a pocketed ring in which you can store the shade-lizard, by the way.
A veniom-banded black leather back-scabbard. Dual-weapon displaying scabbard. Back-worn and displays large weapons. CB: 750k xt3kn1x SOLD (Delivered)
A faded and time-worn instrument pouch lined with battered wooden toggles, with a battered and worn set of bagpipes: The bagpipes appear to be rather plain in design. From the battered and grimy condition, it has been neglected for some time in some unpleasant condiitons; probably a filthy hovel. Despite the worn condiiton, it appears to still be functional. CB: 100k LordBacl SOLD
A large silken instrument case ringed with ornate niello clasps. Inside: a gleaming fel mandolin. Sold on BO. (Delivered)

Fusion Orbs:

+5 dodging bonus - MB: 500k
+5 dodging bonus - MB: 500k
+8 stalking and hiding bonus - CB: 500k Wizardre TWICE
+7 stamina recovery - CB: 800k TopShottah SOLD (delivered)
+5 stamina recovery - CB: 500k NoOnesShowMonkey SOLD (Delivered)
+4 stamina recovery - MB: 500k
+4 stamina recovery - MB: 500k

Updated! Next call will be tomorrow night. I'll be around for an hour or so if you want to grab anything. GS4Nuadjha on AIM.

02-26-2011, 04:27 AM
A massive black warrior's mantle: 3.2m
a massive black war pack: 1.6m

02-26-2011, 11:14 AM
A cracked carmiln runestaff 500k
An oak-handled imflass war mattock 500k

02-26-2011, 11:25 AM
700k mattock

02-26-2011, 12:36 PM
warrior's mantle - 4m
war pack - 2m

AIM: LizardClan1

02-26-2011, 10:58 PM
Updated! Plenty of stuff sold. I'll be around the rest of the night if you want to grab your things.

02-27-2011, 11:56 AM
Weapons and Armor:

ShadowDeath quarterstaff - A banded black alloy quarterstaff: The haft of the staff is carved from petrified witchwood, the distinctive grain of the wood replaced by pale minerals but still flowing and sinuous. Much of the weapon's length is shod in thin rings of midnight-dark metal, the edges of which seem to drink light. Hazes of shadow about each length of metal twitch with a pulsing, rhythmic beat. A single ring of vaalin adorns the center of the quarterstaff, etched with a tangle of fruit-laden grape vines. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph. See: http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/ShadowDeath_weapons. CB: 25m Gelston SOLD, BO: 35m (Delivered)
An iridescent blue glowbark bow - +27 decently sighted composite bow - MB: 20m, BO: 27m
A pale golden ruic longbow carved with jagged lightning bolts. 4x lightning wand bow. CB: 150k DevonG SOLD
Thick orase buckler - +20/+3 TD. CB: 150k Afordhere SOLD (Delivered)
Some old spiked vultite leg greaves, spiked and temporarily heavily crit padded (incredible): MB: 220k NoOnesShowMonkey SOLD (Delivered)
A sleek vaalorn mace - +23. MB: 100k
Some pale ivory double leathers - +25, with temp 20% nature resistance. CB: 1m Faulkil SOLD (Delivered)
A steel-spiked dark mithril warhelm. Scripted warhelm, spiked, self-stunning. Sold on BO (Delivered)
You unlatch the visor of your dark mithril warhelm and slide it down over your eyes.
You clench your hand into a fist and proceed to punch yourself on the side of the head as hard as you can. Fortunately, your dark mithril warhelm protects you from any serious harm, but it feels like you may have broken a finger!
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You smack your bejeweled dagger against the side of your dark mithril warhelm! ***Clang!***
You are stunned!
You slide the visor of your dark mithril warhelm into an open position and latch it securely in place.


An old gray hooded oilcloth wayfarer's cloak. Altered consolation cloak, .5lbs/LA, max lightened/deepened, over a dozen scripts (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showpost.php?p=711285&postcount=4)- CB: 6m Anebriated SOLD, BO: 10m (Delivered)
A deep cobalt overcoat: This formal overcoat is constructed of a deep cobalt satin, stitched with blackwork at the collar and cuffs. It is fastened with a series of large cabochon onyx toggles, each slipped through a black satin loop. Armor concealer for torso, arms, legs. SA, 5 items. CB: 750k Kgolfer SOLD(Delivered)
A sleeveless sable kidskin tabard laced with sturdy eonake threads. Worn over the front, MA, 4lbs. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 400k Mr. Dallas SOLD (Delivered)
A crossed leather bandolier: The straps of the bandolier are constructed from deep black leather and are crossed in the middle of the chest and back. Stitched along the length of the smooth straps are small intricate swirls in dark thread. Though simple in appearance there are dozens of tiny pockets fastened with small bone buttons hidden on the underside of each strap, making it ideal for storing a large number of small trinkets. Shoulder-worn, MA. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 100k RydimusPrime SOLD (Delivered)
A massive black warrior's mantle: Massive in its size, this mantle is suitable for the broadest of shoulders. It has been lined with deep black wolf fur, making it extremely warm. Each bit of fur has been woven into the cloth beneath to form an intricate pattern of swirls. It seems the once noble mantle has been poorly maintained since much of the fur is torn and bedraggled. Within one of the swirls, "The Warrior's Guild" emblem is perfectly threaded. Less than a pound, holds 100. Max lightened/deepened. CB: 4m LizardClan1TWICE
a massive black war pack: The sheer size of the container makes it suitable for only the broadest of shoulders. It has been crafted from sturdy leather, dyed a deep black hue, and lined with soft wolf fur. Singes and scars mar the leather in many places, demonstrating that it has survived a great deal of wear and use. A thick bone disk acts as the clasp secured by a large metal loop, and an intricate pattern of swirls has been sewn into the ebon leather with delicate silver thread. 6lbs, holds 100. Able to be lightened/deepened. CB: 2m Lizardclan1 TWICE
Golvern set: a black golvern-studded satchel. Inside are: a twisted golvern band, some enruned golvern vambraces, some hard golvern-edged armguards, some golvern toed leather boots, a flat black golvern tin and a tooled black leather pouch inlaid with golvern studs. CB: 750k Archales SOLD (Delivered)


+30 thrown enhancive jewelry set - http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=57383 - CB: 10m Paul SOLD, BO: 20m (Delivered)
An orase runestaff - +20/+6 defender, +3 dexterity stat, +4 spell aiming ranks. SOLD on BO. (Delivered)
A cracked carmiln runestaff. +6, +10 max mana, +10 logic stat, +5 wisdom stat. MB: 500k Regallis TWICE
A razern war mattock -fairly crit-weighted, +3 MIU bonus, +5 Spell Aiming bonus (huge charges). SOLD on BO. (Delivered)
An oak-handled imflass war mattock - +12/+5 defender, +7 demonology bonus, +13 influence (a lot of charges). CB: 700k Fallen TWICE
An invar-tipped drakar spear - +5, fire flares, +2 dexterity bonus, +4 max stamina (more than giantmen can count charges). PAWNED.
A chipped zorchar pilum - +5, lightning flares, +1 strength bonus. PAWNED
A vaalorn-edged white ora flamberge, +10, sancted, +2 harness power bonus, +3 summoning lore bonus. PAWNED
A garnet-inset copper talisman, Poison Resistance, +2 Mental mana control bonus, +4 Pickpocketing bonus, lot of charges, crumbly enhancive, persists magic. PAWNED

Odds and Ends:

A bronze shade-lizard (shade-skink) - Twitching and shuddering at odd intervals, the tiny creature appears to be little more than a shadow lent feeble substance. Its bronze-cored form wavers like a candle's flame, but the shade-lizard maintains a rough lizard shape augmented by odd, elongated limbs. Each of the six tendril-like legs spreads into a trio of tiny black talons. Twin pinpoints of firegolden luminescence shine from where the creature's eyes ought to be. For actions, see: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=57200. CB: 12m Vender SOLD, BO: 20m. (Delivered)
A veniom-banded black leather back-scabbard. Dual-weapon displaying scabbard. Back-worn and displays large weapons. CB: 750k xt3kn1x SOLD (Delivered)
A faded and time-worn instrument pouch lined with battered wooden toggles, with a battered and worn set of bagpipes: The bagpipes appear to be rather plain in design. From the battered and grimy condition, it has been neglected for some time in some unpleasant condiitons; probably a filthy hovel. Despite the worn condiiton, it appears to still be functional. CB: 100k LordBacl SOLD (Delivered)
A large silken instrument case ringed with ornate niello clasps. Inside: a gleaming fel mandolin. Sold on BO. (Delivered)

Fusion Orbs:

+5 dodging bonus - MB: 500k
+5 dodging bonus - MB: 500k
+8 stalking and hiding bonus - CB: 500k Wizardre SOLD
+7 stamina recovery - CB: 800k TopShottah SOLD (delivered)
+5 stamina recovery - CB: 500k NoOnesShowMonkey SOLD (Delivered)
+4 stamina recovery - MB: 500k
+4 stamina recovery - MB: 500k

Most things sold and delivered. Mantle, pack, runestaff, and mattock going TWICE.

02-27-2011, 09:00 PM
Last few things sold. Auction closed. IM me at GS4Nuadjha for fastest pickup, or shoot me a PM.