View Full Version : 2010 Goals Status

02-15-2011, 02:57 PM
Here are our 2010 goals as posted, with status updates, as well as other 2010 accomplishments not listed in the original goals.

Ebon Gate Festival -- Complete
River's Rest Storyline -- Complete (Casler Huntington storyline)
Forest Gnome Storylines -- Postponed to 2011
Ta'Illistim Storylines -- Ongoing (Politics storyline to continue in 2011)
Wehnimer's Landing Storylines -- Complete (Mayoral Elections storyline)
Icemule Trace Storylines -- Postponed to 2011
Solhaven Storylines -- Ongoing (Ride of the Red Dreamer storyline to continue in 2011)
Mist Harbor Storylines -- Complete (Eastern Harbor release event)
Multiple, Realm-wide "Mini Storylines" -- Complete (Erithi Maiden storyline completed, 2x Landing mini storylines completed, Zelia document release event, divination document release event, Vornavis Spring Awards event)
Highman Games -- Complete
Wedding Upgrades and Enhancements -- In Progress
Free Spring Festival -- Complete (Grawood Farm Festival)

Forging System Updates and Enhancements -- In Progress
Player Mail System -- Ready for Beta
New Raffle System -- Ready for Beta
Player Shop Upgrades and Enhancements -- On Hold
Private Property System Upgrades and Enhancements -- Ongoing (new properties released, old properties updated and released)
Thrown Weapon Combat Review -- In Progress
Monks -- In Progress
Unarmed Combat System -- In Progress
Minor Mental Spell Circle -- Ready for Beta
Elemental Lore Review -- On Hold
Paladin Spell Circle Review -- In Discussion

New Town Documentation -- Complete (Mist Harbor Gems Document, Ta'Illistim Monarch List document, Illistim Protocol document, Isle of Winds Report -- From the Personal Files of Raila Deliean, Scholar)
MHO structure Building and Support -- Ongoing (Structures for OGTP, Ord an Dragan, and Drakes Vanguard Released. All structure applications up-to-date. Started LTB cycle, LTB's for Moonshine Manor completed. MHO Trash cans completed.)
Continued CHE Support -- Ongoing
Williwaw Hall -- Postponed to 2011

Sweetheart Festival -- Complete
Platinum Summer Trials (Including special Plat events!) -- Complete
Monthly Platinum Raffles -- Ongoing
Quarterly Platinum Cart Contests -- Ongoing
Updates to Platinum Website Documentation -- Complete (awaiting website publication)
Platinum-only Storylines (multiple) -- Complete (Walk With the Fallen, Gosthal & The Archmage, Something Amiss at the Feystone Inn, Hobgoblin Forte, Trial of the Portals) and Ongoing (Watcher storyline, Rise of the Lornon)
Private Property Releases -- Complete

PREMIUM -- see http://www.play.net/forums/messages.asp?forum=102&category=19&topic=18&message=3965 for more details
Monthly Premium Contests -- Ongoing
Permanent Tattoo Shop on IFW -- Complete (Dragonfly Inks)
Western Harbor and Mist Harbor Proper NPCs -- Complete
Mist Harbor Citizenship Updates -- Complete
Missing Town Hall Upgrades (Mist Harbor) -- Complete
Looter's Lair -- Complete
Private Property Releases for Premium members -- Complete
Eastern Harbor release on IFW -- Complete
Premium Street Festival -- Complete
Transporter Updates -- Complete
Revamp & Creation of Premium Halls in various towns -- Ongoing (two towns remain to be updated in early 2011)
IFW Documentation -- Complete (awaiting website publication)

New Racial Documentation -- See list below
Sylvan Food -- Postponed, planned for 2011
Dwarven Food -- On hold
Erithi Theatre -- On hold
Dark Elf Clothing -- On hold
Forest Gnome History Expansion -- Complete Forest Gnomes: Thoughts from an Angstholm Raised Half-Elf (http://www.play.net/gs4/info/tomes/clothing/forestgnome.asp)

...and More!

GemStone Shattered
Updates to tones and speech verbs: 49 tones and 46 new verbs added
New verbs - DEFINE
New CMANs - Cunning Defense, Divert, Vanish
CMAN updates to Combat Movement, Combat Focus, Dirtkick, Side by Side, Shadow Mastery, Silent Strike
New Arcane circle spells - Mystic Impedance and Arcane Barrier
Spell updates to Benediction (307)
Puncture immunity in creatures replaced with resistances
Feeder frenzy and release of GIFTBOX items
Creation of Twitter account and GM verbs to send tweets about merchants and other events. (http://twitter.com/GemStoneIV)
Pilgrimage of Faith Event
-- New Cleric circle spell 314 - Relieve Burden
-- Deity-specific messaging for Raise Dead (318) and Divine Word (1640)
-- Release of a permanent area and quest for clerics and paladins
Updates to formulas for Casting Strength (CS) for hybrid classes
Treasure updates regarding chance of finding lower value gems for system tasks
ACTION verb updates
Updates to mine carts and the blind ferryman to shorten travel times
Town renovations, new and updated shops, new museum, and release of citizen-specific verb messaging in Ta'Illistim
Fusion Arms system
GIFTBOX release of "+5 to dexterity vests" in honor of player-coordinated participation in TwitChange auction with Felicia Day
New documents -- Documents awaiting website publication should be accessible on the forums in the appropriate category/topic.
-- Erithi Tea Ceremony (http://www.play.net/gs4/info/races/cultures/erithian/tea_ceremony.asp)
-- Vaikalimara Clan Society: as revealed from an unearthed journal (http://www.play.net/gs4/info/tomes/giantman_history/vaikalimara.asp)
-- The Crests of the Turamzzyrian Empire (Awaiting website publication)
-- Protocol and Etiquette: Behavior Within the Court of the Illistim Elves (Awaiting website publication)
-- Illistim Culture (http://www.play.net/gs4/info/races/cultures/elf/illistim_1.asp)
-- Madness and Entropy: A Tale of Zelia (Awaiting website publication)
-- A Comprehensive Guide to Divination in Elanthia (Awaiting website publication)
-- Isle of Winds Report (Awaiting website publication)
-- Linsandrych's Legacy: A Detailed Examination of the Dynastic Argent Mirrors and Their Contributions to Illistimi Society (Awaiting website publication)
-- Worship in the Empire (Awaiting website publication)
-- Of Krolvins and Reivers (Awaiting website publication)
-- A Short Primer on Half-Krolvin Society and Faith (http://www.play.net/gs4/info/tomes/halfkrolvin/society_faith.asp)
-- Armor Specialization document (http://www.play.net/gs4/info/armor_specialization/)
-- Alchemy document (http://www.play.net/gs4/info/alchemy.asp)


The beatings will continue until morale improves!

This message was originally posted in Discussions with Simutronics, 2011 Goals Discussion. To discuss the above follow the link below.


Some surprises.

02-15-2011, 03:02 PM

02-15-2011, 03:05 PM
This is the important part IMO

Forging System Updates and Enhancements -- In Progress
Player Mail System -- Ready for Beta
New Raffle System -- Ready for Beta
Player Shop Upgrades and Enhancements -- On Hold
Private Property System Upgrades and Enhancements -- Ongoing (new properties released, old properties updated and released)
Thrown Weapon Combat Review -- In Progress
Monks -- In Progress
Unarmed Combat System -- In Progress
Minor Mental Spell Circle -- Ready for Beta
Elemental Lore Review -- On Hold
Paladin Spell Circle Review -- In Discussion

02-15-2011, 03:07 PM
What's the status of Balefire, anyway?

02-15-2011, 03:10 PM
What's the status of Balefire, anyway?

If I had to guess, either "on hold" or "in discussion"

02-15-2011, 03:10 PM
If I had to guess, either "on hold" or "in discussion"

Seemed like it was ready for beta months ago. Hmph.

02-15-2011, 03:18 PM
From the very, very few times that Lusus can pull his head out of his ass and post about the thrown review, I would have thought it was in beta too. Priority for the new year should be to hire some competent Dev GM's that work on actual goals and not just side projects.


02-15-2011, 03:27 PM
What's the status of Balefire, anyway?

"Elemental Lore Review -- On Hold"

That should pretty much answer that question.

02-15-2011, 03:30 PM
What does in progress mean? That they've named the files and put them in the correct directory but haven't started coding?

02-15-2011, 03:35 PM
The list of shit that's not getting done is getting fucking longer every year. Major DEV issues along all fronts. Has anyone seen a post from Oscuro in months? I think it was Thanksgiving or before Christmas since I saw him post last. I am still on the fence about him, because every action he makes for good, he then does something I want to gut him for. Without him, DEV took another big hit. Hopefully, he's not gone or on LOA.

02-15-2011, 03:35 PM
"Elemental Lore Review -- On Hold"

That should pretty much answer that question.

LMAO. Okay, fuck it, I might start playing my warmage again. Naos at this point is flat-out too lazy to nerf anything.

02-15-2011, 03:37 PM
They just don't give a shit. This is hilarious. NOTHING gets done. Our money goes into a gigantic hole and David Whatley is sitting at the bottom of it catching bills and handing them directly to his coke dealer, with a shit-eating grin on his face. Feeding on the addiction of nerds is the best business model. I can't even tell you why I keep playing, I think I have fun with the game, but sometimes I do think, fuck, it would be nice to have a thing implemented.

02-15-2011, 03:39 PM
The Scene: a Simutronics GM Meeting, likely held via an Angelfire website chatroom

"Okay guys what's on the docket for Q1 2011!"
"Well, we could re-design Ta'Illistim again, and post another short log of Balefire on level 15 trolls."
"That's fucking fatnastic, see you all in three months"

02-15-2011, 03:42 PM
The Scene: a Simutronics GM Meeting, likely held via an Angelfire website chatroom

"Okay guys what's on the docket for Q1 2011!"
"Well, we could re-design Ta'Illistim again, and post another short log of Balefire on level 15 trolls."
"That's fucking fatnastic, see you all in three months"

Ooooh ... Oh no. That's just too depressingly awesome for words.

02-15-2011, 03:45 PM

Tsk Tsk
02-15-2011, 03:48 PM
This is the important part IMO

Forging System Updates and Enhancements -- In Progress
Player Mail System -- Ready for Beta
New Raffle System -- Ready for Beta
Player Shop Upgrades and Enhancements -- On Hold
Private Property System Upgrades and Enhancements -- Ongoing (new properties released, old properties updated and released)
Thrown Weapon Combat Review -- In Progress
Monks -- In Progress
Unarmed Combat System -- In Progress
Minor Mental Spell Circle -- Ready for Beta
Elemental Lore Review -- On Hold
Paladin Spell Circle Review -- In Discussion

Agreed, I hope these are their focus.

02-15-2011, 03:53 PM
reply Reply
The following is an overview of our release GOALS for 2011. Actual releases are always subject to change as the result of unexpected difficulties, unexpected progress in other areas, staff changes, or changing player priorities, however this is what we have on the list for the coming year.

For those items marked "Ready for Beta", we expect to open the test instance within the next week or two. A forum will be set up for remarks from beta testers during that process. Beta testers will include 2010 Simucon attendees, as previously announced.

Droughtman's Challenge - Pay Quest
Town Storylines (see Towns section for more info)
Realm-wide Storyline (Prime - Ride of the Red Dreamer; Platinum - Rise of the Lornon)
Spitfire - Free Spring Festival
Small Early Summer Festival
Ebon Gate Festival - Pay Fall Festival
Wedding Upgrades and Enhancements (... continued)
Monthly Sonic Alteration offerings
Monthly Animal Companion Grooming offerings

Icemule Trace
--Major and minor storylines
--Williwaw Hall Release
--Continued updates to Cajela's Wares.

Kharam Dzu
--New town area releases
--Focus on smaller town interactions
--Glaesen Star travel updates

River's Rest
--New town area releases
--Citizen Perks
--General town improvements, including atmospheric messaging

--Refresh shop inventories
--Day/Night shop variances
--Updates to town atmospheric messaging
--New town area releases

--Town pins for Cysaegir
--Major and minor storylines
--New town area releases
--Continued minor updates to shops, areas and town NPCs

--Major and minor storylines
--Armaments museum
--Several refreshes and minor additions to existing areas

Wehnimer's Landing
--Bathhouse (completed)
--Short term and minor storylines
--Museum update
--Ongoing NPC updates and interactions and town improvements
--Frontier Days Festival

PREMIUM (including Mist Harbor)
Monthly Premium Contests
Mist Harbor Library Upgrades
Mist Harbor Profession Guilds
Mist Harbor Theatre Offerings
Bliss Island Rentals
Mist Harbor Deed Area
Private Property Releases for Premium members
Premium Summer Festival
Revamp & Creation of Premium Halls in various towns (... continued)

Sweetheart Festival - free weekend festival
Platinum Summer Trials (Including special Plat events!)
Monthly Platinum Raffles
Platinum Cart Offerings (new format)
Platinum-only Storylines
Platinum-specific area releases
No Animal Ungroomed Campaign
Sonic Alteration offerings

Private Property System Maintenance
Forging System Updates and Enhancements -- In Progress
Crafting System Updates -- In Progress
Player Mail System In Progress -- Ready for Beta
New Raffle System In Progress -- Ready for Beta
Thrown Weapon Combat Review -- In Progress
Monks -- In Progress
--Unarmed Combat System -- In Progress
--Minor Mental Spell Circle -- Ready for Beta
--New CMANs -- Ready for Beta
Symbol of the Proselyte (340) -- In Progress
Balefire (713) -- In Progress
Curse (715) Revision -- In Progress
Paladin Spell Circle Review -- In Discussion
BCS Creature Conversions -- Ongoing

Gnomish documentation
Human documentation, including History of Hendor and Hall of Mages.
Dwarven Spa release
Sylvan Swap-Meet
Sylvan documentation releases including Sylvan Marriage
Sylvan restaurant
Aelotoi documentation, including Aelotoi language and clothing
Aelotoi verbs
Halfling wagon tour
Halfling documentation, including death rites

Long term benefits cycles to continue
Ongoing MHO support
Ongoing support for structures

CHE officer titles (completed)
WHO HOUSE (completed)
Cross-realm transportation House pins (completed)
HOUSE EJECT (completed)
HOUSE TENT (completed)
INITIATE verb update (completed)
Podium fixes (completed)
Addition of new CHE
Ongoing support for CHE

Large Scale Mentor Event Spring Garden Gala
Continued support for events throughout the year

Accepting new applications
Ongoing support to continue producing documentation.

Ongoing support


2011 Goals!

02-15-2011, 03:56 PM
2011 Goals!

Well, if you can call them that.

02-15-2011, 03:56 PM
2011 GOALS:
- enhancements to Cobbling. Increase in number of available gems and fabrics to make shoes. Addition of Bedazzle mechanic (presently In Progress, no ETA)
- messaging update to 1609: When cast by a character with a shield, no change. When cast by a THW/polearm using character, the word "LOL" flashes in MonsterBold. This is visible to both the caster and other characters.
- if a character enters the Bowels the character literally dies instantly. This is an effort to save players time.

02-15-2011, 03:58 PM
Please note that Elemental Lore Review is officially no longer a thing.

02-15-2011, 04:04 PM
- messaging update to 1609: When cast by a character with a shield, no change. When cast by a THW/polearm using character, the word "LOL" flashes in MonsterBold. This is visible to both the caster and other characters.


02-15-2011, 04:20 PM
Simutronics, 2/15/11: "I am the Dragon, and you call me insane. You are privy to a great becoming, but you recognize nothing. To me, you are a slug in the sun. You are an ant in the afterbirth. It is your nature to do one thing correctly. Before me, you rightly tremble. But, fear is not what you owe me. You owe me awe."

02-15-2011, 04:41 PM
I drop the line, "You owe me Awe!" on people quite often.

02-15-2011, 04:57 PM
CHE officer titles (completed)
WHO HOUSE (completed)
Cross-realm transportation House pins (completed)
HOUSE EJECT (completed)
HOUSE TENT (completed)
INITIATE verb update (completed)
Podium fixes (completed)
Addition of new CHE
Ongoing support for CHE

So... Alyias has almost completed his 2011 CHE goal list in the first month?


02-15-2011, 06:41 PM
CHE officer titles (completed)
WHO HOUSE (completed)
Cross-realm transportation House pins (completed)
HOUSE EJECT (completed)
HOUSE TENT (completed)
INITIATE verb update (completed)
Podium fixes (completed)
Addition of new CHE
Ongoing support for CHE

So... Alyias has almost completed his 2011 CHE goal list in the first month?


He should be the new monk guru.

02-15-2011, 06:48 PM
I vote DEV SGM.

02-15-2011, 09:42 PM
2011 GOALS:
- enhancements to Cobbling. Increase in number of available gems and fabrics to make shoes.

Nonsense, that was on my 2010 goal list. (status: complete)

(I know it was a joke, but it is worth noting that the same guy that's in charge of thrown is also the cobbling guru. I can assure you that the three or four of us cobblers out there aren't taking time away from the thrown review.)

02-16-2011, 12:49 PM
Elemental lore review isnt even on the 2011 goals. Glad i didnt hold on to that fixskill

02-16-2011, 12:51 PM
I asked on the officials and Sirina posted that E-Lore Review is still "On Hold" in 2011. So, yeah, it's just not going to happen. Rock that Air Lore, son.