View Full Version : 1000 Pound Capacity Container & Weightless Coin Holding Backpack

02-14-2011, 07:48 PM
This auction will run until 2/15/2011 11:59 PM Pacific otherwise I'll probably take these with me to the grave (until monks get released - lolololololololol!!!!). No private bids. Post here. I don't do back door dealings because I think that's for dickhats.

Cash only. Paypal.

a dark mesh bag with adjustable straps

Weighs 2lbs holds 1000 lbs

CB: $275 Fallen

a heavily scarred backpack

>l backpack
Crafted of a thick black leather covered with many deep slashes, this backpack is quite worn and faded. Tiny shards of yellowed bone cover its surface, each haphazardly positioned to create an almost tribal appearance. Set precisely in the center of the backpack's cover flap is a heavy steel disc, its surface blackened by fire. Etched deeply into the charred device is a crimson scimitar, its jagged edges embellishing the prominent symbol of V'tull.

Not my alter, but I've never cared about alters so w/e.

Holds 130-140? lbs normally.

Holds up to 150k weightlessly.

I've used the same Eye-of-Koar emerald over a dozen times with 20k I always store in the backpack so I can easily port out of the Scatter when I'm in a bind or I'm unreasonably overloaded with boxes and I don't want to dick around with finding the fissure, dealing crawlers (and the encumbrance) while finding the thread (if I can climb it with the encumbrance), finding the thread on plane 5 (again if I can climb it) and finally finding the mirror or door while evading voids (and being encumbered).

Must have one empty hand to TAP or RUB.

You have no silver coins with you.

>with 30000 silver
The teller hands you the coins which you quickly pocket.

>tap backpack
You stash your silver in your backpack.

You have no silver coins with you.

>with 200000 silver
The teller hands you the coins which you quickly pocket.

>tap backpack
You carefully stash 120000 of your coins inside your backpack.

You have 80000 coins with you.

>rub backpack
You dig your hand inside your backpack and transfer your wealth to your pockets.

You have 230000 coins with you.

CB: $500 Arctal

02-14-2011, 09:35 PM

02-15-2011, 02:54 PM
12 hours left.

02-16-2011, 02:31 AM
300 on the bag

02-16-2011, 02:57 AM
Obviously we are both watching the bag. So lets just play now. 400.

02-16-2011, 02:58 AM
You win it with that bid.

02-16-2011, 02:59 AM
Heh. Makes me want to edit for 325. Ah well.

02-16-2011, 08:13 AM
thats like 60m ish.

02-16-2011, 08:14 AM
Yeah. Sucks, about 20 mill too much. What can you do? I wanted the bag.

02-16-2011, 08:23 AM
Yeah. Sucks, about 20 mill too much. What can you do? I wanted the bag.

I've no problem overpaying for something I want that I plan to keep. Helps make sure I get it, and it's not like I'm buying it for resale, so what's it matter? Enjoy the bag, it's nice.

02-16-2011, 08:29 AM
I've no problem overpaying for something I want that I plan to keep. Helps make sure I get it, and it's not like I'm buying it for resale, so what's it matter? Enjoy the bag, it's nice.
