View Full Version : REQUEST: Landing <----> EN
02-10-2011, 04:44 PM
Looking for a script to take me from the Landing to EN, and Back if needed.
Must be compatible in Wizard.
Gonna ask around before I have to go out and make one myself. XD
02-10-2011, 05:02 PM
It's called ;go2.
02-10-2011, 06:05 PM
Attached an old copy of SBC, not sure whether or not it still works. But yeah, go2 is the correct answer.
EDIT: Heh, had to compress it. Plain text files have a 20kB size restriction.
02-10-2011, 09:48 PM
EDIT: I use Wizard, I don't use third party programs. When using these scripts, you'll have to be with 'em the whole time (beyond the no AKF scripting rule these will require your input.) It will also need to be restrated a time or two as Script Stops were built in...Good luck!
Here's an oldie but it still works:
# * Wehnimer's Landing to The Ta'Illistim's City Gate
# From Outside Landing North Gates to Outside Ta'Illistim's City Gates
# v.6 Script created by Syrend Dypity
put look
Match Gates [Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Match Elftown [Hidden Settlement]
Match NorthDock [Locksmehr River, North Dock]
Match Rope [Glo'antern Moor, Rope Ladder]
Match WestMine [Zul Logoth, Western Mines]
Match Tunnels [Kharag 'doth Dzulthu, Tunnels]
Match Insidetree [Vipershroud, Inside the Tree]
Match Fallentree [Vipershroud, Fallen Tree]
Match Mossytrail [Vipershroud, Mossy Trail]
Match Longhaul2 extends into the abyss.
Match Dragslope [Eastern DragonSpine, Slope]
Match Hiddenpath [Glo'antern Moor]
Match WileyIslan [Locksmehr River, Wiley Island]
echo *
echo * Ah hope yew remembered tah bring 2010 silvers witcha
echo *
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move southwest
move south
move south
move south
move south
move south
move southwest
move south
move southeast
move south
move southeast
move south
move south
move south
move southwest
move south
move south
move southeast
move southeast
move southeast
move southeast
move southeast
move east
move east
move northeast
move east
move east
move east
move go trail
move north
move northeast
move east
move southeast
move east
move northeast
move north
move northeast
move north
move north
move north
move go trunk
move northwest
move go gap
move northeast
move east
move southeast
move northeast
move east
move southeast
put search
waitfor You make a careful search of the area and discover a small footpath!
move go footpath
move south
echo *
echo * Since tha Gods ar' cruel an half decided tah
echo * make this trail so long, yew'll half tah restart
echo * tha script frum this point agin.. befere it times
echo * out. This is jus tha beginin', so don't give up!
echo *
move northeast
echo *
echo * Now it's time tah search, search til yew
echo * find ah path, than GO PATH an wunce that's
echo * dun yew'll half tah START this SCRIPT OVER
echo * again.. dun't worry, it knows whar tah pickup.
echo *
put search
Match None1 You don't find anything of interest here.
Match Found1 You discover a northwest path!
pause 2
goto SearchPath1
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move north
move northwest
move down
echo *
echo * Please empty yer hands fer tha climb, wunce
echo * yer ready CLIMB tha BOULDER.
echo * Wunce that's done, get yer weapuns out agin
echo * type FLIRT wunce mere.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move northwest
move northeast
move northwest
move north
move northeast
move northeast
echo *
echo * Now it's time tah search, search til yew
echo * find ah crack, than GO CRACK an wunce that's
echo * dun yew'll half tah START this SCRIPT OVER
echo * again.. dun't worry, it knows whar tah pickup.
echo *
goto Searchpath2
put search
Match None2 You don't find anything of interest here.
Match Found2 You discover an obscured crack!
pause 2
goto SearchPath2
echo *
echo * Now it's time tah search, search til yew
echo * find an openin', than GO OPENING an wunce that's
echo * dun yew'll half tah START this SCRIPT OVER
echo * again.. dun't worry, it knows whar tah pickup.
echo *
put search
Match None3 You don't find anything of interest here.
Match Found3 You discover a narrow opening!
pause 2
goto SearchPath31
put search
Match None31 You don't find anything of interest here.
Match Found31 You discover a narrow opening!
pause 3
goto SearchPath32
put search
Match None32 You don't find anything of interest here.
Match Found32 You discover a narrow opening!
pause 3
move out
goto Searchpath2
move north
move northeast
move up
move northeast
move go stream
pause 2
move north
pause 2
move northeast
pause 2
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move northwest
move northwest
move northeast
move east
move go dock
echo *
echo * This is tha ferryboat, wut yew do 'ere is wait
echo * fer tha ferryboat tah git 'ere, GIVE FERRYMAN 10
echo * an' GO GANGPLANK
echo *
echo * Wunce un tha other side uv tha Ferryride, yew'll
echo * half tah START this SCRIPT OVER again.. dun't
echo * worry, it knows whar tah pickup.. this is tha
echo * end of Stage 1 of the trip tah the Elven Nations!
echo *
move out
move east
move east
move east
move east
move east
move east
move southeast
move southeast
move east
move east
move east
move southeast
move east
move southeast
move down
move east
move east
move up
move northeast
move north
move east
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move north
move northwest
move northwest
move north
pause 2
move north
pause 2
move north
pause 2
move northeast
pause 2
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northwest
move northwest
move east
echo *
echo * This is tha ROPE LADDER, wut yew do 'ere is
echo * move yer weapuns away, CLIMB ROPE, then
echo * SHUFFLE EAST three (3) times.
echo *
echo * Wunce un tha other side uv tha climb, yew'll
echo * half tah START this SCRIPT OVER again.. dun't
echo * worry, it knows whar tah pickup..
echo *
move southeast
move go bridge
move go bank
move northeast
move northwest
move northwest
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move east
move southeast
move southeast
move southwest
move up
move northeast
move southeast
move up
move up
move northeast
move up
move southeast
move down
move down
move east
move northeast
move east
move southeast
move east
move east
move up
move southeast
move southwest
move up
move southwest
move southeast
move southeast
move southeast
move east
move east
move east
move east
move east
move north
move west
move go bridge
move east
move southeast
move southeast
move east
move east
move east
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move north
move north
move north
move northwest
move northwest
move northwest
move northwest
move northwest
move northwest
move northwest
echo *
echo * This is tha ROPE LADDER, wut yew do 'ere is
echo * move yer weapuns away, CLIMB LADDER, then
echo * CLIMB DOWN three (3) times.
echo *
echo * Wunce un tha other side uv tha climb, yew'll
echo * half tah START this SCRIPT OVER again.. dun't
echo * worry, it knows whar tah pickup.. this is tha
echo * end of Stage 2 of the trip tah the Elven Nations!
echo *
move northwest
move west
move northwest
move north
move northeast
move north
move northwest
move north
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move southeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move southeast
move northeast
move southeast
move southeast
move east
move climb boulder
echo ****
echo **** LOOK TRAIL, DOWN, and then go whatever direction the trail
echo **** leads in.
echo **** Wunce un tha other side uv tha path, yew'll
echo **** half tah START this SCRIPT OVER again.. dun't
echo **** worry, it knows whar tah pickup..
move southeast
move southeast
move east
move east
move east
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move up
move southeast
put climb cliff
move northwest
move northwest
move northwest
move northwest
put climb cliff
pause 2
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move southeast
move southeast
move southeast
move southeast
put climb crevice
move northwest
put climb precipice
move northeast
move southeast
move southeast
move east
move go crevasse
echo *
echo * This is tha furst transport between towns.
echo * Tah go on, BUY TICKET, it'll git yew un
echo * an' off without ah hitch. (cost of ticket is
echo * 1000 silvers)
echo *
echo * Wunce un tha other side uv tha trip, yew'll
echo * half tah START this SCRIPT OVER again.. dun't
echo * worry, it knows whar tah pickup.. this is tha
echo * end of Stage 3 of the trip tah the Elven Nations!
echo *
put buy ticket
move go arch
move southeast
move east
move east
move northeast
move northeast
move east
move east
move east
move southeast
move east
move south
move south
move east
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move east
move east
echo *
echo * This is tha secund transport between towns.
echo * Tah go on, BUY TICKET, it'll git yew un
echo * an' off without ah hitch. (cost of ticket is
echo * 1000 silvers)
echo *
echo * Wunce un tha other side uv tha trip, yew'll
echo * half tah START this SCRIPT OVER again.. dun't
echo * worry, it knows whar tah pickup.. this is tha
echo * end of Stage 4 of the trip tah the Elven Nations!
echo *
put buy ticket
move west
move out
echo *
echo * Please empty yer hands fer tha climb, wunce
echo * yer ready CLIMB tha TRAIL, PATH & MOUNTAIN
echo * Wunce that's done, get yer weapuns out agin.
echo * Than git all yer party t'gether an RESTART
echo * this script.
echo *
move northeast
move southeast
move south
move southeast
move east
move southeast
move southeast
move east
move southeast
move northeast
move east
move northeast
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move down
move down
move go fissure
pause 2
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move north
move north
move northeast
move northwest
move north
move northeast
put climb boulder
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move northeast
move east
move northeast
move north
move north
move northwest
move northeast
move northwest
move northeast
move north
move go bridge
move north
move north
move north
move north
move go open
move north
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move north
move northwest
move northwest
move northwest
move north
move northeast
move northwest
move northeast
move north
move northeast
move north
move go cavern
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move north
move northwest
move northwest
move northwest
move go opening
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northwest
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move northeast
move go crevasse
pause 2
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move northeast
move out
move north
move northeast
move north
move northeast
move northwest
move northwest
move go open
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move northwest
move north
move northeast
move northeast
put climb boulder
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move north
move north
move northwest
move north
move northeast
move north
move northeast
move north
move north
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move north
put set !des
echo *
echo * Since tha Gods ar' cruel an half decided tah
echo * make this trail so long, yew'll half tah restart
echo * tha script frum this point agin.. befere it times
echo * out. Dun wurry tho.. yer aroun' 2 minoots frum
echo * tha gates!
echo *
move go crevasse
move northwest
move north
move north
move out
move down
move down
move down
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move north
move north
move northeast
move west
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move north
move east
move east
move northeast
move northwest
move north
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move east
move go footbridge
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move north
move north
move east
move east
move northeast
move east
move southeast
move east
move east
move northeast
move northeast
move northwest
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move east
move go thicket
move southeast
move east
move out
move northeast
move north
move north
move up
move northwest
move north
move northeast
move up
move east
move northeast
move north
move north
move up
move north
move east
move east
move north
move up
move northeast
move northwest
move northeast
move east
move go tunnel
move northeast
move east
move north
move east
move north
move east
move north
move east
move southeast
move northeast
move out
move north
move northeast
move east
move north
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move northeast
move north
move north
move northwest
move north
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move east
move northeast
move north
move north
move go path
move east
move east
move northeast
move north
move north
move north
move north
move northwest
move northwest
move north
move down
move down
move go bridge
move northeast
move southeast
move north
move northeast
move north
move northeast
move east
move northeast
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move northeast
move northwest
move northwest
move north
move north
move northeast
move north
move north
move north
move northwest
move north
move northeast
move east
move northeast
move east
move north
move north
move northeast
move east
move northwest
move north
move northeast
put climb wall
move northeast
move go bridge
move northeast
move go step
move north
move north
move northeast
move east
move southeast
move east
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move north
move northwest
move north
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move northwest
move east
move northeast
move north
move north
move north
move northeast
move northwest
move northeast
move northeast
move north
move east
move east
move northeast
02-10-2011, 09:49 PM
And for going back...:
# * Ta'Illistim's City Gates to Wehnimer's Landing
# From Outside Ta'Illistim's City Gates to Outside Landing North Gates
# v.5 Script created by Syrend Dypity
put look
Match Gates [Ta'Illistim, City Gate]
Match Tunnels [Kharag 'doth Dzulthu, Tunnels]
Match Crevasse [DragonSpine Mountains, Crevasse]
Match Ropeladder [Dead Plateau, Rope Ladder]
Match Longhaul2 extends into the abyss.
Match Southdock [Locksmehr River, South Dock]
Match Mossytrail [Vipershroud, Mossy Trail]
Match Insidetree [Vipershroud, Inside the Tree]
Match Fallentree [Vipershroud, Fallen Tree]
Match Rivertrail [Locksmehr River Trail]
echo *
echo * Ah hope yew remembered tah bring 2010 silvers witcha
echo *
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move sw
put w
waitfor Obvious
move w
put s
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move se
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move s
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move w
put se
waitfor Obvious
move s
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put s
waitfor Obvious
move se
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put w
waitfor Obvious
move nw
put w
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put s
waitfor Obvious
move go bridge
put go step
waitfor Obvious
move go bridge
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put climb wall
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put s
waitfor Obvious
move se
put w
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put w
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put w
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put s
waitfor Obvious
move se
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put s
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put se
waitfor Obvious
move se
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move s
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move w
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move s
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move s
put nw
waitfor Obvious
move go bridge
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move up
put up
waitfor Obvious
move s
put se
waitfor Obvious
move se
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move w
put w
waitfor Obvious
move go path
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move w
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put se
waitfor Obvious
move s
put s
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put s
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move s
put s
waitfor Obvious
move w
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move s
put go open
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put nw
waitfor Obvious
move w
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put w
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put out
waitfor Obvious
move w
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move se
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move d
put s
waitfor Obvious
move w
put w
waitfor Obvious
move s
put d
waitfor Obvious
move s
put s
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put w
waitfor Obvious
move d
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move s
put se
waitfor Obvious
move d
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move go open
put w
waitfor Obvious
move nw
put out
waitfor Obvious
move w
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put se
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move w
put w
waitfor Obvious
move nw
put w
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put w
waitfor Obvious
move w
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put s
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move go footbridge
put w
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move s
put s
waitfor Obvious
move se
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move w
put w
waitfor Obvious
move s
put s
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move s
put e
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put s
waitfor Obvious
move sw
put sw
waitfor Obvious
move s
put up
waitfor Obvious
move up
put up
waitfor Obvious
move go crevasse
put s
waitfor Obvious
move s
put se
waitfor Obvious
move out
move s
move sw
move sw
move s
move s
move s
move sw
move s
move sw
move s
move se
move s
move s
move s
move sw
move sw
put climb boulders
move sw
move sw
move s
move se
move s
move sw
move sw
move s
move go opening
move se
move se
move sw
move s
move sw
move s
move go crevasse
pause 2
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move sw
move out
move sw
move s
move sw
move sw
move se
move sw
move sw
move sw
move s
move go cavern
move se
move se
move se
move s
move s
move sw
move sw
move sw
move go tunnel
move s
move sw
move s
move sw
move se
move sw
move s
move se
move se
move se
move s
move s
move sw
move sw
move s
move s
move g bridge
move s
move s
move s
move s
move go edge
move s
move sw
move se
move sw
move se
move s
move s
move sw
move w
move sw
move s
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move s
move sw
move sw
move sw
move s
put clim boulder
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move sw
move s
move se
move sw
move s
move s
move go fissure
pause 2
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move up
move up
move sw
move sw
move s
move sw
move w
move sw
move nw
move w
move nw
move nw
move w
move nw
move n
move nw
move sw
echo *
echo * Please empty yer hands fer tha climb, wunce
echo * yer ready CLIMB tha MOUNTAIN, PATH & TRAIL
echo * Wunce that's done, get yer weapuns out agin.
echo *
echo * Wunce that's dun, git all yer party in yer
echo * group an' GO CAVERN
echo *
echo * This is tha furst transport between towns.
echo * Tah go on, BUY TICKET, it'll git yew un
echo * an' off without ah hitch. (cost of ticket is
echo * 1000 silvers)
echo *
echo * Wunce un tha other side uv tha trip, yew'll
echo * half tah START this SCRIPT OVER again.. dun't
echo * worry, it knows whar tah pickup.. this is tha
echo * end of Stage 1 of the trip tah tha Elven Nachions!
echo *
move go arch
move w
move sw
move sw
move sw
move w
move n
move n
move w
move nw
move w
move w
move w
move sw
move sw
move w
move w
move nw
move w
echo *
echo * This is tha secund transport between towns.
echo * Tah go on, BUY TICKET, it'll git yew un
echo * an' off without ah hitch. (cost of ticket is
echo * 1000 silvers)
echo *
echo * Wunce un tha other side uv tha trip, yew'll
echo * half tah START this SCRIPT OVER again.. dun't
echo * worry, it knows whar tah pickup.. this is tha
echo * end of Stage 2 of the trip tah tha Elven Nachions!
echo *
move w
move nw
move nw
move sw
put climb cliff
move se
put climb crevice
move nw
move nw
move nw
move nw
put climb ledge
pause 2
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move se
move se
move se
move se
put climb cliff
move nw
move d
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move w
move w
move w
move nw
move nw
move sw
move w
move nw
move nw
move sw
move nw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move nw
move sw
move sw
move s
move s
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move s
move s
move se
move s
move sw
move s
move se
move e
move se
echo *
echo * This is tha ROPE LADDER, wut yew do 'ere is
echo * put yer weapuns away, CLIMB LADDER, then
echo * CLIMB UP three (3) times.
echo *
echo * Wunce un tha other side uv tha climb, yew'll
echo * half tah START this SCRIPT OVER again.. dun't
echo * worry, it knows whar tah pickup.. this is tha
echo * end of Stage 3 of the trip tah tha Elven Nachions!
echo *
move se
move se
move se
move se
move se
move se
move se
move s
move s
move s
move s
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move w
move w
move w
move nw
move nw
move w
move go bridge
move e
move s
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move nw
move nw
move nw
move ne
move d
move ne
move nw
move d
move w
move w
move nw
move w
move sw
move w
move up
move up
move nw
move d
move sw
move d
move d
move nw
move sw
move d
move ne
move nw
move nw
move w
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move se
move se
move sw
move go bridge
move go island
move nw
echo *
echo * This is tha ROPE LADDER, wut yew do 'ere is
echo * put yer weapuns away, CLIMB ROPE, then
echo * SHUFFLE WEST three (3) times.
echo *
echo * Wunce un tha other side uv tha climb, yew'll
echo * half tah START this SCRIPT OVER again.. dun't
echo * worry, it knows whar tah pickup..
echo *
move w
move se
move se
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move s
pause 2
move s
pause 2
move s
pause 2
move se
pause 2
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move se
move s
move s
move sw
move sw
move s
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move sw
move w
move s
move sw
move d
move w
move w
move up
move nw
move w
move nw
move w
move w
move w
move nw
move nw
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move w
move go dock
echo *
echo * This is tha ferryboat, wut yew do 'ere is wait
echo * fer tha ferryboat tah git 'ere, GIVE FERRYMAN 10
echo * an' GO GANGPLANK
echo *
echo * Wunce un tha other side uv tha Ferryride, yew'll
echo * half tah START this SCRIPT OVER again.. dun't
echo * worry, it knows whar tah pickup.. this is tha
echo * end of Stage 4 of the trip tah tha Elven Nachions!
echo *
echo * If sumwun in yer party kin fog (spell #130). Yew
echo * kin fog frum tha OTHER side uv this boat ride tah
echo * Wehnimer's Landin'.. so no need tah restart tha
echo * script if that's th'case.. just join that persun
echo * an' fog.. goes WAY faster.
echo *
move out
move w
echo *
echo * Now it's time tah search, search til yew
echo * find ah path, than GO PATH an wunce that's
echo * dun yew'll half tah START this SCRIPT OVER
echo * again.. dun't worry, it knows whar tah pickup.
echo *
put search
Match None1 You don't find anything of interest here.
Match Found1 You discover a southwest path!
pause 2
goto SearchPath1
move se
move se
move go stream
pause 2
move s
pause 2
move sw
pause 2
echo *
echo * Wunce all yer party members ar' ready, type
echo * FLIRT an' tha script will cuntinue un it's way.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move sw
move d
move sw
move s
echo *
echo * Now it's time tah search, search til yew
echo * find ah crack, than GO CRACK an wunce that's
echo * dun yew'll half tah START this SCRIPT OVER
echo * again.. dun't worry, it knows whar tah pickup.
echo *
put search
Match None2 You don't find anything of interest here.
Match Found2 You discover an obscured crack!
pause 2
goto SearchPath2
echo *
echo * Now it's time tah search, search til yew
echo * find an openin', than GO OPENING an wunce that's
echo * dun yew'll half tah START this SCRIPT OVER
echo * again.. dun't worry, it knows whar tah pickup.
echo *
put search
Match None3 You don't find anything of interest here.
Match Found3 You discover a narrow opening!
pause 2
goto SearchPath31
put search
Match None31 You don't find anything of interest here.
Match Found31 You discover a narrow opening!
pause 3
goto SearchPath32
put search
Match None32 You don't find anything of interest here.
Match Found32 You discover a narrow opening!
pause 3
move out
goto Searchpath2
move sw
move sw
move s
move se
move sw
move se
echo *
echo * Please empty yer hands fer tha climb, wunce
echo * yer ready CLIMB tha BOULDER.
echo * Wunce that's done, get yer weapuns out agin
echo * an' type FLIRT wunce mere.
echo *
waitfor You bat your eyelashes.
move up
move se
move s
move se
move sw
move north
move go footpath
move northwest
move west
move southwest
move northwest
move west
move southwest
move go gap
move southeast
move go trunk
move south
move south
move south
move southwest
move south
move southwest
move west
move northwest
move west
move southwest
move south
move go trail
move west
move west
move west
move southwest
move west
move west
move northwest
move northwest
move northwest
move northwest
move northwest
move north
move go path
move northeast
move north
move north
move north
move northwest
move north
move northwest
move north
move northeast
move north
move north
move north
move north
move north
move northeast
02-10-2011, 09:53 PM
02-11-2011, 01:21 AM
Such masochism.
08-26-2011, 12:54 PM
How do you travel with a group using lich. I have tried go2 and it doesn't wait for the other members of the party.
08-26-2011, 12:56 PM
How do you travel with a group using lich. I have tried go2 and it doesn't wait for the other members of the party.
"Meet you at TSC?"
"Sure, cya there."
08-26-2011, 01:06 PM
What? I am new to this stuff
08-26-2011, 01:13 PM
What? I am new to this stuff
Basically, they are saying both parties have ;go2, so they both travel separately. For stuff like the carts, where you want to travel together, you could quit out of the script and wait for the other person to catch up. ;go2 works in nearly every single room/point in the game, so starting/stopping isn't a problem at all.
I’ve been using the one S.S.D.Year posted and it works well. I even customized it so my giant ranger dosen’t flutter his eyelashes.
Thanks S.S.D. Year!
08-26-2011, 01:20 PM
On first char - ;go2 228
On second char - ;go2 228
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