View Full Version : Does the Artisan's Faire Suck?

08-02-2003, 10:00 PM
Worst Event Ever.

08-02-2003, 10:28 PM
chuckle. These kinds of reactions always crack me up. Have you any idea how much work went into this event? Have you seen the staggering amount of items and rooms? Not to mention what looks like quite a few alterers.

Sure, 90% of the stuff is fluff. Did you expect EVERYTHING to be lightened, damage weighted/padded, hold large amount, rechargable, permabessed, 6x, and weigh under 2 pounds?

08-02-2003, 10:32 PM
For $55, I sure would.

08-03-2003, 12:34 AM
Well, really, what I am curious to know is...

WHY did this event suck?

08-03-2003, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by Backlash
chuckle. These kinds of reactions always crack me up. Have you any idea how much work went into this event? Have you seen the staggering amount of items and rooms? Not to mention what looks like quite a few alterers.

Sure, 90% of the stuff is fluff. Did you expect EVERYTHING to be lightened, damage weighted/padded, hold large amount, rechargable, permabessed, 6x, and weigh under 2 pounds?

Not at all. I just said it sucked, everything else you made up. I don't care how much work went into it, it still sucks. Compared to Ebon's Gate or Ansfelt, the Faire blows. And Ebon's Gate and Ansfelt didn't sell anything 6x that I know of, no padding or weighting above Somewhat off the shelves I don't think, I haven't seen anything off the shelf permablessed...ever. And large amount? I can get containers that hold a large amount from stores in town, not sure what you're trying to prove there...

For the record, it always cracks me up to read typical Official Board type kiss-ass answers here about how much work went into something. Oh, they put alot of work into it. And you know what? They still made a profit. If it cost them more in man-hours than they make, they wouldn't do it.

Originally posted by BacklashWHY did this event suck?

I don't care about fluff and I'd say it's more like 95% fluff. There aren't many things here worth buying. I haven't seen that many alterers around compared to other events. I mean, there's been a few, but not that many. I was hoping to find some decent armor or a decent weapon, of which, I haven't found any. Basically, to me, I see this as $55 to shop for fluff and weapons with elemental flares. I can buy all that stuff on the net and for cheaper.

[Edited on 8-3-2003 by Cain]

08-03-2003, 01:01 AM
I don't care about fluff and I'd say it's more like 95% fluff. There aren't many things here worth buying. I haven't seen that many alterers around compared to other events. I mean, there's been a few, but not that many. I was hoping to find some decent armor or a decent weapon, of which, I haven't found any. Basically, to me, I see this as $55 to shop for fluff and weapons with elemental flares. I can buy all that stuff on the net and for cheaper.

So then, whats your beef? If its not the ability to find that exceptionaly crit weighted weapon, like you said I made up, what is it?

For the record, it always cracks me up to read typical Official Board type kiss-ass answers here about how much work went into something.

I can build a merchant shop in under 2 hours.

Put your money where your mouth is and I'll kiss your ass to say "Good f-ing job!".

::kisses Melissa's ass::

PS. Nice icon.

08-03-2003, 01:06 AM
Having watched a GM code things, I can tell you it takes quite a bit longer than a few hours.

If you don't like this one, don't go to any more. Honestly, I wish I could've gone. You can let me borrow your character for awhile, and I'll have fun there.

08-03-2003, 01:15 AM
I couldn't tell if that was sarcasm, but in any case. Thanks My ass always needs a good kissing. I had another icon, a Royo Heavy Metal cover, but the Admin made me get rid of it ::sniff sniff::


Not sarcasm in the least. Been there, done it. I consider myself pretty darn smart and creative, but cranking out stuff like this Faire is a monsterous task.

Anyone try thinking up 50 different ways to describe how a blunt injures ONE body part, from a whiff to a major crit in descending order, then tell me its an easy job. If you think so, for frick sake, apply!

08-03-2003, 01:16 AM
Originally posted by Backlash
[quote]So then, whats your beef? If its not the ability to find that exceptionaly crit weighted weapon, like you said I made up, what is it?

I said I was hoping to find some decent weapons or decent armor. I would say that an exceptionally crit weighted weapon is quite a bit more than decent. You, again, just pulled that out of thin air. Quit putting words in my mouth. I told you my beef. Not many alterers around compared to other events, 95% of the items for sale are fluff, hardly any weapons or amor for sale. I'm still looking for some decent armor or a decent weapon. I'd say that some lightened 4x armor with no padding would be decent. That's a far cry from exceptional padding. A weapon that's somewhat damage weighted would be decent. That's not quite exceptionally crit weighted.

08-03-2003, 01:32 AM
I had a great time at Anfelt, but I was an exception when it came to getting merchant work. Once I knew this, I realized that I'd be disappointed if I went to the Faire and didn't get as much.

This is where the dissapointment is coming from folks, its the "I remember the Jugg and the 6x sea green glaes shields and the rolaren tower shields" or "I remember buying FGB off the rack for 400k."

This is what most of us crusty folk remember, and every merchant we see, we are dissapointed that we don't see something similar, so we generally only go to these events for the alterations...but so does everyone else.

Then we stand in line and wait and get frustrated, then we think the event sucks.

I went to the Foehn's Promise $75 auction. I had a good time, I happened to win something nice. Most folk screamed bloody murder, and the GM's caved and said they'd never do it again. Since then, we've had 1 auction for Premium. I went to EG3. I had a good time. I got three unique items from wandering merchants and an alter from Elvaria. Most everyone screamed that there weren't any Eahnor waraxes or no merchants. I went to Anfelt and had a good time. I wasn't expecting much.

Expectation is the key. Go there looking for a good time, and you'll have a good time. Go there looking for something you know won't be there or expecting to get 9 alters will make you think it sucks.

If you just have average expectations, you'll be pleasantly suprised almost every time. Its this idea that "ooh, I'll find something I can sell for 8 times what I paid for it here" or something that gets everyone's knickers in a twist.

08-03-2003, 08:54 AM
heh, yeah..getting an application even noticed takes something I don't have either.:grin:

Many of my friends IM me for alterations, when they get picked. I even do building in ALAE, etc..I don't know, maybe I'm missing something!


08-03-2003, 09:43 AM
I'd say that next time, simply do not pay the $55 for the next festival then. The reason they make these festivals is to generate income. If you don't like it, don't pay it. If enough people don't go to the next one because "it sucks"... they'll either change it or stop it.

Personally, I didn't go, but heard it was good. To each their own.

No matter what Simutronics does, there will always be someone that doesn't like it. It's the nature of the beast.

08-03-2003, 01:13 PM
Many of my friends IM me for alterations, when they get picked. I even do building in ALAE, etc..I don't know, maybe I'm missing something!

Mentoring helps. So does being in the Beta, testing stuff.

08-03-2003, 05:25 PM
Cain, you're an idiot. I've gotten more work/items this event, than all the events in the past year combined. I'm on number 12 now, and still got a good 12 hours of the big uber merchants left. If you can't find them, you're a moron. If you expect to find uber weapons and armor, you're a moron.

So far its been a blast. Lots of merchants, lots of work, lots of fun. Only beef so far is Dorckwizard and Tsin being fucking gays.

08-03-2003, 07:08 PM
Heh, I can't even remember the last merchant/event I went to. I think it was that time they sold those 7x eonake tower shields for 300k. For the last two years I've missed the Juggernaut and Spitfire (I don't even know if they've showed up the last three years) because I rarely play unless it's summer because, well, I'm not paying tuition to play Gemstone.

...when WAS the last time they sold anything off the shelf that was > 5x?

08-03-2003, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Heh, I can't even remember the last merchant/event I went to. I think it was that time they sold those 7x eonake tower shields for 300k. For the last two years I've missed the Juggernaut and Spitfire (I don't even know if they've showed up the last three years) because I rarely play unless it's summer because, well, I'm not paying tuition to play Gemstone.

...when WAS the last time they sold anything off the shelf that was > 5x?

I can't remember when it was, but. Remember that premium merchant that sold 7x shields. Everyone bought like 50 of them and resold them. The GM's saw their mistake and had to go around replacing everyones cash. Gleaming Eonake tower shields I think they were. That was 3 years ago? That was the last time I remember them off the shelf at 7x, even though they were turned back into 4x like an hour later.

08-03-2003, 07:29 PM
It'll probably happen more often when breakage comes back. They'll probably also have lower than average breakage stats.

08-03-2003, 08:37 PM
Yeah, those were the shields. I got Covannent to buy me a bunch of them because I think it was a premie wagon, but stupidly I didn't sell them right away (planning to sell them for a healthy profit later), but they gave us like 20k more than the price for each one. I'm not sure if it was 3 years ago, that seems a little long. Maybe 2?

Heh I kept 1, because they didn't convert to 4x until you wore them. I think it lasted about two days before I forgot and accidentally wore it. Oh well.

[Edited on 8-4-2003 by Edaarin]

08-04-2003, 12:29 AM
It shows that you're interested in helping people, and in Gemstone's future. It's a way to help get your application seen, not a way to get immediate acceptance of your application. And, if they're looking at 2 even people, but one's mentored and one hasn't, the mentor will get it.

08-04-2003, 03:58 AM
<<That was the last time I remember them off the shelf at 7x, even though they were turned back into 4x like an hour later.>>

Those are 5x.

08-04-2003, 06:07 AM
Artha, I'm the warrior council for mentors, and did the alpha and beta tests.:grin: I wish it helped. I don't really know what exactly they are looking for. Maybe I just am not available the hours they need or something.:) I care a lot about the game, but it just hasn't worked out as of yet. I'm patient though.:-P


Suppa Hobbit Mage
08-04-2003, 09:29 AM
It's clear you have to go to Simucon.

08-04-2003, 11:55 AM
<<< Maybe I just am not available the hours they need or something. >>>

Heh, is that the time of day or total monthly hours? I've heard you need to put in a minimum of 20 hours a month as a GH - that seems high to me.


08-04-2003, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Askip
<<< Maybe I just am not available the hours they need or something. >>>

Heh, is that the time of day or total monthly hours? I've heard you need to put in a minimum of 20 hours a month as a GH - that seems high to me.


On the GM application it says something about 20 hours a week. Minimum.

THAT seems high to me. 20 hours a month is only what.. 40 minutes a day? 4 hours and 20 minutes a week. That doesn't seem that bad.

08-04-2003, 01:55 PM
20 hours per week is what I meant, good catch.


08-04-2003, 02:49 PM
I was hoping to find some decent armor or a decent weapon, of which, I haven't found any. Basically, to me, I see this as $55 to shop for fluff and weapons with elemental flares. I can buy all that stuff on the net and for cheaper.

Actually, something that I'm either misreading, or everyone else seems to be looking over, was deep in a shop, off in the middle of nowhere, there are opague vultite falchions, and if these are like the falchions of old, they are 4x with damage weighting. I'm still trying to find someone to get me one. :-P


08-04-2003, 03:09 PM
They're not. They have vibe flares, not badly priced at 125k.

Who's the genius who decided to release a weapon with a name that already exists? Bravo.

08-04-2003, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by Askip
20 hours per week is what I meant, good catch.


Yea, I do agree.. 20 hours a week for a game that is a requirement is borderline crazy.

I could deliver pizzas for that type of time requirement and make 1000x what the GMs make.

08-04-2003, 03:36 PM
its 3 shifts, 3 hours each per week.

08-04-2003, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Chyrain
its 3 shifts, 3 hours each per week.

Why on the GM application does it say 20 hours or so? I don't have access to Play.net right now (Son of a bitch bastards putting up an internet block software) But I thought it was MUCH more than 9 hours per week.

08-04-2003, 07:19 PM
GM is 20, GH is 3x3. From the GM app:

<< A GameMaster has to be online A LOT. What "a lot" means depends on the circumstances. An individual GM is usually online every night for several hours (similar to a player). A GM will be expected to spend even more time online when special events are going on with which they are involved, such as the release of a major system or new area. On average, we expect 20 productive hours per week per GM. >>

Even three hours three times a week would be beyond me, if I wanted to do it. I remember being in three bowling leagues one year, and it was just too much time dedicated to doing one thing.


[Edited on 8-4-2003 by Askip]

08-06-2003, 10:45 AM
Can someone please explain the GH point system for me?

08-17-2003, 12:38 AM
Basically, GHs get points for doing things...they can redeem these points for stuff for their characters. Crit/damage padding, flaring, alters, whatever.