Drunken Durfin
02-04-2011, 08:17 AM
The long awaited sequel, or sister rather, to iSigils.lic is now on the repo, iSigns.lic.
- Lables reflect effect of each Sign
- Tool Tips will display Mana and Spirit costs to cast
- Automatic renewal when sign drops while script is running.
- Clotting and Staunching are on a toggle, so you can't have both running at the same time.
After you download the script type ;iSigns setup to access the GUI. From that point on all you have to do is start iSigns for them to be cast and your signs will be kept up until the script is done.
BE WARNED: The signs that drain spirit points will activate if you have the spirit available. The script does not check active durations to see if you will run out of spirit, go down to the point of "looking drained" or hit spirit death before it casts/re-casts. I will be adding this feature in iSigns 2.0 once I master CoL with my sorcerer, so stay tuned.
If you experience any problems or errors, please post them here.
- Lables reflect effect of each Sign
- Tool Tips will display Mana and Spirit costs to cast
- Automatic renewal when sign drops while script is running.
- Clotting and Staunching are on a toggle, so you can't have both running at the same time.
After you download the script type ;iSigns setup to access the GUI. From that point on all you have to do is start iSigns for them to be cast and your signs will be kept up until the script is done.
BE WARNED: The signs that drain spirit points will activate if you have the spirit available. The script does not check active durations to see if you will run out of spirit, go down to the point of "looking drained" or hit spirit death before it casts/re-casts. I will be adding this feature in iSigns 2.0 once I master CoL with my sorcerer, so stay tuned.
If you experience any problems or errors, please post them here.