View Full Version : New Jobs

04-27-2004, 08:33 PM
For a technical reason a thread got removed, if you'd like to discuss new jobs you recently got, hope to get, what you need to do for them, perks, etc. Do so here.

04-27-2004, 08:35 PM
I bet a job as a repo man would be pretty interesting.


04-27-2004, 09:28 PM
::waves a Borders application around::

I need a summer job that isn't at the beach (I've worked at the beach for the past two years, it's time to move on) and Borders is hiring. Plus, I love to read.

Here's to hoping I get the job. :yes:

04-27-2004, 09:34 PM
I got talked to my bosses last week to lock up my job at the firm again this summer. They are being really great to accomodate me considering I can only work 3 days a week because of classes and I'll be in italy for 6 weeks.

04-27-2004, 09:35 PM
I'm working at Hollywood Video all Summer.

Go ambition.

04-27-2004, 09:55 PM
peam has the coolest job outta all you suckers.

04-27-2004, 10:31 PM
I get to shoot people.

04-28-2004, 03:35 AM
I will probably have an interview next month sometime at a major bank that is handling all the bad loans in Japan.

If that doesn't work out... back to school, baby!

04-28-2004, 03:45 AM
you also get to get shot at ranger, that sorta removes the coolness of shooting at them I think

Moving Target

04-28-2004, 08:49 AM
My job ends in June, I'm hoping to find government work by this fall. I'd love to work for immigration or human resources.

04-28-2004, 08:57 AM
No, thats called Excitement Ardwen. Wtf you wan tto live forever? pussy

04-28-2004, 08:58 AM
The best summer jobs I ever had when I was in college was working at camps. I was a life guard so I didn't have to live with the kids but got to have fun with them during the day and send them back to their counselars at night. After the sun went down, except for a few moonlight swims during each session, my time and the pool was ours. Didn't have to pay for food or lodging, just collected our paychecks, granted not big checks, but if your not spending money for the above mentioned not bad. Every summer I went to different camps all over the country and that was fun, except Wisconsin, because the water was so cold I never got in all summer, that camp was on a lake and didn't have a pool. The plus is that I had a great tan, was in great shape, met some wonderful people and traveled.

04-28-2004, 09:35 AM
I want to get a job that involves seeing outside. Right now I get in when it's still dark out and often leave....when it's still dark out. I'm currently in a basement warehouse debunking a hosed inventory (yes that's the technical term). Doesn't have much to do with my skill set other than I am tweaking the database in access and it's an inventory of 3mil+ in computer parts so when someone hands me a mouse and says this is RAM I can kick them.

I've got my foot in the door with a huge insurance company in downtown Indy to work as their project manager as far as IT assets and planning goes. Let's hope that works out.

04-28-2004, 09:04 PM
Originally posted by RangerD1
I get to shoot people.

Which while fun still requires you to wear uniforms, get inspected and all sorts of other unfun military things, like clean toilets.

Now a mercenary for hire could be fun.

04-28-2004, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by J-Tech
I bet a job as a repo man would be pretty interesting.


I worked for a local towing company for a couple years in highschool. I got offered a job as a repo man, the pay was triple what I made doing police impound tows. But the volume of Repos was less then the amount of accident/arrest tows I had when I was workin for the police. But I didn't have to work so much so it was cool.... until I had a gun put in my face, then I was all like, this job sucks. So now instead I work with high voltage all day.

04-28-2004, 09:54 PM
I hope to get a blowjob soon, does that count?

04-28-2004, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
I hope to get a blowjob soon, does that count?

But only because it's from a flobee and those things are on info-mercials. Anyone or thing on one of those doesn't count towards any type of sexual gesture.