View Full Version : BHA In Trouble!
01-26-2011, 09:18 PM
Attention to all Beacon Hall Members! Through recent research, it has come to the attention of the CHE Controller that there are currently NO officers of Beacon Hall, since all former officers have closed their accounts with Simutronics. In order to continue to exist as a CHE, the membership will need to select, by whatever means deemed, four members to serve as officers: two members with chairman powers, one member with treasurer powers, and one member with secretary powers. This process must happen, in full, by March 1. Please forward your candidacy for the position you'd like to GS4-CHE@PLAY.NET, along with a few paragraphs about how you would make Beacon Hall active in the community and what community in GemStone means to you.
If said officers are supplied and deemed appropriate, they will be invested and held to the minimum officer requirements of all CHE. Please review to see a list of all officer requirements. If said officers are not supplied by that date, Beacon Hall will be dissolved as a CHE. Those members of Beacon Hall will have their lockers moved automatically to the general locker annexes of their towns, and will have the ability to join any other CHE immediately, should they wish.
This message was originally posted in Cooperative Houses of Elanthia (CHE/Great Houses), Beacon Hall -
01-26-2011, 09:20 PM
01-26-2011, 10:29 PM
Are lots of people posting that they're going to take care of it?
OR is this my perfect excuse to log Ryvicke in and hang out with some RR dramz??
01-26-2011, 10:47 PM
I've rethought my previous question as it was unbecoming to a future Beacon Hall Officer to be so lazy as to not click the link.
I've now clicked the link my friends--and no one has volunteered to rescue the coolest house in Gemstone history.
I'm giddily submitting my email now. I want to plan BALLS!!
Stanley Burrell
01-26-2011, 11:09 PM
Attention to all Beacon Hall Members! Through recent research, it has come to the attention of the CHE Controller that there are currently NO officers of Beacon Hall, since all former officers have closed their accounts with Simutronics. In order to continue to exist as a CHE, the membership will need to select, by whatever means deemed, four members to serve as officers: two members with chairman powers, one member with treasurer powers, and one member with secretary powers. This process must happen, in full, by March 1. Please forward your candidacy for the position you'd like to GS4-CHE@PLAY.NET, along with a few paragraphs about how you would make Beacon Hall active in the community and what community in GemStone means to you.
If said officers are supplied and deemed appropriate, they will be invested and held to the minimum officer requirements of all CHE. Please review to see a list of all officer requirements. If said officers are not supplied by that date, Beacon Hall will be dissolved as a CHE. Those members of Beacon Hall will have their lockers moved automatically to the general locker annexes of their towns, and will have the ability to join any other CHE immediately, should they wish.
This message was originally posted in Cooperative Houses of Elanthia (CHE/Great Houses), Beacon Hall -
This is the stupidest fucking shit I have ever seen -- And the most efficient the CHE GMs have ever been. I feel bad for the 386 that couldn't handle the DATs we took weeks and months making.
Also, this is retarded.
P.S. Mentally handicapped.
P.P.S. Downy-fucking-ball.
01-27-2011, 01:13 AM
Are lots of people posting that they're going to take care of it?
OR is this my perfect excuse to log Ryvicke in and hang out with some RR dramz??
There is a full movement in swing to get it back up and running. Shouldnt be long before its under new management. You should log in anyway.
01-27-2011, 01:40 AM
There is a full movement in swing to get it back up and running. Shouldnt be long before its under new management. You should log in anyway.
Awww I thought I could swoop in and just start planning pirate balls immediately or something.
i would sign in every night if I got to take part in epic disarming of the sephwir bows of douchebags! That log/story ruled!
01-27-2011, 01:44 AM
haha I didnt realize you got to see that. good times... good times.
This is the stupidest fucking shit I have ever seen -- And the most efficient the CHE GMs have ever been. I feel bad for the 386 that couldn't handle the DATs we took weeks and months making.
Also, this is retarded.
P.S. Mentally handicapped.
P.P.S. Downy-fucking-ball.
If nobody is actively leading then why not put a little scare into the membership and let someone take initiative?
He gave them over a full month to get organized and that's perfectly reasonable.
It's not fucked up or retarded. It's the CHE guru doing a damn good job and I applaud Alyias, the guy has put in some very serious work over the last few weeks.
I personally think it's pathetic that all 6-10 officers managed to go inactive and leave game without passing on their responsibilities. THAT is the fucked up part imo.
01-27-2011, 04:58 PM
I for one applaud the fact they did this. The house had tons of people interested in joining over the past few months but nobody could get in contact with anyone able to do anything about it. This notice brought it to everyones attention at once and got people talking about it which led to people deciding to do something to get it going again. In the end they got the result that was needed.
Stanley Burrell
01-27-2011, 10:33 PM
Hmmm. Maybe the fact that it's no longer a crystal amulet away from the Landing? And about a billion other things. Like trying to make an example of us when Kitlee's boat, alone, probably triumphs everything that is other CHEs. And the way we've fucking bled to achieve the text-based-impossible because of incompetency on just about everything having to deal with management pig shit? I was supposed to be co-Secretary of this House and was made Secretary instead. As well as the identical switch on the Chair and Treasurer. That type of brain damage is O.K. by me, but when we're being spit on because one-and-a-half behind-the-scenes are too pussy to state their agenda: No.
I even have, despite my foresight, an issue with this particular GM being just the mouthpiece for said stupidity. I always anticipate the trisomy-21 factor to be the new burden of fresh/relocated GMs.
01-27-2011, 10:55 PM
Who do you play? If you want a spot again were working on the new leadership now since we were told the accounts of every one of the officers was now inactive...
01-27-2011, 11:12 PM
That type of brain damage is O.K. by me, but when we're being spit on because one-and-a-half behind-the-scenes are too pussy to state their agenda: No.Tell the whole story!!
Hmmm. Maybe the fact that it's no longer a crystal amulet away from the Landing? And about a billion other things. Like trying to make an example of us when Kitlee's boat, alone, probably triumphs everything that is other CHEs. And the way we've fucking bled to achieve the text-based-impossible because of incompetency on just about everything having to deal with management pig shit? I was supposed to be co-Secretary of this House and was made Secretary instead. As well as the identical switch on the Chair and Treasurer. That type of brain damage is O.K. by me, but when we're being spit on because one-and-a-half behind-the-scenes are too pussy to state their agenda: No.
I even have, despite my foresight, an issue with this particular GM being just the mouthpiece for said stupidity. I always anticipate the trisomy-21 factor to be the new burden of fresh/relocated GMs.
...there are currently NO officers of Beacon Hall, since all former officers have closed their accounts with Simutronics...
So let me get this right:
1- You signed on to be a Officer.
(Title doesn't matter you are a co-secretary or the custodian of Paupers. you're still an Officer and you still have the responsibility to your house over all to lead.)
2- After an undisclosed amount of time you (and all the other officers) left and cancelled your account.
3- You now have an issue with the GM taking initiative and following policy to get the house either a) reorganized, or b) cleaned out in the instance there is no long an interest in supporting the house.
Option a) seems like the much more likely response from the player base in my opinion.
4- Maybe I'm missing something... please feel free to share the whole twisted story of how you're being abused by a GM when you don't have an active subscription
I think you need to get your head on straight and swollow your bruised pride.
If you think he's making a special example of just Beacon Hall you're incorrect. He is simply cleaning house and is in no way a 'special' attack on that house.
I know first hand that EVERY house got an e-mail or three stating that if they did not have officers in the 4 key positions they were required to move people around or recruit someone for that slot by March.
Seeing that Beacon had NO officer to recieve the e-mail, he obviously did the next best thing.
Also, I take have an issue with statements like "Kitlee's boat, alone, probably triumphs everything that is other CHEs."
Does this mean your house should be coddled?
Every house has their own unique style and services they offer Gemstone:
Helden Hall has their gladiator Arena
Pheonix has a telescope that is aimed at the Bathhouse
Aspis has their theatre (and a secret passageway across town.. shhh)
White Haven will have the only iceskating rink in game
Silvergate Inn is the only house of its kind and offeres services no other house can or ever will.
Beacon hall should not and does not get special treatment over other houses simply because they're a boat ride away or offer something unique. The same goes for every other house.
You definitely have some nerve... and you're obviously hitting one of mine.
If you're so upset about this, why don't you pay your $15 subscription and start acting like a professional and volunteer to help get the house reorganized?
I suppose it's easier to sit back and blame the GM who's working their ass off to get CHE's back online. Isn't it?
01-28-2011, 01:36 PM
I'm not sure Ben has played or been a part of the officers of Beacon in quite a while (could be wrong). I think he's talking about experiences he had getting things built in Beacon a very very long time ago.
I think he's much more upset that the word "dissolution" was used. As in the House would just cease to be--which obviously, if you've ever spent time in RR, wouldn't ever happen--it's too ingrained in the town. It's a pretty passionate place and Beacon has been a part of that for awhile. I wouldn't get too upset about what he said.
01-28-2011, 01:39 PM
How dare you interfere with CHE drama, Ryvicke. I'm surprised and deeply disappointed (and slightly aroused).
01-28-2011, 01:44 PM
How dare you interfere with CHE drama, Ryvicke. I'm surprised and deeply disappointed (and slightly aroused).
LOL I had no idea such measured language would have this effect.
Okay, forget what I said--continue the SRBSNS!!!1
01-28-2011, 01:49 PM
Alyias is going after all houses that don't have officers in the Chair/Co-Chair/Secretary/Treasurer slots filled. Officers in general, but especially in those positions must be in the lands for 8 hours each month minimum. There are further criteria that must be followed depending on if your house is "public" or "private".
I'm not sure Ben has played or been a part of the officers of Beacon in quite a while (could be wrong). I think he's talking about experiences he had getting things built in Beacon a very very long time ago.
I think he's much more upset that the word "dissolution" was used. As in the House would just cease to be--which obviously, if you've ever spent time in RR, wouldn't ever happen--it's too ingrained in the town. It's a pretty passionate place and Beacon has been a part of that for awhile. I wouldn't get too upset about what he said.
I can certainly understand that, I'm also very passionate and devoted to certain aspects and organizations in GS as well, and would be even if I quit.
But, his comments aren't logical, or even remotely helpful aside from bashing and/or trolling. I'm pointing this out/calling his BS.
I'm also 100% sure the good ol' River Rats won't let Beacon Hall go anywhere.
01-28-2011, 02:07 PM
Does anyone know or have a copy of Beacon Hall's charter?
01-28-2011, 02:19 PM
But, his comments aren't logical
I personally show fealty to him as the genius of our particular time. Rending wide the most tersely woven deceptions of our society only to reveal the bare nothing that lies beneath.
He might be wrong about this whole beacon thing--he should TELL THE EXACT STORY of the injustices of O SO LONG AGO.
01-28-2011, 02:24 PM
Does anyone know or have a copy of Beacon Hall's charter?
Charter and Bylaws of Beacon Hall Archives, as posted by Drayger last year on
@}~~Our Charter~~{@
The only Great House located within the town of River's Rest, Beacon Hall Archives is dedicated to serving the local community and residents. While providing the usual amenities of any Great House, Beacon Hall acts as a keeper of histories and lore specific to River's Rest as well as those pertaining to Elanthia in general.
Other functions of Beacon Hall is to serve as a culture-bearer for River's Rest by sponsoring local cultural events; maintaining a functional Archive of records for public access; and acting to serve local residents in whatever manner may be deemed appropriate.
Beacon Hall welcomes membership from both the academically and non-academically oriented.
Beacon Hall Archives By-Laws rev. 2.1
Beacon Hall Archives shall abide by established requirements of the Cooperative Houses of Elanthia dictates. Additional requirements may be added, but never contradict these preliminary requirements. (Refer to document Houses of Elanthia, parts 1 and 2, revision 2.2 as of this draft). All future changes made to CHE Guidelines will automatically reflect a change in BHA by-laws without requirements of membership vote.
No policy may be made that would lessen the minimums established hereafter within these by-laws. Changes to the by-laws themselves may be amended with 2/3 approval of House Membership.
I. GOVERNMENT: Beacon Hall Archives is an established Democratic entity, with a minimum and Limited governing body comprised of a Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. Additional positions may be established redundant of these three positions in their entirety or not at all (ie: there shall be no co-position for any one primary position unless all three positions are assigned co’s). No other office shall be created that will hold governing powers within BHA, although committees may be appointed by 2/3 Council vote to administer policy or perform specific function.
II. ELECTED OFFICE: All nominations and elections shall be held the first month of the year, beginning 5105. All offices shall be appointed no later than mid-month February.
a. Elected terms shall not exceed two years without re-election. Primary elections should be held first thing every odd-numbered year.
b. Re-election to the same position shall only be allowed a cumulative of two terms, consecutive or not
c. Should redundant positions (co-chairman, co-secretary, and co-treasurer) be established, these appointees’ terms should mature years opposite those of the primary officeholder. Secondary positions should be appointed every even-numbered year.
d. Co-positions are appointed the same responsibilities and share the same authority as the primary officeholder.
a. Co/Chairman: Strategic overseer for development of House and solely appointed office to coordinate with local government (GM) on behalf of the House. Draws upon observations and reports to identify and correct undesirable trends within the House. Ensures compliance of House with local government regulation. Lesser responsibilities may be delegated.
b. Co/Secretary: Maintains and updates current mailing list of all members. Keeps records of meetings and minutes; formats and posts reports to Archives (website). Receives, formats, and summarizes reports/results from relevant committees to Archives. Lesser responsibilities may be delegated.
c. Co/Treasurer: Keeps accurate record and accounts for all cash flow of House activity. Reports in consistent format to be posted in Archives. Maintains up-to-date list of all debtor-members to the House, and ensures financial discipline meets government regulations. Receives, reviews, and approves or disapproves requests by special committees to utilize House financial resources. Responsibilities may not be delegated.
IV. MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: NO MEMBER MAY PARTICIPATE IN BHA THAT IS ALREADY REPRESENTED BY THE SAME CONTROLLER (RL). Regardless of the number of accounts, the same (RL) player may have no more than one (IC) representative in the House at any given point in time. Violators of this policy will have all associated members expelled from the House (non-appellant) and barred future re-entry (appellant to governing council).
a. Prospective Members
i. Shall be sponsored by a current member in good standing, and be screened for the following qualities:
1. Willingness to contribute to the well-being of the House and its function
2. Willingness to subjugate personal position for the interest of the will of the group
3. Willingness to comply with dictates set forth in Membership Rules and Regulations
ii. Shall announce their intent to join to the House (via CHE Boards / BHA), including:
1. Declaration of intent to join
2. Disclosure of Sponsor
3. Brief personal introduction
4. Particulars (ie: why are you interested in joining BHA?)
iii. Shall pay a one-time, non-refundable fee of 100,000 silver
iv. Shall be a minimum of ten trainings at time of induction
v. Requires simple majority vote of acceptance by House membership
b. Current Members
i. Shall maintain rules of decorum laid out in Membership Rules and Regulations
ii. Shall NOT behave in any capacity as an agent of the House unless appointed specifically by duty or position
iii. Shall conduct themselves in such a manner as to not bring great shame or disrepute upon the House or fellow members
i. Shall be a member in good standing
ii. Shall not be under unresolved internal or external investigation of any wrongdoing
iii. Shall have completed a thesis or project requirement, substantiated by the Office of the Secretary
iv. Shall be appointed by votes as follows:
1. If by proxy: All votes shall be secret ballot, and disclosed to all Council members, or Special Committee if so established (redundancy reduces risk of corruption)
2. All members will be given a minimum of one week to cast their vote from the time of announcement deadline
a. If two or less candidates, simple majority wins
b. If more than two candidates, and no one candidate carries the simple majority vote, top two popular votes will contend in second round of votes to obtain simple majority under same guidelines
a. All services generally afforded any Great House are afforded members of BHA to the extent BHA has invested in these opportunities
b. As of this writing (12/20/5104):
i. Private property ownership (Beacon Hall Archives, located just outside River’s Rest proper, and all amenities included therein)
ii. Storage facilities within the House at River’s Rest, and at all Annexes funded by the House:
1. Wehnimer’s Landing
2. Solhaven
3. Icemule Trace
4. Ta’Illistim
5. Teras
c. Loan qualifications as set forth by CHE regulations
d. Additional updates or changes to this section may be posted as they transpire without the requirement to substantially amend by-laws, and does not require a vote
a. In general, guidelines set forth in “Rules of Conduct, Abusive and Disruptive Behavior” (Simu) apply to BHA membership at an Elanthian-wide and inner-House level
b. Members must at all times comply with Simutronics standards, or face possible penalization independent of, and possibly in addition to, any penalization levied by Simutronics for such infractions of policy
c. Members must maintain a decorum of respect towards fellow members, and must show deference to Policies set forth by governing council, appointed committees, and general will of the House membership
d. At all times, and especially during group meetings, members will conduct themselves in such a manner as to not unduly impede with others’ efforts to contribute responsibly. Personal attacks (verbal or otherwise), degrading remarks, disruptive behavior, or otherwise malicious acts (as determined by the presiding officer) will result in a warning, leading to possible dismissal from the meeting/event. Failure to correct activity, or frequent or severe recurrences may meet in penalization or expulsion, as determined by 2/3 vote of governing council.
a. Votes – a 2/3 majority is established for:
i. Amending by-laws (membership)
ii. Amending Charter (membership)
iii. Vote of No-Confidence in Officer (membership)
iv. Overturn of Appellant Rule (council)
b. Votes – a simple majority (50% + 1) is established for:
i. Accepting new members
ii. Adopting most votes at committee meetings
c. Votes – all other: more sensitive issues should be treated as a 2/3 requirement, whereas the majority should be majority rule. Failure to agree on how to handle a vote may be termed an internal conflict, albeit of (hopefully) minor degree. Council shall view and return the degree required to substantiate a vote, except in such cases where the Council itself is in question. Special Committees may be appointed to make such determination. Decisions of the Council or Special Committee are non-appellant.
d. Special Committees: defined in (BHA) POLICY: Special Committees and Positions
i. Special Committees or Positions may be formed by 2/3 consent of the governing Council. Such committees will be defined and particular in scope, and may or may not have a termination date or event. (ie: Justice Committee, Information Management Committee, Thesis Committee, Archivist, etc.)
ii. Any appointed Committee seeking to utilize House funds must gain the approval of the Treasurer. Typical instances of utilization might include initial capital for events or incentives for performance.
iii. Updates reflecting approved changes to Special Committees may be posted as they transpire without the requirement to substantially amend by-laws, and does not require a vote
The intent of policies and committees is to allow for maximum flexibility to meet changing environments with minimal impact on by-laws, which should stand as a rather inflexible structure for the House to build upon. The Archives SHALL reflect all active policies and provide a table of contents of all active committees, and by which policies they are governed. At a minimum: a purpose, span of control, and duration must be established for policies and committees, even if these values are “unknown” or “unlimited”. Even so, the BY-LAWS ARE ESTABLISHED TO OVERRIDE ANY SUBSERVIENT FUNCTION so established, should a conflict of interest arise.
01-28-2011, 02:27 PM
I personally show fealty to him as the genius of our particular time. Rending wide the most tersely woven deceptions of our society only to reveal the bare nothing that lies beneath.
He might be wrong about this whole beacon thing--he should TELL THE EXACT STORY of the injustices of O SO LONG AGO.
Heh, oh, I agree. Though, the genius part he'll have to prove to me.
Coming onto the thread and telling us all how aweful and "downy-ball" fucked up it is. And then not offering any explaination for his bitterness beyond vague terms ... is exactly why I bothered to post at all.
Please, feel free to explain said genius/bitterness, I'll certainly read it with an open mind.
Stanley Burrell
01-28-2011, 10:06 PM
Heh, oh, I agree. Though, the genius part he'll have to prove to me.
Coming onto the thread and telling us all how aweful and "downy-ball" fucked up it is. And then not offering any explaination for his bitterness beyond vague terms ... is exactly why I bothered to post at all.
Please, feel free to explain said genius/bitterness, I'll certainly read it with an open mind.
Open your mind:
My issue is that it's awefully downy-ball.
01-30-2011, 01:11 AM
Ehh there has been lots of problems with BHA over the last several years in RR as for finding officers and membership.
I been playing around in RR for close to a decade and they have mostly been this way. Sure you have a spurt here and there where they do stuff... But mostly it's been a struggle with them.
02-15-2011, 09:46 AM
id say the biggest problem finding officers is probably the reqs which while i saw u posted the bylaws if u read the house forums there was an attempt to change those bylaws.
the main idea being to open it up multiple characters on an account and i think a rewording of the officer reqs. That rewriting I belive could change the interpretation so that you could be qualified for an officer position if you simply hosted an event and not simply someone who wrote a history document.
Black Bard
04-15-2011, 06:23 PM
The purpose behind the ruling of multiple characters was because a former CHE house was dissolved by staff because the officer positions were majority ruled by one person. That one person abused the benefits that a CHE could (at that time) provide.
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