View Full Version : open archery

01-22-2011, 12:03 PM
I'm wondering how well this works out 59+ and also if it's any good for GoS?
If I dropped hiding I could be in half plate next training. This would also allow me to:
2x armor
2x ranged
1x cm
2x pt
2x dodging
40 ranks ambush
2x perception
3x pick/disarm
20 ranks hp
10 ranks arc sym.
4 ranks elemental
I was told not being able to hide limit my hunting options. I'd prefer to be able to hunt without spells all the time, spell burst...

top shottah
01-22-2011, 02:19 PM
If you plan on hunting without spells, and taking that rogue to end game hunting, then I'd suggest keeping hiding. You don't want to walk into a stone fist (bowels) or get zapped with a mind jolt from a taint (OTF-ducts) because you can't hide & stalk around the hunting area.

Stay in metal breastplate. It is your friend.

01-22-2011, 02:30 PM
The closer you get to cap, the less useful hiding becomes. I don't think you'll miss hiding all that much while hunting, though I must admit it feels strange to play a rogue who can't hide a lick.

Your training plan looks pretty solid. Going 3x locks/traps eats up a lot of training points, but you already knew that. You may want to consider backing off on armor a bit to get your ambush higher if you need the AS, but that's more of a tweak. 2x dodge is the bare minimum for an archer. 2x PT is a bit of a luxury and you could get by with 1.5x or so, but I definitely consider the benefits worth the cost since it helps against so many manuevers.

01-22-2011, 03:27 PM
Well for lock picking I want to be able to pick 10 lvls above me. Pt is for stamina with GoS and cmans. Basically I'm trying to find tp's for 20-25 ranks of hp and 2x pt for stamina. Easiest way to do that was get in plate and go open archery, at least that I found. I'm very open to suggestions....

01-22-2011, 03:45 PM
Hiding is a rogue's defense against spells, basically.

01-22-2011, 04:58 PM
A minor way to save on TPs would be to only got 2.5x on disarm. You'll never need more than about 260 ranks + 404 to disarm a -480 trap, and you won't find anything more difficult than that. The only reason to go a full 3x there is for the sake of completion.

01-22-2011, 07:42 PM
Thats great, gets me up to 2x dodge. Thinking about going 2.5x picking for awhile so I can pick up more Pt and Hp. That or stop training CM when I finish getting vanish. I already have smastery and I had surge but it was just annoying. I'd rather work guild skills until I can beg wizard strength from someone. That sound ok?

01-22-2011, 08:04 PM
Why do you have shadow mastery if you're not planning on hiding? Also, I would take another look at surge, if only for the RT reduction with a longbow. If you aren't going to hide, it's not a bad idea to shoot for 3x dodge, either.

01-22-2011, 08:13 PM
I'm trying to keep 3x hiding. Just sounds like to much of an advantage. I also don't get as many 1 shot kills. I mean I'm open either way but the consensus seems to be hiding is better.

01-23-2011, 12:33 PM
You need ewave if you can't hide at that level

01-28-2011, 11:38 PM
There are a lot of threads in here around the same topic, so I hope Eeky doesn't mind using thiers instead of opening a new one.

How do rogues feel about their durability against physical at the cap? Any rogues run around in plate with 2x PT trying to rock warrior-like redux with success? How about 2x armor for the fifth rank of armor spec and action penalty reduction at 180 ranks?

Also, I know we only get +AS for 2x perception, but has anyone done analysis on if 3x perception aims significantly better than 2x?

Post-cap, with the standard build all filled out, just wondering what people go after for that little extra umph.

01-28-2011, 11:47 PM
Open aiming is the only way to go.

I'm trying to think back, and I don't think I ever really used hiding much post-Wyneb. I did have 3x dodge on my rogue though -- I think the tradeoff was dropping pick / disarm to 2.5x and having only 1x PF.