View Full Version : Something funny for everyone

04-25-2004, 08:49 PM
Ill throw up the link so people can see it for themselves but ill quote it anyway for those that dont like to click links.



In an interview published Friday in the LOS ANGELES TIMES, Dem presidential hopeful John Kerry claimed he "never ever implied" that he threw his own medals during a Hill protest in 1971 to appear as an antiwar hero.

But a new shock video shows John Kerry -- in his own voice -- saying he did!

ABC's GOOD MORNING AMERICA is set to rock the political world Monday morning with an airing of Kerry's specific 1971 boast, sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.

The video was made by a local news station in 1971.

It directly contradicts Kerry's own website headline: "RIGHTWING FICTION: John Kerry threw away his medals during a Vietnam war protest."

Heres the funny part for the other side.

Kerry's campaign refused comment Sunday afternoon, citing a policy not to respond to the DRUDGE REPORT.

I wonder if its an actually specific policy or if its just a general dont comment to conservative bias news sources.

04-25-2004, 09:10 PM
That guy is so full of shit it isnt funny. I don't mean to defend anyone in particular, but he is just so blatantly full of shit I don't see how any person in their right mind can vote for him.

i remember halloween
04-25-2004, 09:12 PM
nor do i

04-25-2004, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by Siefer
That guy is so full of shit it isnt funny. I don't mean to defend anyone in particular, but he is just so blatantly full of shit I don't see how any person in their right mind can vote for him.

Well, given the choice between someone like Kerry that lies and someone like Bush that lies and gets people killed...

04-25-2004, 09:15 PM
Because its better than the alternative.

04-25-2004, 09:19 PM

04-25-2004, 09:43 PM
The fact that the Vietnamese used him in their propaganda is a strong reason why I despise him so much, but let's not forget that HIS actions caused that, so...

04-25-2004, 10:41 PM
haha Kerry=pwned

04-26-2004, 01:31 AM
Since when did the Drudge report become a bastion of the journalistic integrity???



04-26-2004, 01:36 AM
Just for you Ilvane. I hope ABC isnt too conservative for you ;)


04-26-2004, 01:41 AM
Personally, his wanting to protest Vietnam after he came back from serving there makes me like him and makes me think he was a man of integrity, as opposed to a yes man, who was afraid to stand up for what he believed in.

I think unless you had gone through Vietnam or served there, you'd be hard pressed to be able to explain what you felt about it appropriately. Some men are going to be USA right or wrong, and some are the ones who will stand up for what they believe in, and try to make positive change in the world. That's how I see Kerry.

So post all your little Drudge reports, and some more of those pictures with him sitting three rows behind Jane Fonda..it doesn't mean he is any less of a hero from the war, and wouldn't change my vote either.


04-26-2004, 01:45 AM
No one is complaining he protested the war. Lots of fine upstanding citizens did that. What he did was deceptive and wrong. Tried to make himself look like he was sacrificing his pride by throwing medals and claiming he did and then lying about it later when being a vet was popular again. Did you see the abcnews links i just put up? That isnt Drudge i swear.

04-26-2004, 01:50 AM
Anyone who is running for president and is caught lieing in such a blatant mannor should get a cumshot in the face by seven inmates.

Don't worry, someone in Flordia will vote for him.

04-26-2004, 06:38 AM
Kerry can't win..if he tossed his medals, he was being unpatriotic, and didn't care about his medals..if he didn't toss them, he was being a liar and didn't really sincerely protest..

What exactly do you want?

It was only um..32 years ago?


04-26-2004, 07:02 AM
Originally posted by Ilvane
Kerry can't win..if he tossed his medals, he was being unpatriotic, and didn't care about his medals..if he didn't toss them, he was being a liar and didn't really sincerely protest..

What exactly do you want?

It was only um..32 years ago?


It was retarded then and it is retarded now.

04-26-2004, 07:19 AM
That is pretty funny that he wouldn't respond to Drudge.

I think it brings up a good point though.

What is the forgiveness time frame for retarded transgression by public officials?

04-26-2004, 07:24 AM
Kerry can't win..if he tossed his medals, he was being unpatriotic, and didn't care about his medals

Who said this? If he tossed his medals doing something he believed in it would be far easier to respect him even if you disagree with what it is about. In fact if it was A it wouldnt be a big deal at all. Whoever said he was unpatriotic just cause he protested? No one even claimed that in this thread. I feel for you though. You cant say you agree with what he did here so you keep trying to drag it somewhere else.

04-26-2004, 07:30 AM
What is the forgiveness time frame for retarded transgression by public officials?

I dont think there is one. Every politician who runs for office knows every nook and cranny of how they lived will be viewed through a looking glass and inspected for even the most minute thing.

04-26-2004, 08:20 AM
Ok. I don't pay a whole lot of attention to politics and all that and I probably would have never posted in this thread... but my TV happened to be on ABC this morning and for the first time, I saw Kerry speak.

I just have to say, he reminds me of my sister trying to argue with my mother. He hangs on to one or two points that he makes (which are weak) and then repeats and reiterates them over and over and over. And when that fails, he pulls the "The other veterans were doing it to!!!!! Everyone saw me throw my RIBBONS!! NOT MY MEDALS!!!!!!! But there's no distinction!!!"

I seriously wanted to slap him. I mean WHAT is his PROBLEM? I don't care WHAT the hell he did wrong or didn't do wrong, YOU DON'T ARGUE LIKE A 14 YEAR OLD WHEN SOMEONE IS ASKING YOU QUESTIONS. If he threw them, fine. If he didn't, fine. But at LEAST he could make some solid arguments instead of the weak crap he was spouting this morning.

Believe me, I'm no Republican. I don't like Bush very much and I'd like to see him out of office, but I definitely wouldn't vote for this guy (Kerry) in good conscious.



04-26-2004, 10:55 AM
Actually the issue at hand is one of pure integrity. He threw somebody else's medals, someone he trapped into believing his cause, while framing his own in his office. Many others followed suit and threw THEIR OWN medals in protest. How many would have done so if they knew their organizing leader was actually throwing away someone else's medals and not his own?

How many of them threw their medals in protest to the war only to wish they hadn't after Kerry flip flopped his reasoning for being against the war?

He originally despised it for being an unjust war, and a political war (which it was). However, being afraid of getting lost in the mix of protestors, he then jump started his political career by defaming American soldiers, publicly saying that american soldiers were savages, raping vietnamese women, killing vietnamese children, randomly shooting civilian people on a whim for pleasure, making vietnamese women pregnant, and being generally disobediant and acting often in the air of insubordination.

What better way to kick off a career by defaming the same american soldiers you people say we should honor, and then throwing away someone else's medals. It's as though he's been a politician all his life.

Even now, as he recently found out that the catholic church will be denying him communion for his beliefs on abortion, he feels the need to speak out and make subtle plays in stating that he believed that under certain circumstances, he believed abortion IS wrong, but that he stands by the same laws as other americans do.

Someone was wearing sandals during that interview.....

04-26-2004, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by Hulkein

You really want to run with that? Or would you like to site the details and the sources?

Bush = Liar
Kerry = Liar

Bush has contradicted every campaign statement he made during the 2000 elections. Then again, what president hasn’t?

04-26-2004, 11:26 AM
Carter didn't, but then again, he ended up being extremely unpopular because the democratic party feared the fact that he was actually intelligent and a true rocket scientist, while the Kennedies and co. are just alcohol smuggling idiots.

So because carter couldnt get the support of even his own secretary in washington, he ended up being unfairly judged as a bad president. But Carter stuck to his word and stuck to his guns, and tried to do everything he promised. I actually think he did a hell of a job under the circumstances, but god forbid someone upstage a kennedy. The Kennedy family to me is everything that is wrong with America today.

[Edited on 4-26-2004 by GSTamral]

04-26-2004, 11:31 AM
I think any political "family" is what's wrong with America.

Carter, historically, had only one short coming. That was his need to micro-manage every aspect of his office.

04-26-2004, 11:40 AM
I think Carter had many more flaws then just that, and from a foreign policy standpoint, he could have been more firm in defending US interests, but he had integrity. On an integrity scale, here's how I'd rate em.
from 1-10

Carter: 9
Reagan: 7
Bush Sr.: 5
Clinton: 1
Bush Jr.: 5
Kerry: 2

04-26-2004, 12:22 PM
Even now, as he recently found out that the catholic church will be denying him communion for his beliefs on abortion, he feels the need to speak out and make subtle plays in stating that he believed that under certain circumstances, he believed abortion IS wrong, but that he stands by the same laws as other americans do.

A) This was an edict by the Vatican. No American Catholic listens to the Vatican anyways. How many Catholics on this board use birth control?

B) It was an edict applying to all Catholic politicians, not just John Kerry. Don't frame it as the Vatican outright decrying Kerry.

C) The Vatican is filled with blowhards. I predict great change in the Catholic Church in the next 50 years, and it'll be change for the better.


04-26-2004, 12:27 PM
Wow, the Repubs are pretty desperate to get at Kerry and his military service.

If I were Bush or Cheney I don't think I'd want people pulling this issue, and saying they were better at this.:snicker:


04-26-2004, 12:35 PM
Ilvane, it has nothing to do with military service. It has to do with love for your country and honesty. Kerry has neither. He is a typical bleeding heart northern liberal.

I find myself more in tune with the message of the southern democrat and the new republicans, who ask for fiscal conservatism and socially are more open.

But I would rather have a hardcore conservative in office than someone like John Kerry. In fact, I would rather have Nader in office than John Kerry because at least Nader practices what he preaches. I'd have preferred Edwards over any of the candidates but unfortunately he isnt an option anymore.

04-26-2004, 12:38 PM
What the Republican machine has done so far successfully is branded Kerry as a liberal, and a flip-flopper. They don't really back things up, but I think the whole idea is to repeat things as often as possible to make sure that it sticks. Even a lie can be percieved as truth this way.

I think Bush's failed policies in wars, the economy, the environment, and working wage job creation should be enough to convince people, but instead he is scaring people into believing that changing the president will somehow make us less safe in terrorism. That is disturbing, to me.


04-26-2004, 01:01 PM
Ilvane, that is just as disturbing as the liberal propaganda machine going off and blaming Bush for our current economic status. In 2000, the market underwent a rather large crash, with the Nasdaq dropping from 5000 to under 2800. In fact, the day Bush took office, the NASDAQ stood at 2300. In 2000, Sun Microsystems, Cisco, and a few other bellweather tech companies announced that they would be planning layoffs and forced employeee hiatus assignments.
Why? Because simply put, the bubble had burst.

By the time Clinton left office, we were spending 1.029 for every 1.00 in consumer net income. THATS FUCKING HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Let me re-iterate that point for clarity. THATS FUCKING HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!. In fact, its so horrible that it is WORSE THAN THE SPENDING RATE IN THE 20'S WHICH LED TO THE GREAT DEPRESSION.

I think Bush should have focused more on the economy at home, however, there is only so much he can do. The tax cuts are a slow but steady way to standardize the threshhold of the velocity of the dollar, but considering where we were, I'm not sure how much it could possibly have helped. And he was also left with a catch-22. Should he tell Americans to save more of their money when its consumer spending that drives the economy forward? That is the primary division point between fiscal conservatives and fiscal liberals. The liberals see fit to proclaim that government spending drives our economy, whereas fiscal conservatives believe that consumer spending is what drives the economy forward.

History would tell you that no government driven spending machine can ever catch up to consumer driven spending, simply because after all the bells and whistles of those liberal socialistic governments, they are lucky if 60 cents out of every dollar is spent where it is intended. A consumer on the other hand, is able to spend the entire dollar.

Our spending rate is still above 99 cents, but at least its under a dollar now. Had you spent some time looking, you would also see the last several sets of earnings reports has finally begun to come back and show significant year over year growth. February and March's job reports are finally showing signs of life, raising fears about interest rate hikes in the face of the recent growth.

The country is beginning to make money again, but it may take beyond the next presidency to unfuck everything Clinton fucked up.

04-26-2004, 01:37 PM
if in my middle age, i am judged for everything i felt, said and did in my early 20s, I'll be in trouble.

04-26-2004, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Chyrain
if in my middle age, i am judged for everything i felt, said and did in my early 20s, I'll be in trouble. Lying is always wrong.

04-26-2004, 01:44 PM
I need to run for president when I'm 43. I think I can win. Now I just need to establish myself in politics. :cool:

04-26-2004, 02:24 PM
You guys who are saying the whole thing that 'oh it was in his past' realize that he lied about it RECENTLY. What he said RECENTLY contradicts what he said on tape years ago.

He didn't just get caught lying 30 years ago, he got caught lying today...

04-26-2004, 03:53 PM
I watched GMA this morning as well and was a tad disapointed that Charlie didnt grill him a lil more. He kept trying to say back then ribbons=medals and thats the only reason it might look like a lie. Here is the part of the tape Charlie should have showed him.

Kerry was asked if he gave back the Bronze Star, Silver Star and three Purple Hearts he was awarded for combat duty as a Navy lieutenant in Vietnam. "Well, and above that, [I] gave back the others," he said.

I would love to see his answer to that. Its almost like they didnt even mention the tape in the interview.

04-26-2004, 04:01 PM
Actually, it's like Ilvane said. It doesn't matter how much he lies, and how bad a person he is, and how poor a job he has done in the Senate, or even how bad his voting record is, or how inhuman it is to ask other people, as a leader, to throw away their medals when you keep yours secretly away.

John Kerry is a good man. Everything bad anyone says about him is false. He is in fact the next incarnate of the human savior, a representative of god......

04-26-2004, 04:02 PM
Duh Tamral... it's just the churnings of the massive republican machine.