View Full Version : Support a chicago based industrial band

01-20-2011, 09:44 AM
Hey gang, I was hoping anyone with some spare time might give me a hand in helping out a local band I'm well acquainted with. They need to accrue the most votes to be featured in RockScarz magazine... that's where you come in.

If you go here: http://rockscarz.net/forum/topic/103/page/1#407
and register, takes about a minute, the standard "check your email for verification link" crap, and just reply to the thread with a vote for SutureSelf... I'd appreciate it. I really have no incentive to offer except my thanks and pictures of my genitals, either of which you can feel free to accept or decline. Thank you kindly.

01-20-2011, 10:37 AM
a vote for SutureSelf

I'm going to do it just because that is a fucking amazing band name. How are they taken seriously on the HARDMETAL circuit with a fucking pun like that?

01-20-2011, 10:43 AM
I'm going to do it just because that is a fucking amazing band name. How are they taken seriously on the HARDMETAL circuit with a fucking pun like that?

Appreciate it. Here's one of their songs in case you're interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEgvYnSUbPA