View Full Version : war griffin/ithzir warcry question

01-17-2011, 12:56 PM
Hi, does anyone know if there is a way to defend against that screeching thing the war griffins use on you? I'm only level 80 and they're 100, so I'm thinking that's the problem.

I'm also having the same problem with the janissary's warcry. Killing either of them is fairly easy unless they start yelling. I've even tried shooting them in the neck, but I'm not sure if it's helping. Any ideas? Thanks

01-17-2011, 12:58 PM
level difference, influence, and spells

Janissary is a warrior skill, so of course if you know that skill that will help also.

Level difference is probably the biggest factor.

01-17-2011, 01:03 PM
Stance and encumbrance, too, I believe.

01-17-2011, 01:08 PM
Any ideas? Get out of Ithzir.

Sounds like you're walking back and forth to the aquaduct.

Assuming you're hunting the duct, honestly your best protection is to download Lich, use ;go2 to travel directly to the aquaduct and back each time, and type ;go2 typeahead = 2

if the typeahead is too much (4-5) it may pause in front of something to reset the script if it misses a direction. if typeahead is 0-1, it may also pause in front of something.

Another idea would be to cast 140 before the walk.

If it's that bad, grind out a few levels in the Rift. You can always hunt the krynch / elemental area in the bowels.

I hunted Ithzir from level 88 - 99 in Shattered, scripting AFK the entire time. That damn screech was annoying even at 88. Doesn't get better until 93-94 or so. And I was a Giantman ranger with an influence stat in the 90s, with 618 (with 90 ranks of ranger spells)/ 606 / 509 up, completely unencumbered.

01-17-2011, 01:10 PM
By spells, I mean, self-control, bravery, heroism to name a few....all the fear based spells, etc.

If you are running back and forth to the ducts....set a ring to make it safer.

01-17-2011, 01:13 PM
Influence is not a factor in Griffin Shrieks as per the GMs. Best bet is stuff like Heroism and Symbol of Courage.

01-17-2011, 01:19 PM
;go2 is the best bet. it doesn't give em a chance to dive.

when I used to gank the Marlu clan, if they were using ;go2, i couldn't even get a single attack command off vs. them if they were in transit. unless they hit a lag spike.. i would spam the command and it wouldn't even register with the server until they had arrived at the destination.

the shriek is poorly designed. so just use ;go2 to circumvent :P

01-17-2011, 01:34 PM
When I capped I only had 1.5x pf and the shriek used to give me a good bit of RT. Now that I'm a full 2x (and when I was a full 3x) I am not affected by it. Very rarely I'll get 3-5 second rt. Another possibility is that during this same time I trained from 80 to 120 ranks in blessing lore, which affects heroism.

01-17-2011, 02:35 PM
At cap, with 2x PF and dauntless up, I'll still (although rarely) get caught in a 10s+ shriek. Stance may have something to do with it, ask it usually happens while I'm in swing RT. Warcries never give me a problem.

01-17-2011, 02:49 PM
Webs got me killed more than griffin shrieks....

01-17-2011, 04:25 PM
Any ideas? Get out of Ithzir.

Sounds like you're walking back and forth to the aquaduct.

I actually hunt the griffins and the ithzir things (except seers and adepts)... and yes, the webs are horrible!

Thanks for all the info :)

01-17-2011, 05:03 PM
I would suggest more PF as well. I believe someone said it's the primary factor in most maneuver abilities.

01-17-2011, 05:40 PM
That's correct. Are the shrieks based on maneuvers?

01-17-2011, 06:08 PM
I dont think PF would help against that particular maneuver, but anything is possible.

01-17-2011, 06:26 PM
That's correct. Are the shrieks based on maneuvers?

Nobody (to my knowledge) really knows what they're based on. War cries used to be CS based, back before they overhauled guild skills.

If you hunt with a warrior, they have a war cry (Yowlp) that boosts screech/war cry defense.

01-18-2011, 01:20 AM
Song of Valor helps a bit as well -- IIRC, it was a small bonus that was comparable to symbol of courage.

01-18-2011, 09:32 AM
hunting with bigshot every once in a while might be worth it

there's nothing like watching your capped ranger walk around destroying everything in sight with 635 at maximum typing speed

01-18-2011, 11:48 AM
Webs got me killed more than griffin shrieks....

Gibreficul made a script for me that dispels webs with 119. it runs during hunting - will basically 119 the web right when you enter the room. it might need a little tweaking. have him PM me, and if you get his permission I'll send it to you. he's strict about that stuff.

01-18-2011, 12:53 PM

01-18-2011, 01:43 PM
I know people who use that script. They dispel MY webs. Namely Eoghain, who I wont kill for doing that shit. Other people, after the 4th-5th time you will be KOS.

01-18-2011, 02:40 PM
he mentioned he could alter it to check for players in the room first.. :)

01-23-2011, 03:54 AM
I know people who use that script. They dispel MY webs. Namely Eoghain, who I wont kill for doing that shit. Other people, after the 4th-5th time you will be KOS.

He isn't using my script.

Written by Gibreficul
def rloot(what = nil)
return nil if GameObj.loot == nil
if what.to_i != 0
return nil unless GameObj.loot.find{|shit| shit.id.to_i == what.to_i}
return(GameObj.loot.find{|shit| shit.id.to_i == what.to_i}) if GameObj.loot.find{|shit| shit.id.to_i == what.to_i}
elsif what =~ /\s/
return(nil) unless GameObj.loot.find{|shit| shit.name =~ /#{what}/i}
return(GameObj.loot.find{|shit| shit.name =~ /#{what}/i}) if GameObj.loot.find{|shit| shit.name =~ /#{what}/i}
elsif what =~ /\w+/i
return nil unless GameObj.loot.find{|shit| shit.noun =~ /#{what}/i}
return(GameObj.loot.find{|shit| shit.noun =~ /#{what}/i}) if GameObj.loot.find{|shit| shit.noun =~ /#{what}/i}
x = XMLData.room_count
wait_while{XMLData.room_count == x}
unless checkpcs
if rloot("web") && rloot("web").name !~ /burn|flame|fire/ && Spell[119].affordable? && Spell[119].known?
pause_script("go2") if running? 'go2'
Spell[119].cast "##{(rloot('web').id)}"
unpause_script("go2") if running? 'go2'