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01-13-2011, 12:47 PM
he once looked like this


01-23-2011, 05:54 PM
I Was Going To Post Today On My New Favorite Food Hobby But I Learned That My Favorite Forum No Longer Exists. What Happened? Did You Get Too Close To The Truth In Your Conspiracy Theory Section?

01-23-2011, 05:57 PM
The Illuminati Shut Him Down.

01-23-2011, 07:52 PM
lol. Man I was waiting for this to pop up. Let's just say I don't think the company was too happy about me having "porn bots" on my board so I am taking my design and going to open up my own domain here eventually. I am working on other things at the moment however. But when I make the site I will let you guys know. That's if I ever do. I have my hands in many different areas at the moment. I'm a busy body.

01-23-2011, 07:59 PM
Also, just to let you guys know, I switched the link that led to my board about the coming events leading up to 2012 to a different thread that I started over 6 years ago and that has over 140,000 views so that one is the exact same replica basically of the one that was on my board which barely had over 2,000 views. So feel free to check that out as well.

01-23-2011, 08:01 PM
lol. Man I was waiting for this to pop up. Let's just say I don't think the company was too happy about me having "porn bots" on my board so I am taking my design and going to open up my own domain here eventually. I am working on other things at the moment however. But when I make the site I will let you guys know. That's if I ever do. I have my hands in many different areas at the moment. I'm a busy body.

That's quite shocking. I thought the bots were part of your business plan and the ability to spread porn was a big selling point of these boards. One would imagine that you looked into the terms of agreement before starting this site and got these issues settled away.

I hope this hasn't spoiled the relationship between you and your business partners.

01-23-2011, 08:03 PM
I hope this hasn't spoiled the relationship between you and your business partners.
It will probably make it easier for him to buy them out.

01-23-2011, 08:08 PM
That's quite shocking. I thought the bots were part of your business plan and the ability to spread porn was a big selling point of these boards. One would imagine that you looked into the terms of agreement before starting this site and got these issues settled away.

I hope this hasn't spoiled the relationship between you and your business partners.

Nah those bots were kind of like a back handed blessing. lol. But I'm glad it all went down the way it did before I ever put ads on the board but that wouldn't have been for months anyways because I was waiting for a specific population count on the board before I was going to really start digging into it. But the whole free message board service was a test run for me anyways. My Father started a website not long ago and started marketing some of his "skype inventions" if you want to call them that and was doing about $2,000 a month just off the clicks on his Skype ads.

Of course he was in his 50's when he made it so I am still learning the ropes here but I'm 26 so this knowledge is very important for me. I think dishing out the $30 or whatever it will be to buy my own domain with my design which I saved to a microsoft word file will eliminate the possibility that it ever happens again however I must also say that I would have been very pissed off if I had set up the ads and such down the road and then Iboards decided to yank my board then. That situation would be very different. Although in that case there would be nothing I could do as I learned that when you're using another companies message board service you are completely under their thumb regardless of revenue or not. So My Dad was right about that. lol. And it's hard for me to admit when he is right.

01-23-2011, 08:11 PM
Let this be a lesson to you all. Be your own boss in every way possible.

01-23-2011, 08:11 PM
Let this be a lesson to you all. Be your own boss in every way possible.

Oh and for the record, fuck Iboards. I didn't even get a warning before they shut it down.

01-23-2011, 08:37 PM
I have my hands in many different areas at the moment. I'm a busy body.

Maybe if you stopped touching yourself you could focus.

01-23-2011, 09:30 PM
Maybe if you stopped touching yourself you could focus.

I'll be honest guys. I'd be a little hesitant to start any new projects until after December 21st, 2012 as I'm sure you are already aware that I am a firm believer in what's going to happen as we approach that date. So if it turns out that I am wrong and that nothing happens, then would be a good time for you or me to push ahead with our other plans. As is my entire day is literally consumed by the projects I have already started. The good news is I only have a few more things I need to do before I can finally take a bit of a break. It's just when I start things I am the kind of person that will keep at them until I am completely satisfied with them. That's why I didn't have time to really do anything with the board. It was kind of like the bastard step child and I feel bad about that but just like that movie the game where the guy gets fired and then realizes it freed up his time a bit is exactly what happened to me here with that.

01-24-2011, 05:16 AM
If the world is gonna end in a year, why do anything - just go out and do whatever the fuck you want.

Chances are the punishment will only last until dec 21st, 2012, right?

01-24-2011, 04:37 PM
I think its clear that the strain of competition created by my message board
http://suckerfishsucks.aimoo.com/ brought your message board to its knees.

Maybe next time you will include a section for chicken.

01-24-2011, 05:26 PM
I think its clear that the strain of competition created by my message board
http://suckerfishsucks.aimoo.com/ brought your message board to its knees.

Maybe next time you will include a section for chicken.

That, good sir, made my evening.

01-24-2011, 10:21 PM
I think its clear that the strain of competition created by my message board
http://suckerfishsucks.aimoo.com/ brought your message board to its knees.

Maybe next time you will include a section for chicken.