View Full Version : Trade Stuff

01-08-2011, 01:52 PM
UPDATE! Some accounts back open.

TNK Extended Trade List

I will definitely be closing out the accounts for a spell. I’ll be back eventually so I don’t really care if I sell or just keep it all shelved till whenever. If you’re interested in an item, a PM/IM /carrier pigeon/whatever should contain an OFFER of cash/coins/trades. Items I would be interested in are listed below.

Looking for:
Coins or cash offers!


4x perfect steel dagger
4x perfect steel short-sword
4x perfect steel spear
4x perfect steel lance

Notes on Mana Vial Flaring:
Character swinging the weapon needs MIU to activate the flare
Creature being swung at needs 1) be in the same level range 2) have mana
Damage done needs to inflict a rank 1 wound
Vial created needs to be drunk by a character with mana control training, more MC means more mana
Vials go bad after ~2 weeks
See also: http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Convocation_of_Coraesine_Field#Mana_Vial_flares

an elaborate golvern dagger with a despanal vial center-set in the blade's fuller
Mana Vial Flaring
Elegantly forged Golvern

a thick silver golvern bastard sword
Mana vial flaring
golvern bastard sword

a ruby-hilted black rolaren longsword
Mana Vial Flaring Longsword:

a mystical fireleaf crossbow
The stock and stave of this crossbow have been meticulously crafted from sturdy gray-green boughs of fireleaf. Fixed onto the length is a sleek, polished sight that has been edged with golvern. The groove has been inlaid with a series of shaped despanal sigils, smoothed down to gleam in the light. The bowstring itself is almost invisible; the only hint of its existence is a faint shimmer it sends into the air as if aflame.
4x Base enchant for the crossbow
Crossbow create own ammo when cocked
Bolts vary from +1 - +30 AS
Bolts also randomly damage weighted
Bolts are permablessed


a shining hoarfrost white orb
It provides a bonus of 9 to Spell Aiming Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 27 times.

a veniom-alloy visored helm
SHOW: The base mithglin of the helm is a dusky black, its surface swirled with barely-lighter streaks of charcoal grey, and the blue of a starless night. Intricate wings of golden-dyed mithglin sweep back from the sides of the helm, linked together by a visor of the gleaming veniom-alloy that surrounds the eye-holes and forms the nasal guard. A sharp spike projects from atop the nose guard, lending the helm a vaguely menacing mein.

The helm resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 5 to Dexterity Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 33 times.
The helm looks to have a lot of charges remaining.

You sense that the visored helm will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.

a thick rolaren helm

The helm resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 9 to Harness Power Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 27 times.
It provides a bonus of 6 to Spiritual Lore - Blessings Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 21 times.
It provides a bonus of 6 to Brawling Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 13 times.
The helm looks to have a lot of charges remaining.

The helm resonates with your voice, revealing some details of its temporary enhancement:
The helm's enhancement will degrade when the wearer is struck in combat.
It should be able to withstand an incredible amount of uses before its enhancement has completely degraded away.
When its enhancement has degraded away, the item will simply return to normal.

As your song penetrates the rolaren helm, you determine that it is moderately resistant to puncturing attacks.

The first thing that strikes you about the helm is the weight, which is about 4 pounds.

The greaves resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 7 to Influence.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 11 times.
The greaves looks to have a huge number of charges remaining.

The first thing that strikes you about the greaves is the weight, which is about 5 pounds.

Fluffy Stuff:

an enruned firelead staff capped with a scarlet glass orb
Fiery runestaff that makes letter runes
>You raise your fireleaf staff skyward!
A streak of fire issues from the staff and begins whirling just overhead, forming a single blurred mass of fire which, when it comes to a stop, leaves behind a fiery rune signifying the letter L.
Can create one rune per room. Each raise takes 10% of current mana. Duration of rune is based on mana used. Never bothered to time it. Seems to be a couple hours when taking 50 mana.

A satiny silver-white dreamstone with opaque powder blue inclusions
SHOW: Faint wisps of pale cyan run across the satiny surface of the square-cut dreamstone. The inclusions display a color gradient from one end of the stone to the other, darkening in color as they reach the center of the gem.
IN FEATURE: A satiny silver-white dreamstone with opaque powder blue inclusions is positioned between her eyes, which casts a sparkling ivory sheen across her face.
Dreamstone forehead gem
A delicate silver filigree pattern swirls briefly within a satiny silver-white dreamstone with opaque powder blue inclusions set against XXXXXX's forehead.
A satiny silver-white dreamstone with opaque powder blue inclusions is positioned between her eyes, which casts a sparkling ivory sheen across her face.
A satiny silver-white dreamstone with opaque powder blue inclusions on XXXXXX's forehead catches a brief flicker of starlight and glows with a luminous brilliance.
A satiny silver-white dreamstone with opaque powder blue inclusions on XXXXXX's forehead flares into ivory flames, causing the air around XXXXXX to waver.
A satiny silver-white dreamstone with opaque powder blue inclusions on XXXXXX's forehead glimmers in the ambient light, swirling with liquid flecks of silver, gold, and ivory.
A satiny silver-white dreamstone with opaque powder blue inclusions, which is set against XXXXXX's forehead, glitters brightly for a few moments.
A shower of dancing ivory and silver sparks flare up from XXXXXX's silver-white dreamstone.
A starbust of silver and ivory sparks erupts from the silver-white dreamstone that is on XXXXXX's forehead.
An ebon shadow swirls through a satiny silver-white dreamstone with opaque powder blue inclusions on XXXXXX's forehead, momentarily casting her countenance in darkness.
Arabesques of ivory twine deep within the heart of XXXXXX's silver-white dreamstone.
Faint wisps of pale cyan run across the satiny surface of the square-cut dreamstone. The inclusions display a color gradient from one end of the stone to the other, darkening in color as they reach the center of the gem.
XXXXXX's silver-white dreamstone pulses against her forehead, giving off a faint ivory glow.
XXXXXX's silver-white dreamstone pulses against her forehead, sending silver and ivory sparks dancing around her lashes.
XXXXXX's silver-white dreamstone, which is set against her forehead, dims and then suddenly brightens again as silver sparks swirl within the gem.
The silver-white dreamstone on XXXXXX's forehead dims drastically as a cloud of darkness roils deep within the gem. After a moment, it fades, returning to its normal state.
The silver-white dreamstone on XXXXXX's forehead dims, then suddenly brightens in a luminous plume of tiny silver and ivory sparks that radiate out from her eyes in a feather-like pattern.
The silver-white dreamstone on XXXXXX's forehead flickers softly, causing ivory flames to briefly flare within her eyes.
The silver-white dreamstone on XXXXXX's forehead flickers, as if a tiny ivory flame has appeared inside. Without so much as a breath of smoke, it is extinguished.
The silver-white dreamstone on XXXXXX's forehead sparkles brilliantly as an errant ray of light hits it.
The veins in XXXXXX's silver-white dreamstone glow a brilliant ivory color.

an illthorn treasure chest secured with bronze bands
Creates a random gem once a month by closing and then opening
Holds VLA
Weighs 1lb

Bemm Miniatures:

From EG Trick or Treating:
a bulky rough troll figurine
SHOW: Ragged clothing, dark brown and dingy grey, hang off the bulky body of the troll figurine that is carved of driftwood and riddled with grit. Lank, scraggly strands of moss cover his boxy head, which is carved with a deep burrowing brow and fitted with onyx eyes. A pair of meaty hands with bulbous thumbs, are left open and dangle to the troll's knobby knees.

a robed stoic priest figurine
SHOW: Carved from a solid piece of white birch, the figurine is a fashioned in the semblance of a priest of Koar. Deeply incised markings form the folds of a robe that drapes from the priest's broad shoulders, while gold inlay at the lapels form simple crowns. A thin wisp of hair rings his head, which is shiny with lacquer.

My not so subtle Anime set:

a red-haired lithe human miniature
SHOW: The human male has long red hair tied back into a loose pony-tail. A cross-shaped scar marks his left cheek and adds a feeling of menace to his cold, violet eyes. Sheathed at his waist is a katana.

a yellow-haired goggled boy miniature
SHOW: You see a miniature of an odd boy wearing a orange and blue outfit. Over his forehead is a pair of dusty, old goggles while his mouth is twisted in a half-crazy grin. The confident posture matches the determination in his sky blue eyes.

a red-headed pig-tailed girl miniature
SHOW: You see a miniature depicting a fiery human girl with bright red pigtails.

Bemmified Prize set from Withywind Contest. These were available off shelf but I got a boosted set as a runner up in the design contest.
a kobold warmage miniature
a dark kobold wayfarer miniature
a tiny badly damaged fel catapult
a small lopsided stick fort
a ragged kobold bandit miniature
a jerry-built dirty miniature ballista

The miniature that won either the 1st or 2nd Bemm competition onboard the Dhu Gillywhack for the Super prizes and it’s companion.
a finely dressed Nalfein maiden miniature holding a pair of delicate silk fans
a lithe Nalfein huntress miniature wielding a pair of chakrams


some large morduska hide boots
Altered eel skin boots
Hold a small amount for any number of items; like 50-60 gems

some large selshis skin boots
Altered eel skin boots
Hold a small amount for any number of items; like 50-60 gems

a hip-length fringed doeskin vest
Large amount

a thin black leather bag embossed with the image of a beckoning Nalfein maiden
LA capacity
Belt worn

a floppy pink bunny-shaped bag
LA capacity
Can be lightened or deepened
Belt worn

a hooded elven cloak
VLA capacity
Altered consolation cloak – 12 scripts or so

a tanned leather jacket3lbs
Holds LA
Pin worn

50 item count gem jars/beakers/bottles. Have 50 of most types.

Alchemy made glowing stuff:
a vial of glowing dye additive
Add this to an alchemy made dye to make it glow.

a glowing black vial of dye
Pour this on an item to make it be glowing black. Does not work on most scripted items. Can have some alterers add it.

A pack of random Ebon Gate rare treats found during the massive crimson wurm invasion, Trick or Treating and/or Digging.

In the ale brown pack you see a wart-riddled plump green frog, a silver sickle symbol, an etched steel astrolabe, an etched steel astrolabe, a toy ironwood shrickhen, a pair of pale silver spectacles, a pair of pale silver spectacles, a white vaalin toy spectral miner, a white vaalin toy spectral miner and a carved teak marionette censer.

01-23-2011, 11:49 PM
Bump. Trading for uh coins/cash now too.

01-24-2011, 03:49 PM
Updated with actual details. Sifting through all the bloody PMs now.

01-24-2011, 10:03 PM
HCW dagger and dagger bandolier are sold!

a stout wyrwood long bow


an elegant fel-hilted golvern dagger
Elegant forging
Unbalance flares


a heavy-bladed golvern dagger with a wicked veniom alloy-spiked knuckle guard
Heavily crit weighted
Elegantly forged golvern


a gem-pommeled eahnor gladius graced with spirals of etched runes
SHOW: Tiny wisps of smoke rise from the eahnor gladius's blade. Beautifully crafted and well balanced, you are not quite sure you have ever seen a gladius so finely made. Forged by elves many, many years ago, the eahnor gladius's blade crawls with runes telling of the great battles between the elves and the trolls. The runes bespeak of the power of this gladius and its dedicated purpose of locating and dispatching trolls and their kin.
6x base, cycles to +10x when swung at trolls
Trollbane Gladius
Fire flares (does normal double hit on trolls)
Two scripts for locating trolls
Works on Grimswarm, great weapon for a Sunfister.


a form-fitting black bandolier vest
Bottomless dagger bandolier


a shining hoarfrost white orb
It provides a bonus of 12 to Spell Aiming Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 47 times.


01-25-2011, 01:26 AM
Wyrwood bow sold.

Added Bemm miniatures.

01-25-2011, 02:07 AM
How much did that HCW dagger go for?

01-29-2011, 02:52 PM
OKay, I'm coming off a 3 or 4 day romp in Rift. My brain is totally melted.

I believe I have caught up with all the PM's asking about items as well as posted sold on sold items.

I might have also added things which I don't remember adding right this moment.

02-01-2011, 04:03 AM

Here is your God Auction this year, get it while you can.

Some of the best stuff available in the game currently, in every category of item type.

02-01-2011, 07:18 PM
Trollbane gladius has been sold.

Added containers I forgot I owned and a pack of random EG digging/invasion/ToT oddities.

02-04-2011, 09:49 AM

Rift Beta is opening up today so my responses may be sluggish till Monday.

02-08-2011, 10:20 PM
Some items be sold:

A rat skull satchel
LA capacity
Can be lightened or deepened a couple of times
Belt worn


A tightly woven spidersilk satchel
LA capacity
Belt worn


an open-backed black chainsil gown
SHOW: The slender gown is fashioned from airy black chainsil. With its back low-cut and open, the gown is suspended from a wide band of fabric that reaches up from the bodice to rest behind the neck. In a design fashioned to hug the wearer's form, the full skirt billows out from the hips into a sweeping train of golden moire underskirts.
Pin worn
VLA capacity
Altered elven tunic


a pair of dirty rag handwraps
Fully unlocked handwraps
You slowly wrap your hands with cloth and then tie off the ends to form a secure binding.
You sniffle loudly and rub your cloth-wrapped hands under your nose which squeaks oddly as the cartilage moves back and forth.
You run your cloth-wrapped hands through your deep black hair, momentarily drawing your shaven head tresses from your violet eyes.
You briskly rub your cloth-wrapped hands across your face in an attempt to clean it but only end up smearing the dirt around.
You toss your hands in the air in exasperation, the loose ends of your wrappings flapping in the breeze your motion creates.
You tug your cloth hand-wrappings into place around your fingers.
You carefully loosen the bindings on each of your handwraps and they easily unravel into your waiting hands.
You hold out your hand and display the dirty palm of your cloth-wrapped hand. Tapping the palm, you jut your lower lip forward in a pout and silently beg for a hand-out.
You hold out your hand and display the dirty palm of your cloth-wrapped hand. Tapping the palm with your free hand, you turn pleading eyes towards YYYYY.

XXXXX slowly wraps his hands with cloth and then ties off the ends to form a secure binding.
XXXXX sniffles loudly and rubs his cloth-wrapped hands under his nose which squeaks oddly as the cartilage moves back and forth.
XXXXX runs his cloth-wrapped hands through his deep black hair, momentarily drawing his shaven head tresses from his violet eyes.
XXXXX tugs his cloth hand-wrappings into place around his fingers.
XXXXX briskly rubs his cloth-wrapped hands across his face in an attempt to clean it but only ends up smearing the dirt around.
XXXXX tosses his hands in the air in exasperation, the loose ends of his wrappings flapping in the breeze that his motion creates.
XXXXX carefully loosens the bindings on each of his handwraps and they easily unravel into his waiting hands.
XXXXX holds out his hand and displays the dirty palm of his cloth-wrapped hand. Tapping the palm, he juts his lower lip forward in a pout and silently begs for a hand-out.
XXXXX holds out his hand and displays the dirty palm of his cloth-wrapped hand. Tapping the palm with his free hand, he turns pleading eyes towards YYYYY.


a cracked leather belt loop
Surrounded by some swirling mist is a glowing black moon axe.
Bottomless handaxe bandolier
Lightning flaring


02-10-2011, 01:16 PM
More stuff gone, some stuff added.

a qahzumar carapace-cradled crystal shard
a small sand elemental
For more details: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=32803

a monstrous polar bear fur jacket with a deep fuzzy hood
Holds LA
Special scripting from EG, auto-closes after some amount of time

>ope jac
You brush your finger gently against the glossy back of the spider resting on your bear fur jacket. It obediently unravels its webbed lock, allowing the clasp to spring open.
>clos jac
You lightly tap the clasp of your jacket. A tiny black spider crawls out and quickly begins to weave a thick glistening web around the clasp, fastening it securely closed.

02-22-2011, 05:40 PM
Most of my accounts are now on hold. Last one will shut down after a run through Droughtman.

09-06-2011, 11:03 PM
Bump. Some accounts back open.

09-09-2011, 11:22 AM
Bump. Rifling through the stuff I don't use, I'll probably be adding a coraesine sword, TWC T2 briar weapon set, 3 setting teleport amulet soon. Although I guess I should move this thread out of the trade section too.

09-16-2011, 11:45 PM

09-17-2011, 12:18 PM
Stuff Sold:

4x perfect steel maul

a thick mithglin aventail

The aventail resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 3 to Magic Item Use Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 5 times.
It provides a bonus of 5 to Ranged Weapons Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 9 times.
The aventail looks to have a huge number of charges remaining.

You sense that the mithglin aventail will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.