View Full Version : Rechargable 909 Necklace

12-20-2010, 08:23 AM
a garnet-set imflass necklace

Fully recharged 909 Tremors. (Should be 40 charges)

Great spell, makes critters and players full down multiple times, each with potential roundtime.

As a bonus, whenever a critter tries to stand, not only does it miss the chance to attack that round but it also goes into stance offensive.

Just for the hell of it, I'll recharge it for free whenever it's empty.

You rub your imflass necklace.
1d100: 57 + Modifiers: 296 == 353

It's definitely rub.

Modifiers = (MIU Skill bonus) + (Aura Stat Modifier) + (Magical Knowledge Bonus) + (INTUITION bonus) + (LOGIC bonus)
- (45) - (Armor Penalty) - (Encumbrance Penalty)

Magical Knowledge Bonus = 20 if you're elementally inclined (sorcerer, wizard, warrior, rogue, bard)
End roll needs to be above 100. So to guarantee success you'd need your total modifier to be = 100.
Assuming you're not wearing anything greater than full leather armor, and have no encumbrance then it's aura bonus + int bonus + logic bonus + 20 if you're elemental + MIU skill.
This should give you a pretty good idea of your success margin. It shouldn't be too hard.

MB: 100k
CB: 250k to Alandira Going Three times ... SOLD!!
XXX AMATEUR VIDEOS (http://www.fucktube.com/)

12-20-2010, 10:04 AM
Is it tap or rub activation?

100k either or way

12-20-2010, 12:06 PM
How Much MIU required to use this Item?


12-20-2010, 07:03 PM
How Much MIU required to use this Item?

I thought you needed as many ranks as the spell level, so in this instance (9), but I could be wrong, if so I'm sure someone will correct me.

12-23-2010, 03:14 AM
One last update before sale.
HERBAL VAPORIZER (http://herbalvaporizers.info)