View Full Version : How Much is Enough?

08-04-2003, 06:53 PM
I'm starting a new thread with a snip from Parkbandit:

<< I wouldn't consider 80 million being "affordable for the normal people" >>

Thank you. :D

It started me thinking about owning "items of power".

I feel the game is viable with off-the-rack 4X gear though at least level 70. After that, until you reach OTF, 6-8X and maybe some padding will work. Everything else is just icing.

I have a few items that are special to me, but I could do without almost everything else I own.

So, how much and/or what kind of "stuff" will make you happy as a player?


08-04-2003, 06:55 PM
Have to agree with you Askip, I feel anyone should be able to advance with simple store bought stuff. Adredrin is 82, and can still hunt with "normal" items. He has 4x leathers, an 4x shield, and an ebladed dagger. Thats All I use.


08-04-2003, 07:02 PM
What I "need" and what I would "like" are two massively different cookies. Being an item buff, I would love a number of things. At present I would love the self mana Invis brig (ebay for $250), or the Fog Beetle armor (9x incredible padding). I'd love that Parrier that is going around, and, though I am loathe to say it, a number of Tsin's items, like the Trolls' Heart and the Shaman's skull.

Never too keen on the Elemental Bows or Teleport Items. I have always been for practical use first and foremost. Self mana heroism/strength would be nice.

But at the moment I am doing just great with FGB, 5x falchion, 6x shield.

08-04-2003, 07:26 PM
Depends on the profession really.

A wizard can easily make it to OTF in just 5x shield/leathers/weapon, if they have the right training.

I'm confident the same probably applies to sorcerers and clerics too. Warriors/rogues tend to cost more because they need good equipment early on, although later on they are much cheaper to maintain than even wizards. Rangers, however, need a boatload of equipment to just be able to touch upper end hunting areas. Hopefully GSIV will do more to help them out, but only time will tell.

08-04-2003, 09:01 PM
I don't need anything more than 4x to hunt, but it does help. The difference between a 4x axe and a 10x axe is hunting in advanced and hunting in offensive for me, and that means dying that many times fewer per a train. Of course, I have yet to take a character above level 70, so that's subject to change.

Redux and plate also help here, something I won't have nearly as much of in a few months.

08-04-2003, 09:19 PM
<< difference between a 4x axe and a 10x axe >>

Oh, I agree there. My blade and shield are 10x, I just cannot justify (or afford) the extra 20-30+ million for padded 10x. My armor is plain 8x fulls because I do things like spend 6 mil getting a pocket deepened. :D

08-05-2003, 01:44 AM
I did the rift with normal gear. I had 1x heavy crit padded robes for fire mages and rift. I always put my nice gear on my cleric. Avator. Had 7x rapped around very heavy leathers. Means incredible+ very heavy padding. Lohlem cried and cried over those, what a baby. I even played with incredible 9x cuirbolli in the rift. For the price. You don't need any of that. Maybe you will die more, so what? Cheaper to buy a high level character to rescue you. Celtic has all the elite gear. But he dies nonstop. Maybe because everyone helped that asshole die.


Dighn Darkbeam
08-07-2003, 01:41 PM
I hunt with 8x fulls and a 8x shield. I dont usually use a weapon because im a brawler. With the spell changes I will probably get 10x leathers and shield, probably start carrying a 4x brawling weapon.

[Edited on 8-7-2003 by Dighn Darkbeam]