View Full Version : Cleaning Out the Lockers Again!

12-16-2010, 09:47 PM
Hey, folks!
You know the deal - Once, Twice, Sold. I heart buyouts. Will deliver to Vaalor, Illistim, Landing, Solhaven, Mule, and Four Winds Isle. :thanx:

a large hooded grey wool cloak with a silver star-shaped clasp (VLA, reversible, alterable, scripted, closes) SOLD for 200K to Jhiggs!
You take a large hooded grey wool cloak with a silver star-shaped clasp and turn it inside out. Your reversible cloak now becomes a large hooded green wool cloak with an emerald leaf clasp!
an ebony hooded linen cloak (VLA, closes, alterable) SOLD for 100k to Revial!
a forest green hooded greatcloak (VLA, closes, alterable) MB: 100k
a pale gold silk cape with a mantle of downy white feathers (LA, alterable, closes) MB: 50k

Unlocked/Deepened Metallic Gowns:
a sleek cloth-of-vaalin gown with full sheer black sleeves (fully lightened and unlocked) MB: 1m
a floor-length eahnor red satin gown embroidered with thin golden feathers (fully unlocked) MB: 1m
RUB: She smooths the metallic fabric of her gown, and it glitters in the ambient light.
TILT: She lifts one arm in a graceful pose, causing the metallic weft of her gown to gleam as her posture shifts.
TAP: She carefully adjusts the drape of her gown, flouncing the shimmering, metallic cloth in a burst of reflected light.
PET: She traces her fingers over the skirts of her gown, lightly gathering the metallic fabric into her hands.
PUSH: She gives the skirts of her gown a shake, and they settle into graceful folds.
PULL: She raises the hem of her gown several inches and takes a few mincing steps.
TURN: She moves in a slow circle, and the glittering skirts of her gown catch the light.
KICK: She spins into a quick twirl, pivoting on her toes. The metallic skirts of her gown rustle and swirl fluidly around her, catching the ambient light in their reflective threading.

Other Gowns:
a strapless champagne silk gown MB: 25k
a point-sleeved niveous organza gown with gold underskirts (locked?) MB: 50k

a pale violet lace-inset charcoal suede bodice (SA, couple of items) MB: 10k
a silver-boned charcoal black bodice laced with pearl-edged ribbons (scripted laces) MB: 15k
a sheer silvery gossamer bodice beaded with bands of hematite MB: 5k
a luxurious black bodice MB: 5k
a fine murky grey bodice MB: 5k
a thigh-length black silk chemise with billowing bell sleeves MB: 5k

a knee-length dark suede skirt with a short slit up the left side revealing a lining of malachite silk MB: 15k

Picture-taking Lockets (MB: 100k each):
a crimson mithril-hinged locket SOLD for 115k to Revial!
a sapphire-set golden locket SOLD for 100k to EternalSin!
a matte black steel locket SOLD for 110k to Gnome Rage!
a gold-hinged ivory locket SOLD for 100k to EternalSin!

a billowing spidersilk cape: Delivered 12/20
a vermillion velvet bliaut cinched with a tined belt of jet-beaded wiring: Delivered 12/20
a sheer ivory gossamer gown: Delivered 12/20
a large hooded ivory linen cloak with an agate clasp: Delivered 12/21
an off-shoulder platinum faille bliaut with a fanning argent-wisped train: Delivered 12/21
a flowing gown of red silk brocaded with silver swirls: Delivered 12/21
a long faille silk skirt of alternating gold and ebon panels: Delivered 12/22
a side-less ebon skirt over layers of crimson chiffon: Delivered 12/22
a rose watered silk dress with a sheer pink overgown: Delivered 12/26
a large hooded indigo velvet cloak with a faceted diamond clasp: Delivered 12/27
a jacinth faille gown with copper leaves trailing down the back: Delivered 12/28
a large hooded green wool cloak with an emerald leaf clasp: Delivered 12/28

12-16-2010, 11:34 PM
a sheer ivory gossamer gown - I'll go mb on this

12-16-2010, 11:47 PM
an off-shoulder platinum faille bliaut with a fanning argent-wisped train (fully lightened, deepened, and unlocked) MB: 1.5m

Min bid please. =)

12-17-2010, 12:44 AM
a crimson mithril-hinged locket
a sapphire-set golden locket
a matte black steel locket
a gold-hinged ivory locket
Min bid on these please.

Gnome Rage
12-17-2010, 01:34 AM
a sheer ivory gossamer gown 100k
and if the lockets are fresh 110k on the Matte Black Steel Locket

12-17-2010, 08:56 AM
an off-shoulder platinum faille bliaut with a fanning argent-wisped train (fully lightened, deepened, and unlocked)

B: 2m

12-17-2010, 12:52 PM
an off-shoulder platinum faille bliaut with a fanning argent-wisped train

3 mil.

12-17-2010, 01:19 PM
Updated 12/17!

12-17-2010, 02:00 PM
an ebony hooded linen cloak (VLA, closes, alterable) MB.

a crimson mithril-hinged locket 115k.

12-17-2010, 02:15 PM
a vermillion velvet bliaut cinched with a tined belt of jet-beaded wiring 750k please

12-17-2010, 03:28 PM
an off-shoulder platinum faille bliaut with a fanning argent-wisped train

4 mil

Why do I feel like I'm back at the EE auction?

12-17-2010, 03:57 PM
Why do I feel like I'm back at the EE auction?

I had a deja vu moment too ;)

It is a beautiful gown. I'm almost tempted to join in the bidding war but I won't: Maleisse scares me.

12-17-2010, 04:13 PM
a large hooded grey wool cloak with a silver star-shaped clasp (VLA, reversible, alterable, scripted, closes) - Bid : 150K

12-17-2010, 05:49 PM
an off-shoulder platinum faille bliaut with a fanning argent-wisped train

5 mil

12-17-2010, 07:18 PM
a billowing spidersilk cape (LA, alterable, closes) MB: 50k

If no bids yet, I'll bid 50k Min on it.

12-17-2010, 07:33 PM
MB on one of the reversible cloaks

12-17-2010, 09:36 PM
150k on that slutty sheer gown

Gnome Rage
12-18-2010, 01:29 AM
155k on the sheer gown.

12-18-2010, 01:38 AM
250k on a sheer ivory gossamer gown

Gnome Rage
12-18-2010, 01:40 AM
:( 260k sheer gown

12-18-2010, 08:15 AM
a large hooded green wool cloak with an emerald leaf clasp (VLA, reversible, alterable, scripted, closes) MB: 150k

this, please.

12-18-2010, 07:17 PM
It is a beautiful gown. I'm almost tempted to join in the bidding war but I won't: Maleisse scares me.

That. She scares me too! Well, I'm out. ::le sigh::

12-18-2010, 07:57 PM
300k on a sheer ivory gossamer gown

12-18-2010, 09:22 PM
a large hooded grey wool cloak with a silver star-shaped clasp (VLA, reversible, alterable, scripted, closes) MB: 150k

MB on this please

12-18-2010, 11:59 PM
Updated 12/18! Please correct me if I've overlooked anything! :-/

12-19-2010, 10:41 AM
a large hooded grey wool cloak with a silver star-shaped clasp (VLA, reversible, alterable, scripted, closes)


12-19-2010, 09:14 PM
a rose watered silk dress with a sheer pink overgown MB: 25k

12-20-2010, 12:43 AM
Updated 12/19! Now to hunt you folks down for deliveries... :-)

12-20-2010, 10:50 AM
a large hooded indigo velvet cloak with a faceted diamond clasp (VLA, reversible, alterable, scripted) - 150k on this please

12-20-2010, 12:37 PM
Updated 12/19! Now to hunt you folks down for deliveries... :-)

I should be around tonight at about 4pm est or so...Unless I haven't won anything yet, then if that is the case..Well....Now you know I'll be playing tonight! hah

12-20-2010, 07:10 PM
Updated for 12/20!

12-22-2010, 12:53 AM
Updated for 12/21! Just a heads up--I am moving from Chicago to Seattle tomorrow. Bear with me as I try to squeeze out a few extra minutes here and there to make deliveries. I will do my best! <3

12-23-2010, 12:06 AM
Updated 12/22! Doing my best to find folks, given my limited internet access. <3

12-26-2010, 03:36 PM
Updated 12/26
Hey folks! Hope everyone had a great holiday. I'm still keeping an eye out for Khystra, Jhiggs, Afordhere, Revial, Gnome Rage and Eternalsin! I will do my best to be available over the next couple of days; check your Inboxes and send me a message on AIM when you get a chance. Thanks! <3