View Full Version : Boss-type Invasion Monster

12-09-2010, 12:40 PM
I've been mulling the idea over in my head and have finally decided to post it. While I'm fairly sure many people would reject my idea, here it goes.

Basic information:

Since I don't have a name I'm comfortable with, I'll be using (XXXX).

l at (XXXX)

You see (XXXX)
It has nothing at this time.
It seems to be in one piece.

Describe (XXXX)

What can only be described as a nightmare brought to life, the (XXXX) is a massive beast that would dwarf even the tallest tower, despite being hunched over. Covered in pitch black skin and fractured bits of rock with several spider like eyes accompanied by it's sheer size makes this monster an incredible sight. It's arms dangle down at its side. At first glance its hands look appear to resemble giant tree stumps but upon closer inspection you realize you are staring at eight separate but intertwined, thin but still intimidatingly thick hooked arms. Two disproportionately small and powerful hold up the slouching creature.

Maneuver-type attacks:

A (XXXX) unfurls one of it's thick arms! A (XXXX) attempts to grab at Player1!
Player1 barely leaps out of the way in time!
Player2 is swept up by a massive hand and crushed for 82 damage!
Player3 is pushed to the ground by one of the massive hands!
Player4 gracefully dodges a massive hand!

A (XXXX) screeches loudly as it's thick arm begins to reform.
Player2 is hurled East!

This maneuver attempts to grab a player and inflict damage as well as a random wound rank. The better a persons agi(bonus), dex (bonus),wounds and encumbrance level makes it easier to dodge. Players who successfully avoid being caught but don't outright dodge are knocked prone and suffer hard RT.

A (XXXX) raises up on it's hind legs and brings itself crashing to the ground!
Player1 is right in it's landing!
50 damage!
Shot to head messes up brain fatally!
*Player1 drops dead at your feet!
Player2 looks unsteady on her feet but recovers.
Player3 falls flat on his face!
10 damage!
Strike to the eye catches eyebrow instead.
Player4 is swept up by a powerful gust of wind and thrown North!

That's the end of this maneuver. It will force the creature prone and cause an affect similar to a Sorcerers quake but can cause damage and throw characters out of the room. Affects both monsters and players.

A (XXXX) grabs at Player1! He is caught by the massive arm! The (XXXX) begins to crush the life out of Player1!

Works similar to Bearhug. Can be stopped if enough damage is done to the creatures arm, death, or knocking the creature down.

End for now!

Comments greatly appreciated! Feel free to add anything too.

12-09-2010, 12:50 PM
Looks pretty awesome. Only thing I would change is the leg description. Feeble looking but powerful?

12-09-2010, 12:53 PM
Well...what I had in my mind would be the way it moves would be something like this.

A (XXXX) lets out a deafening screech and sinks its large arms into the ground, pulling its massive body east.

But yeah, that was a pretty bad description for the legs.

12-09-2010, 12:56 PM
Just use something like disproportionately small legs. I guess they could be disproportionately small and powerful.

12-09-2010, 12:58 PM
Reminds me of the monster in Cloverfield :)

12-09-2010, 01:01 PM
I got dizzy during that movie. Had to walk out or upchuck on my popcorn.

But anyways...I'd think of its entrance as something similar to a Roa'ter. Since it has bits and pieces of stone on it.

Stanley Burrell
12-09-2010, 01:06 PM
I've been mulling the idea over in my head and have finally decided to post it. While I'm fairly sure many people would reject my idea, here it goes.

Basic information:

Since I don't have a name I'm comfortable with, I'll be using (XXXX).

l at (XXXX)

You see (XXXX)
It has nothing at this time.
It seems to be in one piece.

Describe (XXXX)

What can only be described as a nightmare brought to life, the (XXXX) is a massive beast that would dwarf even the tallest tower, despite being hunched over. Covered in pitch black skin and fractured bits of rock with several spider like eyes accompanied by it's sheer size makes this monster an incredible sight. It's arms dangle down at its side. At first glance its hands look appear to resemble giant tree stumps but upon closer inspection you realize you are staring at eight separate but intertwined, thin but still intimidatingly thick hooked arms. Two disproportionately small and powerful hold up the slouching creature.

Maneuver-type attacks:

A (XXXX) unfurls one of it's thick arms! A (XXXX) attempts to grab at Player1!
Player1 barely leaps out of the way in time!
Player2 is swept up by a massive hand and crushed for 82 damage!
Player3 is pushed to the ground by one of the massive hands!
Player4 gracefully dodges a massive hand!

A (XXXX) screeches loudly as it's thick arm begins to reform.
Player2 is hurled East!

This maneuver attempts to grab a player and inflict damage as well as a random wound rank. The better a persons agi(bonus), dex (bonus),wounds and encumbrance level makes it easier to dodge. Players who successfully avoid being caught but don't outright dodge are knocked prone and suffer hard RT.

A (XXXX) raises up on it's hind legs and brings itself crashing to the ground!
Player1 is right in it's landing!
50 damage!
Shot to head messes up brain fatally!
*Player1 drops dead at your feet!
Player2 looks unsteady on her feet but recovers.
Player3 falls flat on his face!
10 damage!
Strike to the eye catches eyebrow instead.
Player4 is swept up by a powerful gust of wind and thrown North!

That's the end of this maneuver. It will force the creature prone and cause an affect similar to a Sorcerers quake but can cause damage and throw characters out of the room. Affects both monsters and players.

A (XXXX) grabs at Player1! He is caught by the massive arm! The (XXXX) begins to crush the life out of Player1!

Works similar to Bearhug. Can be stopped if enough damage is done to the creatures arm, death, or knocking the creature down.

End for now!

Comments greatly appreciated! Feel free to add anything too.

I don't really know what I'm looking at, but ... Maybe it should have an RNG-generated article preceding its monster-base, which would be capitalized.

"a rolton"

"a grizzled rolton"

"The grizzled Rolton of Caerbannog, Legendary Fluffy Beast Guardian of Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh."

You do the math. Because I hate math.

12-09-2010, 01:11 PM
The thought I had would be after the initial invasion is gone and everyone is starting to settle back down...

You feel a faint rumbling beneath your feet. It quickly builds and everything begins to shake around you. Suddenly it stops and an unnerving silence settles in. In an explosion of rock and rubble, a (XXXX) bursts from the ground!

You manage to land safely on the ground below, dodging the falling debris.

12-17-2010, 01:53 PM
You know... Auchand kinda has done this in Solhaven a few times. Not this idea exactly but some pretty nasty stuff has popped out.

The ones I'm thinking of are the elemental abhorations (Or whatever)
They essencially swing around 650-700 AS and have about 200-250 DS.

They lock onto one person and swing repeatedly(usually hasted it seems) until that person dies, then locks onto the next. They're easily hit but seem to have about 50k HP or more. Essecially the whole group of defenders blows it up as fast as they can as it thins out the defenders one by one. (WOW DPS race anyone?)

The most recent appearance of one of these resulted in everyone getting destroyed and only 3-4people left alive. It was more a slaughter than a tactical 'boss fight' you're describing above.

I think adding some of you ideas to some of these 'uberbadnews' invaders we seem to get already would be a pretty good idea. CMANS that stun and stick you in RT if you do something wrong, rather than simply getting INSTADEATHWTF? And having to attack it a certain way (Kinda like the different demon types we see currently.)

Granted the coding that would have to go into each creature would be pretty extensive as it's already difficult to just release a 'new' creature. Most end up being re-makes of something from the past to save time.