View Full Version : Argent Dawn raiding.

05-31-2005, 01:05 PM
I don't know how many of you play on AD anymore, nor do I know if any of you are of raiding age or what have you, but an Argent Dawn/PC raiding (non-pvp tyvm) alliance would be killer.

05-31-2005, 01:56 PM
I logged onto my AD character the other day and had been kicked out of the guild :(

05-31-2005, 02:26 PM
They booted people after 3+ months of inactivity.

05-31-2005, 02:30 PM

05-31-2005, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque

More like just keeping things tidy.

The guild list was a mile long and over half of them hadn't been around in months.

Announcements were made on the guild channel and the guild message of the day informed people that alts would be deleted if they weren't logged in recently.

I'm sure you can get a re-invite if you ask.

05-31-2005, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by Betheny
I don't know how many of you play on AD anymore, nor do I know if any of you are of raiding age or what have you, but an Argent Dawn/PC raiding (non-pvp tyvm) alliance would be killer.

I don't get it.

What kind of raid is non-pvp? Do you just run into alliance held territory and dance with them?

I don't get it.

05-31-2005, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
I don't get it.

What kind of raid is non-pvp? Do you just run into alliance held territory and dance with them?

I don't get it.


05-31-2005, 04:10 PM
I just did a 10 man raid in BRD last night for loot, which is just killing every boss int he instance for sweet drops.

I'm always up for upper instances; raid or 5-man. I've got a group that I've been hitting instances with lately, but not being in a guild is starting to be a real pain...and getting boring.

What raids specifically are you referring to?

- Settium (59 human rogue - AD)

[Edited on 5-31-2005 by Lobster]

05-31-2005, 05:26 PM
We already have a guild alliance (channel FEDSH) and I think they recently started a raid channel for it too... I can't remember what it's called, though.

05-31-2005, 11:19 PM
Raidgang is what the raiding channel is called. Not sure who's really supposed to be in it, friends of friends or something like that.

05-31-2005, 11:27 PM
None pvp in WoW is boring as hell I have to say. I don't think I could go back to a normal or RP server now. Half the fun of being a rogue is sneaking up to fighting alliance and raping them. On an RP server it would have to be >duel Fool. Fool sits and recovers then accepts and beats the shit out of me. Dull.

05-31-2005, 11:41 PM
Don't be so sure. I already know of one bug on how to force people into PvP :P

05-31-2005, 11:53 PM
If you want PvP, there's always the rolling battles around TM/SS even in RP servers. If you like getting raped out of nowhere though, more power to you.

06-01-2005, 02:14 AM
Crazy as it may sound, some of us just don't get a kick out of ganking or being ganked and getting revenge. I really could care less about PvP, does nothing for me at all. Even though there isn't any definitive "end" to WoW, PvE goals and achievements matter more to me than killing some person over and over. And no, it's not about phat loot, it's about having something more concrete to show for work than just more HK's and CP's.

I know I'm pretty harsh on PvP, but even so I'm not saying it shouldn't exist. Some people love it, others hate it. I just don't want to be on a server that forces me into it based on another person's decision to attack.

06-01-2005, 08:44 AM
Originally posted by Artha
If you want PvP, there's always the rolling battles around TM/SS even in RP servers. If you like getting raped out of nowhere though, more power to you.

Yeah, last night on AD was a bit rediculous in the TM/SS area. I only got about 10 honorable kills (I'm 52 and was probably the youngest there). I'd say alliance were outnumbered, but not by much.

Maybe 50 Horde & 40 alliance.

06-01-2005, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by Odups
Crazy as it may sound, some of us just don't get a kick out of ganking or being ganked and getting revenge. I really could care less about PvP, does nothing for me at all. Even though there isn't any definitive "end" to WoW, PvE goals and achievements matter more to me than killing some person over and over. And no, it's not about phat loot, it's about having something more concrete to show for work than just more HK's and CP's.

I know I'm pretty harsh on PvP, but even so I'm not saying it shouldn't exist. Some people love it, others hate it. I just don't want to be on a server that forces me into it based on another person's decision to attack.

I agree.

As for raiding without PVP, it involves... destroying Onyxia, the Molten Core, UBRS, shit like that.

06-01-2005, 03:35 PM
Yes, they exist... We have our guild allied with Fellowship of Light, Malleus Noctis, Enclave of the Bear, and Dorlach Sgath. Stormwatch was an allied guild, but they've kinda went off to do their own thing.

Channel name is FEDSH.

There's also the Raidgang channel, but you'll have to deal with your old friend Grennon. He's the one who organized it shortly after he left our guild.

06-01-2005, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Betheny
I don't know how many of you play on AD anymore, nor do I know if any of you are of raiding age or what have you, but an Argent Dawn/PC raiding (non-pvp tyvm) alliance would be killer.

I don't get it.

What kind of raid is non-pvp? Do you just run into alliance held territory and dance with them?

I don't get it.

You can talk all the smack you want Falgrin, because you know you're safe on Dunemaul from our wrath.

The fact of the matter is, however, that if it came to a clash between Hyjal Protectorate, and The Barren Fury, we'd OMGWTFPWN you. 3 of our members have been ranked in the top 25 on our server in the PvP standings since the Honor system was created. One of which was in the top 10!

I'd also like to see you guys take on Niveus Lepus, the überhorde guild on our server. They've got 5 of their's in the top 25.

Now before you go all, "HAHAHA PVP on an RP Server?! You're kidding me." I challenge you to log into Falgrin, and come to a PvP battle. With our server population being probably more than 5x yours, we'll see who plays on a carebear server.

06-01-2005, 04:09 PM
Oh snap!

06-01-2005, 04:33 PM
Yall on the test server? Could battle this out on that server :smilegrin:...if it's still up.

Other than that, your'e on a RP server, I don't care what pvp rank you hit, you're still pvpin against other RP'ers...on a RP server. Waiting for flags, dueling, etc...

It's not the same. Not knowing classes, gear, etc...i'd still put my money on the player on the pvp server.

EDIT: High Pop, or not, still a RP server (hey, thats what you enjoy, go for it! more power to you. Just realize that high pop pvp servers are VERY different from AD :smilegrin: )

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Guerrin]

06-01-2005, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
The fact of the matter is, however, that if it came to a clash between Hyjal Protectorate, and The Barren Fury, we'd OMGWTFPWN you.

Most important part of this entire thread.

Read carefully.

06-01-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by Tayre

Originally posted by Izalude
The fact of the matter is, however, that if it came to a clash between Hyjal Protectorate, and The Barren Fury, we'd OMGWTFPWN you.

Most important part of this entire thread.

Read carefully.

Typical zerg rushing Alliance...what, you think we haven't seen that before? :lol:

06-01-2005, 04:44 PM
I was going to type a semi-serious reply, but I am still laughing at the carebear picture, and have every time I've read this thread.


06-01-2005, 04:51 PM
I doubt Dar's PC could handle the amount of people in a PvP Raid on Argent Dawn.

06-01-2005, 04:56 PM
The fact of the matter is, however, that if it came to a clash between Hyjal Protectorate, and The Barren Fury, we'd OMGWTFPWN you.
All 10 of you, or just the 3 60s?

06-01-2005, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Guerrin
Yall on the test server? Could battle this out on that server :smilegrin:...if it's still up.

Other than that, your'e on a RP server, I don't care what pvp rank you hit, you're still pvpin against other RP'ers...on a RP server. Waiting for flags, dueling, etc...

It's not the same. Not knowing classes, gear, etc...i'd still put my money on the player on the pvp server.

EDIT: High Pop, or not, still a RP server (hey, thats what you enjoy, go for it! more power to you. Just realize that high pop pvp servers are VERY different from AD :smilegrin: )

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Guerrin]

If you're on a PvP server, you've only got access to bring your character to a PvP test server, and vice versa.

And in regards to Zerging... We've got Barren Fury beat in numbers, sure so it's really no contest if it comes down to a numbers game. However, given equal numbers, say on the Warsong Gulch Battlegrounds, we'd still Kick TBF's ass.

06-01-2005, 06:42 PM
3 of our members have been ranked in the top 25 on our server in the PvP standings since the Honor system was created. One of which was in the top 10!

You can make that 4 that have been ranked in the top 25. I joined the guild last night, thanks to the invite from Tilartis. I've been ranked 18, 22 and 28 different weeks.

Before anyone questions the PvP skills of a person just because they're on an RP server, make sure you know what you're talking about. A great deal of the top PvPers on AD have upper level alts on PvP servers. Why are they still on AD fighting when they can be on a PvP server? The answer is it is easier to level on an RP server, less snerts and the l33t speak is much less.

Most of my CPs come from top horde PvPers. It's mostly because there are only a few places where there's regular PvP and the top 100 from both factions head there when the call to battle comes.

You also need to consider what I think are the 3 main types of PvP and know the different strategies in each. Just because you're good at 1 vs 1, doesn't mean you know how to work in a 5-man or a very large force. The same rings true for gowing from large PvP battles to 1 vs 1. Duels don't completely translate to 1 vs 1 in the field, so players on RP servers would probably be lacking compared to someone who's doing true 1 vs 1 every day.

There's more 1 vs 1 action on PvP servers and the average top 100 there would probably beat the average top 100 on AD. In group action is where I think you'd probably get your ass handed to you, because it's what some on AD do every day...some it's all day.

My $.02


06-01-2005, 07:57 PM
It's different styles of play, really.

On PvP, you've gotta have some tolerance for idiots. And, while the maturity level on Argent Dawn isn't top-notch, it still surpasses anything I've seen in my 20ish hours on Dunemaul.

On Argent Dawn, you can relax and go about your business in safety. Sometimes you just wanna go out and farm some mobs or explore some new areas. On Dunemaul, you've always gotta worry about some rogue or whatever waiting for you to engage a mob and get to low health until they gank you. Or running across an enemy gank party. Some people enjoy that unpredictability, others don't.

One thing I don't understand is the seeming disdain a lot of PvP players have against the people who play on PvE or RP servers. Argent Dawn is often the target for PvP kiddies to flock to and cause trouble whenever their server is down. Again, it's just different styles of play.

In any case, right now my Dunemaul character is still safe from gankings. But I'm not looking forward to the inevitable moment when some 14 year old punk with a level 60 rogue decides to gank me and camp my corpse for the next hour while I'm out questing.

06-01-2005, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by 3704558

In any case, right now my Dunemaul character is still safe from gankings. But I'm not looking forward to the inevitable moment when some 14 year old punk with a level 60 rogue decides to gank me and camp my corpse for the next hour while I'm out questing.

Yeah, I'm just about to head to Ashenvale..I can't wait.

06-02-2005, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by Lobster
3 of our members have been ranked in the top 25 on our server in the PvP standings since the Honor system was created. One of which was in the top 10!

You can make that 4 that have been ranked in the top 25. I joined the guild last night, thanks to the invite from Tilartis. I've been ranked 18, 22 and 28 different weeks.

Before anyone questions the PvP skills of a person just because they're on an RP server, make sure you know what you're talking about. A great deal of the top PvPers on AD have upper level alts on PvP servers. Why are they still on AD fighting when they can be on a PvP server? The answer is it is easier to level on an RP server, less snerts and the l33t speak is much less.

Most of my CPs come from top horde PvPers. It's mostly because there are only a few places where there's regular PvP and the top 100 from both factions head there when the call to battle comes.

You also need to consider what I think are the 3 main types of PvP and know the different strategies in each. Just because you're good at 1 vs 1, doesn't mean you know how to work in a 5-man or a very large force. The same rings true for gowing from large PvP battles to 1 vs 1. Duels don't completely translate to 1 vs 1 in the field, so players on RP servers would probably be lacking compared to someone who's doing true 1 vs 1 every day.

There's more 1 vs 1 action on PvP servers and the average top 100 there would probably beat the average top 100 on AD. In group action is where I think you'd probably get your ass handed to you, because it's what some on AD do every day...some it's all day.

My $.02


You have some good points, but, from my experience ... I've seen, and been involved in (high pop PvP server to medium pop now), alot of 5v5, 10v10, 20v20 and 40v40 raid battles....excluding the TM/SS zergs.

5 man groups roaming EPL and WPL are probably the most popular on my server.

So, there is plenty of group combat, which is by far one of the best parts of pvp.:smilegrin:

I rarely find someone alone . If I do its because I got the jump on them while they're out grinding, or, they got the jump on me. What really turned me off to the RP server is the pvp-flagging, which is the main reason why I still believe that the pvp on those servers cannot be as competitive. Also, if you're going to the same area, and fighting the same people, you're getting diminishing returns on HK's, right?

Of course, there are exceptions...but one of the benefits of the RP servers is that you CAN avoid pvp. This tend to draws a crowd that doesn't like to pvp ... more power to ya if you do though!

I don't have the test client, its a shame that yall can't meetup on that server.

In case anyone's curious, I'm 38th on my server.

Oh, on a side note...logged into GS this past week and tried hunting. I Never want to hear another EQ/FF player bitch about grinding.....I couldn't even finish one hunt without being bored to tears.

06-02-2005, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by kheldarin

Originally posted by 3704558

In any case, right now my Dunemaul character is still safe from gankings. But I'm not looking forward to the inevitable moment when some 14 year old punk with a level 60 rogue decides to gank me and camp my corpse for the next hour while I'm out questing.

Yeah, I'm just about to head to Ashenvale..I can't wait.

I just got Lefallah through the ashenvale quests without too much trouble. Can only think of one real clash other than getting caught up in a raid...and that was two like-levelled characters, rather than a 60. They are all at TM

06-02-2005, 10:47 AM
Heh, Ashenvale was one of my favourite noob killing/waylaying zones.

06-04-2005, 10:00 AM
Originally posted by IzaludeNow before you go all, "HAHAHA PVP on an RP Server?! You're kidding me." I challenge you to log into Falgrin, and come to a PvP battle. With our server population being probably more than 5x yours, we'll see who plays on a carebear server.

I can't believe I missed all these cute huggy replies. :P

First of all, Falgrin is what.. maybe 32? If you are 60 and he is 32.. I imagine you might just last a little longer than he would in a setting like TM/SS.

But.. I will pit my PvP skills verses yours anyday. See I play PvP all the time.. everytime I log in Bayne or Stabbed.. it's kill or be killed. You have a hobby of PvP. You can turn it on and turn it off when the mood strikes you. I don't have that cute little flag to hide behind.

You may very well be # 10 in honor points on your RP server.. to be honest, I've never farmed for honor points with either of my characters. Most of my kills happen in the field daily.. solo.. mano e mano.. not during zerg rushes with 100 of my closest friends. There is a big difference.

And my initial question about raiding was a real question (Sure, I put the carebear pic up.. but the question was real) I didn't know you were referring to quest raids.. and not raids where you go and kill the opposition.

06-04-2005, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Izalude

Originally posted by Guerrin
Yall on the test server? Could battle this out on that server :smilegrin:...if it's still up.

Other than that, your'e on a RP server, I don't care what pvp rank you hit, you're still pvpin against other RP'ers...on a RP server. Waiting for flags, dueling, etc...

It's not the same. Not knowing classes, gear, etc...i'd still put my money on the player on the pvp server.

EDIT: High Pop, or not, still a RP server (hey, thats what you enjoy, go for it! more power to you. Just realize that high pop pvp servers are VERY different from AD :smilegrin: )

[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Guerrin]

If you're on a PvP server, you've only got access to bring your character to a PvP test server, and vice versa.

And in regards to Zerging... We've got Barren Fury beat in numbers, sure so it's really no contest if it comes down to a numbers game. However, given equal numbers, say on the Warsong Gulch Battlegrounds, we'd still Kick TBF's ass.

Equal numbers.. equal levels.. you guys wouldn't stand a chance. You may practice your PvP skills all the time.. but on a PvP server, it's not practice.. it's part of the game.

10 characters from each team.

10 characters of equal levels.

It really wouldn't be a contest. Sorry.

06-04-2005, 10:13 AM
Honestly, if anyone things players from a non-pvp server can compete against pvp players.. well.. then they are in for a rude awakening. On a PvP server chances are that not only are you fighting other players daily, but you tend to not only be out numbered, but out leveled. At least thats the name of the game for the Horde.

- Arkans

06-04-2005, 10:18 AM
Originally posted by Arkans
Honestly, if anyone things players from a non-pvp server can compete against pvp players.. well.. then they are in for a rude awakening. On a PvP server chances are that not only are you fighting other players daily, but you tend to not only be out numbered, but out leveled. At least thats the name of the game for the Horde.

- Arkans

Sing it brother Arkans.. and stop hanging out with those humans. They will make you weak. Get your ass back to Dunemaul.

06-04-2005, 10:24 AM
Zug Zug..

Actually, I have experience in both. My Alliance guy is on a carebear server and I'll tell you.. People don't know how to PvP there at all. I consistently beat the shit out of people there all the time. It's gotten to the point of being obscene.

- Arkans

06-04-2005, 01:33 PM
Originally posted by Arkans
On a PvP server chances are that not only are you fighting other players daily, but you tend to not only be out numbered, but out leveled. At least thats the name of the game for the Horde.

- Arkans

That's why at level 60, I can take on two other 60s or 3 or more sub-60s and be able to come out on top. (or atleast, kill one, vanish, and come back 20 seconds later to finish off the 2nd one).

Love being Horde.

06-04-2005, 01:34 PM
This is why it pisses me off that so many of my other friends play on carebear servers and Alliance side. I am torn between three characters right now. Sucks for a casual player!

- Arkans

06-05-2005, 01:14 AM
Let me start by saying, that of course Tilartis versus Falgrin would be a no-contest fight... Your 32 against my 60. That's a given, and if one gets proud over ganking someone half your level, they've got issues... What I was suggesting you do, is log in and fight with us at Tarren Mill against Argent Dawn Horde... That way you see first hand what it's like here.

Again with the 10v10 Hyjal vs. Barren Fury, it's all heresay. The only way we'll prove who's better is by duking it out on a Test server, should they ever allow us to go to one mutually. I say we're better, you say you're better. I guess we'll just have to leave it at that.

There's quite a few people on our server that leaves their PvP flag up at all times as well. The thing that sucks most on your server is that people can corpse camp indefinitely. We can at least wait out our flags if someone pulls that cheap shit.

And lastly, my hunter is high in the standings, because I do show up in chaotic battles and snipe... My 60 mage on the other hand, hasn't taken the field for any major incursion. All his kills are solo kills. I've become someone's honorable kill maybe 5 or 6 times, to my 85. The only class my mage has a real problem with is shamans. The rest, (including paladins and rogues) drop quicker than a dress on prom night!

06-05-2005, 01:14 AM
Falgrin I must say I'm tired of you being demeaning towards anyone who doesn't play on a pvp server. Perhaps you don't do it on purpose, perhaps you don't realize you're doing it, but every chance you get you do it, with means varying from plain obvious to subtle wording.

Obviously, if Blizzard has put in place a way for people to not have to play pvp, they welcome that choice. Can you not respect it? Or could it be that you're mad at Blizzard for offering such a choice and you're misdirecting that hatred towards the players who chose it? You're certainly entitled to your opinion that all non-pvp'ers are losers or whatnot (that's how you come across to me) but there are ways of stating your opinion without being demeaning. I've always found you to be fun to be around and all that bitterness and aggressivity puzzles me. What has you so emotional that you lose the basic respect for fellow gamers?

06-05-2005, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Adhara
Falgrin I must say I'm tired of you being demeaning towards anyone who doesn't play on a pvp server. Perhaps you don't do it on purpose, perhaps you don't realize you're doing it, but every chance you get you do it, with means varying from plain obvious to subtle wording.

Obviously, if Blizzard has put in place a way for people to not have to play pvp, they welcome that choice. Can you not respect it? Or could it be that you're mad at Blizzard for offering such a choice and you're misdirecting that hatred towards the players who chose it? You're certainly entitled to your opinion that all non-pvp'ers are losers or whatnot (that's how you come across to me) but there are ways of stating your opinion without being demeaning. I've always found you to be fun to be around and all that bitterness and aggressivity puzzles me. What has you so emotional that you lose the basic respect for fellow gamers?

See I dont get that from his posts.
I think in more than 99% he is just winding people up, but the point he is making about being able to flag when dont you feel PvP like it is true.

I know that PB sees WoW as a game...and I dont think he honestly thinks any less of people who play it one way or another...in all seriousness.

However, getting a character to 60 on a PvP server is a greater accomplishment than on a PvE or RP server. That is not up for dispute. The reason being is that PvP becomes part of levelling. I used to just stand there and fight when engaging mobs because there was no need to do otherwise...on a PvP server, I am constantly changing angles to check whether I'm being snuck up on...and PB is right when he says that it is the difference between being something you do when you feel like it, or because you want to practice, as opposed to doing it because it's part of the game. Often, you are ambushed while questing...it happens...and it is incorporated into the style of play on a PvP server.

I'm not going to get into the whole "we wud kik ur ass" debate, because I am pretty sucky at PvP myself, however I would bet on the best PvPers on a PvP server kicking the pants of the best PvPers on a RP server.

It's like Accrington Stanley Vs Manchester United.

Part timers against professionals.

06-05-2005, 01:27 PM
I don't see how it is deaming either. To me, he is just stating the facts. How can someone that does something at a hobby be as good or even BETTER than someone that does something constantly. When I'm playing my Alliance guy on the carebear servers I don't worry about getting attacked. I just worry about the mob. When I'm Arkans, things change and change quickly.

For instance, I learn mana conservation techniques against mobs just in case I get ambushed, I'm constantly checking angles, I learn how to turn into wolf mode on the fly and retreat, how to avoid aggro circles while chasing or retreating, and how my spells interact in the most mana and damage efficient ways. I don't need to worry about ANY of that on a carebear server.

Now, for someone that doesn't do that constantly, how can you even expect them to be as good at PvP as someone that does?

- Arkans

06-05-2005, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by Izalude

I say we're better, you say you're better. I guess we'll just have to leave it at that.

I’d rather not so let’s just air everything out.

Originally posted by Lobster
Why are they still on AD fighting when they can be on a PvP server? The answer is it is easier to level on an RP server, less snerts and the l33t speak is much less.

Did you ever stop to ask yourself why it’s easier to level on a RP server? It’s not because there’s easier creatures, it’s because you have a carebear switch that you can turn on whenever things don’t go your way. For example…

Originally posted by Izalude

The thing that sucks most on your server is that people can corpse camp indefinitely. We can at least wait out our flags if someone pulls that cheap shit.

That’s the difference right there. On a PvP server might is right, period. If you want to level you’re going to have to deal with corpse campers and gankers. Oh and trust me there’s some real dedication out there.

Originally posted by Izalude

My 60 mage on the other hand, hasn't taken the field for any major incursion. All his kills are solo kills. I've become someone's honorable kill maybe 5 or 6 times, to my 85.

I’m going to make this real simple for you, your career for your 60 mage is a good night for my 44 rogue. Anyone who’s level 25 on our server punks your mage in PvP experience.

Unless you want to insinuate that because you do less PvP you’re better, The Barren Fury will be leaving with our title after this last quote…

Originally posted by Izalude
You can talk all the smack you want Falgrin, because you know you're safe on Dunemaul from our wrath.

I can make a character on Argent Dawn and be safe from your wrath right now Carebear. Remember it’s a RP server.

06-05-2005, 01:51 PM
Frankly, if they really wanted to be RP they'd have unrestricted PvP. Then again, RP seems to be the circle jerk mentality of waving to that nice troll that run by you in TM rather than fight.

- Arkans

06-05-2005, 06:09 PM
Why does this seem so familiar to me? Oh right... Dreadnaught. Heh. Never mind.

I think I'll just back down now to not give you the satisfaction. Have a nice day. :-)

06-05-2005, 06:22 PM
Heh if your mage was on an PvP server Iz, he'd die alot more.

06-05-2005, 06:31 PM
As a person who actually plays on all three types of servers, I feel my hand tips to the PvP'ers in an all out battle. I'll be honest when I say that the pvp being forced on when I'm trying to quest, does bug me a bit. But, then again, it's just a death. It means nothing. Yay, some fool killed me. Whoopiedoo. It happens ALL the time on the pvp servers.

At times, I do miss playing on Khadgar (we've been playing a lot on a pvp server the last week or so), but thats mostly because I miss being set up from the start. Any newb I make I can give gold, bags, items, etc to right off. Knowing that tends to make working from scratch seem almost pointless at times. :shrug: But I do it anyway, because I do enjoy the excitment on the PvP servers.

I can't say who'd win what, being that I've never seen Bayne or anyone else from Dunemaul pvp. What I can say is the switch from "zerging TM" to "fighting for your life while questing" is a shocker. Thats for sure.

06-05-2005, 06:40 PM
I'm sure he would Stay. I don't dispute that.

06-05-2005, 08:17 PM
So after the Dreadnaught dig, you agree that Lyonis was right?
Cool...that cleared that up :)

06-05-2005, 08:22 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
I'm sure he would Stay. I don't dispute that.

So you admit you don’t see near the PvP on your server as you would on a PvP server and that you’d get your ass handed to you. Now that we all agree…

Originally posted by Izalude

I think I'll just back down now to not give you the satisfaction. Have a nice day. :-)

No you’re going to back down now because you’re wrong.
Thanks for playing Carebear.

06-05-2005, 09:19 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
However, getting a character to 60 on a PvP server is a greater accomplishment than on a PvE or RP server. That is not up for dispute.

[...] however I would bet on the best PvPers on a PvP server kicking the pants of the best PvPers on a RP server.

It's like Accrington Stanley Vs Manchester United.

Part timers against professionals.

Just to make sure I was not misunderstood, I will try to state more clearly what I was pointing out. First of all, I agree that pvp is harder than pve. I doubt anyone would dare claim otherwise. I would also agree that the best pvp'ers of a pvp server are likely to kick the ass of the best pvp'ers of other types of servers. My original post was merely pointing out that people make different choices based on how much fun they have in different environments and I don't think anyone should debase others for having chosen what they consider an easier path.

Now, since we're discussing the talent of pvp players. I'd also like to point out that playing on a pvp server does not automatically grant someone talent. What it gives them is tools for getting better along with plenty of opportunity to do so but one cannot come forward and claim to be a master of pvp merely because they play on a pvp server. If I gave a two year old a toy piano, I wouldn't be guaranteed a world renowned pianist.

The last point I want to bring up is that nobody really knows how good or bad someone else is until they see it with their own eyes. Lyonis' ridiculously omniscient claim that any level 25 of a pvp server is a better pvp'er than someone with two capped pve characters is the perfect example. This type of generalization can only degenerate into confrontation and the follow-up childishness of the 'nyah nyah' doesn't help either.

Why can't we just be happy that we can all enjoy the same great game in a way that we each individually enjoy? Nothing wrong with challenging friends on a Battleground but since there is no practical way of doing it in this case, a battle of insults will do neither side any good. Unfortunately there's human nature and the need to get the last word in.

My only goal was to point out that people choose the way to play that procures them the most fun and that difference should be enriching, not an opportunity to belittle. I think that got across now so that will be it for me in this thread.

06-05-2005, 10:32 PM
I'd also like to point out that playing on a pvp server does not automatically grant someone talent.

I think this is what us "carebears" are trying to get across here. I'm the last person that would ever question someone's PvP skills, I never do it, I get NO enjoyment from it. But you folks are making it out to be an automatic victory for someone purely based on the server you choose.

I definitely agree it's harder to level on a PvP server. I definitely agree that you're faced with a lot more challenges and situations than most people ever see on a PvE server. But that doesn't make you more skillful by default.

Skill is all in the player. I play a lot more hours than plenty of people in the Argent guild, but I would never claim to be better just because of that. Just because you guys face ganking and corpse camping, doesn't mean you've got more experience than someone who doesn't see that. There are also tons of people on Argent that run EverPvP, so don't assume that everyone makes it a pure hobby.

Being on a PvP server doesn't make you any better by default, that's all we're trying to get across. We're not even disagreeing that you have a tougher time, a lot of the issues you guys face everyday are the reasons we avoided PvP servers. Just because we don't want to face those frustrations, doesn't mean we don't know what we're doing.

06-05-2005, 10:35 PM
Originally posted by Adhara
Lyonis' ridiculously omniscient claim that any level 25 of a pvp server is a better pvp'er than someone with two capped pve characters is the perfect example.

I not only claimed it, I supported it. Apparently baby steps are needed. When you add Izalude’s record of 85 kills on a level 60 mage with his 5 or 6 deaths you have a grand total of 90-91 fights. You have gotten in 1.5 fights per level there cherry. For perspective my 44 rogue has 692 HK’s all of which are either solo or small group kills and believe me he’s a nobody on the PvP charts.

Originally posted by Adhara

This type of generalization can only degenerate into confrontation and the follow-up childishness of the 'nyah nyah' doesn't help either.

You mean such jewels as….

Originally posted by Izalude
Why does this seem so familiar to me? Oh right... Dreadnaught. Heh. Never mind.

Now that’s childish because Dreadnaught has absolutely nothing to do with this discussion. It’s not even the same game. That’s a pointless insult which differs from me calling Izalude a cherry Carebear which is akin to calling an apple an apple. He’s a Carebear, I told him he's a Carebear, then I proved he's a Carebear. This was followed by him telling me I smell like poop and that he’s not gonna play anymore. So who’s the child dear?

Originally posted by Adhara
My only goal was to point out that people choose the way to play that procures them the most fun and that difference should be enriching, not an opportunity to belittle.

I agree, there is nothing wrong with playing on a RP or a PvE server but when you have the audacity to think you have even close to the same amount of experience at PvP as a like level on our server that makes you wrong. When you have the balls to actually claim it, then you deserve to be put in your place.

Originally posted by Adhara

that will be it for me in this thread

I’m sure you Carebears will be just fine after a few hugs.

06-05-2005, 10:37 PM
Personally I think you're a dick.

06-05-2005, 10:39 PM
Originally posted by Adhara
Falgrin I must say I'm tired of you being demeaning towards anyone who doesn't play on a pvp server. Perhaps you don't do it on purpose, perhaps you don't realize you're doing it, but every chance you get you do it, with means varying from plain obvious to subtle wording.

Obviously, if Blizzard has put in place a way for people to not have to play pvp, they welcome that choice. Can you not respect it? Or could it be that you're mad at Blizzard for offering such a choice and you're misdirecting that hatred towards the players who chose it? You're certainly entitled to your opinion that all non-pvp'ers are losers or whatnot (that's how you come across to me) but there are ways of stating your opinion without being demeaning. I've always found you to be fun to be around and all that bitterness and aggressivity puzzles me. What has you so emotional that you lose the basic respect for fellow gamers?

I have zero problem with people playing on a RP server... hell, I started out on one. It's a great place to learn the game in 100% safety from other PCs without ever once having to pit your skills against a human controlled character.

I do have a problem with someone bragging about how good they are at PvP on a RP server though. It's not even close to being the same thing as a PvP server.

06-05-2005, 10:47 PM
Originally posted by Odups

I'd also like to point out that playing on a pvp server does not automatically grant someone talent.

I think this is what us "carebears" are trying to get across here. I'm the last person that would ever question someone's PvP skills, I never do it, I get NO enjoyment from it. But you folks are making it out to be an automatic victory for someone purely based on the server you choose.

I definitely agree it's harder to level on a PvP server. I definitely agree that you're faced with a lot more challenges and situations than most people ever see on a PvE server. But that doesn't make you more skillful by default.

Skill is all in the player. I play a lot more hours than plenty of people in the Argent guild, but I would never claim to be better just because of that. Just because you guys face ganking and corpse camping, doesn't mean you've got more experience than someone who doesn't see that. There are also tons of people on Argent that run EverPvP, so don't assume that everyone makes it a pure hobby.

Being on a PvP server doesn't make you any better by default, that's all we're trying to get across. We're not even disagreeing that you have a tougher time, a lot of the issues you guys face everyday are the reasons we avoided PvP servers. Just because we don't want to face those frustrations, doesn't mean we don't know what we're doing.

I couldn't agree more.. there are some real retards on our server who don't know the first thing about PvP. But the point I am trying to make is that someone who plays on a RP server hones their PvP skills SO MUCH LESS than someone who plays on a PvP server. Playing instances against AI controlled characters is completely different than playing against other PCs every single day.

06-05-2005, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Personally I think you're a dick.

If that’s nothing more then personal feelings no worries at all and nothing more needs to be said. Now on the other hand if you have some reasons why you think so, I’d love to hear them. Just be REAL careful when you lay it out the specific failings in my posts because I do have 7000+ posts of yours available via the search function in which to measure your own performance by your own standards.

06-05-2005, 11:08 PM
Oh LOOK someone is making fun of the fact I have alot of posts. You must be a fucking rocket scientist or a permanent contestant of Whose Line is it Anyway.

I think you're a dick because you clearly are one. I don't care if you were a nobody in GS which you were and currently a nobody in WoW.

06-05-2005, 11:22 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Oh LOOK someone is making fun of the fact I have alot of posts. You must be a fucking rocket scientist or a permanent contestant of Whose Line is it Anyway.

I think you're a dick because you clearly are one. I don't care if you were a nobody in GS which you were and currently a nobody in WoW.

Nope wrong again Stay, I wasn’t making fun of your post count. I did take an educated risk though. I bet that there was no way you would be able to call me a dick and list criteria that couldn't be turned right back at you. Turns out I was right

[Edited on 6-6-2005 by Lyonis]

06-05-2005, 11:24 PM
No, you're a dick.

06-06-2005, 04:13 AM
I do have a problem with someone bragging about how good they are at PvP on a RP server though. It's not even close to being the same thing as a PvP server.

Here's the thing. Yes, were you to place both servers side by side and compare them, there will be a shit load of better PvP'ers on a PvP server than on a PvE or an RP server. No doubt about that, no question about that.

However, this does not discount that there ARE skilled PvP'ers on PvE and RP servers, who yes, could probably compete with skilled players from the PvP servers.

Just because somebody is on a PvE or RP server does not immediately discount their skill at PvP. Right now I've got about 5,000 kills, most of them solo. I'd say about 75% of them were in SS/TM battles, 25% were one-on-ones. I'm not clueless when it comes to PvP, even if I'm on an RP server.

06-06-2005, 04:18 AM
Originally posted by Lyonis
Nope wrong again Stay, I wasn’t making fun of your post count. I did take an educated risk though. I bet that there was no way you would be able to call me a dick and list criteria that couldn't be turned right back at you. Turns out I was right

Aside from your arrogance, your posts have been nothing but condescending, obnoxious, accusatory, and aggressive.

You've turned what was mostly a civil argument into nothing more than a playground screech fest.

You can try to turn that against me, if you want. Or, you can just hide behind a bunch of snide remarks and name-calling.

06-06-2005, 06:08 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque
It's like Accrington Stanley Vs Manchester United.

Part timers against professionals.

I believe it was ...

Most important part of this entire thread.

Read carefully.

... right?

06-06-2005, 08:14 AM
Originally posted by 3704558

I do have a problem with someone bragging about how good they are at PvP on a RP server though. It's not even close to being the same thing as a PvP server.

Here's the thing. Yes, were you to place both servers side by side and compare them, there will be a shit load of better PvP'ers on a PvP server than on a PvE or an RP server. No doubt about that, no question about that.

However, this does not discount that there ARE skilled PvP'ers on PvE and RP servers, who yes, could probably compete with skilled players from the PvP servers.

Just because somebody is on a PvE or RP server does not immediately discount their skill at PvP. Right now I've got about 5,000 kills, most of them solo. I'd say about 75% of them were in SS/TM battles, 25% were one-on-ones. I'm not clueless when it comes to PvP, even if I'm on an RP server.

Never meant to lead you to believe that I thought you sucked.. I've played with you, so I know better. Sure, I can still kick your ass.. but you don't suck.


06-06-2005, 08:16 AM
Originally posted by 3704558

I do have a problem with someone bragging about how good they are at PvP on a RP server though. It's not even close to being the same thing as a PvP server.

Here's the thing. Yes, were you to place both servers side by side and compare them, there will be a shit load of better PvP'ers on a PvP server than on a PvE or an RP server. No doubt about that, no question about that.

However, this does not discount that there ARE skilled PvP'ers on PvE and RP servers, who yes, could probably compete with skilled players from the PvP servers.

Just because somebody is on a PvE or RP server does not immediately discount their skill at PvP. Right now I've got about 5,000 kills, most of them solo. I'd say about 75% of them were in SS/TM battles, 25% were one-on-ones. I'm not clueless when it comes to PvP, even if I'm on an RP server.

Couldnt agree with you more...however while PB has been cited as slinging mud, I think if you read back through the thread, it would all stem pretty much, from this:

Originally posted by Izalude
The fact of the matter is, however, that if it came to a clash between Hyjal Protectorate, and The Barren Fury, we'd OMGWTFPWN you. 3 of our members have been ranked in the top 25 on our server in the PvP standings since the Honor system was created. One of which was in the top 10!

Which aside from anything else, goes against the basis of what everyone has agreed upon, in this thread...even Izalude...that PvP players are likely to be better than RP or PvE players (we are all agreed that just being on e PvP server doesnt afford you uber skills, but it does give you the opportunity to perfect the skills/aptitude you have).

06-06-2005, 11:09 AM
I hardly call that slinging mud. It was more of a friendly challenge to Falgrin just to razz him up a bit for all the carebear remarks, but someone took it personal.

I agree wholeheartedly with Falgrin, 3704558, and Adhara. Just because we play on a 'carebear' server doesn't mean we don't have PvP experience. You guys live, eat, and breathe PvP all the time, irregardless of whether or not you want to, which logically gives you more experience. I don't think that was ever in dispute. Nor do I believe that 3704558 or I could hold our own against the top PvP'ers on the Dunemaul server, but then again, you guys in the Barren Fury aren't best on your server either, are you?

I apologize to those who decided to take this thread personal, and turn it into a pissing contest, as it was not my intention.

06-06-2005, 11:16 AM
I would rate Alorg quite highly at PvP...he is certainly amongst the better PvPers I have seen or hunted with.

I would rate me way below that.

I think what has yet to be mentioned is that the Honor system isnt actually a very good judge of who the best PvPers. Having seen the tactics of a number of Alliance players (easier to see them on the receiving end) who charge in, maybe get the odd kill or two before they die, rinse and repeat, climbing up their rankings, would say that the honor system is a misnomer...to me the most important part of PvP is not dying...those on Dunemaul that appear to be the most accomplished on the alliance side, die like there is no tomorrow.

Anyway, its only a game. :)

06-06-2005, 11:20 AM
Indeed. Tell your friend Lyonis that. :)

06-06-2005, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by Izalude
PvP'ers on the Dunemaul server, but then again, you guys in the Barren Fury aren't best on your server either, are you?

No, but with the numbers I've taken down in the last week, I'd love to go 1 v 1 with someone from your guild.

I was never very confident in my skills, and always put myself at "slightly better than average". More recently, I realize I'm a hell of alot better than most people out there. In duels or straight up, and out in the wilds PvP.

I think my new found overconfidence came after I dueled two warriors and a shaman back to back in under 5 minutes before UBRS and destroyed every one of them. Only ability I had that wasn't on cooldown vs the Onibatsu Shaman was Cold Blood, and I still crushed him with more than 70% health left.

I don't know why people say shaman are overpowered...I haven't lost to one in months ::glances over in Bayne and Dar's general direction::

06-06-2005, 11:31 AM
Dar hasnt played in months...you cant use that

06-06-2005, 11:36 AM
Should a time exist when we can move our characters over to a test server, I'd take you up on that challenge.

06-06-2005, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Izalude
Should a time exist when we can move our characters over to a test server, I'd take you up on that challenge.

Sounds like fun.

But your main is a hunter, correct?

Now that wouldn't exactly be a fair fight one on one. On average, I'm not sure any class puts up less of a fight for me than hunters (although poorly played rogues, which the Alliance has an abundance of, are by far my easiest kill).

06-06-2005, 12:03 PM
Main is a hunter, yes. I've also got a capped mage, and I'm working on a rogue who's 39 now.

Shamans aren't invincible, but they aren't easy either. They're probably the biggest challenge I get in duels.

06-06-2005, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
Main is a hunter, yes. I've also got a capped mage, and I'm working on a rogue who's 39 now.

Shamans aren't invincible, but they aren't easy either. They're probably the biggest challenge I get in duels.

I'm a rogue. If you're an extremely skilled hunter, I'd say I'd win atleast 7 of 10 fights vs. you.

With your mage, I'd put it around 50/50, depending on how skilled you are with him.

06-06-2005, 12:25 PM
in the rogue/hunter fight. I'd put it on the situation. If it was a duel setting..I think the hunter would stand a better chance. If it was a random hunting slaughter. The rogue wins hands down.

06-06-2005, 02:04 PM
A well played toon > any class. That being said, the class I have the most problems with is a well played Shaman.

I think it's funny that people with toons on PvP servers feel they're far superior in PvP to those on a regular server. As a whole I would have to agree, but there are toons on the larger regular servers that PvP 8...10...12 hours a day; every day. I think those people could probably handle themselves vs. similar folks on a PvP server.

06-06-2005, 02:09 PM
I've got this for my hunter: http://www.thottbot.com/?i=26827

The description is misleading... so I'll try to explain.

It has a 5% chance of covering you with an invulnerable shield protecting you from ALL damage for 10 seconds. The shield drops if you try and melee someone. It procs alot more often than 5% too. In reality, I'd say it procs at least 2-3 times per fight. Even if the rogue gets the jump on me with a cheapshot or ambush... When the shield goes up, I can feign death, drop a freezing trap, and *usually* take control of the situation. Rogues used to scare the hell out of me before I got this armor. Now I don't mind them too much. It cost me 850g to gather all the materials... For me, it was worth every copper!

1 on 1 versus a rogue as my hunter, I'm confident to say I'd win 7 out of 10 times.... unless the rogue was decked out in full Epic Molten Core or Commander PVP gear.

Mage on the other hand is a bit differant. My mage is a human, so I've got the super perception bonus when needed. In duels, I'd probably beat you. But if you got the jump on me out in the wilds, or in large-scale PvP you'd most likely beat me.

06-06-2005, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
I've got this for my hunter: http://www.thottbot.com/?i=26827

The description is misleading... so I'll try to explain.

1 on 1 versus a rogue as my hunter, I'm confident to say I'd win 7 out of 10 times.... unless the rogue was decked out in full Epic Molten Core or Commander PVP gear.

People put entirely too much stock in gear. My swords, for lack of a better word, suck. That doesn't mean I had any trouble whatsoever dropping any of the "top" hunters on the Alliance side. Many of which do have MC epics or the mighty super-soaker gun. (One of them I dropped 4 times in a row, you'd think after his 2nd death he'd leave my farming spot instead of incessantly flaring and throwing traps around, practically begging me to kill him again.)

That is some impressive armor though...that'd definately give me a problem, assuming you're immune to all attacks (if not, I'd blind you and wait out the 10 seconds).

Mage on the other hand is a bit differant. My mage is a human, so I've got the super perception bonus when needed. In duels, I'd probably beat you. But if you got the jump on me out in the wilds, or in large-scale PvP you'd most likely beat me.

It doesn't matter if you can see me, as long as I can get my cheapshot (or ambush) in before you target me and attack. I've killed plenty of hunters by vanishing right next to them while I've got a mark on me.

Mages are more of a crapshoot with me for a couple reasons. Mostly depending on if their high dmg spells happen to crit, or if they manage to last past the first 15 seconds and get a 2nd attempt at blinking, sheeping, etc.

06-06-2005, 02:41 PM
Sometimes, I get caught by one of the 3 über horde rogues on our server that try to gank me... Fatalis, Lokitus, and Niien. Before I had the mail, I'd be lucky to get Fatalis 1 time for every 10 times he killed me. Now it's more like 9 times in my favor to his 1. I LOVE watching them waste 5 point eviscerates on me only to have them see immune.

Now in regards to the gear of the opposing rogue... It's all about the crit % and weapon damage. A rogue decked out in Epic gear like that, with cold blood, usually can drop half my health with an ambush before I realize what happened. The only hope I have is that if my shield procs before I die.

Now... My strategy as the mage would be to use my perception ability to find you. I'd target you with tab, and then hit you with my instasheep ability. After that, I'd gain some distance, then launch an alphastrike on you. Remember, mages can blink their way out of stuns, so given the chance, you'd probably want to ambush instead of cheapshot.

If I couldn't find you with my initial perception, I'd turn my volume WAAAAY up so I can hear the rogue stealth sounds. As soon as you got close enough for me to hear it, I'd hit Frost Nova, gain distance, and do the whole alphastrike thing.

Blind is problematic, since I have no way of countering it.

06-06-2005, 02:45 PM
Ahh... something I forgot...

I like to shadowmeld close to the front line to pop Horde Priests, mages, and warlocks with aimed shot. After my shot lands, I usually retreat back into the Alliance ranks. This can be a big gamble... Sometimes the Alliance falls back, and I find myself out in left field, surrounded by Horde on all sides. When that happens, I'm dead. So really, there's no point in running away.

So, I start dancing...

It's hysterical when my mail procs multiple times while I'm busting my Night Elf Dance moves... Sometimes I can get a good 20 seconds out of it before I go splat.

06-06-2005, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
Now in regards to the gear of the opposing rogue... It's all about the crit % and weapon damage. A rogue decked out in Epic gear like that, with cold blood, usually can drop half my health with an ambush before I realize what happened.

I disagree with this. Skill > Gear nine times out of ten. You're making the same arguments that the big Alliance guilds on our server make (A bit ironic, since this is the example they use when they get called out as being PvE carebears. This of course is usually the result of someone on the Horde getting sick of hearing their daily penis waving contests of "server firsts". I mean really, you're on a PvP server, why are you bragging about killing a computer controlled "monster".)

I have zero epics and wield a green sword in my offhand. I can still drop your health to less than half before you'd know it, and most likely you'd only have a fraction of a second to break my stun lock. Even if you do break it, I have a chance to hit the "reset button" by vanishing, blinding, or using prep and vanish/blinding all over again.

. Remember, mages can blink their way out of stuns, so given the chance, you'd probably want to ambush instead of cheapshot.

I bank on this now. Infact, I root for mages to blink out of my cheapshot. It's easier to finish them off when everything goes according to planned. It's the mages that don't blink that force me to improvise.

If I couldn't find you with my initial perception, I'd turn my volume WAAAAY up so I can hear the rogue stealth sounds. As soon as you got close enough for me to hear it, I'd hit Frost Nova, gain distance, and do the whole alphastrike thing.

That's no problem, I just hit the 'reset button' here (vanish).

Blind is problematic, since I have no way of countering it.

Lucky for you, it fails more than any other rogue ability (Probably around 30%...something about it being treated as a ranged attack. It gets blocked, parried, and dodged WAY too often.)

06-06-2005, 03:18 PM
Ahh, I wasn't clear, sorry about that Snatch. The rogue in MC gear is presumed to be skilled as well as decked out in the gear.

An idiot PvPer with good gear is still an idiot.

06-06-2005, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Izalude
Ahh, I wasn't clear, sorry about that Snatch. The rogue in MC gear is presumed to be skilled as well as decked out in the gear.

An idiot PvPer with good gear is still an idiot.

Hehehe, I got called "Snatch". :lol:

I'm used to my server, where the Alliance are quite skilled in PvE and decked out with epics while the Horde is just getting their feet wet with MC.

This tends to give the Alliance players overconfidence thinking they are "better". They are...at killing AI controlled mobs. This leads them to rushing in thinking they'll overpower me with their purple set pieces and super soakers. It ends up in me /comfort and /salute'ing them while I ride off after killing them for the 3rd time in a row.

06-06-2005, 04:22 PM
If you search the wow movie sites, there is one of a 60 rogue on archimonde using lvl 3 grey daggers and winning duels. Can't recall the name of the video though..

He then equips his real gear and goes pvping, and takes on 6 allies one after another and only stops to med at the end (he does use 1 potion though).

Skill > gear. But gear will help out alot. The better gear, tricks, trinkets, etc you have the better off you are in pvp.

I'd also say rogues are the least dependent on gear. Evis isn't dependent on weapon dps, right?

And I do everything while standing on a freeze trap with flare up. I think there were more NE rogues than all horde on SR.:lol:

06-06-2005, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Guerrin
I'd also say rogues are the least dependent on gear. Evis isn't dependent on weapon dps, right?

Yup. You'll do the same with a junk grey dagger that you will with the Brutality Blade.

And I do everything while standing on a freeze trap with flare up. I think there were more NE rogues than all horde on SR.:lol:

Detect Trap has become my best friend lately. :smilegrin:

06-06-2005, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by SnatchWrangler

Originally posted by Guerrin
I'd also say rogues are the least dependent on gear. Evis isn't dependent on weapon dps, right?

Yup. You'll do the same with a junk grey dagger that you will with the Brutality Blade.

And I do everything while standing on a freeze trap with flare up. I think there were more NE rogues than all horde on SR.:lol:

Detect Trap has become my best friend lately. :smilegrin:

Flare is mine :smilegrin:

06-27-2005, 10:14 AM
Just got my warlock to 60 yesterday! If anyone needs one along for a raid, feel free to send a tell to Sirenna!

06-27-2005, 11:57 AM
I hate how the term carebear is used towards anyone who plays on a RP server. I know that I could hold my own if I played on a PvP server but to be honest I would rather play with friends on a RP server. I do not have much time to play anymore and when I do get time I would rather log in and chat with friends while getting a level or two, maybe play a game of CTF rather than logging in and hoping to gain a level and not get body camped etc.

06-27-2005, 02:21 PM
You better stop that carebear talk, they'll get mad we're doing it in our own folder :P. We've got like 18 level 60s at this point in Hyjal (with 5 more 57+), so we're slowly moving towards self-reliance. If only priests on the server weren't guilded or idiots and we could grab a few.

[Edited on 6-27-2005 by Odups]

06-27-2005, 03:48 PM
Yeah, Hyjal seems set on rogues, hunters, paladins and warriors. We could use another warlock, mage, driud and 2 priests...but if we just got the priests we would be fine to do 10 person raids every night if we felt like it.

Not enough for Onyxia or Ragnaros, but that's what the Federation is for.

Now if I could just get a 10 person team into Warsong Gulch...

06-27-2005, 03:49 PM
I told Iza I would start one but he said the guild had a few up and coming priests. I played a support class in DAoC so I am used to it at this point. Only problem for me is that I am not around too much. Maybe I'll get more time once summer is over and class starts again(isn't it supposed to be the other way around?).

edit: Ill start pushing my mage a bit now that I know we need mages. I just started him last time I was logged in and hes only 6 but hes fun to play. Anyone able to make noob pouches or have any spares?

[Edited on 6-27-2005 by Elrodin]

06-27-2005, 06:52 PM
I can get your toon some 8-10 slot pouches, some cash, bandages, etc... Just send a mail to Settium in game with a request and I'll get back to you as much as possible.

Just let me know what I can do to help.

06-28-2005, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by Elrodin
I hate how the term carebear is used towards anyone who plays on a RP server. I know that I could hold my own if I played on a PvP server but to be honest I would rather play with friends on a RP server. I do not have much time to play anymore and when I do get time I would rather log in and chat with friends while getting a level or two, maybe play a game of CTF rather than logging in and hoping to gain a level and not get body camped etc.

The carebear thing is a bit silly if people are really meaning it, and I dont intend to start throwing that about, but PvP servers arent all about camping.

Sure it happens, but you would have to be pretty unimaginative not to be able to deal with it in such a way as you can get along with your business.

After the honor patch was released, things were stupid. I was close to packing it in just then, but things did settle down. Now it is pretty much the way it was prior to honor, with the occasional clash of hunting groups, various roaming groups, but also the space to be able to hunt/quest. Those that want to honor farm are generally in WSG or Alterac, those that want to be a pain in the arse are usually in STV or Hillsbrad (but these are much less in numbers than previously).

As much as I love PvP, I was really anxious about the camping aspect when I first rolled on Dunemaul. My first visit to stonetalon was scary...but it wasnt as bad as I figured it...I have now managed to get one character to 60, one to 47 and another to 40. I am in no way an exceptional player, so if I can do it, Im pretty sure anyone can.

Best way of seeing really is give it a try. We have a good bunch in the guild these days, work pretty well together and help out (whether by advice or practical help) all the time. Give it a shot :)

06-28-2005, 10:37 AM
Currently I offer two options for your healing pleasure.

60 priest, and 60 druid.

07-07-2005, 10:56 PM
First All Guild/Alliance UBRS this weekend!

With 22 capped characters and another 4 that are 55+, we can now theoretically staff a full UBRS raid. Realistically, we'll probably have to grab a couple from FEDSH but rejoice, aside from our weekly Onyxia run on saturdays, you can now expect weekly high level instances fully staffed by us as well.

UBRS will be on sunday evening (eastern), time TBA.

07-07-2005, 10:58 PM
Damn, I had no clue we had that many capped people in the guild. Go Hyjal Protectorate!

07-08-2005, 04:33 AM
I'm guessing if Sicarium caps before Tayre, I won't be invited to the raids anyway. :(

Guess I better put Sicarium away for a while. I should have never started that stupid priest.

07-08-2005, 07:05 AM
I'm guessing if Sicarium caps before Tayre, I won't be invited to the raids anyway.
Whatever, we'll pwn Hammerfall!