View Full Version : SGM Khaladon. Murders. Bigotry? RANT! *longlonglongpost*

05-31-2005, 03:57 PM
Okay, so i'm just gonna flat out post the post that got PULLED on the play.net forums. The names involved were changed with an X instead of the first name, so i'll just tell you guys. Rivahe, Foxs (Big fucking surprise there? Right?) Killed me and my friends, my fiancee, my Six year old daughter in game. And while it STARTED IC, it soon and very quickly went OOC, when i wanted it to end, I had Khaladon basically tell me that this was a nonconcent game and "Tough" after two other lengthy GM discussions. So, anyhoot. Here's the dirt.


This is the log of a conversation I had earlier today with Khaladon concerning a continued thread of harassment that has taken place over the course of the last week. Every name has been altered, using X’s, since you aren’t allowed to place such conversations up here without that.

To give a bit of background, what started out as a small RP turned into a continual murdering of my character and my characters family and friends. Kysen was friends with Xivahe at first, and when her behavior ICly began to hurt those around her, and she began to threaten him everytime he said some truth she didn’t like, he told her that she was trigger happy, drinking to much, and hurting the man she was dating, whom she’d just cheated on. This apparently warranted murdering him, a person who was up until this point her friend.

The first murder, I didn’t mind so much. Even the second murder, where she followed me down into the catacombs while Kysen’s Fiancee and he were meeting their 6 year old daughter (IC) for the first time, didn’t bother me so much, as it was still IC. But she killed Kysen’s fiancée and daughter as well as Kysen, for no reason other then pure meaness, as they hadn’t done a damn thing too her to warrant such behavior ICly, OR OOCly. She was just ticked off, and took it out on whoever was nearby me. I whispered to her then that two times was enough, no more killing me for this storyline. I was done with it.

Later, I was killed while buying herbs in the herbal shop. And when two friends came to drag me away, her friend murdered them. This was the last straw, I reported and assisted, And told her so. Her response was an outloud “I don’t care, go ahead and report” which said to me quite clearly that this was no longer IC, but an OOC rage she is refusing to let go. I ended up getting a GH, who sat with myself and quite a few others including both friends who were murdered, as well as Kysen’s IC Fiance, and IC Daughter. After a while, she called down GM Roxia to deal with the issue.

We were told warning (which by the way you cant do when they silent strike) and then reporting any further harassment was the way to go, and if they continued to kill or harass us, they would be punished.

I was continually harassed, she wouldn’t respect the no contact agreement, and I reported more then once each time she did it, and then last night I was killed yet again this time in wayside. Each time I’m slept by lullabye then I’m asleep on the ground and she kills me. According to Khaladon, if you have a no contact agreement its still okay for them to contact you.

I ignored her. Stopped talking about it, quit whispering about it, but she killed me anyhow in wayside, and I threw an absolute fit on REPORT. They dragged me to a consultation lounge, still dead. Kyalia came and raised me, and once again she got an agreement for a no contact order from Xivahe, as well as me, and told me that if she continued to harass me to ignore her and go on my way, report that she has a no contact order in my file, and follow up with an assist, and she would be punished.

Then earlier today, when I logged in, another person glared and called me a jerk. I didn’t know why so I asked, then ignored her. After a moment I ICly closed my eyes due to an IC headach (I went away for ten minutes from the computer) and returned to Kysen being dead. This person could only have been one of Xivahe’s friends(I have no other ’enemies’). She held my hand while I was sleeping, took me out of town and killed me before leaving me there for others to rescue. This person was ANOTHER Empath, and when I returned to TC she said “How’d you like being dead?” I warned, reported, assisted, and ignored this person. But promptly thought on the net for people to come and give me spells as I kept getting murdered. On the net, I did not mention *anyones name* though a friend *did* mention who had killed me. I had no control what so ever over what he said on the net. I can only control myself, and I myself did not mention anyones name, just stated the problem and requested help since the GMs refused to give it.

Moments later, I was drawn into a consultation lounge with Khaladon, and what follows is my conversation with him from start to finish. I edited only bad language, names and actions as well as death messages. I edited nothing else, so there will be typos from time to time. (or a lot, hehe)

To be quite honest, I wonder if this is actually a case of bigotry. The way Khaladon spoke to me was beyond rude in my opinion, and I have been urged with friends to share it with the rest of you here on the boards. Kysen, ICly, is engaged to another man. I wonder quite honestly if Khaladon isn’t just playing favorites because of bigotry.

I’d also like to poll you. How many of you feel as though when you go to GM’s with a serious problem you are taken seriously and everything is done to make sure you get what you need in a timely fashion, without being belittled? Everyone I have told this story to responds to me with , “Oh hon, you know that GMs don’t do anything. I’m sorry that this is happening to you, but they just don’t care enough.” Or something to that effect. I’m curious to know how others outside of my circle feel about it.

Log below.


Khaladon says, "The world is a cold cruel place."

Khaladon says, "Its not safe."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "This isnt the same and you know it."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I was told if she kept talking to me she'd be in trouble and no one will do anything."

Khaladon says, "CvC is perfectly acceptable."

Khaladon says, "Thats not true sadly."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "But i dont WANT CvC and continuing to kill and mutilate me is not acceptable."

Khaladon says, "Spare me the tears, we're OOC here."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "It IS true."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "I AM CRYING RL!"
Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Before this you were my one of my favorite GMs."
Khaladon says, "This is a game, if its that affecting you, take some time off, go to a movie, relax."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "This is my birthday. All i wanted was to come here, be with friends and enjoy myself."
Khaladon says, "Sorry to disappoint, but as SGM, i also need to enforce the rules and policies."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I run to the store for a drink, come back, and my characters been murdered. I was gone under ten minutes."

Khaladon says, "Honestly, if you need to leave, log off."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Last night, Xivahe kills me again, after a two hour consolutation with GMS AFTER i warned yous he was after me."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And you wouldnt listen."
Khaladon says, "Cant be killed if your not in."
Khaladon says, "Or find a locked room."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "She whispers to me "For the cold hell you've brought me"."

Khaladon asks, "So what did you do to her?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "This woman is NOT IC!"
Khaladon says, "Apparently its something."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Read the notes, Khaladon."
Khaladon says, "Nah, you tell me, its faster that way."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You know what i did? It all started IC when Kysen as a friend told her she was hurting people and trigger happy. They were friends. Slowly she took it OOC and now she's just killing me constantly and getting her friends to kill me."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Listen."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "If you wont do anything, then can the warning and My friends and iwill just keep killing her."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "If that's acceptable behavior, then FINE."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I came to YOU GUYS."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "Because i didnt want to DO THAT!"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Because that RUINS this game for EVERYONE."
Khaladon says, "Between you and her, sure, have at it, seems consentual conflict."
Khaladon says, "Bringing others in, no."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Its not."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I dont want this."
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I havent killed her once."
Khaladon says, "Then walk away."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I have tried to ignore her."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "She just keeps coming after me."
Khaladon says, "Staying in the same room doesn't help."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "I"M A F<editlanguage> EMPATH!"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I dont HUNT."
Khaladon asks, "Why?"
Khaladon says, "My empath does."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I dont want to."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "What wrong with being a damn healer?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "That's my stupid RP."
Khaladon says, "Ok, well, is lots of spots to heal."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I think its f<edit-lang> up to hell that the person being harassed is the one being told to leave."
Khaladon says, "Takes two to tango amigo."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Khaladon."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "I am not doing anything!"
Khaladon says, "And as i said, we cant watch you 24x7."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "God damn you."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "ALL my friends are in landing and TC."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "I'm not leaving because i'm getting harassed!"
Khaladon says, "Lets drop the vulgarity towards me."
Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "What sense does that make?!"
Khaladon says, "Cause its not gonna do anything."
Khaladon says, "It doesnt bother me."
Khaladon says, "But it dont want to hear it."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And i dont want to hear you're cruelty."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You make no sense."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "None."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Some one getting harassed shouldnt be the one to leave."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I'm not talking to her."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I'm ignoring."
Khaladon says, "Cool, from favorite GM to making no sense."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I havent killed her."
Khaladon chuckles.

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "NONE OF THAT."
Khaladon says, "And getting sworn at."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Kyalia's my favorite, you were my second favorite."
Khaladon says, "Make up your mind."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Because you're being CRUEL."
Khaladon chuckles.

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You dont make sense."
Khaladon says, "Hardly."
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Not hardly."
Khaladon says, "Apparently something happend to generate the animosity."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "This conversation is going on the message boards."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I'm NOT DOING ANYTHING TO HER."
Khaladon says, "I'm scared."
Khaladon says, "Message boards."
Khaladon chuckles.

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "It started IC and i was okay with dying a few timnes."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "But then it went OOC and i asked not to continue with murders."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And she wouldnt stop."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And i stoped talking to her and tried to ignore her."

Khaladon says, "And you keep it going on the amulet."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "She kept killing me. And my friends, and kysens fiencee for no reason."

Khaladon says, "From what i've observed."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And Kysen's dauyghter for no reason."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "No."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I was asking for spells damnit."
Khaladon shrugs.

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I didnt mention her."
Khaladon says, "I disagree."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I am afraid to to be off sancted areas."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And i cant talk about why."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And no one will f<edit-lang> help me."
Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "Make her stop!"
Khaladon says, "Again , stop with the language."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I'm sitting here in RL, crying, because i have no options."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I cant ask for spells."
Khaladon says, "Lots of options."

Khaladon says, "Go hunt."
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I cant say way."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "I DONT WANT!"
Khaladon says, "Go elsewhere."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "Its not my damnit character!"

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "ALL MY FRIeinds are in TC!"

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "SHE"S the one doing it why do i have to be punishished for it?!"
Khaladon says, "Lets see."
Khaladon says, "You been killed 3 times by her."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Four."
Khaladon says, "Umm, no."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Um. yes."
Khaladon says, "3."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "No."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Four."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Once outside of the bank."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Once in the catacombs."

Khaladon says, "I can see the logs."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Once in the herbal shop."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Once in the Wayside in."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I have the stupid logs."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I KNOW."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "YOU WERENT the damn one killed."

Khaladon says, "3 times by Xivahe."
Khaladon says, "Period."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "No."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You're incorect."
Khaladon says, "Ok, cool, guess the logs lie."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "'My logs dont lie."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "She slept me every time."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And then killed me while i was on the ground."
Khaladon asks, "In town?"
Khaladon says, "So she got arrested i'd guess."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "One moment, phone."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Yeap."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "Want the logs? I'm sure i can find the one yelling "XIVAHE! MURDERER!"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Since Xoxs was with her."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "But SHE slept me."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And i'm 90 percent sure she killed me."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "But XOXS killed Xaurven and when they came to drag me."
Khaladon says, "Well, looking at the justice logs, she was arrested each time."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I'm telling you she killed me 4 times."
Khaladon says, "Not everyone is supposed to be happy bunny in GS4."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You're incorect in saying 3."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "If this was RP, Khaladon."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "It wouldnt be so bad."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "But its not."
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "She's just a unhappy person OOC so she's making my life a living hell."
Khaladon says, "Well, unless we can see it, or a pattern of behavior."
Khaladon says, "For now, it seems confined to you and her."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Well, i've reported."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And warned."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And talked to GH's and GMS."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "And you should have a nice good PATTERN BY NOW!"
Khaladon says, "Its just you two."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Its NOT."
Khaladon says, "Which makes me think is more to it."
Khaladon says, "If she was killing lots of people."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "Khaldon!"

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "DO YOU NOT HEAR ME!?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "She's killed XINDLEAF and XRYLILIAN TOO!"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "FOR NO REASON."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "What the hell are you blind?!"
Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "You arent reading what i'm writing!"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Kry was level 2, IC Kysen's six year old daughter."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "She had never laid eyes on her before."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And she killed her because she was with me."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "In the catacombs."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Xindleaf has reported."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Rimsch, Xaurven, Xlsiea, Xindleaf, Xrylilian and I have all have a BIG meeting with GM Roxia."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "About Xoxs and Xivahe."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "What is wrong with you that you are treating me this way?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I get harassed and you tell me to leave."
Khaladon says, "Well, you apparently no more than i do, all i have is your reports to go off of."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Then you're reporting system sucks."
Khaladon says, "Nothing at all, i don't know you."
Khaladon shrugs.

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "Over an hour and a half meeting with all of us with Roxia and ther eis no LOG of it?"
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Well, *I* have a log of it."
Khaladon says, "I treat everyone identically."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "So does RIMSCH."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Maybethats your problem, Khaladon."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You're a good GM, and have been in the past, but this is wrong."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And what you're saying to me is wrong."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I should not be punished because some one else is harassing me."
Khaladon says, "Heh, most people think the opposite, else is favortism."
Khaladon chuckles.

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And getting others to murder my character OOC who dont know me."
Khaladon says, "So doing everyone is indentically is the safest."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "World isnt black and white Khaladon."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "As far as i'm concerned."
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "YOU ARE Favoring Xivahe."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And it sucks."
Khaladon says, "As of now, i haven't observed any of it."
Khaladon says, "And until i do, i really cannot do anything."
Khaladon says, "Just your word vs hers."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Call up Xaurven."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Call up Rimsch."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Do it."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Call em up."
Khaladon says, "Still is biased."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Call up Elril."
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "They've seen the harassment."
Khaladon says, "I dont know what leads up to it."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I told you."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "It started as RP."
Khaladon says, "Heck, for all i know, you could be whispering vulgarities to her."
Khaladon says, "Seem to do it to me."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "First two times i Died, it was okay because it was IC, and then i whispered to her that i was done and wanted to drop everything and she wouldnt respect it and kept killng me and told me go ahead and report me. Which makes me think that this is no longer IC."
Khaladon says, "And if it started as RP."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You are supposed to Respect the players wishes."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "This is NOT a PvP game."
Khaladon says, "And then you just don't like how its heading."
Khaladon says, "Then tough really."

Khaladon says, "As i said, life isn't exactly supposed to be bunnystone in the game."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I said F<edit-lang> once in a whisper to her. I'm more then happy to admit that. She was whispering to me that i knew something and i said i have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Thats it. once, ever, never ever ever again and i admited it in a report two minutes later."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I have been nothing but honest throughjout this whole entire crappy ordeal."
Khaladon says, "Actually no, i'm supposed to do whats best for the game, not what players want."
Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "What's best for the game is a person going OOC murdering people?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "Explain that?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Khaladon."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I've been here in thsi game off and on for 9 years."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I have always been an upstanding player."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I have two accounts."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I have never caused trouble."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Never been in trouble."
Khaladon says, "If you'd review POLICY, you will see what I mean about doing whats best for the game."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I have RPED, gotten awards for it. I stay in character, work my but of for my characters, give things to newbies, help people, and try and better this game."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Let me out of here, i'm done."

Khaladon says, "Thats great."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I want to talk with Kyalia when she's on."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You're not worth talking to about this issue."
Khaladon says, "Kyalia works for me."
Khaladon chuckles.

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "She promised that Xivahe wouldnt touch me any more."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "She promised."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I have the log."

Khaladon says, "I'll make sure I speak to her on that issue."
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "She said that Xivahe would leave me alone."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And i have ignored her completely."
Khaladon says, "She shouldn't promise what cannot be done."
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And she wont leaveme alone."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "How could this be okay?1."
Khaladon says, "We're not gonna monitor you 24x7."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "No."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "But when i assist and report n ask for help because i'm murdered, what am i spost to do?"

Khaladon says, "I'd suggest using REPORT when its ongoing, or ASSIST to get it documented, and of course, walk away where need be."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And the reason you dont have the log of one of them is cause it was in catacombs and she doesnt get arested for catacombs."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "So four times."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I couldnt walk away, i RPed closing my eyes and resting for ten minutes and Xsmurii grabbed me, dragged me out of town and killed me."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I was gone less then ten minutes."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "This is ridiculous."
Khaladon says, "Log off."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I dont WANT to be monitored 24x7, i want it taken care of."
Khaladon says, "Easy answer."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "Log off? For a game i paid for?"
Khaladon says, "Would have saved you a death."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "How about group closed?"
Khaladon says, "Being afk for 10 minutes isnt RP."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "That's a better Answer."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I was ICly resting."
Khaladon says, "Anything can happen."
Khaladon says, "Invasion."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Premies get the daydream."
Khaladon says, "Game crashes."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "Why's that RP but what i did not?"
Khaladon says, "Rest at a table."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Answer my damn question."
Khaladon says, "Its still not RP."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "Then WHY do you have daydream?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "Why do we have restmode?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "Huh?"
Khaladon says, "Just a verb, and you can get killed."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Again, you are making no sense."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Yes, but there is a difference between game wide invasion and people dragging me off and murdering me for OOC reasons while you people sit around twidling your damn thumbs."

Khaladon says, "If you want to be safe 24x7, i suggest a table."
Khaladon says, "Close your group, go to a table, a locked room, log off."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You know what? This is part of the reason we've lost half our player base, Khaladon."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You dont care."
Khaladon says, "4 ways to have avoided that death."
Khaladon chuckles.

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I fully admit that i shoul dhave closed my group."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "But what i dont agree with is that you think its acceptable."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "And you now what?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "If it's acceptable."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Then fine."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Everyone she's harassed and murdered in the past week will go on a killing spree."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "How's that?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "OOC killing spree! YAY ME!"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "She's allowed."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "So i guess its cool for me too."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I'm not REALLY gonna do it."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "But i'm making a point."
Khaladon says, "I care more than you possibly can even conceptualize. I spend more hours in this game than i should to make it a better place, improve the rules, and spend more hours doing things that got me to where i am at."
Khaladon says, "So lets not even go there."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You might care on some level, but not for the players, and without the players, this game is nothing."

Khaladon chuckles.
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And you know it."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "And you know what?"
Khaladon says, "Yah, right."
Khaladon chuckles.

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I've spent more hours the you know doing the same thing."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Making this game better."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "RPing."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "'Helping newbieswith equipment and understanding and teaching them how t o RP."
Khaladon says, "The game isn't meant to be safe."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I've been here since i was 15 years old."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Its also not a PK game, Khaladon."

Khaladon says, "Its not Disneystone."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Well great."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You'vefinally brought Gemstone down to the levels of those worthless muds where PK is condoned."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "What a sad freaking day."
Khaladon says, "Lots of options to deal with it, but I really doubt being killed 3 deaths make it a PK game."
Khaladon chuckles.

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "4, and after today and Xsmurii killing me, 5."
Khaladon says, "I've given you a lot of options to deal with it."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Get your damned numbers straight."

Khaladon says, "But you don't want to avail yourself of any."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Because its not the rp intended for this character."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "Leave town?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "SHE harasses me and *I* have to leave."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "Hunt? Whenmy character is mainly a healer?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "He doesnt like hunting much."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "ICly its his personality."
Khaladon says, "You want the staff to watch 24x7, and see what leads up to it, since all we have at this moment is your word."

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "So what? Screw RP?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "This game isnt about RP is it?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "My word."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And Xindleaf."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And Xrylilian."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And Xaurven."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And Xlsiea."

Khaladon says, "As you said, it started out as RP, now once its gone bad, you just want out..."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "And XHELONY!"
Khaladon says, "Kinda anti-RP."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "Xhelony is HER FRIEND!"

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "And HE watched her do it too!"

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "ASK HIM!"
Khaladon asks, "Whom?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "After seeing what she did to me! He apologized to me and repaid me for a deed!"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Xhelony."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And Rimsch."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Its not my word against hers."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You just dont give a damn about the truth."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Let me out of this stupid conference."
Khaladon says, "All I really care about is your actions and hers, no one else is applicable."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I'm done with you."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "She's killed so many people."

Khaladon says, "Nifty."
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And you DONT GIE A DAMN."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You're screwing up big time, Khaladon."
Khaladon says, "Of course I do, but I have to do it according to our policies, and so far, I have your word only."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Because you wont askanyone else."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "You're illogical."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Let me out."
Khaladon says, "Other players aren't a good witness."
Khaladon says, "First hand knowledge only."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "They have first hand knowledge."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Xindleaf was killed with me. as was Kryliliab."
Khaladon says, "No, that doesn't count."
Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "But you dont care, do you?"

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Now let me out."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Let me out."

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "Let me OUT!"
Khaladon says, "First hand knowledge is a GM seeing it, and what led up to it."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I guess that means no one will ever get punished."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Since none of you give a damn enough to do crap."
Khaladon says, "Happens all the time."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Let me out."
Khaladon says, "Yah, none of us do."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Khaladon."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "If you cared."
Khaladon says, "Careful casting aspertions that are not valid."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "This wouldnt still be appenening."
Khaladon says, "Good bye."
The world grows blurry and indistinct. After a moment everything becomes clear again. Looking about, you see...
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Omission disk, a rose-marrow potion, some wolifrew lichen, a large acorn, a leather sheath, some torban leaf, a large acorn, a rose-marrow potion, a white flask, a large acorn and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Ayyb who is sitting, Omission, Kistan who is sitting, Lord Sonorus
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest

You sigh.

05-31-2005, 03:57 PM
Didn't find the sympathy you wanted on Klaive's board?

Good luck finding it here.

05-31-2005, 04:06 PM
Khaladon says, "Spare me the tears, we're OOC here."

Best fucking line period.

Khaladon wasn't my MOST favorite GM before.. probably 2nd or 3rd... but this Assist might have put him in 1st place.

Khaladon pwns.. and you couldn't be less emotionally ready for this game if you tried. If you are crying about a game in real life.. holy mother fucking shit.. I am at a loss for words. I dislike Foxs.. and anyone that kills her automatically gets props in my book.. but I hope she continues to make you cry over this game.

05-31-2005, 04:12 PM
I'm not reading all that, anyone that did wanna give me a jist?

05-31-2005, 04:12 PM
While trying not to be a jerk, I'm going to suggest that you take a break from GS. If anything happened IG that made YOU cry, it's time for a break. Nothing that happened in that game could make me cry, or even make me upset (notwithstanding the deletion of my char without cause or something crazy like that)

Do I agree with what Khaladon did? Yes I do. I wish more GM's took his example and allowed conflicts to continue rather than running in and trying to save the day all the time.

05-31-2005, 04:13 PM
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And you DONT GIE A DAMN."

You showed him!

Honestly it's time to reroll into something that doesn't speak retarded.

05-31-2005, 04:14 PM
Take a break from the game if you're crying over something like this. It can't be healthy.

Beer Goddess
05-31-2005, 04:16 PM
I'm going to be really honest here. You sit there and cuss at him yell at him demean him and expect him to do ANYTHING for you?

He actually has more patience than I have. I would have sent your ass back and told you to deal with it. Sorry but you don't sit and cuss someone and tell them how they fuck up and then expect help. I highly doubt we are even getting the full story to be honest. It just sounds really fishy and now its all Oh Khaladon is such a big meanie because he would not change game rules for you?

I've been playing for over 9 years too and ya know what? I don't expect special treatment rp or not if I was running my mouth about someone, and they killed me over it I'd take it as it came and deal with it.

As he said you had many options log off, don't sit around with your group open or take a break. If it is effecting you this much really get out more. No offense but when I get that frustrated at any game I realize its time for me to step back and get some air.

05-31-2005, 04:17 PM
You don't have a six-year-old daughter. Shut the fuck up.

p.s. how the fuck do you let Foxs kill you?


[Edited on 5-31-2005 by Bobmuhthol]

05-31-2005, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "And you DONT GIE A DAMN."

ROFL typo and yelling softly.

Miss X
05-31-2005, 04:18 PM
I don't really know what to say hon, other than if you do feel the game is upsetting you this much, you should probably take a break.

I'm also pretty convinced your characters sexuality is the last thing Khaladon cares about. He is in a position of responsibility when it comes to Gemstone and I doubt he would have got there if he had not been fair minded when dealing with such situations.

There is no doubt Fox and co are idiots but I would stick with Warn, Report and Assist if she interacts with you again.

05-31-2005, 04:28 PM
Well, I tried to read it all. I couldn't. The responses were more amusing though. Anyone want to summarize where the so-called bigotry comes in?


05-31-2005, 04:29 PM
Halfway through this i had to stop reading. I felt sorry for Khaladon and embarressed for you. :S

05-31-2005, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by Ravenstorm
Anyone want to summarize where the so-called bigotry comes in?


Khal has something against stupid people.

05-31-2005, 04:34 PM
<<...and you couldn't be less emotionally ready for this game if you tried. If you are crying about a game in real life.. holy mother fucking shit.. I am at a loss for words. I dislike Foxs.. and anyone that kills her automatically gets props in my book.. but I hope she continues to make you cry over this game.>>


Honestly, the GMs do a ton of work for this game. Your attempts at poor spelling and probably equally poor RP (especially if you're crying over something happening to your character, you're probably not roleplaying them much differently from yourself) are not doing the same to "better" the game.


05-31-2005, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by Jenisi
I'm not reading all that, anyone that did wanna give me a jist?

Yea.. here is the main problem right here:

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I'm sitting here in RL, crying, because i have no options."

05-31-2005, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Wezas

Originally posted by Ravenstorm
Anyone want to summarize where the so-called bigotry comes in?


Khal has something against stupid people.

What an evil, elitist GM. He should be fired.


05-31-2005, 04:52 PM
I thought Khaladon showed a lot of patience and self-control while trying to listen respectfully to a child throwing a temper tantrum that could had devastated California. :O

I also think he would had been able to take you a heck lot more seriously if your dialogue with him was signficantly more calm and rational, nevermind free of vulgarity. :rolleyes:

05-31-2005, 05:01 PM
Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Rimsch, Xaurven, Xlsiea, Xindleaf, Xrylilian and I have all have a BIG meeting with GM Roxia."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "About Xoxs and Xivahe."

Good lord, you only hang out with people with names that start with X? Maybe that's your problem. :D :P

By the way, where the hell is this bigotry? I didn't see it in the logs and I hate myself now for sitting and reading the entire thing, mostly because Khaladon makes me laugh.

He really was being extremely patient with you. The second the word fucking came out of your mouth I would have been out of there, but he does his job well, even if others in trouble don't agree.

I can understand, though, getting upset for dying all the time from the same person. However you yourself stated that it started from RP and you feel it turned OOC. Perhaps it feels that way but it could very well be RP to her. I'm not a fan of her either from what I've seen posted on these boards about her, but I have a feeling there's more to this then this story. You can't just say well, it's not RP for me anymore because she's being mean now. As he said, you kinda have to lie in that bed now.

If you cry over this, for dying 3 times from the hands of some text character, you really need to let this game go. Seriously.

05-31-2005, 05:01 PM
Allright -- some tips for dealing with customer service folk:

1. Don't use you when addressing them. You is an accusatory term and puts people on guard. Instead, try something like "I feel as though this situation is escalating beyond boundaries that staff may realize in the amount of work that they have to do."

2. Then, calmly site why you feel this way, and leave the people you are ASKING for help out of your argument. This means, no... don't tell Khal he's your favorite gm; he's heard that a million times, and no matter how honest you are being, it's only going to come across as -- "You're my favorite GM, so give me my way" in a conflict.

Seriously, as staff, there is little more annoying than people wasting your time with smoke. Staff has a lot of work to do -- did you check the queue that night? Every one of those people would need to meet with Khal or another GM on duty.

3. Take your stones like a man/woman. If that was me, I would be doing my damndest so nobody would know I was crying over a text game. What do you hope to accomplish by telling Khal (and everyone else) that a text game made you cry?

4. Thank every god above that you can have CVC now. I am very hesitant (still) to get my character into CVC because it once was a strong no no in GS.

5. With regard to being unable to warn these jackasses because they're using silent strike: I would have sent that in as a send and allowed the GMs to observe them abusing mechanics to avoid the warning system. Instead of allowing the GM to see it with his/her own eyes, you have noted it in a log later where it's a point lacking first hand evidence. Remember, staff's job is to uphold the rules for EVERYONE. I certainly wouldnt' want to be banned for harassing another player based on that player's hearsay.


Edited to add: ps. Don't cuss. I probably have one of the worst mouths in RL, but I learned long long ago by the whip of friggin Kennesaw and Laertus not to cuss in general -- especially not at staff -- heck, in those days, not even in a latched room.

[Edited on Tue, May st, 2005 by ElanthianSiren]

05-31-2005, 05:16 PM
I read about a quarter of the post and by that point I was expecting to see something along the lines of...

Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "All I wanted was a pepsi, just a pepsi! And she wouldn't give it to me!"

Heh, I guess my sense of humor is just warped.

05-31-2005, 05:24 PM
Well, not much to say that hasn't already been said. Talk about a drama queen/king. I kind of got turned off immediately over the 6 year old daughter ( I assume you mean character...) More classic phrases:

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Kyalia's my favorite, you were my second favorite."

Khaladon says, "Make up your mind."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Because you're being CRUEL."

Khaladon chuckles.

The biggest truth in the whole entire exchange:

Khaladon says, "I care more than you possibly can even conceptualize. I spend more hours in this game than i should to make it a better place, improve the rules, and spend more hours doing things that got me to where i am at."

Stop taking up the time of the GMs with your silly ass games. Bone up and protect yourself, move to a different town, roll up a new character or something, you can prevent a lot of this garbage by protecting yourself, not going AFK in TSC with your group open knowing that someone is trying to kill you.

<--not feeling very charitable today.

05-31-2005, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren

4. Thank every god above that you can have CVC now. I am very hesitant (still) to get my character into CVC because it once was a strong no no in GS.

CvC was never against policy and could be argued that it was promoted on several occasions. I've not only engaged in CvC on multiple occasions.. I initiated much of it on purpose.


05-31-2005, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by ElanthianSiren

4. Thank every god above that you can have CVC now. I am very hesitant (still) to get my character into CVC because it once was a strong no no in GS.

CvC was never against policy and could be argued that it was promoted on several occasions. I've not only engaged in CvC on multiple occasions.. I initiated much of it on purpose.


You got a rep; I got a 30 day vacation. LIFE IS SO UNFAIR!!!! :cry:


05-31-2005, 06:10 PM
I am going to agree with the OP here. This is completely fucking unfair. I mean, you were killed 4, no wait, at the end you said 5 times, right? Yeah, and Khal wasn't doing a FUCKING THING ABOUT IT! I killed Hige 3 times in 24 hours, all over IC shit with logs to back it up and I got a warn. THAT'S unfair. Man, I wish Khaladon had been the GM in charge with my case, then I coulda still murdered that dick 2 more times. :) So, sachiaiko, STFU and for real, get a grip. Crying over a GAME is not possibly healthy. If you initiate conflict IC and then bitch about it on the amunet skirting the WARN by not mentioning a name while your friend goes ahead and blurts it out, suck it up and fucking take it. Jesus Christ, I feel dumber for having read that log. And Khaladon is STILL my favorite GM and I commend his patience. How dare you cuss him. Just because you pay to play this game gives you absolutely NO goddamn right to swear at one its employees. He's a human being just like you. You ought to be on your knees and counting your blessings he's not an overemotional, knee-jerk, titty baby who reacts like you, or you'd be locked out.

05-31-2005, 06:13 PM
I'm sorry, but I have to agree with everyone else here. If you're crying over a *game*....take a break. Leave. Go do something else for a while. Nothing will get better if you stay in game and angry and such.

Oh, and where's the bigotry?

05-31-2005, 06:20 PM
I hate Foxs as much as the next person, but damn, crying over it is pretty pathetic. I also must've missed the part about bigotry, but if it's about sexuality, I think you're way off-base. Khaladon has never given me any kind of problems, and I think my character is about as flamey as it gets.

05-31-2005, 06:21 PM
Ish, hon. I can understand why you're upset with the PvP (which is what this appears to have become (The GMs can't know everything that goes on before, during, or after a conflict. They only know what they can see. Your word isn't proof.). However, you made some big errors in the interchange with Khaladon, and going AFK while remaining in-game is also not the brightest thing to do. Either log out, or go someplace private (like a locked room) if you're going to be AFK. If you've been playing for nine years, you should know that.

Never, never, never curse at a GM. Never let them know you're that emotionally invested. It doesn't help your case. It hurts it.

The most important thing I see being brought out in your log is that you are far too emotionally involved, at this point. Step away from the computer and go do something else...anything else. No game is worth crying over. If you're in tears over a game, it isn't a game anymore and it's time to take a break. You've got some sharks on your tail, obviously, and you're not emotionally equipped to handle the results. Just take a break.

05-31-2005, 06:23 PM
I'm speechless.

Well, almost. I'd follow the previously aforementioned advice and take a break from the game. And remember, its just a game, only a game. Treating it otherwise will only lead to disaster.

05-31-2005, 06:28 PM
Sachiako, I was going to suggest that your parents have a 39th trimester abortion...

but, instead, I offer you my warmest welcome to the Player's Corner.

05-31-2005, 06:43 PM
I'm not the biggest fan of Khaladon based on interactions I've had with him and things I've noticed. BUT he has been there for me when I was in a situation like this and I think if you'd just approached the whole thing differently and taken some of the advice that's been given you, then you wouldn't have had this outcome.

Believe it or not, I think Khaladon truly does his best job and I know it's frustrating that he sticks to policy so strictly. Hell, sometimes he just makes you want to scream, but one thing he has over you is that he's got control over his emotions.

Really, try to distance yourself from the game. It's not worth getting worked up over man.

05-31-2005, 06:46 PM
Wait a sec, readng more people's posts... the OP is a guy?

05-31-2005, 07:03 PM

05-31-2005, 07:03 PM
<<Sachiako, I was going to suggest that your parents have a 39th trimester abortion...>>

lmao alert

05-31-2005, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol

05-31-2005, 07:12 PM
Hold on.. he's reading the responses. Let me prep....


05-31-2005, 07:24 PM

my suggestion:

Stop eating junk food, step away from the computer, get a job, get a life, go to school, work out at the gym. Develop a sense of self worth and enjoy life away from gemstone.

edit: oh and ROFL @ Longshot

[Edited on 5-31-2005 by Yswithe]

05-31-2005, 07:26 PM
you know, fuck you all. Honestly. The entire point of this was the fact that i had tried again and again to end a fucking rp and i was upset because i could play the damn game without random SNERTS coming in and killing me.

I had assisted, reported, ignored, and done everything the GMs had said. This is NOT a non concent game. The fact that this person wouldnt stop constantand continual abuse and harassment in game by some one who has constantly and continually harassed many many other people in game just shows GM favoritism.

Now, you wanna call me stupid? Go the fuck ahead. I couldnt give a flying fuck what most of you thought about me. But i stand on the fact all of you missed the damn point.

I read a post in here about a GM coming in to a conflict where she hadnt even gotten a report or an assist. now THAT is definately wrongm as it is still RP. Bitch em out, more power to you! WOOHOO! But this is no where NEAR that situation. This is OOC harassment and why should i be forced to take it?

About my cursing? Khaladon GOT me killed. Because i warned and reported when Rivahe continued to try and contact me, and he flat out told me that it doesnt MATTER if i have a no contact order, he didnt see her as harassing me by continuing contact while i continued to try and ignore her. And an hour later, i got killed.

Khaladon's a dick. He's a burnt out GM. And had he at the begining shown me an OUNCE of understanding, or in any way tried to learn what had happened, or even read the damn logs of all of my other GM interactions, he would have seen a much different side of me. As would have all of you.

As for my crying, my emotional state is none of your damn business, but since i did post a post that involved it, i'll tell you all to shove it. I care about my character, i play alot, and i was more upset at the fact NOTHING was being done about teh harassment then the continued killings. See, being ignored and belittled has that affect on me. Sorry for being honest about my emotional state.

Yea, i was upset. Of course i was. This has been going on for a week and no one will do ANYTHING about it.

Honestly, i dont understand in any way shape or form why you guys dont see the point in this. posts elsewhere got much different responses.

In Closing, I actually like Khaladon, have for a long time, but if his first response to me is that kinda coldness with an obviously incredibly upset individual who has been trying so hard to follow all of the rules and do what all the GMs said to do, then he's burnt out. Had he shown me respect, i'd not have cursed, i'd not have yelled, none of that. Kyalia didnt get cursing from me. Then again, Kyalia is kind.


As for my typos - tends to happen when one is upset.

As for my RP, meet me IC and check it out yourself.



05-31-2005, 07:32 PM
your character is not real... it is a bunch of 1's and 0's. Sorry if you feel distressed, but, psychologically, it isn't terribly healthy to get attached to those things. Last time I checked, I believe Thorazine is prescribed for those sorts of cases.

Sorry if we come off as assholes, but one of the charms of the PC is that people will tell you how it is, and how they feel, end of story. If you could present a different side to your story, or a different spin on it perhaps people will be more sympathetic with you, but as it is, you didn't come off too hot, so you end up looking like the bad guy in the end.

edited to add two things:

Khaladon says, "Not everyone is supposed to be happy bunny in GS4."
Khaladon says, "As i said, life isn't exactly supposed to be bunnystone in the game."


I am sure if you are really being wronged, something will be done. In the end, and it might take alot of time, the fuckwads get their due.

[Edited on 5-31-2005 by Yswithe]

05-31-2005, 07:33 PM
Heh, you know what buddy, it's not the smartest idea in the world to come to a message board and ASK for their opinion, then when you get it because it's not what you want, you say FUCK U ALL U R MEAN.


05-31-2005, 07:34 PM
Excuse me..

[i] I threw an absolute fit on REPORT.

Maybe that's why Khaladon didn't want to listen to anything you had to say.

05-31-2005, 07:34 PM
Oh I guess it was a chick after all.

A chick who makes guy characters in order to have sex with other guy characters.

05-31-2005, 07:37 PM
Heh. Fuck us for trying to help someone see that they're too deeply emotionally invested in a game and need to take a break. Yeah....fuck us. :rolleyes:

05-31-2005, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Heh. Fuck us for trying to help someone see that they're too deeply emotionally invested in a game and need to take a break. Yeah....fuck us. :rolleyes:

Yeah! It's called tough love god-damnit
!! :cheers:

05-31-2005, 07:38 PM
See you made the HN curse! Bad BAD buggie!

05-31-2005, 07:38 PM
<<As for my RP, meet me IC and check it out yourself.>>

I've been watching you sit on your ass all day in TSC.

05-31-2005, 07:40 PM
he did say he's a healer.. :shrug:

05-31-2005, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by sachiaiko

Honestly, i dont understand in any way shape or form why you guys dont see the point in this. posts elsewhere got much different responses.


We're not clones.

Nothing has been done about the harassment. Let's look at why. Do you realize that they have to first hand witness the harassment as a pattern behaviour? I doubt you reported being killed while you were AFK. This means that your WORD is that you were killed. They may be investigating this accusation, but as Khaladon pointed out in the log to you -- it is still your word against someone else's.

Do you realize that you need to REPORT as soon as the person starts with you? -Report. -Walk away. Be followed.

If you will not leave the area, it is considered consent to the conflict. Throughout your log, I see you defending your decision to STAY in the very area; this discounts your other deaths as you made no attempt to move and thus violated the process that simu uses to address in game grievances via its GM team.

Finally, and foremostly, while there may be some individuals here ridiculing you, that's what happens when you step outside friends and present the situation to objective individuals. I will point out that there were also some here looking to help you bolster your case. Now that you've cussed all the rest of us though as well as uncaring, cruel bitches, I think I'm just gonna walk my white ass on over to another thread. :kiss:


05-31-2005, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by sachiaiko
you know, fuck you all.

In Closing, I actually like Khaladon, have for a long time, but if his first response to me is that kinda coldness with an obviously incredibly upset individual who has been trying so hard to follow all of the rules and do what all the GMs said to do, then he's burnt out. Had he shown me respect, i'd not have cursed, i'd not have yelled, none of that. Kyalia didnt get cursing from me. Then again, Kyalia is kind.


As for my typos - tends to happen when one is upset.

As for my RP, meet me IC and check it out yourself.



Respect swings both ways and you cursing at him didn't help matters...period. Contrary to what you might think, you are not the only player in the game and Khaladon has many many many more people to deal with without having to put up with your little tantrum. The fact that he remained as professional as he did speaks very highly of him.

IF you could take a step away from your emotions for one second and reread the log you posted, maybe you would understand why eveyone is responding the way they are.

Frankly, all I saw was Khaladon being professional and handling the matter as such all the while remaining level headed throughout your uncalled for cursing and blame.

If this game affects you that negatively and that much, maybe it's time to step away for a bit and reassess what is important in your life...a text game certainly is not.

That said...fuck you too. :socool:

05-31-2005, 07:43 PM
True to form Khaladon acted as Khaladon does. I just wish that all the other GM's treated the game the same way he does. As I have stated many times before he rocks.

(anyone have something to get this brown stuff off my nose?)

05-31-2005, 07:43 PM
I hate to say it, but you're a fucking terrible empath, too.

05-31-2005, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
See you made the HN curse! Bad BAD buggie!

Heh. I ain't a'cussin. I'm a'quotin'. The original "fuck" belonged to none other than WhinersRUs. ;)

05-31-2005, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by HarmNone

Originally posted by Jolena
See you made the HN curse! Bad BAD buggie!

Heh. I ain't a'cussin. I'm a'quotin'. The original "fuck" belonged to none other than WhinersRUs. ;)

Yeah but when she talks dirty its sooo hot.

05-31-2005, 07:54 PM
Man, you lot are harsh, so harsh....give the man a break...he's had a tough time. Pass the tissues :sniffle:

05-31-2005, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
I hate to say it, but you're a fucking terrible empath, too.

Assuming you meant me, I don't see how that has any bearing on the comment I made or this thread but to each their own. :D

05-31-2005, 07:58 PM
I think Bob was speaking of the OP, Jolena. ;)

05-31-2005, 08:01 PM
Empaths are so defensive :whistle:

05-31-2005, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Empaths are so defensive :whistle:

Neener -- Shay was nice to my empath.


05-31-2005, 08:03 PM
hah. I actually love my empath and she can hunt too :gasp: haha. However yeah they get experience to breath and are a lazy lot in general, I admit it. It's a nice switch from my others though.

05-31-2005, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by Jolena
hah. I actually love my empath and she can hunt too :gasp: haha. However yeah they get experience to breath and are a lazy lot in general, I admit it. It's a nice switch from my others though.

My empath only heals people with tasty souls, and I keep a list of her "allows". 26 levels of pure hunting enjoyment :)


05-31-2005, 08:11 PM
I can't play a hunting empath at all.

I can, however, be the best healing empath in GemStone.

05-31-2005, 08:12 PM
Nikki, Sachiaiko, titty-baby, whatever the fuck you want to go buy, let me clue you in. If you initiate the RP and then try to bail when it gets rough (which it sounds like you are doing and is DAMN sure what Khal thought you were doing{and he sees a lot mroe than we do}) and then have the balls to curse out Paul when he simply explains the facts as he TRIES TO FUCKING HELP YOU, you pretty much deserve what you get. There's a a saying: Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid.

As I was saying, if you initiate the RP, it is pretty much going to play out. Do as someone above suggested to prove that it is harassment; if that player walks in and starts a thing, report immediately, leave the area. Throw the little warn so-and-so of interaction up if you want as well. If they follow you, hopefully the report got a GM to look in and if they say something else as you move, report and move on. And yeah, there are plenty of us that care about our characters who invest a great deal of time in them etc. But still, crying because you were killed 4 times in imaginationland is rather pointless. If it's none of our business, you should have edited it the fuck out of your post and made sure it WAS none of our business. Again, life is tough, it's tougher if you're stupid.

In closing, fuck you too. :cry:

05-31-2005, 08:15 PM

05-31-2005, 08:35 PM

Nikki The rest of the world

05-31-2005, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Nieninque
Man, you lot are harsh, so harsh....give the man a break...he's had a tough time. Pass the tissues :sniffle:

If I didn't have a strong suspicion you were being sarcastic here...I'd actually faint from shock.

You mean you DIDN'T tear the author a new asshole?

Now that's something he should be happy about!

05-31-2005, 09:00 PM
This is like a female Warclaidhm, except she can spell "again" properly.

05-31-2005, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by sachiaiko
Honestly, i dont understand in any way shape or form why you guys dont see the point in this. posts elsewhere got much different responses.

Yes, you don't see. That's the root of your problems.

Other posts have got different responses? I assume you mean that some threads you read the complaint received sympathy and support. Yes. People judge each case on its own basis. That you didn't? Take the hint.

But then, you can't see why. Let's try it this way...

You said you liked Khaladon. So I assume you think, or thought, he was a good GM. He just didn't react the way you wanted him to. You have evidence that posters here can be supportive of complaints and criticize GM behavior. We just didn't react the way you wanted us to. What's the common theme here?

I don't think you'll see that either. Oh well. May I suggest needlepoint as a new hobby?


05-31-2005, 09:11 PM
Agreed. Unless I can see logs of all this harassment I'll just have to assume Khal's position and take it as your word against hers. Sorry, but I agree with Khal in that respect.

05-31-2005, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by Scott
This is like a female Warclaidhm, except she can spell "again" properly.
Funny, my first thought was "Oh god, another Warclaidhm posting name" after I started reading.

05-31-2005, 09:23 PM
>Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "NONE OF THAT."<

At the very least change your bloody tone.

Doyle Hargraves
05-31-2005, 09:39 PM
Speaking softly in broken common, you exclaim, "I AM CRYING RL!"
Speaking softly in broken common, you ask, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

How ironic.

05-31-2005, 09:48 PM
Leave GS forever.

You: I dun got killed!

Khal: That's part of the game.

You: Wah

Khal: STFU *slap*

05-31-2005, 09:51 PM
I think that was the funniest part of the log. I didn't make it all the way through, as it was painful to read.

Khaladon says, "Cool, from favorite GM to making no sense."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "I havent killed her."
Khaladon chuckles.

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "NONE OF THAT."
Khaladon says, "And getting sworn at."

Speaking softly in broken common, you say, "Kyalia's my favorite, you were my second favorite."
Khaladon says, "Make up your mind."

Sylvan Dreams
05-31-2005, 10:58 PM
To be quite honest, I wonder if this is actually a case of bigotry. The way Khaladon spoke to me was beyond rude in my opinion, and I have been urged with friends to share it with the rest of you here on the boards. Kysen, ICly, is engaged to another man. I wonder quite honestly if Khaladon isn’t just playing favorites because of bigotry.

Not everyone is out to 'get' the gays.

Your character, as a person being hunted, would have a LOT more care for his well being than obviously you do for it. A person being hunted is not going to sit and rest in public when they can be snatched away (open group) - especially not for 10 minutes! Hello, you're being HUNTED. You don't just stop in the middle of the street and take a nap for your headache.

Your character is a healer. Great. Keep minor sanct up. Major sanct if you have to go afk and refuse to go to a table or room, or hell, cast spirit fog and darkness and hide. With your group closed, of course.

While you may not want the deaths to keep on coming, you're seemingly inviting them by not protecting yourself. Keep your runestaff in your hands at all times, or sword/shield if that applies. Stay spelled up.

Khaladon was tough, but I have to agree with what he did. Especially after you insulted him and cussed at him - why would anyone be inclined to help you, regardless of how long you've been around or how many accounts you have?

05-31-2005, 11:14 PM
Originally posted by Sylvan Dreams

To be quite honest, I wonder if this is actually a case of bigotry. The way Khaladon spoke to me was beyond rude in my opinion, and I have been urged with friends to share it with the rest of you here on the boards. Kysen, ICly, is engaged to another man. I wonder quite honestly if Khaladon isn’t just playing favorites because of bigotry.

Not everyone is out to 'get' the gays.

*blinks* Oooooooooh. So that's where bigotry comes into it. S/he's playing the gay card?

Listen. As someone who is actually a gay man (as opposed to just playing one on tv) let me reassure you...

The way Khaladon spoke to you was entirely justified. It was justified by you. By your behavior, your words, your actions. I would have been a lot less nice than he was and I assure you I have no bias in that regard.


[Edited on 6-1-2005 by Ravenstorm]

05-31-2005, 11:18 PM
Is it ok if im sitting here crying

because this is so FUCKIN HILARIOUS?

06-01-2005, 12:01 AM
....I think you should meet a nice boy named Warclaidhm, and then you can hopefully not reproduce. I thought Khaladon was a little condescending at times, but it was well-deserved. Also, going on Kyalia's word on policy over Khaladon's? Please. This is the woman who has introduced like 99.9% of the "illegal" alterations into the game. Good job.


PS Ravenstorm lies, he hates the gays.

06-01-2005, 12:13 AM
Alright, this guy may have been a little whacked, but Khaladon is always blaming the game for his bad attitude. Maybe he should take his own advice because frankly his customer service skills are bordering on being was stellar as Warden's.

I'm sorry, I don't care if it's a dick job, it's your job. Kiss my ass when I have a problem. Don't tell me what you do with your other characters because I don't care. I want you to fix my problem and stop acting like a crazy hoe who got her weaved knocked out.

Lessons learned:

Leave if you get referred to Khaladon.

Never ever ever deal with Foxs.

Do NOT play GS on your birthday.

:birthday: YOU ARE LEVEL 22!

Yeah, right. Get out and drink for Pete's sake.

06-01-2005, 12:15 AM
somebody didnt get what they wanted when they were refered to him huh

06-01-2005, 12:22 AM
I've never been referred to him that I can remember thank goodness. I think he's just lackluster in general compared to other GMs. Plus, I'd rather not deal with his "I AM THE MIGHTEST" attitude. I adore people like Modrian. He's so helpful and nice, not to mention he knows a ton about the game too. He should offer lessons in CS.

06-01-2005, 12:58 AM
This makes me miss teh Warbunny. :sniffle:

Somebody should go to NASA and cast 725 at teh duck pond with a scooter and a calculus workbook to bring him back again.


Sachiako :wtf2:

You posted on the PC. Stroking your willy was never an option for us. But yeah, your welcome for the honestly. (PLZ GET LIFE KTHNX.)

06-01-2005, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by HouseofElves
I want you to fix my problem and stop acting like a crazy hoe who got her weaved knocked out.

LOL, best comment in this thread.

06-01-2005, 05:47 AM
I hope you aren't someone I've been friendly with in game because you're fucking retarded. Seriously. Your post is the biggest piece of shit I have ever seen. I'm not even kidding.

Miss X
06-01-2005, 05:55 AM
I met Rivahe yesterday in Vaalor, she had taken a new player to Silverwood to get him help, she actually seemed really nice. :shrug:

Also, if she is in Vaalor now, you can probably hang out in Landing and not get killed, yay. :)

06-01-2005, 07:07 AM
Originally posted by Ravenstorm
Listen. As someone who is actually a gay man (as opposed to just playing one on tv) let me reassure you...


06-01-2005, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by HouseofElves
I'm sorry, I don't care if it's a dick job, it's your job. Kiss my ass when I have a problem.

It's not their job to listen to a bunch of raving children who are foaming at the mouth. This person wasn't even being reasonable. If they were cool, calm and collected and presented their case in a cogent manner that entitled them to be taken seriously - then I might agree with you.

They don't get paid enough to buy into this whole entire I'm the customer kiss my ass thing. Even if they did, you get further and retain your self-respect by being direct, clear with your intent and yet reasonable and polite.

I got a really nice phone on it's way from Cingular because I was able to articulate my dissatisfaction, my needs and my intentions without losing my dignity. I didn't curse, didn't yell, made it clear in a nice way what I expected and that's what happened.

Khal is a great guy, I would rather he reserve his better demeanor for those who actually can appreciate it.

06-01-2005, 07:36 AM
I'm having a hard time just picking one thing, really I am. You can't get spells? I find that hard to believe unless all of the wizards, rangers and sorcerers have left the Landing, or have you not heard of the park?

You found it necessary to point out you have two accounts. What was that going to change? Does that mean someone who has more accounts than you should get special treatment? Maybe you should put a wizard on that other account if you can't get spells.

Did you think because you play an empath in a game that you can't be killed? And then cried because said empath is getting murdered.

Its a game, games should be fun. If you're crying you aren't having fun. Take a break, roll a new character, move to a different town you do have options.

06-01-2005, 08:13 AM
A little less stupid would help your case immensely.

You asked someone for help in the middle of a vulgarity filled tirade then got mad when they wouldn't help?

You don't want to hunt, but can't manage to avoid getting killed in town? Sit in TC, close your group, heal. Problem solved.

You cried over Gemstone...

06-01-2005, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by Harlock You ought to be on your knees and counting your blessings he's not an overemotional, knee-jerk, titty baby who reacts like you, or you'd be locked out. OMFG that made me laugh.

Okay but seriously, it's been said several times already, but if you are WEEPING... you need a break. Realy, really really.

When I first read where you said to Khal "I am CRYING RL" I honestly thought you were joking! I immediately thought of that episode of The Noob online comic where the girl goes "OMG Hun, I R CRYING IRL!" and so I giggled. And then I recoiled in horror when I realized you were serious.

This game is NOT worth that. Get outside, fresh air and food that doesn't come from a sealed container or a window is a good place to start.

Face-to-face social interactions. Reach out and touch someone who can (and wants to) touch you back.

Everything will feel better after that, I promise.

06-01-2005, 08:31 AM
Crying over a game = sad
Playing on your birthday and expecting special treatment = sad
Playing on your birthday and crying in a game because the RP has gone wrong = sad yet priceless

Have you gotten better responses elsewhere? Only other place I saw was on SR and you got TWO responses, one was a nice comment and the other was making fun of your whining and crying. Then on the official boards it was pulled. Shouldn't you take these subtle hints as a sign that perhaps your behavior in dealing with Khaladon and said RP gone sour is mostly your fault?

You even admitted that you didn't want to change a single thing with how you were dealing with the situation. You didn't want to try hunting, you didn't want to move from your healing location, you didn't want to take his advice... all you wanted was to get someone in trouble because all he had was your word on the situation. Deal with it, move on, get over it.

Oh and BTW... fuck you too. You would need to have huge brass balls to come to boards you've never posted in before, spout off obscenities and expect people to embrace your presence simply because you have a problem with a GM. Cry somewhere else where people give a shit.

[Edited on 6/1/2005 by CrystalTears]

06-01-2005, 08:35 AM
I can see if someone has a bad day, and is in a bad place to begin with, how having a shitty time in game can be the final straw. In that case, if you're not crying about the game, but it just kind of sets you off.. ok.


Turn off the computer, take a few deep breaths, call the moron who is harassing you a few names out loud IRL, and for the love of all that's good in the Universe.. close your group.

Good luck.

06-01-2005, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by ElanthianSiren
Finally, and foremostly, while there may be some individuals here ridiculing you, that's what happens when you step outside friends and present the situation to objective individuals. I will point out that there were also some here looking to help you bolster your case. Now that you've cussed all the rest of us though as well as uncaring, cruel bitches, I think I'm just gonna walk my white ass on over to another thread. :kiss:
-Melissa Haha...

I wasn't going to comment but ah well, what the hell. To the OP, damn, relax for a minute. I cannot fathom any reason I would ever need to cry because of Gemstone or any game. When that happens, I'm seeking counseling, seriously.
Secondly, I agree that Khaladon was acting like a ass, but I can also see his reason. How do you expect to be helped when your mouth is so foul you can't seem to form a complete thought without the use of a curse word? Did you expect Khaladon to do everything in his power to assist you after your continual tirade?

Get a grip.

I see where you're coming from with the frustration and dealing with an undesirable character who is making the game less fun however, if you want someone to help, you need to get outside of yourself and present your case in a way that is clear, concise, and easily understood without indirectly cussing out the listener in the process and completely turning them off from anything real you might need to relay.

06-01-2005, 09:03 AM
I met Rivahe in Vaalor the other night and all she did was talk OOC so I had to ask her to stop.

Then she started whining about how she was run out of landing by people calling her a slut. And how the GM's delt with her unfairly...

Then she started raving about how folks in Vaalor were already treating her as a slut and her undeserved reputation had followed her.


nough said.


06-01-2005, 11:09 AM
be nice and show her the boards, we always need a new psycho to amuse us for a week

06-01-2005, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Amaron
I met Rivahe in Vaalor the other night and all she did was talk OOC so I had to ask her to stop.

Then she started whining about how she was run out of landing by people calling her a slut. And how the GM's delt with her unfairly...

Then she started raving about how folks in Vaalor were already treating her as a slut and her undeserved reputation had followed her.


nough said.


Isn't there some sort of old saying like "As thou seeist thyself" and that is how you will be treated?


The Cat In The Hat
06-01-2005, 11:41 AM
Please, turn off your computer for a while. Seriously, if Gemstone makes you cry either you're crazy or you have some kind of wonky hormone thing going on. You should see a doctor either way.


Khaladon's never been anything but fair and reasonable with players. I'm sure theres a good reason he didn't seem like he was to you. All the suggestions he made to you were the exact same ones he would have to anyone else in your situation. You would do well to listen to them.

P.S. IT'S A GAME, Khaladon is not your father, The GM's aren't there to babysit anyone.

06-01-2005, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by Parker

Originally posted by Nieninque
Man, you lot are harsh, so harsh....give the man a break...he's had a tough time. Pass the tissues :sniffle:

If I didn't have a strong suspicion you were being sarcastic here...I'd actually faint from shock.

You mean you DIDN'T tear the author a new asshole?

Now that's something he should be happy about!

This thread isnt about me, dickhead.
Hard to believe, I know...but its true

06-01-2005, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by The Cat In The Hat
Please, turn off your computer for a while. Seriously, if Gemstone makes you cry either you're crazy or you have some kind of wonky hormone thing going on. You should see a doctor either way.


Khaladon's never been anything but fair and reasonable with players. I'm sure theres a good reason he didn't seem like he was to you. All the suggestions he made to you were the exact same ones he would have to anyone else in your situation. You would do well to listen to them.

P.S. IT'S A GAME, Khaladon is not your father, The GM's aren't there to babysit anyone.

He wasn't "fair" because this person was emotionally upset and didn't get the answer they wanted.

Whenever someone upsets you THAT MUCH, it's always a good idea to step away, take a day or two to control your emotional state, then try to resolve it if it's still important for you to do so once you've calmed down.

Crying over a game is really really REALLY lame.
Crying over a game and openly admitting it is downright retarded. :loser:

06-01-2005, 04:35 PM
Stop being a victim and do something about it. Everybody who had read your posts is going to keep on becoming a lot more stupid. Don't bring us down to your level. Either stop posting, or start posting when you grow a brain.

Many Thanks.

06-01-2005, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
Stop being a victim and do something about it. Everybody who had read your posts is going to keep on becoming a lot more stupid. Don't bring us down to your level. Either stop posting, or start posting when you grow a brain.

Many Thanks.

Are you kidding me? :?:
Look inward first.

Sean of the Thread
06-01-2005, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Stanley Burrell
Stop being a victim and do something about it. Everybody who had read your posts is going to keep on becoming a lot more stupid. Don't bring us down to your level. Either stop posting, or start posting when you grow a brain.

Many Thanks.

RING RING RING... "Hello kettle?? Yeah this is the pot.. "

P.s. Can this fuking thread die already. It is making baby Don King cry too.

06-01-2005, 07:14 PM
Shit, I love this board sometimes. I can't believe Khal talked to you for that long, you really need to lighten up.

06-02-2005, 12:43 PM
To the originator of the thread. You should check this out

Rihave, as well as being really bad at cybering, likes to gloat about killing you and your friends.

PS. Khaladon was more than reasonable with you. If I was in his position I would've stopped talking to you after you admitted to crying and told you to get a grip and then deal with the situation.

08-05-2005, 03:08 PM
bigotry lol why is it that every time a minority dont get there way the other person is a bigot. How the fuck do you know hes not himself gay?
Im gona kill you next time i see you cause i read that whole post. I know he wanted to kill you . Ida been stabbing you in the chest yelling DIE DIE DIE after listening to you whine like that.

:wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf: :wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf:

08-05-2005, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by TheRoseLady

Originally posted by HouseofElves
I'm sorry, I don't care if it's a dick job, it's your job. Kiss my ass when I have a problem.

It's not their job to listen to a bunch of raving children who are foaming at the mouth. This person wasn't even being reasonable. If they were cool, calm and collected and presented their case in a cogent manner that entitled them to be taken seriously - then I might agree with you.

They don't get paid enough to buy into this whole entire I'm the customer kiss my ass thing. Even if they did, you get further and retain your self-respect by being direct, clear with your intent and yet reasonable and polite.

I got a really nice phone on it's way from Cingular because I was able to articulate my dissatisfaction, my needs and my intentions without losing my dignity. I didn't curse, didn't yell, made it clear in a nice way what I expected and that's what happened.

Khal is a great guy, I would rather he reserve his better demeanor for those who actually can appreciate it.

Ah bullshit i busted out the cable company( in person) last month and got free movie channels for 6 months .

Some people take your niceness as license to run over you. You cant alway just smile and nod and be nice. If ida done that ida had payed 129 bucks a month for cable i didnt even have.

08-06-2005, 12:24 AM
I have a great deal of empathy towards your situtation and I understand the frustrations of harassment. Furthermore, I am sorry you feel misunderstood and flamed - welcome to the PC. But, I will say that you are not winning any hearts when you start attacking the people from which you asked an opinion from.

I find it a bit pathetic that you are hovering between boards, pleading your case, in hopes of finding sympathy. What I fail to see is, what good will it do you? "Yes, I totally agree with you" - I've said it - now what? Did it make you feel better?

Gemstone can be very emotionally taxing, especially if you feel as though you have made a heavy investment in the game. While I wont say, "Get off your fat fucking ass, you fat lonely whore" - I will say - You really need to take a step back and realize this is merely a game. The mechanics are open ended, allowing for CvC interaction. If you do not enjoy being picked on, you either need to get some big bad friends - or clench your teeth and grind through a few levels. It's unfair - but that's the beauty of gemstone.

If you do not enjoy the CvC in gemstone, there are plenty of other games that can offer you more. Everquest 2, for example, has no PvP. Even when PvP comes out - it will be heavily controlled. Furthermore, if you feel as though the staff isn't sufficently providing a service for you - why continue to buy it? Would you return to restaurant that fucked up your order and provided bad service? No? Then why return to a game which offers you little more?.... Could you be addicted?

I am not trying to flame you. I am not trying to attack you. But, you really need to consider your options and think on a logical level as opposed to emotional. I can't blame you for being upset, I would be too in this situation - but there is really nothing anyone on this forum can do for you.

Just, try to stay out of trouble because kitten drowns every time a whiny roleplayer is killed.

08-06-2005, 12:30 AM
Gridlock, this thread was slightly more than 2 months old... :nono:

08-06-2005, 12:30 AM
Originally posted by ieva
Just, try to stay out of trouble because kitten drowns every time a whiny roleplayer is killed.

Thats A Horrible Notion I Have No Part Of. Kittens Dying Makes My Eyes Tear.

08-30-2005, 03:28 AM
Wait wait wait...you're an empath....BONESHATTER!

08-30-2005, 05:15 AM
Wait...this is yet ANOTHER thread about teeoncy's player?


08-30-2005, 05:24 AM
It's not. I don't know why Teeoncy was brought into it in a 24 day bump.

08-30-2005, 05:27 AM
I didn't think it was...but I only read the first page and the last page.

08-30-2005, 09:16 AM
[Fuck you all

you know, fuck you all. Honestly.]

I'm sorry, first off you came to us to ask our opinion, made us all sit through an hour long conversation with which you had with a SGM, a very patient one at that, had you cursed me like that I'd have locked you out immediately. (No one dares disrespect me that much)

Secondly, you tell us all FUCK YOU ALL, because we give you our HONEST opinion of which YOU asked for. Honestly, don't ask for the truth, as the truth just might hurt you.

Thirdly, you are letting this game live your life for you. If you've played for 9 years, yes NINE YEARS, then you should know how to differenciate the game from reality, and not allow it to become a part of your life.

You truly need to take a break, and find something else to entertain yourself. Most definately it's your given right to play what you pay for. At the same time, life isn't always fair. I've had my share of bad GM encounters, from all of them actually. In the end though, when I stopped to think how irrational I was being, their theory actually made sense. IT's ONLY a game, crying in RL isn't going to make it become reality for you.

When you can learn to seperate the two worlds, the game won't affect you quite so much. I won't call you an idiot for insulting Khaladon when he didn't do anything except act as the SGM you requested him to. I won't tell you how childish your responses to him sounded. I won't tell you how much of my time you wasted, asking me to read your log with him. I also won't tell you, how immature all if this looks on your behalf.

You want some solid advice? Getting upset over it, is only going to please the other party more. You have two choices, 1 being you can remain upset and allow this to stress you more, or two you can "warn interact" and let the GM's take care of it from there.

08-30-2005, 09:52 AM
why was this thread brought out again

08-30-2005, 10:01 AM

It seems these two threads have fundamental similarities...

Perhaps Khal could have worked towards doing something, if not done something immediate.