View Full Version : Yet another (possibly returning) thread

11-25-2010, 10:31 AM
g'day everyone, i think the title speaks for itself

my sister and I shared a little bardess from '96 to '01 or so (i took care of most of the hunting, she sat around the landing and RP'd forever :) ) and i have recently begun looking into possibly returning to the lands to see whats changed around.

not sure now if i am going to try and reactivate the old account and hope the lil'miss bardess is still there, or just start a new one up

plans (if i go through with it)
she will be physical, preferably TWC (tho it was damn hard in gs3), and neither Voln(she strongly dislikes dealing with the undead) or CoS (never did like them much) i understand there is a new society now, guess i'll have to look into them

i am thinking of a training plan somewhat like this

1.75x armor (until 50 ranks)
2x OHE
1.5x TWC
.5 Cman
.5 MOC
1x PF
.75 dodge
1x spells
1x air lore

after all that(provided that whole list is even possible) i need to know what else needs to be filled in.. other lores, first aid/survival, MIU (is climbing/swimming still 20-50 ranks by lvl 50ish) harness power(looks usefull, not sure) mana controll?

so many new things, not enough points to go around

need some advice on where to take the training, and what are Must haves/can live withouts(for awhile)

is the general spell learning still 401, then bard up to 15-20, MnE to 415 then back to bard, or has that all changed too?

so many questions, i guess i'll leave it at that for now.

thanks in advance

Jace Solo
11-25-2010, 11:29 AM
I'm not a bard expert but I'm glad you're coming back. Get in this week while there's a giftbox active to get you a +5 dex enhancive!

Also, "CoL" and the new society is GoS (Guardians of Sunfist). It's really awesome! Check it out on Krakii

11-26-2010, 12:13 AM
after a day of crunching on Tsoran's spreadsheet, i've come up with something that looks like this

STR 60
CON 59
DEX 70
AGL 70
DIS 22
AUR 94
LOG 89
INT 70
WIS 37
INF 89

gives me 43.2 ptp / 48.95 mtp

roughly built for growth to 50, by then(if i play that long) i should beable to pull out a fixstat and adjust for growth to 100

training is
OHE 2x
TWC 2x
Armor 1x
PF 1x
Dodge 1x
harness power 1x
air lore 1x
spell 1x

30 ranks of MoC at lvl 29
18 ranks of cman by the same level (should give me lvl 3 feint), and a pickup of cman from there @ 1x

i suppose i could push out the MoC infavor of earlier Cman, and put off MoC until later, just seems like a double strike could be very interesting with a sonic

looks like i'd have enough PTP's left over for climb/swim when i need them

should i maby drop some MoC and grab a mana control, or some manipulation?

11-26-2010, 12:18 AM
1x cman over MOC, in my opinion. It adds .5 AS/rank as well as giving you the cmans. Sweep is a good one, too. You'll probably want some MIU or AS in there, but you can get by without them for a long time.

11-26-2010, 12:30 AM
1x cman over MOC, in my opinion. It adds .5 AS/rank as well as giving you the cmans. Sweep is a good one, too. You'll probably want some MIU or AS in there, but you can get by without them for a long time.

Agreed on priorities (CM over MoC). But I'd go with Feint over Sweep.

11-27-2010, 08:30 PM
is there any benefit for bards to be ATTUNEd to an element? what does it affect for us? sonic weapon flares, eblade, nothing special?

11-27-2010, 09:18 PM
There are no bard-specific benefits to attunement. Eblade flares, that's about it.

Air lore affects various bard spells, but does not require air attunement at all.