View Full Version : Political Bias in Criminal Sentences

11-14-2010, 03:19 PM
Events of the past week provided a vivid reminder of the unequal treatment that conservative victims of crime receive in our court system populated by liberal judges.

When Obama was the victim (http://content.usatoday.net/dist/custom/gci/InsidePage.aspx?cId=delawareonline&sParam=35022733.story) of crime, the criminal received a sentence of 33 months in prison. And this was a crime committed before Obama became President.

But when Palin was the victim (http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-11-12-palin-hacking-case_N.htm) of crime, the criminal received a sentence of only 12 months. And the sentence was to be service in a "halfway house," instead of prison.

If this is not proof that conservatives are discriminated against, then I don't know what is.

11-14-2010, 03:33 PM
Threatening someone and leaking their private information are two separate things. Why do you think Ratolin got sent to jail? Can't tell someone you are going to burn down their house!

11-14-2010, 03:50 PM
What about that journalist that moved in next door to the Palins to write a book and bought a telescope to look at them and regularly stalks them in their own town. Unless you want to get into how much of a trooper that family has been despite being harassed/publicly defamed by the media, celebrities, and random nobody bloggers. I havent seen so much pointless hate directed at a politician since oh right, !a black man and a woman both wanted to run for president at the same time!..... I have a soapbox and I will pull it out. Dont go there Clyde.

11-14-2010, 03:58 PM
What about that journalist that moved in next door to the Palins to write a book and bought a telescope to look at them and regularly stalks them in their own town. Unless you want to get into how much of a trooper that family has been despite being harassed/publicly defamed by the media, celebrities, and random nobody bloggers. I havent seen so much pointless hate directed at a politician since oh right, !a black man and a woman both wanted to run for president at the same time!..... I have a soapbox and I will pull it out. Dont go there Clyde.

Gimme some dap fo' tha'






Firestorm Killa
11-14-2010, 05:08 PM
Events of the past week provided a vivid reminder of the unequal treatment that conservative victims of crime receive in our court system populated by liberal judges.

When Obama was the victim (http://content.usatoday.net/dist/custom/gci/InsidePage.aspx?cId=delawareonline&sParam=35022733.story) of crime, the criminal received a sentence of 33 months in prison. And this was a crime committed before Obama became President.

But when Palin was the victim (http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2010-11-12-palin-hacking-case_N.htm) of crime, the criminal received a sentence of only 12 months. And the sentence was to be service in a "halfway house," instead of prison.

If this is not proof that conservatives are discriminated against, then I don't know what is.

I don't know about that. But I do know there is political bias in court cases involving immigration reform, health care etc. Pretty much bias in any case against the democrat agenda. Justice should be blind, but it damn sure hasn't been lately.

11-14-2010, 05:11 PM
Anecdotal evidence is not proof.

I do, however, believe that in high profile cases, political affiliation does play a part in the outcome. I also believe that in every day cases, many other things carry more weight in the outcome primary of which is attorney (in)competence both for the prosecution and defense. This would be why I would very much like to see professional performance statistics made public for all licensed and health care professions.