View Full Version : enruned blue ice shard - gem eater (602, 903, 907, 1709)

11-10-2010, 05:21 PM
Mainly interested in magically items for trade. PM me if interested.

an enruned blue ice shard - casts spells based on gems as below.

some blue lapis lazuli - major cold(907, metal wand spell)
a blue moonstone - major cold(907, metal wand spell)

a blue sapphire - minor cold(1709)
a blue diamond - minor cold(1709)

a blue spinel - resist elements(602)
a blue starstone - resist elements(602)

a blue tourmaline - minor water - (903, aqua wand spell)
a blue dreamstone - minor water - (903, aqua wand spell)


The first thing that strikes you about the shard is the weight, which is about 4 pounds. You feel it's quite valuable.

The aura of magic surrounds the shard as if it was an artifact of great power. You also sense that it has more than one


A dim aura of magic radiates from the the shard. You sense that the empty gem setting has something to do with its power and

that if it were not missing a gem it would radiate even stronger power.

A vision slowly forms before your eyes...
Smoke slowly wafts from censers set at the four corners of a silvery square, and you see four robed figures standing in the

center of the hazy scene. On a marble pedestal in the midst of the figures rests an enruned blue ice shard, an artifact that

seems incomplete with its empty setting.

A spectacled dwarf shuffles to the edge of the scene, cupping a precious jewel in both hands as if terrified of dropping this

treasure. One of the robed figures glides over to the short fellow and gently lifts the jewel from the dwarf's trembling

grasp. You can barely see the robed man's mouth begin to move within his thick grey beard as he slowly moves to the center of

the square, and you notice the three other figures have begun speaking or chanting as well.

The man raises the jewel over his head while the smoke from the censers seems to draw in, obscuring his form. Suddenly there

is a brilliant flash of light, and when the smoke clears you see the four figures bowed and kneeling toward the pedestal,

where the jewel within the blue ice shard pulses with mysterious magic!

The vision slowly begins to fade...