View Full Version : Azbounty

11-06-2010, 04:46 PM
Azbounty.lic (beta)

I decided to rewrite a lot of sbounty2.lic, this is the result. The setup GUI is nearly identical, but most of the guts have been heavily refactored. Thanks to Spiffy for the code I stole.

I won't be providing as much support with this as I did Bigshot, but I do welcome bug reports. The current version is pretty rough, but it should get smooth over the next week or so. The problem with writing a bounty script is that you end up spending quite a bit of time waiting for specific bounties to trigger untested code paths, so hopefully people feel like helping me out with that.

It currently supports:
1. Culling
2. Rescues
3. Dangerous creature
4. Heirlooms (looting and searching)
5. Gems
- Calls loot-be-gone.lic
- loot-be-gone should have stockpile=on
- 'locker' should be set as a go2 location
- locker should be full of jars/bottles
- loot-be-gone should be a resting script

11-06-2010, 10:01 PM
Oh, and if you make a copy of your lich/data/GSF/*/sbounty2.sav file, and rename the copy azbounty.sav, you won't have resupply settings.

11-07-2010, 05:32 PM
Lots of bugs fixed, many of them annoying.

Heirloom searches are in.

OTF should work now.

11-12-2010, 06:29 PM
Will now pull your loot script from the settings (previously it was hard-coded as sloot2).

Fixed a bug where if you were hunting and paused to get a new task in an unmapped room, it couldn't get back to the hunting ground.

11-12-2010, 10:29 PM
Will now pull your loot script from the settings (previously it was hard-coded as sloot2).

Fixed a bug where if you were hunting and paused to get a new task in an unmapped room, it couldn't get back to the hunting ground.

I see nothing wrong with it being hard-coded for sloot2.

11-13-2010, 12:16 AM
Me neither! But someone wanted to use sloot, so I had to make it a select box between the two.

...naw, it's a text box. But I should've done that.

11-13-2010, 12:25 AM
Azathroth thanks for fixing the sigil of power bigshot.

Can you please make it go to the guard in helgas?

11-13-2010, 12:13 PM
It should in all cases but the child escort (which doesn't work yet in WL), assuming you have avguard2 set to helgas. (EDIT: this is actually a built in target)

But maybe it doesn't. Can you post the context in which it's failing?

11-13-2010, 01:56 PM

It was going to the west gate, seeing the guard wasn't there, and giving up, getting a new bounty. It did this for each bounty.

Sbounty goes to helgas, but it doesn't ask the guard, it's asks helga.

11-13-2010, 03:16 PM
Try it now. If it doesn't work please post a log.

11-13-2010, 03:47 PM
Try it now. If it doesn't work please post a log.

....or you could write better scripts for us!

11-13-2010, 10:00 PM

11-14-2010, 12:29 PM
Just want to say beforehand, good work.

Couple notes:
- Still not finding the guard at Helga's


[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The muted sounds of loud bartering from within Wehnimer's Landing, and the lonely calls of a pair of mated fenvaoks high up in the air vie for your attention as you march along the outer western edge of the town. You also see a large wooden gate.
Obvious paths: north, south
[go2: travel time: 0:00:02]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[azbounty: The taskmaster told you: "Hmm, I've got a task here from the town of Wehnimer's Landing. It appears they have a creature problem they'd like you to solve. Go report to Quin Telaren to find out more. He's the Landing's West Gate guard, though you might want to check Helga's Tavern if he's not at his post. Be sure to ASK about BOUNTIES."]
[azbounty: false]
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:01 (9 rooms to move through)]

It then goes to the resting room and goes and grabs a new bounty when the timer is up.

-Is there a way to get it so it will turn in bounties from the guild closest from the resting point (if it isn't already). I had an instance where I had a culling task @ the Cairnfang between WL + Sol and it attempted to turn in the bounty to the Solhaven guard instead of WL.

-When mind is saturated, new bounty is up, and new bounty is a gem task that is able to be turned in, it'll turn in the gems then constantly run back and forth between the adventure guild, trying to turn the task in, and then back to the resting point every 30 secs or so until mind gets down into must rest.

11-14-2010, 01:22 PM
Try Helgas now.

As far as the Solhaven thing goes... that's tricky. Let me think about it.

11-15-2010, 12:17 PM
Got to check it finally when the guard decided to get drunk...received/turned in bounties in the tavern beautifully. Thanks for the fix.

Just a request, could you look into the turning in a bounty while already saturated thing? Normally it'll just run back and forth till mind reached must rest but there were 1-2 instances where it counted the bounty as failed and removed/got a new bounty afterwords (don't have logs of it, unfortunately).

If there could be a check somewhere in the script for this:

As you approach Rheteger, your thoughts drift momentarily and you realize that your mind is already racing with your recent experiences. If you report back on your success now, you may well lose out on some valuable life experience.

[If you wish to report on your success anyway, ASK Rheteger about BOUNTIES one more time to confirm this choice.]

to just run back to the resting point and wait till mind isn't saturated anymore before turning it in or something along those lines, that would be great.

Thanks again.

11-15-2010, 01:40 PM
2. Rescues (except in WL)

I'm just curious what makes WL tougher to do this in?

11-15-2010, 04:01 PM
It was just the fact that the guard can be in one of two places. That should work now though.

11-15-2010, 08:06 PM
Really appreciate the support for it. Thanks mam. Using your azbounty over sbounty now.

Now its removing gem bounties even though I have it selected. Can you fix this please? sbounty was doing this too.

11-15-2010, 09:09 PM
Also azbounty is hunting on very low spirit despite me putting in the box >= 8.

Can you please fix this?

11-15-2010, 09:35 PM
After it talks to the gem npc, does it try and run loot-be-gone before it turns the bounty in?

If so, that's expected. Loot-be-gone has to succeed or it'll remove the bounty.

If not, log please.

11-15-2010, 09:49 PM
I didn't download loot-be-gone. Is there anything I need to know to set it up? Or just download it?

Also, it's not checking spirit like sbounty does. The problem with this I think is because bigshot does not seem to check spirit even with the box checked and settings in place. I'm trying to fix it with a wounded eval code but it is not working.

11-15-2010, 09:58 PM
The stuff about loot-be-gone is in my first post.

What's your wounded eval?

11-15-2010, 10:02 PM
percenthealth <= 50 || percentspirit <= 80 || ([Wounds.head, Scars.head].max >= 2) || ([Wounds.nsys, Scars.nsys].max >= 2) || ([Wounds.leftArm, Wounds.leftHand, Wounds.rightArm, Wounds.rightHand, Scars.leftArm, Scars.leftHand, Scars.rightArm, Scars.rightHand].max >= 2) || ( ([Wounds.leftArm, Wounds.leftHand, Scars.leftArm, Scars.leftHand].max >= 2) or ([Wounds.rightArm, Wounds.rightHand, Scars.leftArm, Scars.leftHand].max >= 2) )

11-15-2010, 10:13 PM
|| binds tighter than or

11-15-2010, 11:51 PM
Another issue...sigil of power x 2. It actives it twice.


bigshot]>sigil of defense
A shimmering aura surrounds you.
[ Sigil of Defense: +0:05:00, 0:05:00 remaining. ]
[azbounty]>sigil of power

As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy

[bigshot]>sigil of power
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.
* Nietzsche just bit the dust!

[bigshot: cast: not enough stamina]
[azbounty: cast: not enough stamina].

11-16-2010, 07:31 PM
Unfortunately, I just died and azbounty started with very low spirit hunting again. I had resting_routine going, it activated azbounty, but it didn't check spirit and went hunting. Glad I was awake. I love azbounty and the support but going to have to stick with sbounty until the bugs are worked out.

11-16-2010, 09:17 PM
I think this is actually a bigshot oversight. It looks like azbounty makes heavy use of bigshot's should_rest? routine to determine resting requirements, but should_rest? does not check the status of the following:

I'm probably missing something, but that might be where to start looking.

And while I'm at it, I have a couple of suggestions for azbounty in general.

1. How about an option to always hide before wandering when hunting (good for ambushing/sniping)?

2. Make bounty completion detection smarter and safer. Right now detecting a successful bountypreempts everything. End result -- bigshot is killed without regard to what I was in the middle of. So I often end up running back to town in stance offensive without looting the last critter I killed.

3. This is similar to #2. When I am in between bounties and hunting until fried, azbounty will always head back to town to acquire a new bounty. Again, in this situation bigshot is paused and I end up running back to town in stance offensive without looting my current target.

I made these changes to my copy, but I figured others might be interested as well. Make of them what you will.

Thanks for all of your hard work.


11-16-2010, 10:30 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. It should change stance to defensive now before running to get a new bounty, and it will also run bigshot's loot routine to check for dead bodies before leaving the room.

Also I changed fixed an issue where it wouldn't realize it was saturated.

Spooky - I dunno what to tell you, without more information to go on. If you're in the middle of a resting routine, it shouldn't go hunt until $bigshot.should_hunt? returns true. You can look at that code, but it checks spirit and wounded eval. That's where I would start debugging the issue.

11-16-2010, 10:45 PM
Alorn, bigshot also never checked spirit for me. Often times I wanted to use bigshot because it was less buggy than sbounty but I couldn't, because deathrecover would get the potions, etc, then bigshot would immediately go hunting again with very low spirit, getting me killed. I agree and think its a bigshot issue.

I'll try to find the log also. Although the wounded eval on bigshot thing works (the script doesn't fail now) it doesn't check for spirit still apparently.

Thanks again also for all your help and work. Your bigshot script is flawless, you make alot less script errors than alot of people.

11-17-2010, 01:40 AM
I'm still investigating this, but I believe your spirit issues are occurring because upon initial execution both azbounty and bigshot only check should_rest?, not should_hunt?. It looks like should_hunt? doesn't get checked until you hit the do_rest routine for the first time.

Basically, the scripts are assuming that if should_rest? is false that you should hunt, which is probably not what you want do after a recent death.


11-17-2010, 08:05 AM
I"m not sure about the whole should_hunt rest routine thing but I know in my personal script I had issues where after you die your max spirit is lower then normal as your stats are regenerating. The problem is that if you get to full spirit while your spirit is say at 3 in stead of 9 max percentmana still reads this as having hit 100%

11-18-2010, 11:48 AM
Alorn, can you please try and fix this for me? I really don't know what the problem is, at least one other person I have has no problem. But sbounty and sbounty2 is driving me nuts right now not working right, your script is the only one that works great right now. I just can't afford to go hunting with very low spirit.

11-18-2010, 11:53 AM
screw this, I give up. Sbounty and sbounty2 now aren't working at all. Sbounty2 now wants to go to troll kings, despite my bounty, and wander and kill nothing. Sbounty seems to not want to save my settings and get out the wrong weapon. I'm going to use azbounty, if I die a couple times from low spirit oh well.

11-18-2010, 12:09 PM
screw this, I give up. Sbounty and sbounty2 now aren't working at all. Sbounty2 now wants to go to troll kings, despite my bounty, and wander and kill nothing. Sbounty seems to not want to save my settings and get out the wrong weapon. I'm going to use azbounty, if I die a couple times from low spirit oh well.

One thing to keep in mind is that you need to match the bounty critter's name as it appears in the bounty text. Examples:

hierophant -- this will work for normal hunting, but not for bounties
emaciated hierophant -- this will work for normal hunting and bounties

supplicant -- again, works for normal hunting, but not bounties
muscular supplicant -- works for normal hunting and bounties

I think you get the idea.


11-18-2010, 12:18 PM
Yeah, thanks but I did that too, knew that for awhile.

11-18-2010, 12:23 PM
screw this, I give up. Sbounty and sbounty2 now aren't working at all. Sbounty2 now wants to go to troll kings, despite my bounty, and wander and kill nothing. Sbounty seems to not want to save my settings and get out the wrong weapon. I'm going to use azbounty, if I die a couple times from low spirit oh well.

If you feel up to modifying azbounty yourself, making the following changes should prevent you from hunting with low spirit after a death:

The line numbers I'm using won't be exact, but they should get you in the right area.

Line 1577 -- msg 'Bigshot thinks I should hunt.'
Above that line put this code:

if $bigshot.should_hunt?

Line 1610 -- #cleanup
Above that line put the following block of code:

msg "Bigshot says I should rest."

That should do the trick.


11-18-2010, 01:05 PM
I've only just started using Azbounty on one character today, but so far so good. Several hunts and bounties into it, and no hangups.

Thank you for sharing. Seriously. I appreciate it.

11-18-2010, 02:41 PM
Thanks Vanatar. Will try that

11-19-2010, 11:15 AM
having some trouble getting azbounty setup:

I keep getting

--- Lich: azbounty active.
--- Exception: comparison of Fixnum with nil failed
bigshot:1191:in `>='
--- Lich: azbounty has exited.

I'm not using a complicated wounded or anything just a simple
percenthealth <= 50

thats pretty much the only setting thats strange.

11-19-2010, 11:52 AM
having some trouble getting azbounty setup:

I keep getting

--- Lich: azbounty active.
--- Exception: comparison of Fixnum with nil failed
bigshot:1191:in `>='
--- Lich: azbounty has exited.

I'm not using a complicated wounded or anything just a simple
percenthealth <= 50

thats pretty much the only setting thats strange.

Just to be sure...
Do you have everything filled in under the Should Rest and Should Hunt sections of the resting and hunting panes in the setup?


11-19-2010, 12:09 PM
Yes, I have no resting Commands,

I have
Wounded: percenthealth <= 50
mind >= 100
mana >= 10
enc >= 50

Then under hunting
mind <=65
mana >=10
spirit >=8 (but this isent working right)

11-19-2010, 12:13 PM
Thank you Vanatar! IT works! Azbounty is now working GREAT and gaining alot of BPs finally with no hickups. Thanks!

11-19-2010, 02:19 PM
Yes, I have no resting Commands,

I have
Wounded: percenthealth <= 50
mind >= 100
mana >= 10
enc >= 50

Ok, thanks for checking. The next helpful thing you could do then is open bigshot up in a text editor and copy the line throwing the error (1191 I think it was?). My version of bigshot is too heavily modified to help out a whole lot until I get an idea where in the script yours is having problems.

Then under hunting
mind <=65
mana >=10
spirit >=8 (but this isent working right)

I posted something a little while ago (yesterday?) that should help fix the low spirit hunting bug.


11-19-2010, 03:16 PM
Looks like AZbounty took out one of the features I really liked (and pushed to fix) in Sbounty. Attacking all the targets in the area and not just your bounty target. Is there any way we could get that added back in? Currently I have to run something like (?:krag dweller|krag yeti) to attack both the dweller and the yeti, but that only works if I don't want to run two separate attack routines.

Otherwise, love the bounty scripts. Thanks for picking up the torch.

11-19-2010, 05:36 PM
Looks like just removing and re-downloading both azbounty and bigshots fixed it. I think i had a bad wounds string loaded before, and it was sticky in bigshots and removing both of them figured it out.

11-19-2010, 06:39 PM
Just throwing this out there but IMT could use a little TLC, whenever it needs a guard, it just checks the PUB and then gives up, same problem as WL had, I am assuming. Also the wracking button likes to uncheck itself everytime you do a setup, it still works after you check it and save until then next time you setup though, so nothing major, just had not seen it mentioned, and figured you might want to know.

11-19-2010, 06:56 PM
Yeah I noticed the sticky bigshot settings thing. I'll look at that later.

In IMT, what happens when you ;go2 advguard?
What are the guard names like?

11-19-2010, 07:44 PM
Yeah I noticed the sticky bigshot settings thing. I'll look at that later.

In IMT, what happens when you ;go2 advguard?
What are the guard names like?

;go2 advguard2 works fine hits the south gate one at 2487
and they look like this:
You also see a South Gate guard, the South Gate, a gate sign and a snowbank.
Obvious paths: east, west

To expand a little more, if there is a guard in the pub it does what it needs to do and is fine, but with no guard in the pub it just gives up and says to send a log to spiffy, hehe. Does not even seem to be trying advguard2.

Here is a log:

[Icemule Trace, West Road]
The cobblestone road ends at the large western gate here. Through the gate you see vast plains of grass about as tall as a halfling, with very few trees for cover. You also see a Silvermule courier and an old beer barrel.
Obvious paths: north, east, south
[go2]>go pub
[Tavern Burrow, Pilsner Avenue]
Pilsner Avenue ends at the West Road, although you can see that another road continues beyond this intersection. A tall, narrow, wooden framed building, apparently hastily constructed some years past, houses the Nightowl Pub.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[The Nightowl Pub, Entry]
Upon entering the dimly lit room, you are startled by the row of round eyes staring at you from above. As your vision adjusts to the darkness, you realize that you are merely being watched by the many owl statues lining a plate rail high on the wall. It appears that each pair of eyes is formed by different gems, backlit by candles. You also see a gilt-edged menu, a steep staircase and a charming halfling hostess.
Obvious exits: out
[go2]>go staircase
[The Nightowl Pub, Lounge]
Waitresses wearing feathered headdresses fashioned like the heads of owls work the room swiftly and quietly, trying not to interrupt the guests or the stage act. Although the tables are set relatively close together, the darkness creates a feeling of intimacy. After their number, the chorus glides off the stage and all but disappears behind a dark curtain. You also see a steep staircase.
Obvious exits: none
[go2: travel time: 0:00:01]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[azbounty: unable to find guard! Send a log to spiffyjr@gmail.com]
[azbounty: nil]
[azbounty: The taskmaster told you: "Hmm, I've got a task here from the town of Icemule Trace. It appears that a local resident urgently needs our help in some matter. Go report to one of the Icemule Trace gate guards to find out more. If they aren't at their posts, try the Nightowl Pub. Be sure to ASK about BOUNTIES."]
[azbounty: false]
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:01 (8 rooms to move through)]
[go2]>go staircase
[The Nightowl Pub, Entry]
Upon entering the dimly lit room, you are startled by the row of round eyes staring at you from above. As your vision adjusts to the darkness, you realize that you are merely being watched by the many owl statues lining a plate rail high on the wall. It appears that each pair of eyes is formed by different gems, backlit by candles. You also see a gilt-edged menu, a steep staircase and a charming halfling hostess.
Obvious exits: out
[Tavern Burrow, Pilsner Avenue]
Pilsner Avenue ends at the West Road, although you can see that another road continues beyond this intersection. A tall, narrow, wooden framed building, apparently hastily constructed some years past, houses the Nightowl Pub.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west

11-21-2010, 11:00 PM
Also, azbounty for some reason is not saving my settings I put in for troll kings, I need minor protection up, its using major bane and miajor protection, which i have set for illoke only.

Can you fix this?

11-21-2010, 11:16 PM
Spooky -

That tab is not location-specific.

Afk -

So advguard goes to the pub, and advguard2 goes to the gate, opposite of WL?

If so, what's the room id of advguard?

11-21-2010, 11:26 PM
bummer, oh well.

11-22-2010, 02:18 AM
3424 is advguard which is the pub
2487 is advuard2 which is the s. gate
TY so much for looking into it.

11-22-2010, 10:36 AM
It is indeed working now, TY SO MUCH :thanx:

11-23-2010, 07:33 AM
Can you please look into why its doing this?

[ Sigil of Defense: +0:05:00, 0:05:00 remaining. ]
[bigshot]>sigil of offense
-- SS [158/163] (-5) SS --
A faint blue glow surrounds your hands, subtly guiding your movements.
[ Sigil of Offense: +0:05:00, 0:05:00 remaining. ]
[azbounty]>sigil of power
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.
-- SS [103/163] (-55) SS --
[bigshot]>sigil of power
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.
-- SS [53/163] (-50) SS --
A muscular supplicant swings a dark steel flamberge at you!
AS: +348 vs DS: +191 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +75 = +258
... and hits for 18 points of damage!
Slash to your left leg hits high!
Kinda makes your knees weak, huh?
[azbounty]>sigil of power
You are beginning to feel a little fatigued.
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.
-- SS [3/163] (-50) SS --
A muscular supplicant swings a dark steel flamberge at you!
AS: +348 vs DS: +191 with AvD: +26 + d100 roll: +52 = +235
... and hits for 16 points of damage!
Blow leaves an imprint on your chest!
[azbounty: cast: not enough stamina]
[bigshot: cast: not enough stamina]
[bigshot: cast: not enough stamina]
Your heightened awareness of your own vulnerabilities fades away.
Your mind and body begin to relax after that period of intense focus.
[bigshot]>wtrick feint
You hear a loud *POP* come from your muscles!

11-23-2010, 11:12 AM
Do you have a stamina check on wtrick feint? What do your hunting commands look like?

11-23-2010, 01:11 PM
[azbounty]>sigil of power
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.
[bigshot]>sigil of power
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.

I used to have this problem. Both bigshot and the bounty script activating sigil of power, when really you only needed it activated once. To solve this problem I have a separate script that I run when hunting for sigil of power. I leave the wracking / sigil of power options unchecked in the bounty script and bigshot, and my other script just pauses bigshot whenever mana <___ and stamina >___ before activating sigil of power then unpausing bigshot. I still get popped muscles but not nearly as often.

11-23-2010, 02:52 PM
Ohhhh, I see the problem. Yeah you'd have to do that if sigil of power was activating inside of should_rest?()

11-23-2010, 08:23 PM
Yes, I have no resting Commands,

I have
Wounded: percenthealth <= 50
mind >= 100
mana >= 10
enc >= 50

Then under hunting
mind <=65
mana >=10
spirit >=8 (but this isent working right)

elsif( checkspirit < @REST_TILL_SPIRIT )
$rest_reason = "low spirit"
$bigshot_status = :resting
return true

Add that around line 1209 to Bigshot and save it. I've made Alorn aware of the update and he'll probably patch it in before too long.

EDIT: Nevermind, apparently you're supposed to put spirit checks in the wounded eval.

11-25-2010, 04:23 AM
It worked for awhile but now its doing this and gets my muscles popped each time...

[bigshot]>sigil of power
-- SS [149/164] (-5) SS --
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.
-- SS [99/164] (-50) SS --
A hunch-backed dogmatist mutters a harsh rite.
[bigshot]>sigil of power
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.

11-26-2010, 12:46 AM
[Inside Tree, Narrow Tunnel]
Bright light filters in from above, the beautiful rainbow sheen of the slime offset by the pungent, acrid smell that wafts through the tunnel and invades your senses. The roots around you move more slowly now, their forms appearing more rigid and wooden than the fluid, tentacle-like structures below you. Each wraps around various parts of your body tightly, the pressure from their dutiful grasp nearly painful.
Obvious exits: none
A disturbance further down the tube catches your attention, as gently rustling tendrils and roots pass the entangled form of a young elven child up towards you.
t in here.
Suddenly, light spills over you, and you realize the fibrous tentacles are pushing you out of the tunnel! You have just enough time for one indignant squawk before you are falling...

With a graceless *WHOMP*, you land in a stinking mass of organic refuse of unidentifiable origin.
[Maaghara Tower, Refuse Heap]
A series of black fissures pit the floor of this dank, malodorous hole. Rotting debris is constantly pushed into the holes by multiple, root-like tendrils. A bitter, acidic vapor rises from the crevices as the tree slowly processes its waste.
Obvious exits: east
With a startled yelp, a young elven child suddenly tumbles from somewhere above you, landing gracelessly in a pile of refuse!
You stand back up.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
[azbounty: failed to escort child]
[azbounty: Bounty failed. Getting new bounty.]
[azbounty: getting new bounty]
[azbounty: removing bounty, you have five seconds to kill me]

[azbounty: finding taskmaster]
--- Lich: go2 active.
A young elven child stands up.

11-26-2010, 12:59 AM
It worked for awhile

Try running this as a hunting script. Disable sigil of power in sbounty / bigshot.

loop {
if mana <= (maxmana - 60) and stamina >= (60)
fput "sigil of power"
break if dead?
sleep 1.0

11-26-2010, 08:52 AM
Azbounty needs to be fixed for OTF. For some reason it doesn't recognize the name Ithzir (creature name), so it just keeps trading in tasks. It will also not fire off attacks (b) and (c). For some reason it runs to the herbalist to check tasks when herbs are disabled and gets stuck in an unmapped room somewhere off of whistlers pass. It should just trade the task in immediately. Twice now it has ran me to Tavaalor for some reason getting stuck in an unmapped room. Those occurrences are in illistim...

How about that dispell web update for bigshot? Also, It attacks critters not on the attack list, if you have flee count set to >1.

That's all I can think of for right now.

11-27-2010, 08:54 AM
Yay, I was just trying to board the carts to zul for an herb bounty.

11-27-2010, 09:56 AM
Yay, I was just trying to board the carts to zul for an herb bounty.

Yeah, azbounty in Illistim can be crazy like that. It ran me to the landing to rest a couple times. When I checked bigshot setup, it had picked up some old resting spot room #s (don't ask me how) that I used to use. They weren't even still saved as locations in sbounty or azbounty.

11-27-2010, 12:28 PM
Alorn -

Hope you can fix this. Azbounty had a heirloom task in krags, but it didn't go past the crevice like it does with hunting. I'm assuming because both areas had the description "Upper Krag Slopes". It just found that string and started wandering. But the heirloom was past the crevice, not before it.

11-27-2010, 07:39 PM
What is the difference between this and sbounty? I'm not getting the autofill tab to work although it did with Sbounty. I might have messed something up but no matter what I do I can't get it to work.

11-27-2010, 08:03 PM
Hello - So I'm a complete noob/novice when it comes to scripting. Basically all I have done in all the years I've played is either use other peoples scripts, and made a few macro's myself. I use the wizardFE cuz I can't get use to stormfront, no matter how many times I've tried. I have spent an little bit of time running a character around while using Lich, but but nothing in depth, and haven't tried hunting while using Lich. And that whole build up is for this . . .

After reading through this thread so far, this sounds like a great script I would love to start using. I'm maining hunting in the Minotaur area, so most all of my bounties are in that area too. Which it seems someone else is already having success for the most part doing. My problem is, where do I go to download AZbounty, and what else would/should I download to get up and running . . . so to speak.

Also, is Arkati.org still the best/only place to start learning how to make your own scripts? Googled, and thats about the only thing that came up for actually writing scripts, and I figured with as complex as this script seems, it would be useful if I understood enough to make modifications, or at least explain whats going on if I can't figure it out.

Thank you in advance for any help/directions people point me in.

11-27-2010, 11:48 PM
I broke the auto-fill button at some point, and haven't care enough to fix it.

If you want to get into writing lich scripts, start looking at existing scripts on the repository and reading ruby tutorials.

11-29-2010, 01:16 PM
Everything is working great for me except for dangerous critter bounties.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see a grizzled black forest ogre approaching. He must be the creature that you've been tasked to kill!
--- Lich: sloot active.
[azbounty: Found dangerous critter! Bigshot will run until success.]
[azbounty: debug 1]
[azbounty: ogre]

[azbounty: debug 2]
[azbounty: debug 3]
[azbounty: debug 4]
--- Exception: undefined method `load_settings' for #<Bigshot:0xd86a3f0>
azbounty:490:in `kill_dangerous'
--- Lich: azbounty has exited.
[sloot]>loot #18226332
You search the black forest ogre.
You discard the ogre's useless equipment.
He didn't carry any silver.
He had nothing of interest.
The remains of a black forest ogre shrivel up until only a blackened shadow indicates anything was once there.
--- Lich: sloot has exited.

Anyone able to help?

11-29-2010, 01:50 PM
Everything is working great for me except for dangerous critter bounties.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see a grizzled black forest ogre approaching. He must be the creature that you've been tasked to kill!
--- Lich: sloot active.
[azbounty: Found dangerous critter! Bigshot will run until success.]
[azbounty: debug 1]
[azbounty: ogre]

[azbounty: debug 2]
[azbounty: debug 3]
[azbounty: debug 4]
--- Exception: undefined method `load_settings' for #<Bigshot:0xd86a3f0>
azbounty:490:in `kill_dangerous'
--- Lich: azbounty has exited.
[sloot]>loot #18226332
You search the black forest ogre.
You discard the ogre's useless equipment.
He didn't carry any silver.
He had nothing of interest.
The remains of a black forest ogre shrivel up until only a blackened shadow indicates anything was once there.
--- Lich: sloot has exited.

Anyone able to help?

Do you have the latest version of bigshot?

11-29-2010, 05:06 PM
Ok, enough time has passed that I need to address this issue. Bigshot, for whatever reason,s ometims, occassionally (but not too often) likes to 'wander' around aimlessly. This is the log of what happened. Basically, bigshot did its wander thing (Its taken me from teras to landing before) and I was in a hut where the room was not known so azbounty couldn't remove the bounty. Was stuck in there for a good 7 hours.

Here's the llog:

[Whistler's Pass, Forest]
As yet another corner on the winding trail is passed, far in the distance the mist seems to lighten. Soon the light becomes bright enough to allow you to see almost clearly through the mist to the edge of the forest. You also see a path leading farther into the deep forest and a weathered shack.
Obvious paths: east, southeast
>[bigshot]>go shack
[A Weathered Shack]
Long modwir shelves lined with various potions, tools, and the unidentifiable remains of plants dominate one side of this relatively large shack. A simple counter sits near the rear of the room directly in front of a thick wooden door. You also see a handwritten sign and an elderly herbalist.
Obvious exits: out
>The elderly herbalist retrieves a small hand-broom from a drawer and briskly sweeps some loose dirt from the surface of the counter.
>You feel fully energetic again.
>-- SS [166/166] (+15) SS --

>The elderly herbalist glances up from his work, gives you a momentary smile, and then turns his focus back to his task.
>Your heightened awareness of your own defensive weaknesses fades away.
>Your mind and body begin to relax after that period of intense focus.
>[bigshot]>sigil of minor protection
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of minor protection
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of minor protection
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of minor protection
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of minor protection
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.

[go2: error: built-in target was given, but no path could be found]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[azbounty]>ask herbalist for bounty
The elderly herbalist says, "Sorry, don't know much about that.
>[azbounty: The taskmaster told you: "I've got a special mission for you. A certain client has hired us to provide a protective escort on her upcoming journey. Go to the area just inside the Sapphire Gate and WAIT for her to meet you there. You must guarantee her safety to Ta'Vaalor as soon as you can, being ready for any dangers that the two of you may face. Good luck!"]
[azbounty: false]
[azbounty]>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
>[azbounty: resuming scripts]
--- Lich: markclench unpaused.
--- Lich: bigshot unpaused.
--- Lich: exec1 unpaused.
[bigshot]>sigil of defense
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of defense
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of defense

11-29-2010, 05:06 PM
Do you have the latest version of bigshot?

Thanks, updating took care of it.

11-29-2010, 05:19 PM
Ok, enough time has passed that I need to address this issue. Bigshot, for whatever reason,s ometims, occassionally (but not too often) likes to 'wander' around aimlessly. This is the log of what happened. Basically, bigshot did its wander thing (Its taken me from teras to landing before) and I was in a hut where the room was not known so azbounty couldn't remove the bounty. Was stuck in there for a good 7 hours.

I'm guessing he is gonna wanna see where it left the area, not where it ended up.

Are you absolutely 100% sure that you have all the boundaries set up for your hunting area? There could be a weird exit, maybe not even (visually) mapped, that is allowing you to escape your hunting ground and wander.

11-29-2010, 07:36 PM
Sometimes people like to set the starting hunt room to be the same as a boundary room. This will appear to work if the first random movement takes you into the hunting area, but there's nothing keeping it from going the other direction with the first move. If it does that, your boundaries just ensure that it will wander everywhere except your hunting area.

It's also possible that some error with getting to the hunting area makes you sart wandering without ever getting to the hunting area.

If it's neither of those, it's just a lack of boundaries. Whatever it is, looking at where you end up isn't going to help.

11-29-2010, 10:13 PM
Here ya go..

>[azbounty: Frying in primary ground]
[azbounty: switching to primary hunting ground]

(goes to hunting area...)


[azbounty]>stance def
You are now in a defensive stance.
>[azbounty: pausing scripts]
[azbounty: -- ... pausing markclench]
--- Lich: markclench paused.
[azbounty: -- ... pausing bigshot]
--- Lich: bigshot paused.
[azbounty: -- ... pausing exec1]
--- Lich: exec1 paused.
[azbounty: ... complete]
[azbounty: getting new bounty]
[azbounty: removing bounty, you have five seconds to kill me]

[azbounty: finding taskmaster]
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:18 (91 rooms to move through)]

(removes bounty)

[azbounty]>ask Jarivyth about remove
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>Jarivyth says, "You want to be removed from your current task assignment, Leland? If so, ASK me about REMOVAL one more time to confirm this choice."
>[azbounty]>ask Jarivyth about remove
Jarivyth says, "Very well Leland, I have removed you from your current assignment."

(attempts to go back hunting)
[azbounty: The taskmaster told you: "I've got a special mission for you. A certain client has hired us to provide a protective escort on her upcoming journey. Go to the area just inside the Sapphire Gate and WAIT for her to meet you there. You must guarantee her safety to Ta'Vaalor as soon as you can, being ready for any dangers that the two of you may face. Good luck!"]
[azbounty: false]

(right as I get into hunting ground)

--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[azbounty]>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
>[azbounty: resuming scripts]
--- Lich: markclench unpaused.
--- Lich: bigshot unpaused.
--- Lich: exec1 unpaused.
(bigshot starts, begins to wander)
(at this point its out of the boundries I set in, which I'm sure are correct for the skull temple.)

[Whistler's Pass, Forest]
As yet another corner on the winding trail is passed, far in the distance the mist seems to lighten. Soon the light becomes bright enough to allow you to see almost clearly through the mist to the edge of the forest. You also see a path leading farther into the deep forest and a weathered shack.
Obvious paths: east, southeast

>[bigshot]>go shack
[A Weathered Shack]
Long modwir shelves lined with various potions, tools, and the unidentifiable remains of plants dominate one side of this relatively large shack. A simple counter sits near the rear of the room directly in front of a thick wooden door. You also see a handwritten sign and an elderly herbalist.
Obvious exits: out

he power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of defense
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of defense
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of defense
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of defense
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of defense
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of defense

>[azbounty: pausing scripts]
[azbounty: -- ... pausing markclench]
--- Lich: markclench paused.
[azbounty: -- ... pausing bigshot]
--- Lich: bigshot paused.
[azbounty: -- ... pausing exec1]
--- Lich: exec1 paused.
[azbounty: ... complete]
[azbounty: getting new bounty]

>[azbounty: finding taskmaster]
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: error: built-in target was given, but no path could be found]

(repeat for 6 hours)

11-29-2010, 10:25 PM
This is the part I'm interested in:
(bigshot starts, begins to wander)
(at this point its out of the boundries I set in, which I'm sure are correct for the skull temple.)

And a list of the boundaries/start room you have set.

11-29-2010, 10:39 PM
You over edited the log. It shows that azbounty took you to room 53 after removing the task and bigshot moved west to room 54, which is a long ass way from your hunting ground and probably not what happened at all.

Also, you seem to be too interested in that shack. The movement to leave the shack is not in the map database because there's a duplicate shack in every town. Stuff like that makes the path finder think there's a magical portal between towns. It's broken on purpose. The problem isn't that you got stuck in the shack. The problem is that you left your hunting area.

11-29-2010, 10:43 PM
I've had the same thing happen to me a few times as well. It only occurs when I am hunting till fried (obviously). For the most part is appears as if azbounty gets confused about returning to the hunting grounds after picking up a new bounty that it can do.

I can't remember the exact circumstances so I'll try to scrounge up a log and post if for you.


11-29-2010, 10:51 PM
I just want to know more about this shack.

And I want to know now.

11-29-2010, 10:57 PM
It's that secret moving shack they were talking about when Shattered first came out. If you find it, you get to buy one uber item for cheap. But it's really a trap. You'll be stuck there for about seven hours.

11-29-2010, 11:31 PM
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[azbounty]>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
>[azbounty: resuming scripts]
--- Lich: markclench unpaused.
--- Lich: bigshot unpaused.
--- Lich: exec1 unpaused.
[Masked Hills, Eroded Spires]
Starting out as a thin line, a vein of nearly translucent pale pink quartz travels down a rocky outcropping, widens as it skates over the cracked and uneven ground, then finally disappears under a pair of large boulders. Who knows what valuable untapped minerals might be concealed deep within this mountain?
Obvious paths: east, south
[Masked Hills, Eroded Spires]
In the lee of the eastern spire is a cozy niche. Even this partial shelter from the neverending wind comes as a great relief. You are not the first to pause here, however, and those who preceded you have carved their marks upon the ancient stone.
Obvious paths: north, west
[Masked Hills, Eroded Spires]
Looking at the western spire from this angle, you notice how much it resembles a stooped old man raising his staff to the heavens. A whirlwind of dust forms at the hem of his robe, then soundlessly dissipates.
Obvious paths: north, east
>Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
[Masked Hills, Eroded Spires]
The wind makes an unearthly keening sound as it rushes past the stony spires. The howling rises and fades at strange intervals, sometimes catching you off-guard. A nearby rock is marred by a series of four deep gouges, their origin unclear.
Obvious paths: south, west
[Masked Hills, Eroded Spires]
For a plateau the surface here is incredibly uneven. Rocks jut into the air at wild angles, forcing you to pick your way carefully between them. Most of the gaps and crevices have been packed with dried grass and pebbles by the constant wind.
Obvious paths: east, south
[Masked Hills, Eroded Spires]
Two wind-swept rock towers rise from the ground to the east. The trail skirts their bases in one direction, and in the other strikes out along a narrow ridge to the northwest. From your perch upon this plateau you are able to look out across the foothills to the south, so green in comparison to this stony desolation.
Obvious paths: north, northwest
[Masked Hills, Hairline Ridge]
The ground drops away to either side of this razor-sharp ridge, leaving you with the sensation of being balanced on a tightrope. Frequent rockslides have eaten away at the trail, giving it a scalloped edge right at the bend.
Obvious paths: north, southeast
[Masked Hills, Hairline Ridge]
The plates of rock which form this section of the trail are cracked and tumbled, victims of some past upheaval. Two paths lead down the steep slope to the west, and neither one looks easy.
Obvious paths: north, south, southwest, west
[Gorget Trails, West Cliff Face]
Nothing grows on these broad, bare rocks save a few varieties of lichen. Even the insects appear to have forsaken this perilous outcropping. To the northeast is a barely visible footpath twisting further up the mountain.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southwest
[Gorget Trails, West Cliff Face]
Almost any movement sends dirt and pebbles tumbling down the vertiginous slope, and one section has already been torn away by a recent rockslide. Digging into the loose gravel, next to a pale green lichen-covered boulder, is a hairy-legged beetle. A hopefully stable protrusion is visible just below the trail. You also see a mountain goat and a marble base with a weathered marble statue on it.
Obvious paths: northeast, east
[Gorget Trails, West Cliff Face]
A small tree once grew right below this path, the only evidence now a twisted and weathered root still embedded in a tiny niche. The imprint of a cloven hoof in the dusty ground attests to an agile mountain goat population.
Obvious paths: northeast, west
>[bigshot]>climb root

Confidently, you begin to climb down the root. Within a short time, you have reached the bottom.

[Gorget Trails, West Cliff Face]
The steep cliff which rises above the trail here is primarily a pinkish granite with cubic fracture patterns, traced with a web of glistening white quartz veins. Black lichen grows in patches over the lower portion. At the base of the cliff is a small pile of rocks. You also see a weathered root.
Obvious paths: southeast
[Gorget Trails, Overhang]
The sharp overhang up above makes this cliff face impossible to scale. A greasewood shrub has carved out a small niche, taking advantage of the slight protection offered by the jutting rock.
Obvious paths: east, west, northwest
[Gorget Trails, Overhang]
The air is cooler here in the shade of the protruding rock overhead. Sheltered from the elements, two fragile rock paintings, one small and one large, are still visible despite the harsh conditions. A flat-topped boulder pushed up against the cliff would be a comfortable place to rest if the pile of small rodent bones next to it didn't remind you of the everpresent dangers of this region.
Obvious paths: south, west
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
>[Gorget Trails, Overhang]
The cliff face leans out over the path, as though peering down at the forest far below. Where the trail meets the rock wall, there are several small holes, probably home to some sort of burrowing mouse. You also see a marble base with a weathered marble statue on it.
Obvious paths: north, southeast
[Gorget Trails, Ledge]
A portion of this very shallow ledge has been washed away by a steady trickle of water running down the face of the cliff. Flecks of smoky mica sparkle in the sun, and a stink beetle parades slowly along the edge of the path.
Obvious paths: east, northwest
[Gorget Trails, Ledge]
Little more than a foot across, this path has been cut directly into the cliff and allows no room for error. Forced into proximity with the rocky embankment, you notice an extended trail of ants, each carrying a tiny crumb of something in a westward direction.
Obvious paths: northeast, west
>You feel fully energetic again.
-- SS [166/166] (MAX) SS --
[Gorget Trails, Fissure]
To the north the trail disappears into a dark gap between the weathered rock walls. A tattered bird's nest sits atop a small shelf jutting out from the cliff face. Though long abandoned, several pale grey feathers still flutter among the interwoven twigs and dried grass.
Obvious paths: north, southwest
[Gorget Trails, Fissure]
Almost no light reaches the bottom of this elbow-bend crevasse, and the rocks are quite cold to the touch. A broad layer of pink rock travels sinuously along one wall, describing past deformations. Wedged into the fissure high overhead is a massive boulder, arrested in its fall by the narrowing canyon.
Obvious paths: east, south
[Gorget Trails, Fissure]
Two rock walls converge here, with only a narrow fissure allowing passage to the west. A scrawny blue oak stands to one side like a gatekeeper, branches outstretched to collect a toll.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, west
[Gorget Trails, East Cliff Face]
The cliff here is composed of thin layers of blue and grey stone tilted sharply downward. Ruddy iron oxide stains dapple the surface and darken a wide vertical fracture. Broken shards of stone litter the base of the cliff, having tumbled from the treacherous rock faces.
Obvious paths: southwest, west
[Gorget Trails, East Switchback]
From this overlook you can see all the way across the valley below, where darker lines of vegetation trace the paths of streams and the meadows are scraps of pale yellow-green. Tiny acorn caps pepper the trail, material evidence of the scrub oaks which emerge improbably from a narrow shelf high above your head.
Obvious paths: northeast, west
[Gorget Trails, East Switchback]
The hillside is so steep here that the trail remains nearly level as it changes direction. At the turning point a few coarse, spiky grasses are putting up a good fight against the eroding soil.
Obvious paths: east, southeast
[Gorget Trails, East Switchback]
Three charred, branchless tree trunks stand together, remnants of an old fire. Just past them the trail turns, skirting a thorny bush with waxy yellow flowers.
Obvious paths: southwest, northwest
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.

>[bigshot]>go shack
[A Weathered Shack]
Long modwir shelves lined with various potions, tools, and the unidentifiable remains of plants dominate one side of this relatively large shack. A simple counter sits near the rear of the room directly in front of a thick wooden door. You also see a handwritten sign and an elderly herbalist.
Obvious exits: out
>The elderly herbalist retrieves a small hand-broom from a drawer and briskly sweeps some loose dirt from the surface of the counter.
>You feel fully energetic again.
>-- SS [166/166] (+15) SS --

>The elderly herbalist glances up from his work, gives you a momentary smile, and then turns his focus back to his task.
>Your heightened awareness of your own defensive weaknesses fades away.
>Your mind and body begin to relax after that period of intense focus.
>[bigshot]>sigil of minor protection
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of minor protection
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.
>[bigshot]>sigil of minor protection
The power from your sigil dissipates into the air.

11-29-2010, 11:34 PM
I had to edit it (shorten length) a bit because it wouldn't let me post it all.

Starting room:

Boundry (only exit):

11-29-2010, 11:38 PM
The shack is in your hunting area....

Make the damn shack a boundary.

11-29-2010, 11:48 PM
No it isn't...

[Whistler's Pass, Forest]
As the wood continues on, tall evergreens and oaks stand proudly in vigilance over the winding trail. A thin blanket of mist rises up from the dense forest floor, lingering in mid-air.
Obvious paths: north, southwest
[Whistler's Pass, Forest]
A cool breeze whispers through the trees, carrying the scent of moist wood. Mist curls and creeps along the trail now, enveloping the feet of travellers in the area.
Obvious paths: south, northwest
>Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
[Whistler's Pass, Forest]
As yet another corner on the winding trail is passed, far in the distance the mist seems to lighten. Soon the light becomes bright enough to allow you to see almost clearly through the mist to the edge of the forest. You also see a path leading farther into the deep forest and a weathered shack.
Obvious paths: east, southeast
>[bigshot]>go shack
[A Weathered Shack]
Long modwir shelves lined with various potions, tools, and the unidentifiable remains of plants dominate one side of this relatively large shack. A simple counter sits near the rear of the room directly in front of a thick wooden door. You also see a handwritten sign and an elderly herbalist.
Obvious exits: out

11-29-2010, 11:49 PM
That's not what the damn log you just showed me says...

11-29-2010, 11:50 PM

11-30-2010, 01:38 AM
So, I need some help improving the current child rescue/escort routines. Here's the current situation (specific to Maaghara Tower rescues):

I always leave the Tower via the tree roots, but AFAIK I know there is no way to know beforehand which root is open and usable for exiting the Tower. Thus, when I am escorting the child and come to a closed root, go2 exits and restarts with a new path. Unfortunately, I think azbounty interprets this as a failed escort and runs straight back to town, abandoning the child for a new task.

My current solution is less than ideal as it involves too much user intervention -- I added an 'escort' command line argument that I fire off after manually escorting the child to an open tree root and getting dumped in the refuse heap. This is obviously less than ideal. So...

Any suggestions?


11-30-2010, 11:50 AM
It doesn't use go2 to escort. I would look at the escort method and figure out why its failing.

11-30-2010, 01:57 PM
It doesn't use go2 to escort. I would look at the escort method and figure out why its failing.

Sorry-- I meant go_next_room. Regardless, azbounty marks the task as failed as soon as it attempts to enter a closed root and repaths to the next root.

Anyway, I'll keep digging.


12-01-2010, 04:18 AM
Spooky's problem is summed up as:

[azbounty: finding taskmaster]
--- Lich: go2 is already running (use ;force [scriptname] if desired).

go2 is on its way to the hunting ground when azbounty decides it needs to go to the taskmaster, it pauses bigshot and saves the current room, which is likely outside of the boundaries. After azbounty tries to do its stuff, it returns to the saved room and unpauses bigshot. Bigshot thinks go2 just ended in the starting hunt room and starts to wander.

I suppose the best thing to do would be to stick a

wait_while { running?('go2') }

on line 107 right under "def go2(target)"

12-01-2010, 11:54 AM
Azaroth, any idea why its doing this? I have gem bounties selected and gem all the gems. It even went and got them yet removes the bounty.

You give your jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into your left hand.
You put an uncut diamond in your cold bucket.
You give your jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into your left hand.
You put an uncut diamond in your cold bucket.
You give your jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into your left hand.
You put an uncut diamond in your cold bucket.
You give your jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into your left hand.
You put an uncut diamond in your cold bucket.

You hear the faint thoughts of [LNet]-GSIV:Pitarus echo in your mind:
"if you truly want to be an epic ranger _> halfling"
You give your jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into your left hand.
You put an uncut diamond in your cold bucket.
You give your jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into your left hand.
You put an uncut diamond in your cold bucket.
You give your jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into your left hand.
You put an uncut diamond in your cold bucket.
You give your jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into your left hand.
You put an uncut diamond in your cold bucket.
You give your jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into your left hand.
You put an uncut diamond in your cold bucket.
You give your jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into your left hand.
That was the last diamond in the jar.
You put an uncut diamond in your cold bucket.

[loot-be-gone: done]
--- Lich: loot-be-gone has exited.
[azbounty: removing bounty, you have five seconds to kill me]

I ran again and it worked. However, it turned the bounty in with about 30 mind (in other words, far from full which I had checked to turn in at 100)

12-02-2010, 01:59 AM
Please fix this? It's still doing it, now 3 times in a row.

[bigshot]>sigil of power
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.
-- SS [103/165] (-50) SS --
[bigshot]>sigil of power
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.
-- SS [53/165] (-50) SS --

[bigshot]>sigil of power
You are beginning to feel a little fatigued.
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.

12-02-2010, 02:32 AM
Please fix this? It's still doing it, now 3 times in a row.

[bigshot]>sigil of power
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.
-- SS [103/165] (-50) SS --
[bigshot]>sigil of power
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.
-- SS [53/165] (-50) SS --

[bigshot]>sigil of power
You are beginning to feel a little fatigued.
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel exceptionally tired as your physical energy rapidly transforms into magical energy.

The default behavior of the wrack() routine is to use sigil of power as many times as your stamina allows.

Change Line 714 ( or thereabouts) from this:

( checkstamina / 50 ).times { Spell[9718].cast }

to this:

Spell[9718].cast if you want a single cast

Or any number of variations you can think of, really.


12-02-2010, 03:19 AM
Vanatar thank you, do you know why azbounty stopped working completely? As soon as it goes into rest mode, it still runs but does not do anything. Just hangs. I'm wondering if Isigil script interferes? I asked Tillmen but haven't gotten an answer back yet. Also I redownloaded bigshot in an attempt to fix this issue but now it doesn't check spirit (again)


12-02-2010, 10:29 AM
There was a bug in bigshot that would cause azbounty to hang when running a script. Especially resting scripts, it seemed. This would only happen for me every couple days though, so it doesn't sound like what you're describing.

I'm going to upload the fix for the issue I'm talking about soon. Need to remove all the debug statements.

Drunken Durfin
12-02-2010, 10:51 AM
--- Lich: azbounty active.
--- Exception: comparison of Fixnum with nil failed
bigshot:1187:in '>='
--- Lich: azbounty has exited.

Latest version of everything. What gives?

12-02-2010, 10:59 AM
The use wracking/power check mark box under the hunting tab in AZbounty is not staying checked, and it won't use it when hunting.

12-02-2010, 12:40 PM
It looks like it's comparing an integer with nil. 1187 for me won't be the same as 1187 for you, since I've changed bigshot. But you should go there.

12-10-2010, 08:51 PM
[A Mountain Trail]
The trail here is barely passable, probably due to the avalanche that occurred here many years ago. You also see a craggy ravine and a rough trail.
Obvious paths: up
[go2: travel time: 0:00:02]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[azbounty]>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
[azbounty: resuming scripts]
--- Lich: markclench unpaused.
--- Lich: bigshot unpaused.
--- Lich: exec1 unpaused.
You can't go there.
[bigshot]>climb ravine
You climb up a craggy ravine.
[Twin Canyons, Rocky Pass]
Jagged outcrops of craggy rocks split the valley into twin canyons. Small rocks skitter down the steep walls of the canyon and form small wisps of dust that look like rising steam. Cold air flows steadily north out of both canyons as the night cools the rock faces to near freezing temperatures. Very faint chattering sounds can be heard coming from large cracks in the rock outcrop to the south. You also see a low ridge and a craggy ravine.
Obvious paths: southeast, south, southwest
[Twin Canyons, Eastern Canyon]
Crisp air swirls here, carrying little chattering sounds that echo around the canyon. The wind has frozen the surfaces of small puddles of water that have collected in weatherworn divots on the canyon floor. Small patches of lichen are the only signs of vegetation within the canyon, though the thickly wooded northern slope of The Krag is visible above the canyon rim. In the southwestern wall a small crack can barely be made out in the shadows of the canyon.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, northwest
[Twin Canyons, Eastern Canyon]
Jutting up like a knife, a rift in the rock floor rises two feet, forming a large step. The canyon widens here allowing large portions of the silvery night sky to be seen. Resting along the northeast wall of the canyon, piles of rubble show signs of recent additions. Echoing sounds can be heard from all directions while a chattering noise can be heard from the south, coming from wide cracks in the rock outcrop.
Obvious paths: southeast, south, northwest
You will never fit through those cracks.

It did it again and began wandering. Basically unpaused the scripts, same deal.

Also I'd really like the wracking button fixed if you get a chance too. Its real useful for me.

12-11-2010, 06:19 AM
and again...

[azbounty]>stance defensive
You are now in a defensive stance.
>[azbounty: resuming scripts]
--- Lich: markclench unpaused.
--- Lich: bigshot unpaused.
--- Lich: exec1 unpaused.
[bigshot]>go alleyway
[Wehnimer's, Narrow Alleyway]
This narrow, dead-end alleyway runs from town square to the south, up to a bare wall at the north end. To the west, partially hidden behind teetering stacks of boxes, you see a weatherbeaten door with paint peeling off of it.
Obvious paths: south
[Town Square, Northeast]
The entrance to Tykel's Arms, its heavy door bounded by iron-barred windows, dominates this corner of the square. All manner of citizens pass by, moving among the solid, multistoried wooden buildings that surround the bazaar. Just to the southwest can be seen the tree-shaded heart of the square, where citizens and adventurers gather for socializing, healing and rest. You also see a narrow alleyway.
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest, west
>[bigshot]>go entrance
[Tykel's Arms, Showroom]
Glancing about the interior of the shop reveals all manner of bladed weapons, from daggers to twohanded swords. Most of the weaponry is wrought in bronze, although finer specimens reflect the glint of steel. All seem to share an air about them that says, "This weapon is meant to be used". Tykel the Weaponsmith stands ready to sing the praises of his handiwork. You also see a silvery-blue roiling fog-filled chamber, a polished counter and a swinging door.
Obvious exits: out
>[bigshot]>go door
[Tykel's Arms, Backroom]
This is the quiet backroom of the weaponsmith's shop. Here are stored prized pieces of exquisite armor and weapons, most either ancient heirlooms or crafted by famous armorers from throughout the land. You also see a rickety stair and a swinging door.
Obvious exits: none
>[bigshot]>go stair
[Catacombs, Musty Basement]
Large crates, rusted tools, and broken weapons of every description fill most of the space in this dank cellar. Cobwebs hang from the raftered ceiling, apparently undisturbed for ages. On the far wall, you notice a rectangular depression. You also see a rickety wooden staircase.
Obvious exits: none
>[bigshot]>go staircase
[Tykel's Arms, Backroom]
This is the quiet backroom of the weaponsmith's shop. Here are stored prized pieces of exquisite armor and weapons, most either ancient heirlooms or crafted by famous armorers from throughout the land. You also see a rickety stair and a swinging door.
Obvious exits: none
>[bigshot]>go door
[Tykel's Arms, Showroom]
Glancing about the interior of the shop reveals all manner of bladed weapons, from daggers to twohanded swords. Most of the weaponry is wrought in bronze, although finer specimens reflect the glint of steel. All seem to share an air about them that says, "This weapon is meant to be used". Tykel the Weaponsmith stands ready to sing the praises of his handiwork. You also see a silvery-blue roiling fog-filled chamber, a polished counter and a swinging door.
Obvious exits: out
[Town Square, Northeast]
The entrance to Tykel's Arms, its heavy door bounded by iron-barred windows, dominates this corner of the square. All manner of citizens pass by, moving among the solid, multistoried wooden buildings that surround the bazaar. Just to the southwest can be seen the tree-shaded heart of the square, where citizens and adventurers gather for socializing, healing and rest. You also see a narrow alleyway.
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest, west
[Town Square, East]
Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a large wooden barrel.
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
[Town Square, Southeast]
Pedestrians and wagon traffic move off in all directions here, some going to the large intersection with South Ring Road, others crisscrossing the square via the bazaar. Men and women carrying neatly tied parcels or sacks and coils of rope slung over their arms emerge from the wooden facade of the old general store. You also see a bald virgin.
Obvious paths: north, south, west, northwest
[Town Square, Southwest]
This corner of the square seems somewhat subdued. Townsfolk pass through on their way to the shops, the bazaar, or the main well at the center of the square. Others hurry past, anxious to get home or go on about their business. You also see a cobblestone walkway leading up to a wrought-iron gate and a wood-sided shop.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, south, west
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the icy blue Fiddlesticks disk, the translucent Wiggles disk, some teal rolton hide robes, a fiery floating G rune, the brown Glitch disk, a rose-marrow potion, a coral red silk cape, a rose-marrow potion, some manna bread, a fiery red chambray gown, some acantha leaf, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, some ambrominas leaf, some wolifrew lichen, some basal moss, some ambrominas leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some ambrominas leaf, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, the Henry disk, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, some wolifrew lichen, some wolifrew lichen, some wolifrew lichen, some ephlox moss, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some ambrominas leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, some acantha leaf, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rations kit, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a rose-marrow potion, a smoldering pile of Cthulhu poop, a flashing neon sign, a white marble frame surrounding a pale glowing blue portal, the Stone, a blood-stained steel mirror, some stone benches with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and an alluringly voluptuous rolton with a slightly vacant expression carrying a bottle of milk.
Also here: William, Uriel, Melody, Fiddlesticks, Sparkling Wiggles, Jarin, Lady Sandyvagina, The Legend of Michaelous who is lying down, Woodstock who is kneeling, The Glitch, Hannibal who is kneeling, Snatch, Henry who is lying down
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest

12-11-2010, 06:19 AM
It wandered around the landing until Michaelous killed me 3 times somehow in the east ring road...how he didn't get arrested I don't know.

12-12-2010, 05:36 AM
So, I need some help improving the current child rescue/escort routines. Here's the current situation (specific to Maaghara Tower rescues):

I always leave the Tower via the tree roots, but AFAIK I know there is no way to know beforehand which root is open and usable for exiting the Tower. Thus, when I am escorting the child and come to a closed root, go2 exits and restarts with a new path. Unfortunately, I think azbounty interprets this as a failed escort and runs straight back to town, abandoning the child for a new task.

My current solution is less than ideal as it involves too much user intervention -- I added an 'escort' command line argument that I fire off after manually escorting the child to an open tree root and getting dumped in the refuse heap. This is obviously less than ideal. So...

Any suggestions?


For those that are interested...

I think I tracked this down to the map database. From what I can tell each room in the Tower that has a root uses a wayto proc to enter the root. If the initial 'go root' move fails it loops through every room with a root until the room description matches the refuse heap. Obviously, since this loop has no idea about my escort it causes problems.

As of now I do not have a workaround, but will I share my solution when I do.


12-13-2010, 12:11 AM
Ok found this error. And it turned the bounty at empty mind..

You need to sell 1 more to complete your task.]
You remove a golden topaz from in your cold bucket.
You ask the dealer if he would like to buy a golden topaz.
The gem dealer takes the golden topaz, gives it a careful examination and hands you 618 silver for it.

He says, "This completes my last order. Thanks, Leland. You may return to the Adventurer's Guild to pickup your full reward."

[azbounty: fell to bottom of switch statement. Going to return false and bounty will be killed.]
[azbounty: Bounty failed. Getting new bounty.]
[azbounty: getting new bounty]
[azbounty: finding taskmaster]

12-15-2010, 07:00 PM
Another suggestion (I can provide code as well, but I won't be able to test it until I get another escort task)...

I think escort tasks should use the NPC ID instead of the NAME when escorting from room to room. This way in the off chance two people doing an escort cross paths there is no chance of getting NPCs mixed. Incidentally, this happened to me the other night... I wasn't paying attention and ended up keying in on someone else's child instead of my own. Fortunately, I was able to backtrack and pick up my escort again, but the other guy was a little creeped out whenI started escorting his child too :P


12-19-2010, 11:26 PM
Azbounty and bigshot have been updated.

Mostly minor bug fixes... I also added some debug statements to both scripts, to track down some of the remaining issues.

12-21-2010, 04:26 PM
Azathoth, I really don't know what to do. Azbounty is not doing any bounties. I've tried culls, child rescues, etc, nothing works. It just removes them, hunts, doesn't do anything. Please help? I've tried re-downloading, adjusting settings, nothing seems to work. I have all the boxes checked for bounties too.

[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: ... but bounty will be ready soon. Waiting.]
[azbounty: getting new bounty]
[azbounty: removing bounty, you have five seconds to kill me]

12-21-2010, 04:40 PM
Azathoth, I really don't know what to do. Azbounty is not doing any bounties. I've tried culls, child rescues, etc, nothing works. It just removes them, hunts, doesn't do anything. Please help? I've tried re-downloading, adjusting settings, nothing seems to work. I have all the boxes checked for bounties too.

[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: ... but bounty will be ready soon. Waiting.]
[azbounty: getting new bounty]
[azbounty: removing bounty, you have five seconds to kill me]

I had this problem with sbounty. I ended up having to go to the area and use auto fill, it actually didn't add anything but it fixed it for some reason.

12-21-2010, 05:28 PM
Thanks, I tried that. not working.

I don't even see a message like 'attempting auto fill' when I click it either.

12-21-2010, 05:40 PM
Thanks, I tried that. not working.

I don't even see a message like 'attempting auto fill' when I click it either.

I don't think autofill ever worked in azbounty...

12-30-2010, 11:28 AM
Nope, I should just remove that button. Along with some others that I never plan on fixing.

I uploaded a new version that tallies rest reasons.

12-30-2010, 12:55 PM
Edit: I think I just didn't have all the gems for that particular gem.

01-03-2011, 03:49 PM
Is the newest version functional? I can't figure out how to stop it from just removing all bounties and hunting. I've tweaked just about everything I think.

Chaotic Tempo
01-04-2011, 09:53 AM
Great script, love the elegant coding of it.

Just a general question regarding resources. Has anyone produced a library with all locations / creature names / herbs / skins? Could we develop something like that to direct this script at? It would save a world of time mapping all the various regions and allow the script to automatically approach bounties given at higher levels without mapping these new grounds.

01-04-2011, 10:38 AM
Kramble -

I'm not having any issues with the newest version, and there haven't been any bugs that would cause what your describing for awhile. That I've encountered, anyway.

01-04-2011, 11:41 AM
This is what is happening for me as well. Any idea what the problem could be or is it still just a settings issue. I've tried to get the settings as basic as possible to just see if I could get one type of bounty working, but no dice.

Azathoth, I really don't know what to do. Azbounty is not doing any bounties. I've tried culls, child rescues, etc, nothing works. It just removes them, hunts, doesn't do anything. Please help? I've tried re-downloading, adjusting settings, nothing seems to work. I have all the boxes checked for bounties too.

[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: ... but bounty will be ready soon. Waiting.]
[azbounty: getting new bounty]
[azbounty: removing bounty, you have five seconds to kill me]

01-04-2011, 06:59 PM
This doesn't do skinning bounties?

01-04-2011, 11:45 PM
Nope, no skinning bounties.

The message you are seeing is the basic one for when azbounty cannot find settings for your current bounty. So, in the settings:
1) The creature isn't found.
2) ...or the area is found, but doesn't contain that creature. (or vise versa)
3) That type of bounty hasn't been enabled.

Or, in the case of skinning/herbs/bandits/travel, that type of bounty isn't supported.

01-07-2011, 11:34 PM
So I finally removed head from ass and got this working to some degree. I am noticing an issue that occurs occasionally. It's likely still settings related but it seems similar to what Leland posted so I wanted to try and narrow it down.

Basically from some testing I've done everything works great except when azbounty waits because a new bounty is almost ready. The script waits until the timer runs out, and then it says its going to get another bounty, but in fact it goes to my primary hunting start location. When it gets there it attempts to remove and get a new bounty though obviously the taskmaster isn't there. It then makes a couple more stops and eventually ends up at the taskmaster at which point it goes to a random location and unpauses bigshot. This causes me to wander around a random area, whether it be town or some other hunting ground until I deal with it or its time to rest for whatever reason.

Obviously it's more than likely an issue with settings as you aren't having any issues, but just wanted to explain more thoroughly in case you can trace out the problem.

01-08-2011, 12:56 AM
Yep, wandered me in the hut. Using bigshot for now.

01-11-2011, 05:27 PM
Alorn, can you please figure out why azbounty is removing bounties and not doing them in EN? I went to the dias too. It only works in landing. I'm having the same problem

01-11-2011, 05:35 PM
It's working for me. What hunting ground/critters? Your settings are likely wrong.

01-12-2011, 12:43 AM
It's working for me. What hunting ground/critters? Your settings are likely wrong.

OTF only. If I could get that working i'd be so happy. I can't do the bowels, can't even fry there get hurt too badly too quickly from blood loss.

Its the ducts. My settings:
Location name: OTF Ducts
Area Name:Old Ta'Faendryl

12007 (Starting room)

Boundries: 11997,11995,11998

being(a),gremlock(a),festering taint(b)
A) wtrick feint and kill
b) wtrick feint target,kill(xx)wtrick

Please help...I want to get this working. its constantly removing the bounties. And when it's not, it'll wait 15 mins and then remove it again, and fry.

01-12-2011, 09:02 AM
My issues were also in EN, but not OTF. Don't know if there's something a little screwy there or if its just a settings issue. Everything is working great on Teras though.

PS. Leland will give you secks to put in skinning and/or foraging :)

01-12-2011, 10:24 AM
Leland -

Actually, now that I think about it, there was an issue with sbounty and OTF. I thought that I'd fixed it, but it's entirely possible that I didn't. Can you paste one of the bounties that it's removing so I can double-check?

Also you may have to regex-match being more exactly. e.g. (?:gnarled|bent|stooped|twisted) being

01-12-2011, 10:28 AM
OTF only. If I could get that working i'd be so happy. I can't do the bowels, can't even fry there get hurt too badly too quickly from blood loss.

Its the ducts. My settings:
Location name: OTF Ducts
Area Name:Old Ta'Faendryl

12007 (Starting room)

Boundries: 11997,11995,11998

being(a),gremlock(a),festering taint(b)
A) wtrick feint and kill
b) wtrick feint target,kill(xx)wtrick

Please help...I want to get this working. its constantly removing the bounties. And when it's not, it'll wait 15 mins and then remove it again, and fry.

Are you sure you're using the full creature name? For instance, for the purpose of bounties I think 'being' should actually be 'gnarled being', or 'bent being', or 'twisted being', etc...

Also, I think your attack commands should look more like this:
a) wtrick feint and kill target
b) wtrick feint target(s7), kill target(xx), wtrick (not sure about this, is it missing something?)


01-12-2011, 04:42 PM
What is s7? And it's not just OTF, it was removing bounties in the tower too..

appreicate you trying to look at the problem

01-12-2011, 05:25 PM
Seems to be working now for some reason! Thanks!
PS: I used the cirtter changes.

01-12-2011, 05:51 PM
What is s7? And it's not just OTF, it was removing bounties in the tower too..

appreicate you trying to look at the problem

Take a look at the first couple pages of the bigshot thread. Almost everything you want to know about setting up hunting grounds is there.

For reference, (sXX) or (mXX) in the attack routine tells bigshot to only perform that action if you have the specified amount of stamina or mana available. If the check fails the next command in the routine is executed.


01-13-2011, 12:56 AM
Thanks, I'lll check that out.

Azbounty is constantly removing bounties again....its been doing this for over 3 hours now.


I'm going back to landing, it works there.

01-13-2011, 10:07 AM
You should post one of the bounties it's removing.

01-14-2011, 05:57 AM
Ok, I caught it. It didn't remove the bounty yet because the timer didn't go down all the way yet..

Instead, it went to go hunt and fry. While waiting (I assume) for the bounty to remove so it could remove it again...

-- Lich: azbounty active.
[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: Frying in primary ground]
[azbounty: switching to primary hunting ground]

You have been tasked to hunt down and kill a particularly dangerous gnarled being that has established a territory in Old Ta'Faendryl. You can get its attention by killing other creatures of the same type in its territory.

I guess I'll do it manually for now.

01-14-2011, 10:10 PM
ok looks like I died and it did a copule bounties...but I was gone today for at least 4 hours and not one bounty done...I assume it was removing them constantly.

01-31-2011, 03:21 PM
Things have been working marvelously on Teras, but my ranger needed to find a new area, so I'm back in Ta'illistim and having the same issue Spooky and I had mentioned before.

As far as I can tell, when it waits for a new bounty because the timer is close to done it then goes to look in the wrong place for the taskmaster. It then goes and finds the taskmaster correctly. Then if it intends for me to hunt, it says switching to primary, but instead of going to my primary it goes to a random location and starts bigshot. I then wander around until I fix it or die or something.

If you're still looking after this let me know what specific information you may need to troubleshoot.


02-16-2011, 01:50 PM
2 things I had questions about.

1. Occasionally as I'm waiting to be spit out of Maaghara Tower go2 will time out a few times and then since go2 doesn't work azbounty will kick in my rest routine and eventually ill logoff due to inactivity. Anyone else have this issue with just the Tower? From what i can tell there seems to be a restart feature that kicks in if a script times out and that could be increased, but that could be way off base and I don't want to blow anything up since it works decently well right now.

2. Would it be possible to add attacks that are blocked by wall of thorns to the wait for attack command?

02-17-2011, 10:01 AM
I don't have an answer for the Maaghara Tower go2 problem, but I do plan on looking into it soon as I'll be there before too long.

As far as the wall of thorns thing, can you give me the status_tags output of that line?
e.g. if you type ;e status_tags and loop { echo get }
...what does that line look like in the echo?

(type ';kill all' to remove the echo)

02-17-2011, 11:51 PM
Updated azbounty to fix wracking and tighten up some other things.... but a new version of bigshot is required. So please update both if you're updating azbounty.

EDIT: I have to say that I highly recommend this update.

02-22-2011, 06:52 PM
Azathoth, did you fix the problem with it wandering? I'm using the original sbounty for now though, i just couldn't handle that.

Do you know how to fix the grizzled?|| creature problem in sbounty? The first (original) verison does not recognize the grizzled creature. How do I fix this?


02-22-2011, 07:26 PM
I'm still not sure what the wandering problem is. It's possible with the most recent fix that would have been solved, but I don't know.

I assume that there are still problems in the skull temple area.

As for general wandering, if there is still an issue, I need someone encountering that issue to dig into the code and identify what's wrong. It's too difficult to identify the source of a problem when I can't reproduce the problem.

02-22-2011, 07:52 PM
I seem to think I remember tillmen saying it needs a go2 running? check or something.

02-22-2011, 08:59 PM
I'd need a line number, or at the very least a context. On second thought, let's go with line number.

EDIT: Maybe I don't. Try it now. However I think a parallel problem is that there are certain hunting grounds you don't ever want to refresh your bounty while frying in. Like the temple.

02-28-2011, 02:49 AM
Long story short: autofill is broken, I found the bug, and going to provide the fixed code for you to look at.

bounty_is? code is broken. Replace with the following

def bounty_is?(*types)
types.collect! { |t| @regex[t] }
return bounty?.scan(/#{types.join('|')}/).flatten

Then replace the autofill section code with this:

if result = bounty_is?( 'heirloom', 'dangerous', 'kill', 'rescue' )
critter, area = result
elsif result = bounty_is?('skin')
junk, skin, critter = result
elsif result = bounty_is?('herb')
junk, area = result
respond "autofill failed: unable to determine area, critter, or skin from current bounty"

The long version of the story:
Basically the code was broken because the original autofill section tried to directly access the $1, $2 ... $8 values from the regex match done in the function bounty_is?. However I'm fairly certain the regex results are cleared when it exits out of the function hence the $1-8 values are nil. To fix this I made it just return the result of the regex match and then using that result, I filled the variables in by the position that the match is supposed to be in. Hope that helps.

ALSO: the hardcoded @regex heirloom needs to be updated.
'heirloom' => 'unfortunate citizen lost after being attacked by (?:a|an) (.*) (?:in|on) (?:the )?(.*)(?: near| between| under|\. The)'

03-01-2011, 10:08 AM
Frank -

Thanks for the patch. What hunting ground does the old heirloom regex not match?

03-01-2011, 10:15 AM
Frank -

Thanks for the patch. What hunting ground does the old heirloom regex not match?

"the Rift. The..."
There's no near/under/in etc. It's just the Rift. Hence the old regex would just keep matching until it hit the last period. But even the old regex had a typo in it "(?: near| between| under\.)"
as you can see it's missing a | between under and \.

There might be a few more regexes that needs to be updated for places that don't have that near/under/in part after the area.

03-02-2011, 12:24 AM
Wow thats great. Think you could add skinning or at least make it so it will hunt the critter that you have a skin task for?

03-02-2011, 08:23 AM
--- Lich: azbounty active.
--- Exception: comparison of Fixnum with nil failed
bigshot:1213:in `>='
--- Lich: azbounty has exited.
--- Lich: exec1 active.
--- Lich: exec1 has exited.

Not sure what I did wrong here? I re-downloaded azbounty.lic and bigshot.lic, configured them both, and yet azbounty's unhappy. Any tips?

03-02-2011, 09:45 AM
Hmm, can you re-download both again? I just uploaded my versions, because line 1213 doesn't contain a comparison for me.

03-02-2011, 11:39 AM
Hmm, can you re-download both again? I just uploaded my versions, because line 1213 doesn't contain a comparison for me.

That appeared to fix the issue. I had just downloaded this morning, so I'm not sure what the bug is/was. For now, though, it's off and running. Thanks!

03-03-2011, 11:30 PM
[azbounty: Azbounty rest history:]
[azbounty: fried: 226]
[azbounty: Azbounty isn't moving because: mind still above threshold.]
Level: 77 Deeds: 3
Experience: 5112798 Death's Sting: None
Exp. until next: 100202 Recent Deaths: 0
Mental TPs: 0 Fame: 28712439
Physical TPs: 368 Mana: 80/232 max
Avg. Exp: 2387/hour Gift: 1 day, 11 hours, 3 min, 3 secs.
Bounty Cooldown: 0:09:24
(1746 Phy converted to Mnt)

Your mind is numbed.

I still haven't fixed the autofill thing though =/

03-06-2011, 08:15 PM
I've run into an issue that has caused azbounty to hang at the bank after dangerous critter tasks:

You swing a claidhmore at a grizzled shelfae chieftain!
AS: +116 vs DS: +67 with AvD: +30 + d100 roll: +63 = +142
... and hit for 51 points of damage!
Slash to head destroys the shelfae chieftain's left eye!
Doesn't do its brain any good either.

[You have completed this portion of your Adventurer's Guild task.]
The shelfae chieftain falls to the ground and dies.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Roundtime changed to 2 seconds.
[bigshot]>stance defensive
--- Lich: 'bigshot' has been stopped by azbounty.
...wait 2 seconds.
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
--- Lich: sloot active.
[sloot]>loot #9373308
You search the shelfae chieftain.
It had a morning star, a leather helm, a wooden shield.
It had 367 silvers on it.
You gather the remaining 367 coins.
It had a smoky topaz on it!
It had nothing else of value.
A chieftain crumbles into dust.
[sloot]>get #9373325
You pick up a smoky topaz.
[sloot]>put #9373325 in #8785973
You put a smoky topaz in your boarhide pack.
--- Lich: sloot has exited.
[azbounty: turning task in to guard]
[azbounty: finding guard]
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:06 (32 rooms to move through)]

[Wehnimer's, Exterior]
The muted sounds of loud bartering from within Wehnimer's Landing, and the lonely calls of a pair of mated fenvaoks high up in the air vie for your attention as you march along the outer western edge of the town. You also see a large wooden gate.
Obvious paths: north, south
[go2: travel time: 0:00:02]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[azbounty: Could not find guard at advguard, checking advguard2.]
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:02 (14 rooms to move through)]

[Helga's Tavern, Barroom]
The blended odors of ale, sweat, leather, perfume and hearty stew fill the stifling air of the tavern. Disheveled regulars and road-weary travelers rub elbows at the wooden bar, which looks recently varnished but already bears a variety of stains and grime. Helga, the ancient, obese proprietor, moves behind the bar, wiping glasses with a dirty towel as she keeps a beady eye on the patrons. A small fireplace in one corner burns feebly, adding little light or warmth to the room. You also see a town guard, Helga, an overturned creel, a huge cast iron stewpot, a set of swinging doors, a tattered menu and a blood-stained steel mirror.
Obvious exits: north, west
[go2: travel time: 0:00:01]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[azbounty]>ask guard about bounty
The guard says, "Ah, so you have returned. I take it you were successful? Good. The town of Wehnimer's Landing thanks you for your help. I shall inform the Adventurer's Guild that you successfully completed your task. You may pick up your reward there, Sucka."
[azbounty: turning in bounty]
[azbounty: finding taskmaster]
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:01 (7 rooms to move through)]

[Adventurer's Guild, Office]
Pushed against the polished mahogany walls are matching leather armchairs separated by gilt-edged end tables. Twirling gently from its chain overhead, the clacking prisms from the crystal chandelier produce a soft melodic chime. Directly beneath the fixture rests an oval shaped desk inlaid with blue lapis lazuli along its edges. Tucked at the back of the room, the dried and well-preserved carcass of a mammoth arachnid rests within a glass display case. You also see Guild Taskmaster Rheteger.
Obvious exits: northwest
[go2: travel time: 0:00:00]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[azbounty]>ask Rheteger about bounty
Rheteger says, "All done with that assignment? Good job, Sucka!"

[You have earned 124 bounty points, 800 experience points, and 1240 silver.]
--- Lich: go2 active.
[go2: ETA: 0:00:03 (15 rooms to move through)]

[First Elanith Bank, Teller]
Most of the teller windows that line this room are missing the gates and gratings that once secured them. Impatient clients stand at one of the two intact windows, waiting to get the attention of the tellers on the other side. You also see a low arch and a large sign.
Obvious exits: none
[go2: travel time: 0:00:00]
--- Lich: go2 has exited.
[azbounty]>deposit all
You have no accessible notes to deposit here.
You deposit 2170 silvers into your account. The teller carefully records the transaction and says, "Thank you, Sucka. Have a nice day!"

[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: Frying in primary ground]
[azbounty: switching to primary hunting ground]

--- Lich: bigshot active.
| Bounty mode
| Settings loaded
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.

I have it set to turn in bounties at 90%. It looks like something is causing it to want to hunt after turning in the bounty, saturating, and depositing the coins in the bank. None of the rest routine runs; it just goes to bigshot and then bigshot quits because, I assume, it sees that I'm saturated and shouldn't be hunting. After that my guy just sits there until he times out.

My only guess is that when bigshot is stopped by azbounty, bigshot still thinks my mind is at 90% and it's not set to stop until 100. Seems as though after the bounty turn-in part of the script runs, bigshot doesn't update to the current mind state and initially wants to run, then realizes it should stop and the whole thing gets fubar'd at that point.

03-07-2011, 03:41 AM
I've had Azbounty work correctly exactly once. As of right now any time the bounty timer is up it removes the bounty no matter what.

I have tons and tons of bounty hunt areas already setup so that's definitely not the issue (I also use the specific names for spawned critters). If the bounty isn't completed by the time I go into rest mode Azbounty will remove the bounty every time.


03-07-2011, 04:25 AM
Make sure the full critter name and location are correctly entered.

03-07-2011, 05:03 AM
Make sure the full critter name and location are correctly entered.

Well I've tried this before, but for this bounty it's "a particularly dangerous crocodile" now I've tried it with and without "a" in front doesn't seem to make a diff.

In terms of location I'm assuming you mean boundaries and start rooms #s? I don't see anything in the script that actually reads area titles.

message as soon as it started:
--- Lich: azbounty active.
[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: ... but bounty will be ready soon. Waiting.]
[azbounty: getting new bounty]
[azbounty: removing bounty, you have five seconds to kill me]

next message when new bounty loaded with preset location:
--- Lich: azbounty active.
[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: Attempting current bounty.]
[azbounty: changing hunting ground based on greater ghoul]
[azbounty: ... hunting ground set to "Greater Ghouls"]
--- Lich: exec2 active.
--- Lich: bigshot active.
| Bounty mode
| Settings loaded
| ERROR: Missing required setting: hunting_commands
| (fried? is percenthealth and oom is percentmana)
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
--- Exception: comparison of Fixnum with nil failed
bigshot:1217:in `>='
--- Lich: azbounty has exited.
--- Lich: exec1 has exited.

it cleaned bigshots hunting commands after rest mode apperantly. Ideas?

These are the settings if it helps:

--- Lich: azbounty active.
[azbounty: Dumping settings]
[azbounty: targetable: ]
[azbounty: dangerous_enable: true]
[azbounty: force_complete: false]
[azbounty: heirloom_enable: true]
[azbounty: skin_enable: false]
[azbounty: heirloom_search_enable: true]
[azbounty: turn_in_percent: ]
[azbounty: untargetable: ]
[azbounty: kill_enable: true]
[azbounty: rescue_enable: true]
[azbounty: gem_enable: true]
[azbounty: herb_enable: false]

just for the record my bigshot works fine I use it to hunt daily and resting/restarting is never an issue when not running azbounty.

03-07-2011, 08:13 AM
thats what they call it, but you're probably going to be facing a grizzled crocodile, ancient crocodile, or something to that nature. best way to find out is to draw it out and then see what it looks like.

particularly dangerous crocodile is not actually in the actual critter description, that's just what the guild is using to describe the task

03-07-2011, 08:21 AM
Well I've tried this before, but for this bounty it's "a particularly dangerous crocodile" now I've tried it with and without "a" in front doesn't seem to make a diff.

You don't want to enter the "dangerous" critter name. You want the name of the critters that you are killing in order to get this dangerous one to spawn. So if you're looking for a dangerous shelfae soldier, you need "shelfae soldier" as the name.

In terms of location I'm assuming you mean boundaries and start rooms #s? I don't see anything in the script that actually reads area titles.

No. There is a field labeled, "Location" on the first tab in Azbounty. Notice each bounty tells you a location to find the critter at... dangerous shelfae soldier that has established a territy of the location-goes-here near Whatever-Town. You can type location in the game and it will tell you where you are. These things, the location and critter name, need to match the bounty.

03-07-2011, 10:04 AM
On a different note, I'd like change the feature where azbounty picks up a new bounty while frying, if the current bounty is unacceptable. It's caused a lot of issues, including one I experience last night with the map db that is just out of my control... Frankly it just has too much room for error. Also some hunting grounds require enough travel time that it's not efficient to pause and fetch like this. I'd like to make this feature toggleable or remove it entirely. I recognize that making it toggleable allows people more customization. I'm not sure it's worth the trouble, though. Thoughts?

Sub-Zero: Still planning on looking into the dangerous critter hangup issue... How often are you running into this?

03-07-2011, 06:34 PM
On a different note, I'd like change the feature where azbounty picks up a new bounty while frying, if the current bounty is unacceptable. It's caused a lot of issues, including one I experience last night with the map db that is just out of my control... Frankly it just has too much room for error. Also some hunting grounds require enough travel time that it's not efficient to pause and fetch like this. I'd like to make this feature toggleable or remove it entirely. I recognize that making it toggleable allows people more customization. I'm not sure it's worth the trouble, though. Thoughts?

I'd say either turning it off or making it toggleable would be good. I suppose it isn't likely to happen in a whole lot of places, but some areas kinda between towns end up sending the character to the guild in the town you are not operating from. It's mostly a minor annoyance, due to the fact that I just don't have a lot of areas mapped out in various towns, but if it's causing other issues then I don't see a reason to not change something up.

Sub-Zero: Still planning on looking into the dangerous critter hangup issue... How often are you running into this?

Probably only happened 3 times over the last 7-10 days. Of course, as mentioned earlier, I'm a bit of a slacker when it comes to getting the areas all set up so I tend to turn in far more bounties than I attempt. I have a feeling it would happen more frequently otherwise. I don't think it ever happened when I had it set to turn in at 100, but I lowered that for the newest character. I figured it would probably be more efficient to go ahead and turn it in at 90 so that if I hit a pulse on the way back to town and dropped down from 100 it wouldn't wait until it went back out to fry before turning it in and picking up a new one.

I obviously don't know very well how they interact, but it looks like bigshot is stopping itself, rather than azbounty doing it. When it resumes (via azbounty) and finds that the should_rest criteria is met, for whatever reason, azbounty never takes control again. Just my unedumacated guess, but I'm thinking that bigshot is shutting down before azbounty can react to the new situation and thats causing problems. Maybe after turning a bounty in, azbounty could check the mind state and if it's at 100 have it go to the rest routine rather than try to fire bigshot again.

edit: For what it may be worth, it just happened again. When I went to my rest location after it stopped at the bank, azbounty kicked in and ran the rest routine to put it back on track.

03-08-2011, 12:43 PM
Alright I updated azbounty to fix an issue with rescues, and remove the 'get new tasks while I'm frying' feature. There are still a couple of things I want to fix soon though:
1) The regex for the rift is still wrong.
2) Bigshot terminating itself still isn't fully baked in azbounty, as Sub-Zero has seen.

03-09-2011, 11:05 PM
Alright, I changed the regex to hopefully work with the rift.

Also did some stuff that might fix the dangerous critter hangup.

And uhh... something else. I dunno. Haven't done the autofill thing yet.

03-11-2011, 09:56 AM
Updated: Regex fixes for OTF.

03-12-2011, 07:34 PM
Ok So I've get Azbounty working on every bounty pretty smoothly so far without hang ups. But for whatever reason it can never set the hunting area for child rescue's right. I have areas where it did cull bounties no problem then it has a rescue bounty in this same are, same creature, same everything, but it doesn't set it as a hunting ground.

It's happened with Shelfae soldiers in coastal cliffs so far.

Any ideas, if it's not something known I'll try to edit in some examples.

03-13-2011, 02:33 PM
Yeah, not known. Can you copy/paste the bounty when you get another?

Also make sure you're on the newest version.

03-21-2011, 09:34 AM
So just as a forewarning, I have only ever used Bigshot and just last night tried to setup AZBounty. So yes I am "that noob".

So I thought I had put in all the correct settings in azbounty. However it seemed to error out with the same go rest when injured code that I use inside of bigshot. I removed this code because while hunting it calls bigshot and I really couldn't think of a time when I would be injured unless I had been hunting and bigshot would force me to rest if I hit that threshold.

As soon as this was removed it appeared to be working. I only have it set to do cull bounties and heirloom bounties.

So the first bounty I got that it should have done was to kill 18 Ithzir Adepts. It called bigshot and went out and got fried, and in that process killed 1 Adept.

Then it rested, and then hunted again getting 1 more Adept. On the third rest it dumped the bounty and got a new one.

So I am confused as to why it did that, and I am pretty sure it has to do with my setup.

Is there supposed to be anything set inside bigshot when running azbounty? I have all the settings in there that I had from using it before.

I feel pretty stupid since it seemed easy enough to setup so any help would be appreciated.

03-21-2011, 11:55 AM
It can't find a configuration for Ithzir adept in Old Ta'Faendryl. So either the critter or the location is off. As a warning, I've found OTF to be less than ideal for azbounty. Currently it will only kill critters attached to your current bounty. In OTF this can lead to quite a bit of wandering around looking for critters that aren't spawned. It needs to be changed, and unfortunately I haven't had the time to.

03-21-2011, 12:07 PM
It can't find a configuration for Ithzir adept in Old Ta'Faendryl. So either the critter or the location is off. As a warning, I've found OTF to be less than ideal for azbounty. Currently it will only kill critters attached to your current bounty. In OTF this can lead to quite a bit of wandering around looking for critters that aren't spawned. It needs to be changed, and unfortunately I haven't had the time to.

Would you mind checking out these screen shots to make sure what I have is correct? I am only asking because I don't think the critter or location is off?


03-27-2011, 11:23 AM
So figured out the previous problem. You have to make sure the capitalization is perfect.

Anyways...just wondering why it activated loot-be-gone on me and sold all my stuff when I don't use loot-be-gone as the looting script?

ask Tanzania about bounty
Tanzania says, "Ah, so you're from the Adventurer's Guild? Yes, I do have a task for you. I've recently received several orders from customers interested in purchasing an uncut emerald. Unfortunately, I do not have quite enough inventory on hand to meet this demand. I'd like for you to go round up 6 of them for me. You can SELL them to me as you find them."
[azbounty: The gem dealer in Ta'Illistim, Tanzania, has received orders from multiple customers requesting an uncut emerald. You have been tasked to retrieve 6 of them. You can SELL them to the gem dealer as you find them.]

[azbounty: debug 1]
--- Lich: loot-be-gone active.
--- Lich: go2 active.

[bunch of walking]
You remove a dingy gold ring from in your spidersilk backpack.
A silk-robed attendant gleefully snatches a dingy gold ring from your outreached hand and exclaims, "My employers will be most pleased to have this back in their possession. In return I'll charge you 5000 silvers less for your next travel ticket. If I recall correctly, you have a credit of 5000 silvers towards the purchase of a travel ticket."
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
You remove a braided gold ring from in your spidersilk backpack.
A silk-robed attendant gleefully snatches a braided gold ring from your outreached hand and exclaims, "My employers will be most pleased to have this back in their possession. In return I'll charge you 5000 silvers less for your next travel ticket. If I recall correctly, you have a credit of 10000 silvers towards the purchase of a travel ticket."
You remove a braided gold ring from in your spidersilk backpack.
A silk-robed attendant gleefully snatches a braided gold ring from your outreached hand and exclaims, "My employers will be most pleased to have this back in their possession. In return I'll charge you 5000 silvers less for your next travel ticket. If I recall correctly, you have a credit of 15000 silvers towards the purchase of a travel ticket."
You remove a flawless gold ring from in your spidersilk backpack.
A silk-robed attendant gleefully snatches a flawless gold ring from your outreached hand and exclaims, "My employers will be most pleased to have this back in their possession. In return I'll charge you 5000 silvers less for your next travel ticket. If I recall correctly, you have a credit of 20000 silvers towards the purchase of a travel ticket."
You remove a thick gold ring from in your spidersilk backpack.
A silk-robed attendant gleefully snatches a thick gold ring from your outreached hand and exclaims, "My employers will be most pleased to have this back in their possession. In return I'll charge you 5000 silvers less for your next travel ticket. If I recall correctly, you have a credit of 25000 silvers towards the purchase of a travel ticket."

[more walking]
You remove a small statue from in your spidersilk backpack.
You offer to sell your small statue to the pawnbroker.
The pawnbroker takes your small statue, glances at it briefly, then hands you 803 silver coins.
You remove a pinch of powdered iron filings from in your spidersilk backpack.
Your disk arrives, following you dutifully.
You offer to sell your powdered iron filings to the pawnbroker.
The pawnbroker takes your powdered iron filings, glances at it briefly, then hands you 217 silver coins.
You remove a small statue from in your spidersilk backpack.
You offer to sell your small statue to the pawnbroker.
The pawnbroker takes your small statue, glances at it briefly, then hands you 803 silver coins.
You remove a ruby amulet from in your spidersilk backpack.
You offer to sell your ruby amulet to the pawnbroker.
The pawnbroker takes your ruby amulet, glances at it briefly, then hands you 718 silver coins.
You remove a ruby amulet from in your spidersilk backpack.
You offer to sell your ruby amulet to the pawnbroker.
The pawnbroker takes your ruby amulet, glances at it briefly, then hands you 718 silver coins.
You remove a ruby amulet from in your spidersilk backpack.
You offer to sell your ruby amulet to the pawnbroker.
The pawnbroker takes your ruby amulet, glances at it briefly, then hands you 761 silver coins.
You remove a ruby amulet from in your spidersilk backpack.
You offer to sell your ruby amulet to the pawnbroker.
The pawnbroker takes your ruby amulet, glances at it briefly, then hands you 739 silver coins.
You remove a blue crystal from in your spidersilk backpack.
You offer to sell your blue crystal to the pawnbroker.
The pawnbroker takes your blue crystal, glances at it briefly, then hands you 267 silver coins.
You remove a dull gold coin from in your spidersilk backpack.
You offer to sell your gold coin to the pawnbroker.
The pawnbroker takes your gold coin, glances at it briefly, then hands you 48 silver coins.
You remove a small statue from in your spidersilk backpack.
You offer to sell your small statue to the pawnbroker.
The pawnbroker takes your small statue, glances at it briefly, then hands you 803 silver coins.

[More walking]
Then it removed the gem bounty as I don't have them turned on.

Sort of sucked as I had all those magic items fully charged...

04-15-2011, 02:47 AM
So I want ;azbounty to just do gems bounties, however when I do ;azbounty setup and just click gem bounties then try to run ;azbounty it overwrites/deletes most of my bigshot settings. Why is it doing that? What should I do to get this to just run gem tasks?

04-15-2011, 06:27 AM
use ;bounty if all you want is gem bountys, using ;loot-be-gone to sell the bounty gems once you have one.

04-15-2011, 01:41 PM
Buckwheet: Did you have a gem bounty at the time? I think loot-be-gone is the default script for completing gem bounties.

04-15-2011, 01:44 PM
I did have a gem bounty. But I don't have them selected. So it should just ignore them.

04-15-2011, 02:44 PM
In theory....... :O

04-21-2011, 05:36 PM
Ok So I've get Azbounty working on every bounty pretty smoothly so far without hang ups. But for whatever reason it can never set the hunting area for child rescue's right. I have areas where it did cull bounties no problem then it has a rescue bounty in this same are, same creature, same everything, but it doesn't set it as a hunting ground.

It's happened with Shelfae soldiers in coastal cliffs so far.

Any ideas, if it's not something known I'll try to edit in some examples.

The regex is messed up for rescues
Added "Find" to the end of it like below, will get it working.

'rescue' => 'A local divinist has had visions of the child fleeing from (?:a|an) (.*) (?:in|on) (?:the )?(.*?)(?: near| between| under|\. Find)',

04-28-2011, 03:07 PM
So Im having some trouble getting this to work. Fixed an error where it wouldnt talk to the purser(RR) but now it keeps looping with this messaging.

--- Lich: waggle has exited.
[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: Frying in primary ground]
[azbounty: switching to primary hunting ground]
--- Lich: bigshot active.
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
--- Lich: narost has exited.
[azbounty: Bigshot says I should rest.]
[azbounty]>put my lance in my kit
I could not find what you were referring to.
[azbounty: ["waggle"]]
--- Lich: waggle active.
[waggle: Done.]
--- Lich: waggle has exited.
[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: Frying in primary ground]
[azbounty: switching to primary hunting ground]
--- Lich: bigshot active.
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
[azbounty: Bigshot says I should rest.]
[azbounty]>put my lance in my kit
I could not find what you were referring to.
[azbounty: ["waggle"]]
--- Lich: waggle active.
[waggle: Done.]

04-29-2011, 01:42 AM
I deleted all ruby/lich and reinstalled everything fresh and now I get:

Lich: azbounty active.
--- Exception: comparison of Fixnum with nil failed
--- Lich: exec1 active.
bigshot:1217:in `>='
--- Lich: azbounty has exited.

This line is my encumb line in bigshot, and it matches my AZbounty line. I have never had any problems getting bigshot, but to this day I have yet to do a single bounty.

Prior to the re-install I also suffered from:
--- Lich: waggle has exited.
[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: Frying in primary ground]
[azbounty: switching to primary hunting ground]
--- Lich: bigshot active.
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
--- Lich: narost has exited.
[azbounty: Bigshot says I should rest.]
[azbounty]>put my lance in my kit
I could not find what you were referring to.
[azbounty: ["waggle"]]
--- Lich: waggle active.
[waggle: Done.]
--- Lich: waggle has exited.
[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: Frying in primary ground]
[azbounty: switching to primary hunting ground]
--- Lich: bigshot active.
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
[azbounty: Bigshot says I should rest.]
[azbounty]>put my lance in my kit
I could not find what you were referring to.
[azbounty: ["waggle"]]
--- Lich: waggle active.
[waggle: Done.]

P.S. Bigshot works perfectly for me by itself.

04-29-2011, 01:22 PM
So Im having some trouble getting this to work. Fixed an error where it wouldnt talk to the purser(RR) but now it keeps looping with this messaging.

--- Lich: waggle has exited.
[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: Frying in primary ground]
[azbounty: switching to primary hunting ground]
--- Lich: bigshot active.
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
--- Lich: narost has exited.
[azbounty: Bigshot says I should rest.]
[azbounty]>put my lance in my kit
I could not find what you were referring to.
[azbounty: ["waggle"]]
--- Lich: waggle active.
[waggle: Done.]
--- Lich: waggle has exited.
[azbounty: Bigshot thinks I should hunt.]
[azbounty: Frying in primary ground]
[azbounty: switching to primary hunting ground]
--- Lich: bigshot active.
--- Lich: bigshot has exited.
[azbounty: Bigshot says I should rest.]
[azbounty]>put my lance in my kit
I could not find what you were referring to.
[azbounty: ["waggle"]]
--- Lich: waggle active.
[waggle: Done.]

I have ran into this TIME and TIME again, and also need help fixing it. :wtf:

05-05-2011, 12:58 PM
I just tried this script again after a long while, and ran into the same problem I had last time with it. Active uncompleted bounty in area properly defined, gets turned it for another bounty for no aparrent reason.

06-06-2011, 07:35 PM
Has anyone gotten azboutny to run in OTF hunting Ithzir and griffins? If so, how'd you set it up? Ideally I'd want to hunt through to completion or until I run out of mana, and then have it turn in bounty task and only rest while saturated.

06-28-2011, 03:26 AM
Anyone ever have a problem with Azbounty failing to start because a DRB ECONNECTION refused error?

I see nothing in Azbounty that would be trying to start a communication channel and am thinking that is something with bigshot trying to run in head or tail mode, but I added some commands to bigshot to echo out where it is in the script and I see nothing.

Any thoughts?

06-28-2011, 04:04 PM
Definitely sounds like bigshot trying to run in MA mode. I'm pretty sure azbounty won't work in groups, even if you did get it to start up. It may have been sbounty the last time I tried, but it would just run past critters without attacking them. Are you starting things up while grouped? Bigshot already running?

07-10-2011, 07:55 PM
Here is how to get autofill working

@regex = {
'creature_problem' => 'It appears they have a creature problem they\'d like you to solve\.',
'child_contact' => '^You have made contact with the child',
'child_failed' => 'The child you were tasked to rescue is gone and your task is failed\.',
'help_resident' => 'It appears that a local resident urgently needs our help in some matter\.',
'track_heirloom' => 'It appears they need your help in tracking down some kind of lost heirloom\.',
'help_dealer' => 'The local gem dealer, .*, has an order to fill and wants our help\.',
'help_herbalist' => 'local herbalist|local healer|local alchemist',
'help_furrier' => 'The local furrier',
'notask' => '^You are not currently assigned a task\.',
'succeeded_heirloom' => 'You have located the heirloom',
'succeeded' => '^You have succeeded in your task and can return to the Adventurer\'s Guild to receive your reward\.$',
'succeeded_guard' => '^You succeeded in your task and should report back to',
'dangerous' => 'You have been tasked to hunt down and kill a particularly dangerous (.*) that has established a territory (?:in|on) (?:the )?(.*?)(?: near| between| under|\.)',
'dangerous_provoked' => 'You have been tasked to hunt down and kill a particularly dangerous (.*) that has established a territory (?:in|on) (?:the )?(.*?)(?: near| between| under|\.).*You have provoked',
'kill' => 'You have been tasked to suppress (.*) activity (?:in|on) (?:the )?(.*?)(?: near| between| under|\.)',
'gem' => '^The gem dealer',
'herb' => 'concoction that requires (?:a|an|some) (.*) found (?:in|on|near) (?:the )?(.*?)(?: near| between| under|\.).*These samples must be in pristine condition\. You have been tasked to retrieve (\d+) samples\.',
'heirloom' => 'unfortunate citizen lost after being attacked by (?:a|an) (.*) (?:in|on) (?:the )?(.*?)(?: near| between| under|\. The)',
'heirloom_search' => 'SEARCH the area',
'rescue' => 'A local divinist has had visions of the child fleeing from (?:a|an) (.*) (?:in|on) (?:the )?(.*?)(?: near| between| under|\. Find)',
'skin' => '^You have been tasked to retrieve (?:\d+|\w+)s? (.*) of at least .*\. You can SKIN them off the corpse of (?:a|an) (.*) or ',
'bandit' => 'bandit problem',

gtk_generic['autofill'].signal_connect('clicked') {
Gtk.queue {
area = nil
critter = nil
skin = nil
herb = nil

if bounty_is?( 'heirloom', 'dangerous', 'kill', 'rescue' )
critter, area = parse_critter_area()
elsif bounty_is?('skin')
skin, critter = bounty_is?('skin')
elsif bounty_is?('herb')
herb, area = bounty_is?('herb')
respond "autofill failed: unable to determine area, critter, or skin from current bounty"

unless area.nil?
gtk_location['area'].text = area

unless critter.nil?
critters = gtk_location['targets']
unless critters.text =~ /#{critter}/
cur_critters = critters.text.split(',')
cur_critters << critter
critters.text = cur_critters.join(',')

skins = gtk_location['skins']
unless skin.nil? or skins.text =~ /#{skin}/
cur_skins = skins.text.split(',')
cur_skins << skin
skins.text = cur_skins.join(',')

nb.next_page if skin or area or critter

07-14-2011, 08:09 PM
So I've had this issue for a long time but most of my hunting areas it wasn't a huge deal. Now it is, if I want to complete grizzled tasks.

When I have creatures in attack routine (a), (b), and (c) and a grizzled/ancient creature shows up, it automatically defaults to attack routine (a) on the grizzled creature. I was just hunting soul siphons and it tried to straight attack them like a Vvrael destroyer instead of Immolate.

Does anyone have a fix for this or have a suggestion on where I might start working on it myself? I 90% suck at Ruby but I'll always give it a shot and fail miserably.

07-14-2011, 08:42 PM
So I've had this issue for a long time but most of my hunting areas it wasn't a huge deal. Now it is, if I want to complete grizzled tasks.

When I have creatures in attack routine (a), (b), and (c) and a grizzled/ancient creature shows up, it automatically defaults to attack routine (a) on the grizzled creature. I was just hunting soul siphons and it tried to straight attack them like a Vvrael destroyer instead of Immolate.

Does anyone have a fix for this or have a suggestion on where I might start working on it myself? I 90% suck at Ruby but I'll always give it a shot and fail miserably.

Okay, now i got it working, Tested as well

This goes after the "def set_hunting_ground( critter, area )" function

def set_hunting_ground_grizzled( critter, area )
msg "changing hunting ground based on #{critter}"

map = get_hunting_ground( critter, area )
if map.nil?
msg " ... no hunting location set for \"#{critter}\" around \"#{area}\""
msg " ... hunting ground set to \"#{map}\""

# Set hunter settings
@settings['hunter'].each_pair { |key,value| UserVars.op[key.to_s] = value }
@settings['locations'][map].each_pair { |key, value|
if key == 'targets'
# strip non-bounty critters
value = value.split(',').find { |token| token =~ /#{critter}/ }
value = "(?:ancient|grizzled).*#{value}"
UserVars.op[key.to_s] = value

This replaces your "def kill_dangerous" function

def kill_dangerous
msg 'Found dangerous critter! Bigshot will run until success.'

# look for critter regex in targets
critter, area = parse_critter_area()
set_hunting_ground_grizzled( critter, area )

UserVars.op['fried'] = 110 # don't fry

# load settings/wait for kill
start_script 'bigshot' unless running? 'bigshot'
loop do
sleep 1
break if dead? or bounty_is? 'succeeded_guard' or !running? 'bigshot'

# cleanup
stop_script('bigshot') if running? 'bigshot'
UserVars.op['fried'] = @save_fried
$bigshot.run_script(@loot_script, true)

return true

07-15-2011, 12:49 AM
I was just about to post a reply with some issues I had found but I see you already did some fixes. I'll try that out and see how it goes.

Thanks for the help!

Edit: Tried it on one bounty and it worked great!

09-05-2011, 02:44 AM
Has anyone modified AZbounty to work with skinning and foraging tasks?

I know the old Sbounty used to do them quite well, but at some point AZbounty broke it.

09-06-2011, 09:03 AM
Maybe a scripting bounty is in order.