View Full Version : Computer help: Vista stuck on safemode (kill me)

11-06-2010, 01:52 PM
So my computer is stuck on safemode as of....this morning. Slow as hell. Barely runs internet.

I've had it on sleep (on and off) for the last couple of days to keep a school project active but other than that nothing unusual.

more info

*checked MSCONFIG and normal startup is active.
*all updates active
*multiple virus scans coming up clean

Right now I'm just trying to get Mozy to download one last backup for my newest pics and documents because i might just go buy Windows 7 over this shit. I'm so sick of Vista.

I would prefer to wait until after Xmas to update my computer so ANY HELP GETTING OUT OF SAFEMODE RIGHT NAOW WOULD BE AWESOME.

!! :-/

11-06-2010, 06:18 PM
To the degree that Vista's startup options are like XP's, here is my advice: When you start up your computer, try holding F12 or F8 until you get a manual selection of boot options. There should be a normal one, a safe mode one, a safe mode with networking one, etc. If you manually select normal boot and it boots directly to safe mode, that is crazy and I advise killing it with fire. If the normal boot fails and it reboots to safe mode, then you have a problem with drivers or hardware or something. You could try to troubleshoot but unless you know a specific piece of hardware you just installed, it will probably be futile. If you manually select normal boot and normal boot works fine, that is fairly inexplicable but at least you'll have it working until you can find the real problem.

You will shortly have a Mozy backup of all your files, so you could just re-install Windows to solve everything. It doesn't take very long if your computer came with Windows discs.

11-06-2010, 07:27 PM
Thanks. I'll try all that when I get home in the morning.

Stanley Burrell
11-07-2010, 06:40 AM
I disable it in Windows firewall settings. P.S. Weird stuff like Defender might turn it back on, as well as reg-progs and certain anti-viruses.

11-07-2010, 06:45 AM
I thought I had defender disabled but I'll double check. Thanks.

11-07-2010, 12:39 PM
So. Apparently what happened was one of those days while my computer was sleeping Windows did a huge ass update for 2011 and it put at least a dozen new and old applications to run on startup, enabled some things I had disabled including an ease of access program that made everything giant and gave the screen a grey border which I thought was safe mode but IT WASNT whoooo!

11-07-2010, 12:48 PM
So. Apparently what happened was one of those days while my computer was sleeping Windows did a huge ass update for 2011 and it put at least a dozen new and old applications to run on startup, enabled some things I had disabled including an ease of access program that made everything giant and gave the screen a grey border which I thought was safe mode but IT WASNT whoooo!


11-07-2010, 12:56 PM