View Full Version : Enhancive Enchanting Party

10-31-2010, 07:07 PM
From what I gather most people who have done enhancive enchanting have not been that good at it. 5xs, some 6xs, no 7xs? Really hard, lots of failures.

The fusion items should be easier, but its hard to say until we actually try them right?

I was thinking, assuming the "other wizards" bonus to enchanting is uncapped. Perhaps the way to achieve higher enchants with greater success is to have large enchanting parties.

Get 10 or 20 wizards with familiars in a workshop, as many as possible.

Its hard to say how large the bonus is unless you've had a peak behind the curtain, but it is possible it is decent, and it is possible it is uncapped, and it is possible there are not diminishing returns.

Too bad mist harbor has no workshop, that would probably be the most convenient.

Once the 5x and 6x are done on the fusion stuff, it might be worthwhile to organize a group to do the 7xs together.

10-31-2010, 07:09 PM
I think the 7x enchant on fusion items will be pretty easy for capped wizards with generally good enchanting skills. I know Siphere's wizard managed a 7x enchant on a longbow with +3 DEX and +3 STR. Fusion arms will be even easier.

11-02-2010, 11:31 AM
I'd be happy to meet up with folks for the 7x casts, if a group were to get together. I started the tempering on a set of the full plate yesterday. I'm confident my wizard can complete the 5x and 6x casts with little to no problem, but I have no idea on the 7x.

11-02-2010, 01:04 PM
Well, some good news on Fusion enchanting (too bad there's still shit to slot into them...)

My bold for emphasis...

It looks like these fusion arms items are able to be enchanted. It looks like they will be harder to enchant than the same piece of gear minus the fusion feature. It looks like the added difficulty is lower than the added difficulty of any other enhancive item you might run into.

I think that's a good breakdown. Very neat items.


12-01-2010, 05:17 PM
Do you need a special potion to enchant from 4x to 5x on a fusion weapon, (without any orbs loaded) or will a standard dirtokh work?

Also, what would be the minimum training you folks who have experience in such would suggest for taking a fusion bow from 4x to 5x?

12-01-2010, 05:28 PM
Do you need a special potion to enchant from 4x to 5x on a fusion weapon, (without any orbs loaded) or will a standard dirtokh work?
Yes, you need an ayveneh potion. Even when its empty.

Also, what would be the minimum training you folks who have experience in such would suggest for taking a fusion bow from 4x to 5x?
I don't know about fusion gear but most other enhancive projects you wanted to be close to cap.

If anyone needs a wizard for help enchanting in Illy like the OP send me a PM or AIM.

12-01-2010, 06:40 PM

Capping is not an issue. The thought of attempting to master Alchemy so I can make one of those potions makes me want to delete my account.

12-01-2010, 08:45 PM
Has anyone tried to nail down how much of a factor other wizards help?