View Full Version : Maps and Bars

10-21-2010, 07:44 PM
Is there a way to 'pin' or 'lock' the uberbar and the narost/atlas maps to a character's window so that if you are playing 2 characters on the same computer, you don't have to alt-tab through multiple windows?

Another issue I am experiencing is that when using narost the map window always remains on top which is fine for one character but not when using two. Which ever character I open first is the one map that remains on the top of all windows (it just isn't active) even when I alt_tab through them. I have to mouse click the other character's map to show it if I need it.

Also the uberbar always ends up underneath all the other windows and won't come to sit on top of the character screen unless I use the mouse. I can remedy this if I resize the character window so it doesn't take up the entire screen. But I would prefer to leave it large.

Is there a way to resize the map inside the map window? I resize the window so that it is, say 1/6 of the screen space but the map itself remains at full resolution and I then have to either drag with the mouse or scroll up_down. I know, I am being lazy. Sorry

Am I expecting too much? Are there tricks or tips to making everything work more efficiently? Should I be setting things up on my screen a certain way?

Thanks in advance!

10-21-2010, 07:52 PM
right click on the narost map and a whole new world of options will open to you.

as for keeping uberbar on top, you can do that by uncommenting the line:

uberBar.keep_above = true

in the script, but this will keep it above every window all the time.

I have written a small script to create a bountywindow and have managed to stay on top only when my wizard is the focus window and minimize/restore when I minimize/maximize the wizard, but I had to use api calls to do that. It's messy and not fun... hopefully someone responds with a better method because I could benefit from that as well.