View Full Version : Mhzentul is an idiot

07-30-2003, 09:47 AM
Aright, so this guy fogs to Blosum and I and starts casting and binds and silences her. I dispell it a few times and he binds me and proceeds to continue (gotta love being spell less). He then unbalances Blosum and heals her (reported for mechanics abuse).

Anyway, after all this I talk to him for a bit, get binded and then WARN INTERACTED. What the hell is up with people?! Why can't people just deal that they won't live when they leave town? I swear to christ I can't stand people that decide to act like idiots and then hide behind the WARN verb. Goddamn idiot.

- Arkans

07-30-2003, 10:43 AM
I'm half tempted to ask a GM or two if they even check the WARN verb use, or if they even pay attention to it.

07-30-2003, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
I'm half tempted to ask a GM or two if they even check the WARN verb use, or if they even pay attention to it.

no...i don't believe they pay attention to it. And all the thing does is make a record that they feel they are being harrassed. If and when at a later date, they have troubles with someone...a GM can go back and check logs much more easily to see what happened.

that's all it does.

07-30-2003, 12:03 PM
From another post on these boards... it does seem they pay attention to it. At least the log gave that impression.

07-30-2003, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by Parkbandit
From another post on these boards... it does seem they pay attention to it. At least the log gave that impression.

I'm sure they do, and I'm also sure that they are aware that the VERB is in the hands of imbeciles. I'll respect the rules if someone throws a WARN my way, but not if it's being misused.

Like if some dumb ass like Klaive threw one my way after imploding me, I'd ignore it.

Anyway, I think it's one of the dumbest additions to the game. Too many folks abuse it so that they can run their mouths, antagonize others, etc...without fear of repercussions.

07-30-2003, 02:46 PM
thats the thing, though. I think that if someone antagonized me to the point that I'd wack them, then used the warn verb...I'm pretty sure I'd be justified if a GM got involved and looked back into it.

Because....I never antagonize anyone. I'm entirely too chicken-shit. heh.

07-30-2003, 04:00 PM
Careful fogging to the same body as him, he might silence you even if you were there first.

07-30-2003, 06:13 PM
Yes, the WARN verb does work if you use it properly. I used it effectively against Solice (who wouldn't know what RP meant if it crawled up her ass to make friends with the stick) and it sure pissed her off. I WARN'd her then after she started talking to me about how she accepts my warn and threatened to take action if I broke it.... I REPORTed her for breaking the warn. Andraste yelled at her immediatly because she started calling to her and telling her to 'show her the policy she broke'. Outloud and in public. Moron. Anyways... yeah it works. You just gotta use it first before everything and ignore the person completely

07-30-2003, 09:46 PM
I'm sure the Warn is logged, and if they are getting constantly Warned or constantly Warning, then yes, perhaps the GMs will take action. But, I agree with the consensus that NO, the GMs ignore it pretty much.

07-31-2003, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by Chyrain
Because....I never antagonize anyone. I'm entirely too chicken-shit. heh.

Me too. :smug:

07-31-2003, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by Tayre
Yes, the WARN verb does work if you use it properly. I used it effectively against Solice (who wouldn't know what RP meant if it crawled up her ass to make friends with the stick) and it sure pissed her off. I WARN'd her then after she started talking to me about how she accepts my warn and threatened to take action if I broke it.... I REPORTed her for breaking the warn. Andraste yelled at her immediatly because she started calling to her and telling her to 'show her the policy she broke'. Outloud and in public. Moron. Anyways... yeah it works. You just gotta use it first before everything and ignore the person completely

Aren't you the same person that got into a conflict with a complete stranger, and thought it would be hilarious to start throwing WARNs their way? You are a prime example of why the verb does not work.

07-31-2003, 10:21 AM
Tayre, you sound like you abuse the warn verb quite a bit. You always seem to have an excuse for it too...

They were doing this, and I can't kill them, so I reported it,

or my favorite,

I did it as a joke.

07-31-2003, 10:53 AM
Originally posted by Parkbandit

Originally posted by Chyrain
Because....I never antagonize anyone. I'm entirely too chicken-shit. heh.

Me too. :smug:

mmmmhm. somehow i dont believe you.

07-31-2003, 10:58 AM
I maintain. Warn is for pussies. I am sure Tayre wouldn't have Warned Solice if she was 20 lvls under him. In fact I am sure nobody ever warns somebody older than then.

07-31-2003, 11:10 AM
I'm sure you meant 'In fact, I'm sure nobody ever warns somebody younger than them'... and that, my friend, is false.

I've warned Odiscea/Urdragon oh.. a dozen times in the past two days. And I maintain a strict silence around him, as to not break my own WARN.

Miss X
07-31-2003, 12:05 PM
Mhzentul is a complete idiot, my healer was with Daina's healer in landing the time we got stuck there and he acted like a complete ass, he was basically saying to us because he was older, he was right. Just because we were nodding and being polite he bitched to us and about us, to another annoying healer Deylina or something. Both of them never interact with their patients at all, they just script heal and strip everyone of wounds before anyone has a chance to nod, and even after some empaths from landing said they preferred nodding he continued to spout a load of crap, calls himself a master healer too...heh

07-31-2003, 08:13 PM
Mhzentul is an ass! My empath fogged to a body, then he did. He started HEALING the body without saying a single word, and when I said "I'm here Mhzentul" he SILENCED me, because my profession was not showing. I guess the scars & empath crested armor werent enough. I quickly grabbed the body, and Voln-fogged away.

08-01-2003, 08:13 AM
I didn't realize all this type of conflict could be done as an empath. I need to brush the dust off mine and have fun.