View Full Version : McCain Raises the Stridency Level

10-19-2010, 12:47 PM
When Bill Frist wrote a campaign brochure for Tom Daschle's opponent in the Senate race of 2002, it was considered to be a major breach of Senatorial courtesy. Senators traditionally do not speak ill of each other in public and do not engage in the campaigns of their Senate colleagues. After Frist broke the ice, a number of sitting Senators have become involved in Senate campaigns other than their own.

John McCain took it to new heights in his criticism of Barbara Boxer.

Appearing alongside Carly Fiorina, Boxer's GOP opponent, McCain criticized the three-term incumbent for being weak on defense issues and voting against funding on a range of critical military operations, including in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"Sen. Boxer is the most bitterly partisan, most anti-defense senator in the United States Senate today," McCain said during the rally in Balboa Park alongside other combat veterans and GOP activists. "And I know that because I've had the unpleasant experience of having served with her."

"Barbara Boxer wants to waive the white flag of surrender and endanger this nation's national security," the Arizona Republican added. "It's time she went back to San Francisco with Nancy Pelosi."

More... (http://www6.lexisnexis.com/publisher/EndUser?Action=UserDisplayFullDocument&orgId=574&topicId=100007428&docId=l:1283785139&start=2)

This is one for the Senate record books.

I don't like McCain. I said over and over in 2008 that he is a big phoney.

But Boxer deserves it. She opposed both the Vietnam and Iraq wars. History shows that she was weak on both accounts. We could not stand by when the North Vietnamese attacked us in the Gulf of Tonkin, and we could not stand by when Saddam threatened us with his WMD stockpiles.