View Full Version : Switching from PsiNet to Lich

10-18-2010, 10:18 PM
Ok I'm finally ready to switch. Combination of PsiNet having been down way too much recently, more and more people switching to Lich and it getting a lot of hype. I'm doing it with a fair bit of trepidation though, since I've gotten quite used to and dependent on several functions in PsiNet. It seems that most if not all of these functions exist in Lich but it seems like Lich is more complex and I'm worried that my lack of computer/programming savvy will make the process until I'm as comfortable with Lich as I am with PsiNet long and frustrating.

My first question is do I need to totally uninstall and delete PsiNet before I can download Lich? Also any other advice on how to make this as painless as possible would be much appreciated. I feel like in the end I will be happy with the switch but I'm not looking forward to the growing pains.


10-18-2010, 11:31 PM
Start the PsiNet executable and click uninstall.

10-19-2010, 01:30 AM
I couldn't find the uninstall so I deleted the psinet files and it appears like that was stupid since now I can't even launch the game through the game entry. Any idea how to fix it? Do I reinstall the SGE or something?

10-19-2010, 01:40 AM
Reinstall the Simu launcher.

10-19-2010, 02:04 AM
That worked, thanks. So far so good. Looks like I have it working. Anything I should do to learn how to do stuff other than using ;help?

10-19-2010, 02:05 AM
If you actually read the help, you're a lot better off than most people when they first install Lich.

10-19-2010, 02:17 AM
Ok, I read the help and messed around with things a bit... here are the most immediate things I'm looking to figure out how to do.

1) Is there a way to do auto spellups like there is in psinet?
2) is there a way to use the spell number to cast a spell like there is in psinet (I think through the alias feature), e.g. 917 seeker
3) Is there something that will sort and group items in your containers like there is with psinet?

I'll spend some more time tomorrow but any guidance on these things would be much appreciated

10-19-2010, 02:23 AM
For spelling up:
;rep download waggle
;waggle help

For casting with a spell number:
;rep download voodoo
;favs add global voodoo
904 kobold

For sorting:
;rep download sorter
;favs add global sorter
look in my cloak

However, I prefer to use aliases to the built-in cast function instead of voodoo.
;alias set mfire=;eq cast(908, "\?")
mfire third kobold
;alias set 904=;eq cast(904, "\?")

This way is slightly slower than voodoo, but has several advantages.

10-19-2010, 02:49 AM
Thats wierd I always do ;alias add blah blah..

These are the scripts I use:

waggle -- spellup
voodoo2 -- 910 rat
autosort -- organized containers
grab -- pick stuff up and put it in containers
narost -- atlas
xp -- track your xp

I think thats all...get those and you won't miss psinet...not sure why you have to download them everytime seems like they should be included with the install package.

10-19-2010, 03:11 AM
Uberbar and uberspells are pretty nice, too. Eventually you're going to ask how to find what your room number is and uberbar makes that as easy as looking over to your uberbar frame. Both are for SF... haven't tried it, but there is a wiz version for uberbar (uberbarwiz), too, if you're using the wizard.

10-19-2010, 08:39 AM
Not meaning to jump the thread, but..

Uberbar is great, that said in the last week or so uberbar is not sending the little window. When checking active scripts, uberbar is active. I try to force it, it says uberbar is active. I basicall have taken to killing uberbar and using gibs_uberbar, but I like uberbar better. Any ideas on what is causing this?

10-19-2010, 09:48 AM
If anyone lives near Orlando and is feeling generous with a bit of their time, I'll buy lunch for a short class on lich.

10-19-2010, 11:57 AM
Getting dates with your mad lich skills, who would have thought.

10-19-2010, 12:09 PM
Unfortunately I'm taken, but if you need to think of it as a date, I won't judge.

It will just be a very short and disappointing relationship.

10-19-2010, 12:46 PM
;itemnotes is great for keeping track of what your enhancives do

10-19-2010, 06:29 PM
Not meaning to jump the thread, but..

Uberbar is great, that said in the last week or so uberbar is not sending the little window. When checking active scripts, uberbar is active. I try to force it, it says uberbar is active. I basicall have taken to killing uberbar and using gibs_uberbar, but I like uberbar better. Any ideas on what is causing this?

When I first set it up for my characters, sometimes it would be behind the game or some other window. I would suggest tabbing through the windows to see if it pops up. Also make sure it's still listed as visible in the Window frame.

10-19-2010, 10:25 PM
Thanks for all the responses! So to use voodoo and sorter do I need to start the scripts by typing ;voodoo and ;sorter every time I login or will they run automatically? Is that what the favs add global thing is doing?

10-19-2010, 11:02 PM
So to use voodoo and sorter do I need to start the scripts by typing ;voodoo and ;sorter every time I login or will they run automatically?

Check this post for the answer:
