View Full Version : cumulative

04-16-2004, 08:53 PM
Coase recently made this post:

-Changed the Combat Maneuvers skill rank determination for guild skills. Training in the guild (specific skill) will now impart a bonus to one's effective CM ranks when using the identical combat guild skill. The bonus will be most noticeable for those who are less than 1x per level trained in the Combat Maneuvers skill.

Why the fuck hasn't there been some sort of show of proof.

Mastered Guild skills still reign supreme over their CMAN counterparts. There hasn't been (and needs to be) a cumulative bonus when using either a GUILD skill or identical CMAN (assuming one possesses feasible skill in both of the identical counterparts.) One who is well trained in combat and reflects this ability through CMANs should only receive greater benefit if they continue their training with the respective Guild Skill.


[Edited on 4-17-2004 by Stanley Burrell]

04-16-2004, 08:56 PM
<<Mastered Guild skills still reign supreme over their CMAN counterparts.>>

My guild and cman tackle bonuses are within 10 of each other before the roll is factored in.

Master of both.

04-16-2004, 09:42 PM
So wait, they expect you to master the rogue sweep, and the CMAN sweep, to get a bonus to either of them? That's bullshit.

I thought the whole advantage to being a rogue as opposed to say, a ranger, was that you could learn sweep in the guild, and not have to waste CMAN points on it, like a ranger would have to.


04-16-2004, 09:43 PM
The maneuver is better if you're a guild master.

What's the problem?

04-16-2004, 09:45 PM

<<The bonus will be most noticeable for those who are less than 1x per level trained in the Combat Maneuvers skill>>

<<Why the fuck hasn't there been some sort of show of proof.>>

Why the fuck can't you read? As a warrior, there isn't going to be a very large difference, because you shouldn't have less than 1x CM, let alone 2x.

04-16-2004, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
So wait, they expect you to master the rogue sweep, and the CMAN sweep, to get a bonus to either of them? That's bullshit.No. That's SB's idea.

Coase's post means that you get phantom CM ranks if you train in Guild tackle a lot, because people who didn't have CM were really crappy. Understandably so, because shield bash's version of MD gives you 6 points for each rank of CM (at rank 4, I've got more research to do).

04-17-2004, 02:14 PM
Let me make myself a bit more clear.

If one has sufficient trainings, one can invest in a CMAN skill to its 5 rank max. If one has sufficient trainings to invest at a 5 rank max, this means they have done a bit of work and "learned" combat maneuver skill to be reflected in part in whatever CMAN they should choose to train in.

If you have mastered Guild Tackle, Wtrick, Sweep, Cheapshot, etc, and now 5 rank in the identical CMAN skill, why should there not be a bonus granted that surpasses the solitary use of those skills alone? I think the idea of extra CM ranks is great, fine. But you are a master when you 5 rank the CMAN, you are a master when you have 63 ranks of per se guild skill. Why should the individual not metamorphosize into a Grandmaster as they have learned the ways of the skill in two different fashions?
