View Full Version : 1625 and flaring weapons
If a paladin bonds to a weapon that already has intrinsic flares, does that result in a weapon that can double-flare? I know the Guiding Light flares granted at rank 1 of Sanctify don't kick in if the weapon has any special properties (weighting, flares, etc.), but I'm wondering about the spell-flares that are granted at rank 3.
I have a +12 sancted fire flaring mace, and I'm wondering if it's worth anything.
With 1625 the weapon only gets the spell flares if it has no other special properties. This weapon would only fire flare even if bonded to.
Also the weapon bonded to becomes sanctified at that time so no need to start out with a sancted weapon. After 25 the only need for a sancted weapon is if the paladin bonded to something with other properties and wants a backup for the flares.
Jace Solo
10-14-2010, 12:07 PM
Or in the case that you're using twc like my paladin.
You're talkig about infusing a spell into it. I have done any testing but I believe you can still infuse a spell into the weapon no matter weight, flaring or other scripts that are intrinsic to the weapons properties priorto bonding.
I do have to say that a paladins best friend is a perfect weapon because it has the increased DF that stacks with 1605.
Should you be blunt and board it hits hard enough to be just slightly weaker than thws but with the added DS it's worth it, especially for warcamps.
When my paladin was sword/board, thorns were the only thing that hit him in a camp and I stood full offense. Never needed to zealot but I'd imagine that DS drop would be the only reason he'd get hit...outside of thorns of course
10-15-2010, 12:03 PM
You can infuse a spell into a flared weapon. Of course, like with any weapon, you have to reinfuse after every flare. All told, it is pretty much a useless feature.
The sancted and flared mace would make a handy off hand or backup weapon, as you could swing it on the undead without using 1625 and would still have flares. As a primary weapon for a level 25 paladin (to use 1625) I would not consider it useful.
If a paladin bonds to a weapon that already has intrinsic flares, does that result in a weapon that can double-flare? I know the Guiding Light flares granted at rank 1 of Sanctify don't kick in if the weapon has any special properties (weighting, flares, etc.), but I'm wondering about the spell-flares that are granted at rank 3.
I have a +12 sancted fire flaring mace, and I'm wondering if it's worth anything.
As others have said, the weapon only gains flares if it previously had no other special abilities. Also, I'm not sure why you would use 1625 on a weapon that is already sanctified. Mace probably isn't worth more than the pawn will give you.
As others have said, the weapon only gains flares if it previously had no other special abilities. Also, I'm not sure why you would use 1625 on a weapon that is already sanctified. Mace probably isn't worth more than the pawn will give you.
I didn't realize that 1625 sanctifies the weapon. Meh.
The spell desc specifically says that the Guiding Light flares don't kick in if the weapon already has weighting or flares, but it doesn't say anything about the spell flares only working with a "vanilla" weapon. However, I didn't realize the spell flare has to be re-cast every time it goes off...that is the suck. Ah, well.
Thanks, folks.
Jace Solo
10-17-2010, 08:50 AM
Well, obvious reasons to use 1625 on any weapon your gonna use are for the str/wis bonus and the weapon return upon disarm.
I get your point, it would be useless for a sanctified weapon if it didn't have those extra features. I wish it could bond to both weapons (in the twc idea) there's just no way they could swig that without letting you bond constantly.
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