View Full Version : group_ajarjar

10-13-2010, 04:38 PM
Now that there's a group command, and not just the male bonding ritual of gently holding each other's hands... could you update group_ajar for us Tillmen?

10-13-2010, 05:37 PM
It's a pretty simple fix:

insert the following at line 108

elsif line =~ /^([A-Z][a-z]+) tried to add you to (his|her) group, but your group status is closed\./
if CharSettings['allow'].include?($1)
fput "join #{$1}"

and on line 99 change fput "hold #{$1}" to fput "group #{$1}"

Jace Solo
10-13-2010, 05:44 PM
What's group_ajar do?

10-13-2010, 06:23 PM
- opens your group when you die and closes it again when you get a life
- opens your group when you're stunned and closes it again when you recover
- joins someone when they try to hold your hand, if they're in the list
- holds someone's hand when they try to join you, if they're in the list

Quite handy if you MA afk alot or if everyone in your crowd has it running.

10-13-2010, 06:48 PM
@ subzero

I'm pretty sure that the fail message is different for group than it is for hold.
IE, it's not listening for someone on your list to fail to "group" you. And sure I could change his script, but I can't upload it to the repo, as its Tillmen's.

Jace Solo
10-13-2010, 07:20 PM
Since bigshot heads and tails isn't going anymore, what is everyone using for MAing?

I'd just like to have the tail cast at mobs without me having to tab back and forth. It's hard enough soloing in a warcamp let alone tanning

10-13-2010, 07:42 PM
@ subzero

I'm pretty sure that the fail message is different for group than it is for hold.
IE, it's not listening for someone on your list to fail to "group" you. And sure I could change his script, but I can't upload it to the repo, as its Tillmen's.

Um. The first bit of code I posted IS the fail message for the group command. With the additional code I posted, there are three regex strings it's looking for now:

tried to join your group,

tried to hold your hand,

tried to add you to his group,

I have updated my script with those changes and it hasn't failed to work yet. I know we can't upload a new copy to the repo, but I wasn't sure if Tillmen planned to update it or not. I suppose it's possible that some people like it fine the way it is, so I just went ahead and fixed mine.

edit: Never paid a lot of attention to it when I changed it due to the fact that I don't play female characters, but the regex string will need to be tweaked for "all purpose" fixing to include both genders...

Since bigshot heads and tails isn't going anymore, what is everyone using for MAing?

I posted about this in the bigshot thread. I dunno where people get the idea that bigshot doesn't work in MA mode anymore, but I use it all the time.

10-13-2010, 08:25 PM
I do appreciate the willingness to help. I didn't need help changing it, so I just didn't pay attention to all you had said, so I am sorry. The main thing about changing it is that until it's updated and I know ppl have updated, I'll still need to "hold" them to account for them having an old copy (and while that could still be the case after an update, at least then I could just say, go get it off the repo, rather than helping them change code).

As to the change, you could actually reduce it to one statement rather than three, Had you not made the comment about the gender I probably wouldn't have thought about it and added the third line like you say...

/^([A-Z][a-z]+) .* but your group status is closed/

10-13-2010, 09:50 PM
I don't think it'll work like that because you need to differentiate between holding/grouping and joining still. It could be condensed back down to two by combining the two group/hold strings, though.

10-14-2010, 12:43 AM
Updated and stuff. I didn't test it cause I don't have a group.