View Full Version : cleaning out lockers again.

10-12-2010, 06:06 PM
Feel free to IM me with buyouts.. will leave this up a few days, going to keep it updated as much as I can.
Stuff that is sold and needs to be picked up is at the bottom.
Prices on stuff have been cut


4) a jagged vultite kris embedded with a shard of blistered black bone mb 100k cb--
5) a jagged vultite kris embedded with a shard of blistered black bone mb 100k cb--
4x, +3 to agility, +3 to dexterity, must have an impressive amount of skill in Two Weapon Combat, huge number

of charges remaining.


15) a veniom-hilted black rolaren long-knife with a sinuous dull black death adder wrapped around it mb 1 million cb--
(4x, acid flares)

You tilt your long-knife from left to right, the light playing off of it. The sinuous dull black death adder wrapped around it

looks highly annoyed and hisses, baring its fangs.

You gently tap your black rolaren long-knife and the sinuous dull black death adder hisses as it hurriedly slithers down the

length of it in a tight spiral. Just as quickly, it turns and slinks back to its original position.

You grab your sinuous dull black death adder wrapped around your long-knife and give it a solid yank! It hisses

dangerously at you.

You prod at your black rolaren long-knife with the tip of your finger, and the sinuous dull black death adder coiled around it

lunges out at you, flickering its silvery black tongue as a warning signal.

In a blur of motion, the sinuous dull black death adder bites you! (this is what happens with you bother it too much)
Roundtime: 5 sec.
... 10 points of damage!
Brushing blow to your right hand.

You stare intently at the sinuous dull black death adder spiraled around your black rolaren long-knife. With a transfixed

stare, its icy black eyes seem to follow you cautiously as if ready to strike.

You swing a veniom-hilted black rolaren long-knife at Rylaarn!
AS: +24 vs DS: +10 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +60 = +107
... and hit for 2 points of damage!
Thumped Rylaarn's chest.

** Your black rolaren long-knife releases a spray of acid! **

... 30 points of damage!
Acid dissolves the knee ligaments. Rylaarn's tibia passes his femur in a very unpleasant manner!
He is knocked to the ground!
He is stunned!
Roundtime: 4 sec.


SOLD Waiting for pickup. (taking things off here once they actually get picked up.)
Also can do delivery in Illistim/Vaalor and FWI. But I am in the landing once a week (friday nights, if you want something brought to the landing you have to be on on friday and tell me before 4pm CST)

1) a translucent vultite-alloy quarterstaff CB 5 mil briarfox SOLD
27) a slim faewood runestaff carved with a spiral of leafwork (4x runestaff) cb 50k Nichelas SOLD
23) a felt-lined narrow gem bag (medium amount of gems, zests for open/close/wear/remove)125k Nichelas SOLD

(also looking for just some if anyone has any for sale.)
Removed the stuff that had been bought on buyout and delivered. I love people who offer me more than 10x what I paid for something. Yay for really old ass locker junk.

Jace Solo
10-12-2010, 07:37 PM
13, 19, 21, 22
50k each

10-12-2010, 07:53 PM
I will go 4 mil on the quarterstaff

10-12-2010, 08:09 PM
100k on 19.

10-12-2010, 08:14 PM
25) some elegant vaalin-tipped finger-armor mb 1 coiin cb --


10-12-2010, 08:23 PM
7) a veniom-hafted bearded alloy waraxe (6x handaxe) mb 750k cb - 750k

16) - 250k

23) - 50k

27) - 25k

10-12-2010, 08:26 PM
1) 5m
17) 1m

10-12-2010, 08:47 PM
8) a trio of black vaalin wristlets 50k
16) a dual-bladed vultite battle axe (5x two handed axe) 275k
17) a veniom-hafted bearded alloy waraxe (6x handaxe) 1.2m
23) a felt-lined narrow gem bag (medium amount of gems, zests?) 75k

Dyludl D'ragade
10-12-2010, 08:51 PM
gem bag 90k

10-12-2010, 09:24 PM
19) 200k
21) 100k

10-12-2010, 09:54 PM
1k on 6

Jace Solo
10-12-2010, 10:29 PM
19) 250
21) 150

10-12-2010, 10:36 PM
7) a round vaalin brooch set with tiny dragonmist crystals MB 1 coin CB--
1k please

10-13-2010, 01:35 AM
Removed the stuff that had been bought out and delivered.

added 5x double leathers.

Jace Solo
10-13-2010, 03:30 AM
6) 5K
14) 500K
28) 500k

I know 14/28 are below your MB. Just offering up.
PM me/update if this is cool.


10-13-2010, 04:10 AM
Works for me.

10-13-2010, 05:12 AM
100k gem bag

10-13-2010, 07:02 AM
14) 700k

10-13-2010, 08:43 AM
17) 1.3m

10-13-2010, 12:54 PM
10) A drakar-tipped braided leather whip

10-13-2010, 01:44 PM
10) A drakar-tipped braided leather whip

10-13-2010, 01:48 PM
10) 600k
17) 1.5

10-13-2010, 02:01 PM
10) 700k

10-13-2010, 03:20 PM
To everyone throwing numbers up there for the whip keep doing it.
I have to get in touch with the person who actually owns that to see what they will take. They wanted me to try to sell it but I honestly have no idea what that one is worth.

She told me 1 million minimum. Sorry guys.

10-13-2010, 04:52 PM
17) 1.75

10-13-2010, 05:13 PM
800k #14 shard

10-13-2010, 06:14 PM
17 2m

10-13-2010, 06:18 PM
7 10k
18 10k

10-14-2010, 05:22 AM
Updated. anything going TWICE will be sold tonight at midnight assuming no other bids on it.

Also, talked to the person who owns the whip again, told me to go with what ever the highest bid was, so right now its Queleri with 700k if you are still interested. (I moved that to going twice too for all the trouble its caused.)

10-14-2010, 07:30 AM
100k on 13

10-14-2010, 08:44 AM
Updated. anything going TWICE will be sold tonight at midnight assuming no other bids on it.

Also, talked to the person who owns the whip again, told me to go with what ever the highest bid was, so right now its Queleri with 700k if you are still interested. (I moved that to going twice too for all the trouble its caused.)

I'm good with that.

10-14-2010, 09:12 AM
Nothing to see here

10-14-2010, 12:43 PM
17) 2.5 mil

10-14-2010, 12:46 PM
800k on the whip

10-14-2010, 12:52 PM
7) a round vaalin brooch set with tiny dragonmist crystals MB 1 coin CB 10k Allen ONCE
With a deft thumb movement, you rotate the top of your vaalin brooch and reveal a hidden mirror inside.
With a flick of your wrist you rotate the top of your vaalin mirror, hiding the mirror and making it appear to be just a brooch once again.


10-14-2010, 02:10 PM
16) a dual-bladed vultite battle axe (5x two handed axe) - 300k

23) a felt-lined narrow gem bag (medium amount of gems, zests for open/close/wear/remove) - 125k

10-14-2010, 03:44 PM
16 350k
17 2.7

10-14-2010, 03:52 PM
Updated for now.

10-14-2010, 05:51 PM
900k on the whip

10-14-2010, 08:35 PM
17) 3 mil

10-15-2010, 01:25 AM
Updated. Sold some stuff. Cut prices on everything that hadn't been bid on. Everything thats going twice now will be sold mightnight tonight if there are no further bids on them.

10-15-2010, 07:10 AM
7 - 30k

10-16-2010, 01:36 AM
everything that had a bid is sold! everything that didn't have a bid got its mb chopped in half again at least.

Want to get rid of it all instead of putting it back in the lockers it came out of it.

If you need to pick something up still contact me. :)