View Full Version : HUGE pet peeve
04-16-2004, 02:58 PM
Perhaps this particular issue has been raised before, but I really need to let it out:
Incompatible interracial marriages: Halfling/Giants, Halflings/(Dark) Elves, I guess pretty much halflings and any other race.
Patently absurd. You know who you people are.
Miss X
04-16-2004, 03:04 PM
Gemstone is a FANTASY game, thats the whole point of it. As long as someone isn't breaking policy they have the right to RP how they like. My main charecter is a halfling, she was once married to a giant, whats the big deal? So she was short and he was tall, it happens in real life.
Wheres the documentation that says a halfling cant fall in love with a dark elf? Mazelina and Adredrin are in love, where is the problem? Its all just RP, you need to lighten up.
04-16-2004, 03:09 PM
There are so many bigger fish to fry than this.
Besides the giantman and little halfling girls are a good source for bad jokes.
04-16-2004, 03:09 PM
There are no incompatible interracial marriages in GemStone.
In light of the events that recently occurred: Racist.
04-16-2004, 03:16 PM
RP is like a building, you can make it amazing and beautiful, but if the foundation sucks, it's worthless. Gemstone is a fantasy GENRE game, not an all out "fantasy", there's a distinct difference. I can't have a clock radio in gemstone for this precise reason. You can't do anything you want and blame it on RP.
A fantasy game is founded on certain concrete foundations in order to maintain (my) suspension of disbelief. Some things would just never happen. Everyone knows that in a medieval fantasy game, there are no spaceships. Being a fantasy genre person myself, a dark elf/halfling marriage is tantamount to a 70's style disco right in TSC.
04-16-2004, 03:18 PM
I don't mind the marriages inasmuch as I mind the halfling-dark elven couple having a giant for a son.
04-16-2004, 03:18 PM
i dont think the issue is breaking policy, I think the issue is a giantman breaking some poor halfling girl ::duck::
04-16-2004, 03:25 PM
Interracial marriages don't bother me, just don't breed because I honestly don't think it will produce normal looking children. And from what I remember, half-elves can't breed as well because they are already a cross breed as it is, although I'm not certain about it.
It's not about big and tall, short and fat, black or white. It's dog and cat, cat and mouse, horse and dog.. they are different breeds that will produce radically different breeds.
Marry, love, kiss, cuddle, I don't mind the relationships. It's kinda funny to see a halfling with a giant and I'll snicker, however if that's how they want to play, they can. Just don't make children! Don't make freaks!
I can see where your coming from Farguar, but to be honest I don't give a fuck. Its been like this since as far back as I can remember. It is odd and WRONG seeing a Dark Elf with a halfling, and even in-compatible by cultural standards and written documentation but your going to see it happen, and often. Welcome to the world of Gemstone!
04-16-2004, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by TheEschaton
I don't mind the marriages inasmuch as I mind the halfling-dark elven couple having a giant for a son.
Ditto...Crap I agree with TheE.:wow:
04-16-2004, 03:39 PM
I don't see anything wrong with the little people dipping in the chocolate sauce on occasion
04-16-2004, 03:44 PM
<<It's kinda funny to see a halfling with a giant and I'll snicker, however if that's how they want to play, they can.>>
Does that mean you won't marry me? I thought we had something special.
04-16-2004, 03:58 PM
Just to be clear, I'm not against all interracial marriages, just the ones that are ludicrous from a fantasy standpoint. Giants/humans, Humans/Elves, even Dwarf/Gnome I've seen happen (Flint the King!!). I also agree that no one can do anything about the phonomenon, and that it's a fairly minor issue. That's why I posted it in the "Nuiscances and Annoyances" folder, and not the "Burning, writhing, and seething hatred" folder.
04-16-2004, 04:01 PM
Gah! We REALLY need a Burning, Writhing and Seething Hatred" folder! CT, can we have one? Pretty please? :D
HarmNone just knows that one would smoke all the other folders
04-16-2004, 04:02 PM
Human and sylph. Go me.
04-16-2004, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Edaarin
Human and sylph. Go me.
Acceptable. Go forth and multiply.
04-16-2004, 04:26 PM
So an ice troll can mate with a human, therefore creating the Giant race... but a Giant can not mate with a human?
04-16-2004, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
So an ice troll can mate with a human, therefore creating the Giant race... but a Giant can not mate with a human?
No, no , no those three pairings I listed were what I deemed good, or at least, acceptable matches. I think it was frost giants and not ice trolls they used to breed Giantkin too.
04-16-2004, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
<<It's kinda funny to see a halfling with a giant and I'll snicker, however if that's how they want to play, they can.>>
Does that mean you won't marry me? I thought we had something special.
OMG no! Then again my halfling doesn't like affection to begin with, least of all with people other than her own race, so that will never happen.
04-16-2004, 04:45 PM
Yes, it was frost giants. My bad.
04-16-2004, 05:02 PM
My little halfling is madly in love with a giant, but she'd never admit it.:grin:
I don't really think it would work racially, though I never thought Ilvane would be involved with a half-elf, even if she isn't a racist Vaalor.
It is the choice of the roleplayer, I think. It's not impossible to have it work, it's just different. When people react to something like that, it should be expected.:)
04-16-2004, 05:02 PM
I can totally see the humanoid groups together, elf/human/half-elf/sylvan, but anything else mixing and it just is so wrong. IC my characters find it disgusting and vile. OOC, sure if you want to RP that way, go for it, I just think it's plain silly.
And breeding? *shudders
Anyways, who is up for some gnome on gnome action?
04-16-2004, 05:05 PM
All races are humanoid.
04-16-2004, 06:17 PM
Halfling and giant = Midget and tall person IRL.
It happens.
04-16-2004, 06:19 PM
Bobmuhthol weighs 375 pounds.
That's one tall fucking person.
04-16-2004, 06:26 PM
Aren't Giantmen like 8-9 feet tall? Halflings around 3? heh, never have or will see that in real life.
At least I pray I don't.
In light of the events that recently occurred: Racist.
04-16-2004, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
Halfling and giant = Midget and tall person IRL.
It happens.
Height is but one of the many reasons that halfling/giant marriages are abominations, and certainly not the most significant one. Think more along the lines of culture.
04-16-2004, 07:23 PM
Height is but one of the many reasons that halfling/giant marriages are abominations, and certainly not the most significant one. Think more along the lines of culture.
Think more along the lines of trying to put a watermelon down the garbage disposal.
Someone had to say it.
04-16-2004, 07:44 PM
There are always people that will defy cultural norms and fall in love with, or choose to marry, someome considered "inappropriate." This also happens in real life.
04-16-2004, 07:56 PM
Bob swings like a halfling CT if that helps..
04-16-2004, 07:57 PM
04-16-2004, 08:42 PM
Nah, not true. I went hunting with him and he hunted well.
I still won't marry him. :bleh:
04-16-2004, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
There are always people that will defy cultural norms and fall in love with, or choose to marry, someome considered "inappropriate." This also happens in real life.
That's a sweet little sentiment, but you're missing the point. A dark elf that falls in love with a halfling would die before subjecting themselves to the social stigma involved with pursuing the relationship. Case closed.
Relatively speaking, it's not overly difficult to defy cultutral norms in our world because, hey, we all from the same species. But in a fantasy genre, immense cultural differences + immense physiological differences = 99.9999999% chance that these couples will never happen. Anyone who's worth their RP/fantasy salt would recognize this fact. But hey, people will play the game the way they wanna play it. in that case, don't complain when I want to a mini-tv and a flashlight in game. In my view, odd racial matchups are equally egregious.
[Edited on 4-17-2004 by Farquar]
04-16-2004, 09:05 PM
A dark elf that falls in love with a halfling would die before subjecting themselves to the social stigma involved with pursiuing the relationship. Case closed.
I agree, but only if you change the first bit to: A dark elf raised in either of the cultures that falls in love with a halfling would die before...etc.
04-16-2004, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by Farquar
That's a sweet little sentiment, but you're missing the point. A dark elf that falls in love with a halfling would die before subjecting themselves to the social stigma involved with pursuing the relationship. Case closed.
[Edited on 4-17-2004 by Farquar]
Maybe if said dark elf cared what the others of his race thought. Adredrin cares not one bit. He loves his wife, and everyone that can't respect that can go to hell. End of Story.
04-16-2004, 09:49 PM
The interesting question is whether there are actual races, or, as it is in real life, the races in Elanthia are just one race of different peoples?
Tolkein would suggest the races are inter-related. For example, the Dunadain (sp?) are halfway between elves and humans, orcs are corrupted elves, etc, etc.
04-16-2004, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Artha
A dark elf that falls in love with a halfling would die before subjecting themselves to the social stigma involved with pursiuing the relationship. Case closed.
I agree, but only if you change the first bit to: A dark elf raised in either of the cultures that falls in love with a halfling would die before...etc.
I agree. But in the dark elf literature I've read, once the caste found out about the illicit relationship, they'd send assassins to kill the deviant elf. The end result is still the same: no relationship.
04-16-2004, 10:50 PM
The interesting question is whether there are actual races, or, as it is in real life, the races in Elanthia are just one race of different peoples?
Tolkein would suggest the races are inter-related. For example, the Dunadain (sp?) are halfway between elves and humans, orcs are corrupted elves, etc, etc.
Information from the site states that some races were made by the Drakes (elves), and some by Arkati (Humans), some nobody knows (giants), and some are spin offs of other races (sylvans).
From the official documents on the Truefolk.
The occasion was celebrated by a feast, which did double duty for a hand-fasting party to celebrate the union of Rasance and Kaithaire.
Rasance was a Paradis halfling and Kaithaire was Sylvan.
P. S. I agree if you want to love someone of another race... fine. Just don't breed!
Edited to fix spelling error.
[Edited on 4-17-2004 by Vesi]
04-17-2004, 05:34 AM
Originally posted by Farquar
Incompatible interracial marriages: Halfling/Giants, Halflings/(Dark) Elves, I guess pretty much halflings and any other race. Patently absurd. You know who you people are. You ever see a picture of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and his wife together? He's about 7'2", she's about 5'2". They're both human.
Now what's the height difference between a halfling and a dark elf? A foot? Foot and a half? (The docs say giantmen are "sometimes over 7'")
Anything else?
I'm not against all interracial marriages, just the ones that are ludicrous from a fantasy standpoint.Suppose you tell us what you mean by "fantasy standpoint?" You mean what, those marriages aren't in Lord of the Rings or Dragonlance books?
Well, no shit. This is Elanthia, not Middle-Earth.
I agree. But in the dark elf literature I've read, once the caste found out about the illicit relationship, they'd send assassins to kill the deviant elf. The end result is still the same: no relationship.What literature is that? I don't see anything on the website about that. Could you send me a URL maybe?
04-17-2004, 09:39 AM
Ardwen is a human and Myshel is a half-elf. We haven't had children but adopted a few. Love transcends barriers, its a classic story line, doomed lovers overcomes obstacles to be together.
04-17-2004, 10:09 AM
OMG Myshel there is nothing wrong with your pair. Afterall half-elves are half human anyway.
Like I said before, I don't mind people falling in love and marrying those from other races. My problem is roleplaying the children that come after. Then again, I have a problem with the whole "family" concept in this game to begin with, but that's a horse of a different color.
04-17-2004, 10:24 AM
Now what's the height difference between a halfling and a dark elf? A foot? Foot and a half?
Probably something like three.
04-17-2004, 01:13 PM
So dark elves are bigger than giantmen? Kewl.
04-17-2004, 01:16 PM
If halflings are 3 feet, dark elves would be 6 feet.
Lysistrata is notoriously against interracial marriages and ludicrous breedings... People have seriously told her that they (a halfling) and their husband the elf have had a giantman son. No, not adopted. They birthed the giant.
I, however, don't give two shits either way. I think it's incorrect to have such couples breed and produce recognizable races other than some sort of logical combination, but I won't deny their right to do so. Everyone has the right to be wrong. Whatever makes 'em happy.
04-17-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Farquar
I agree. But in the dark elf literature I've read, once the caste found out about the illicit relationship, they'd send assassins to kill the deviant elf. The end result is still the same: no relationship.
By all means, send your assassin after me. I RP Adredrin as a very quiet, yet very pompus person. (He is very sure of his skills and powers, but not openly bragging about them.)
I'd love the interaction. But don't bitch when we end up killing eachother. :)
04-17-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
Originally posted by Farquar
I agree. But in the dark elf literature I've read, once the caste found out about the illicit relationship, they'd send assassins to kill the deviant elf. The end result is still the same: no relationship.
By all means, send your assassin after me. I RP Adredrin as a very quiet, yet very pompus person. (He is very sure of his skills and powers, but not openly bragging about them.)
I'd love the interaction. But don't bitch when we end up killing eachother. :)
I didn't say I would be sending assassins. I wouldn't pick a fight in game over an odd racial matchup. I merely said that in literature where dark elves have been portrayed, such matchups would not be tolerated. Obviously, in gemstone, there is no self-existing dark elven kingdom/society to keep you people in line.
04-17-2004, 06:02 PM
I'd still like to see the link to where it says assassins will be sent, Farquar. G already asked for it.
04-17-2004, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by SpunGirl
I'd still like to see the link to where it says assassins will be sent, Farquar. G already asked for it.
I don't know why peolpe are so hung up on height. Its certainly a big difference, but not the most important one between dark elves and halflings. It's pretty much all cultural and racial demeanor.
As for the literature, I'm not talking official literature. After reading tons of fantasy books though, there are certain things that are virtual constants across the board: elves are arrogant and smart, dwarves are strong and like to forge, trolls regenerate, and dark elves have dark, brooding personalities and oppressive social structures. These things are just a given.
EDIT: Just to finish the thought, if I'm going to have a "pure" roleplaying experience within the fantasy genre, to which GS unquestionably belongs, then I would expect GS to fall into line with the above accepted principles.
[Edited on 4-17-2004 by Farquar]
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