View Full Version : shattered port/server info

10-12-2010, 06:03 AM
I recently wanted to try out shattered on my other account but I'm having trouble connecting to the server from work.

I'm tunnelling with a SSH server to currently play gs4 prime and using lich (although I still haven't figured out how to get lnet to work) while I'm here at work. I used all the info from http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/ProxyConnect and had to modify it a bit but that all works for me. My problem is I don't have the info I need to tunnel for the shattered server (ex. for prime play.gs4.game.play.net:10121)

Does anyone have this or know where I can find it?

10-12-2010, 09:20 AM
Does anyone have this or know where I can find it?

Its probably in the lich.rb file.

10-12-2010, 10:00 AM
That was a good lead, opened up lich.rbw in notepad and snooped around. Found this line of code, should be what I need. Thank you very much.

elsif ARGV.include?('--shattered')
$platinum = false
if ARGV.any? { |arg| (arg == '-s') or (arg == '--stormfront') }
game_host = 'storm.gs4.game.play.net'
game_port = 10324
$frontend = 'stormfront'
game_host = 'gs4.simutronics.net'
game_port = 10321
if ARGV.any? { |arg| arg == '--avalon' }
$frontend = 'avalon'
$frontend = 'wizard'