View Full Version : OK... I'm voting for Kerry.

11-01-2004, 02:15 PM
Mostly because I'm sick of sitting here listening to my boss bitch about Democrats 'double voting' and being 'inherent cheaters'.

I would love to be able to speak my political views without being slapped verbally.

11-01-2004, 02:29 PM
An intolerant Republican? Jeez, the south sure is crazy.

11-01-2004, 02:30 PM

I swear, I made a semi-Democratic comment once and I learned to shut my fuckin trap.

I don't want to lose my job.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
11-01-2004, 02:31 PM
As good a reason as "Anyone but Bush" I suppose.

11-01-2004, 02:33 PM
It's supposed to be an amusing topic, because I've known who I'm voting for since Bush was voted in. :)

11-01-2004, 06:09 PM
That's why we're forbidden to talk politics at work. It's been really hard for me not to since I've been transferred and the Delaware Republican Headquarters is next door. They're constantly coming in talking shit on Kerry & the Dems.

11-01-2004, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Suppa Hobbit Mage
As good a reason as "Anyone but Bush" I suppose.

Since Kerry isn't an outstanding candidate, the "Anyone but Bush" is the strongest point the dems have goin to them.

11-01-2004, 06:45 PM
There's nothing wrong with Kerry. He doesn't have to be a nice guy or be good-looking to make sense for what I stand for..so hopefully he wins tomorrow.

Can't wait to see what happens. Even if Bush wins, it will be interesting in this country the next four years.


11-01-2004, 06:58 PM
Two things I saw today in New Jersey.

Bush supporters surrounded the restaurant we had lunch at and began handing us some cards with some information on it regarding Kerry and Vietnam that only someone who knows nothing would believe, and some of it is actually too offensive to even print.

Kerry supporters went into an old age home in Morristown and began explaining to residents that they would be thrown onto the streets and their medicine taken away if Bush got elected.

I just hope whoever loses accepts it and does not make a giant lawsuit to quagmire the nation. I just hope we get a clear cut winner.

11-01-2004, 07:17 PM
Kerry supporters went into an old age home in Morristown and began explaining to residents that they would be thrown onto the streets and their medicine taken away if Bush got elected.

Where did you get this information? I find that really hard to believe.


[Edited on 11-2-2004 by Ilvane]

11-01-2004, 07:23 PM
Myself, 3 of my managers, and several supervisors were THERE a couple hours after they had left. Unless all of them were lying to us, but I'd tend to believe what they had to say as compared to your beliefs that no Kerry supporters engage in this type of activity.

11-01-2004, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Ilvane

Kerry supporters went into an old age home in Morristown and began explaining to residents that they would be thrown onto the streets and their medicine taken away if Bush got elected.

Where did you get this information? I find that really hard to believe.

:wtf2: Democrats can't be as underhanded as Republicans?

At least admit that both sides are corrupt and people are being extra nasty with this election.

People slashing tires on cars that have Bush or Kerry bumper stickers. People vandalizing homes with Bush or Kerry signs on their lawn.

This election has shown a true evil intent through the public on both sides. Democrats are not saints.

11-01-2004, 07:33 PM
It seems extremely naive to think that only one party engaged in this type of activity, especially given the track record of how many times both parties have done it in the past. Gore's activists, if anything, were more guilty than bush activists in the polling grounds of such activity.

One can report voter intimidation and scream foul all they want. People will believe whatever they want to believe. But not a one lawsuit was filed. Not one. Not even one on behalf of a party.

11-01-2004, 07:42 PM
Does anyone have any other reason to vote for Kerry other then its not for Bush? That's all I have heard when I have talked to people about who they are voting for. Kerry followers can't seem to give me a good reason to join them other then 'Hey at least its not Bush!' It bothers me that people vote for the other guy only because he is an alternative. Well so is Nader but no one wants him! I have yet to have anyone actually give me a good reason to vote for him.

P.S. Please don't kill me if I offended you I didn't mean to just curious is all!

11-01-2004, 07:42 PM
Here, Ilvane, another example for you that your party does, indeed spread lies and rumors, just like republicans do, to get votes.

TAMPA, FL – Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf today issued the following statement:

"The Democratic National Committee is making fraudulent phone calls claiming that I have endorsed Senator Kerry. Nothing could be further from the truth, and I demand that they stop immediately.

"Senator Kerry opposed the Reagan defense build-up that won the Cold War. Senator Kerry opposed the removal of Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Senator Kerry proposed billions in intelligence cuts after the first attack on the World Trade Center. Senator Kerry voted against funds to equip our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan with supplies like body armor and ammunition.

"I am supporting President Bush for reelection, because he is the candidate who has demonstrated the conviction needed to defeat terrorism. In contrast to the President's steadfast determination to defeat our enemies, Senator Kerry has a record of weakness that gives me no confidence in his ability to fight and win the War on Terror. His attempt to make up for these deficiencies by falsifying my endorsement only confirms my impression that he is not the man we need to lead our nation."

11-01-2004, 07:50 PM
Sounds like more Republican tactics than anything.

11-01-2004, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by GSTamral
TAMPA, FL – Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf today issued the following statement:

"The Democratic National Committee is making fraudulent phone calls claiming that I have endorsed Senator Kerry. Nothing could be further from the truth, and I demand that they stop immediately.Him and what army?

Oh... right.

11-01-2004, 07:53 PM
Kerry will have a more coherent foreign policy. The rest of the world might not consider us diplomatic pariahs anymore. We might actually focus on chasing Al'Qaeda rather than Iraqi nonsense. Kerry will execute some modicum of protection for the environment and some more decent stewardship of our natural resources. Kerry won't work to destroy a woman's right to choose. We won't embark on a course of agressive war to conquer the Middle East under Kerry.

11-01-2004, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by Toxicvixen
Does anyone have any other reason to vote for Kerry other then its not for Bush? That's all I have heard when I have talked to people about who they are voting for. Kerry followers can't seem to give me a good reason to join them other then 'Hey at least its not Bush!' It bothers me that people vote for the other guy only because he is an alternative. Well so is Nader but no one wants him! I have yet to have anyone actually give me a good reason to vote for him.

P.S. Please don't kill me if I offended you I didn't mean to just curious is all!

Contrary to popular opinion, there are a lot of people who like Kerry and what he stands for...and it's not that he's just "not Bush". It's just that some folks are more engaged than others.

Honestly, the only person that I have talked with that has a reason to vote for Bush (In my regular life) is my brother and that's because he earns 200,000+ and doesn't want more taxes. The few other people at work admit that they just haven't really paid much attention and then quote some sound bites that they believe to represent the truth.

I realize of course that there are lots of folks who believe Bush is the one for them, I just haven't found many that have been able to articulate reasons that are more than sound bites.

11-01-2004, 08:18 PM
Sounds like more Republican tactics than anything.

Anything pro-conservative would cause you to say this. I mean shit, general Norman has been campaigning for bush for years now if I asked you, he was just hiding it so he could come out with a BS statement right?

I'm sure you can google the transcript of the phone call made by DNC. but whatever. I don't care who wins, I just hope its a clear winner without all the whining and lawsuits. But since you seem to love to insinuate anyone who is conservative and votes based on a conservative agenda is an idiot, I would be more than happy to take a test of intelligence about issues, science, history, math, or english against you, and we can see it for ourselves.

11-01-2004, 08:18 PM
heh, you think Schwarzkopf might be doing little tactics for the Republicans? :lol: Come on.


11-01-2004, 08:23 PM
Heh. I always have to chuckle at those who tell me they're voting for Bush because he'll lower their taxes. Ummm...hate to mention it, but if the whole world turns against you, and your way of life begins to crumble around you, your tax bracket isn't going to mean diddly-shit.

The man who holds the office of President of the United States of America influences far more than any one person's tax status. If, while lowering taxes, he loses the rest of the world's support, that lower tax bracket isn't going to serve you very well, nor will it last very long. In the long run, it's probably wise to look at the big picture, not just at your wallet.

11-01-2004, 08:23 PM
Yes Ilvane, I believe General Norman has been a secret of the Bush administration since day 1, coming out of hiding today to deliver a message in response to a telephone call whose transcript has been made up, even though people have recorded it, in an effort to get swing voters.

A local republican congressmen recently took a photo with tennis player Martina Navratilova here in NJ. He then paraded the picture around with a subtitle, indicating that martina supported him. Martina, being furious, since she did not, issued a statement otherwise.

Maybe if you woke up Ilvane, just maybe, you might be able to see that the truth isn't about party lines, its just the truth. You can spin whatever you want from anything, if you are naive enough to do so. No one can stop you from being just as blind as Edine. That's simply your choice.

11-01-2004, 08:30 PM
Doesn't mean he's a secret... but I could easily see him pulled into petty political games. Heck, I could easily see the whole thing being one of those Internet chain letters.

11-01-2004, 08:53 PM
Originally posted by The Rose Lady
Contrary to popular opinion, there are a lot of people who like Kerry and what he stands for...and it's not that he's just "not Bush". It's just that some folks are more engaged than others.

None of the Pro - Kerry people I have talked to in real life have given me an answer other then He isn't Bush. Although I must admit I am surrounded by very articulate Pro-Bush people.

Originally posted by The Rose Lady
I realize of course that there are lots of folks who believe Bush is the one for them, I just haven't found many that have been able to articulate reasons that are more than sound bites.

Where as I am surrounded by articulate Pro-Bush people. Sounds like you and I are on opposite sides of the tracks. :grin:

11-01-2004, 09:31 PM
I gave you a few reasons. Sorry you're in the middle of a conservative blob.

11-01-2004, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Toxicvixen
Where as I am surrounded by articulate Pro-Bush people. Sounds like you and I are on opposite sides of the tracks. :grin:

I guess we're seeing the virtual 50-50 split between the candidates. :grin:

11-01-2004, 11:13 PM
You were the First Warriorbird. :grin: I wonder what Doomsday, I mean Tomorrow, has in store for us. Does anyone else guess riots, sabotage or just general chaos?

11-02-2004, 01:54 AM
I think that the dems could've picked about ANY moderate liberal candidate to put up against Bush and they'd have walked away hands down winners. I think picking such a liberal, Catholic candidate they shot themselves in the foot. Although i wouldn't mind seeing Bush out of office, with the options i've been given i believe that he is the strongest for the job. Four years can't be THAT long, can it?

11-02-2004, 02:03 AM
Yes, Alarke. Four years can be an eternity under the right (or wrong, if you will) circumstances.