View Full Version : Magic The Gathering For XBox 360

10-01-2010, 08:29 PM
Magic The Gathering Duels Of The PlanesWalkers for the Xbox 360. Anybody play it? Anyone good at it? At the moment I am in the top 2,000 players on Xbox Live and working towards the number 1 position. If anyone here plays send me a PM with your Live name and I will add you for a 4 vs 4 or something.

10-01-2010, 08:36 PM
For those who want to download the game, they can do so here:


However, I would recommend getting the expansion packs too otherwise you might get your ass wooped.

10-01-2010, 08:57 PM


10-02-2010, 09:47 AM
A Review Of The Game:


10-02-2010, 10:02 AM
You're just talking to yourself here.

10-02-2010, 10:04 AM
You're just talking to yourself here.

Well I've always found that I don't talk back to myself very much. I don't give me no lip.

10-02-2010, 02:41 PM
Ok so this guy isn't a bot but why does he only advertise video games? I presume this is SEO.

10-05-2010, 04:45 AM
Ok so since I have to wait 3 more months to get Two Worlds 2 I thought I would go ahead and finally try out magic online. I guess you can build your own decks on this version where as you can't on the 360's version. It says it is a $9.99 activation fee for the account, but it comes with a free deck, a free booster deck, 2 free tournament tickets, and some other stuff if I am reading it correctly.

My question is very simple. For anyone who has tried this online before? And if so, is it a one time fee? And then you never have to pay again? Or....is it a monthly fee? Because if so, I'm not doing it.

From what I can read so far it appears to be a one time fee. But I am not sure. Some help would be greatly appreciated. If you don't feel like writing very much, please just respond with a "one time" or with a "monthly" and that will be perfect.


10-05-2010, 08:16 AM
Alright well here is what I've learned so far.

When you sign up for the (what appears to be a one time fee) of $9.99 you get a package that comes with that. This package has 2 event tickets, one Magic 2011 booster, and 300 common and uncommon cards (the 300 extra cards is what caught my eye) and also it appears that you get 5 free Avatars to trade/sell/keep.

Users may trade cards, sealed packs, event tickets, and in-game avatars (which are released for special events as promotions) with other players. Two venues exist to facilitate this:

* "Classifieds," which acts as a searchable bulletin board on which players post buy requests for certain cards, or notices of cards they own that are available for trade/sale.
* User-created chat rooms, such as the unofficial Auction room, where traders can sell larger and often bulk numbers of cards quickly to buyers looking for a discount.

A large number of the users posting offers to buy or sell are entrepreneurs with large collections looking to make a profit by selling cards at their own websites or on eBay in addition to their in-game trades (though in practice the amount of money that can be made heavily trading in the game is not large). Technically any transfer of cards in the game is not considered a "sale" because, for legal reasons, the digital objects are not actually owned by the collector, but rather Wizards of the Coast themselves. This enormously simplifies transactions, as issues such as import/export laws, duties, and underage concerns are sidestepped. Wizards has currently shown "benign neglect" of players buying and selling digital objects for (legal) currency on the secondary market. Due to this neglect, however, there are problems with fraud, including non-delivery of paid-for product and false claims of non-delivery resulting in reversals of Paypal payments.

So what I didn't realize is that people can actually make money by selling the cards they collect/trade in game wherever they want to, and that the company that owns the rights to Magic, Wizards of the Coast, does not care. Might be a decent way to make a nice chunk of extra change. But I'm really just interested in building my own decks and having some fun.

10-05-2010, 01:06 PM
I think I'll complain to WOTC about using this bs. I know a couple employees.

10-05-2010, 01:26 PM
It's like a middle school book review.

10-05-2010, 03:20 PM
Tangentially related by virtue of being a CCG:

a friend just started playing the WOW card game for shits and giggles, if you didn't know rare cards come with a redemption code to get in game vanity items in WoW. He's found two "spectral tiger" cards in a month. they sell for 700+ dollars each, he's bought maybe 30 bucks worth of cards.

yeah, fuck him.

10-05-2010, 03:23 PM
Tell him to skin one off, then give it to me. Thanks.

10-05-2010, 03:47 PM
Do large companies actually hire people to go around posting shit like this on forums and writing reviews on amazon and epinions? I've always assumed this was the case, but does anyone have first hand knowledge of this practice?

10-05-2010, 03:52 PM
If so they should get their money back. Bob is pretty much spot on, this thing reads like a 7th grade book report.

10-05-2010, 04:10 PM
If so they should get their money back. Bob is pretty much spot on, this thing reads like a 7th grade book report.
Well then, thank god you made it through 8th grade!

10-05-2010, 05:40 PM
Do large companies actually hire people to go around posting shit like this on forums and writing reviews on amazon and epinions? I've always assumed this was the case, but does anyone have first hand knowledge of this practice?

Yes. It's also been going on for a while. This is just a particularly retarded example.

10-05-2010, 05:59 PM
The milk industry has been doing this for years. I think I'll order some milk online now.

10-05-2010, 06:05 PM
Those comments are epic.

10-05-2010, 08:22 PM
Tangentially related by virtue of being a CCG:

a friend just started playing the WOW card game for shits and giggles, if you didn't know rare cards come with a redemption code to get in game vanity items in WoW. He's found two "spectral tiger" cards in a month. they sell for 700+ dollars each, he's bought maybe 30 bucks worth of cards.

yeah, fuck him.

Reminds me of when I used to actually play magic...

At least once a month when I'd go draft, I'd bust some amazing foil rare that was usually a 20-25 dollar rare when it wasn't foil. Commonly Call of the Herd and Chrome Mox... I got both of these cards... on four separate occasions. Hell, the second time I busted the chrome mox, I just rare-drafted and dropped - like an asshole.

EDIT: It was for a good cause though. I sold the mox and then went and bought a bag of smoke.

10-06-2010, 09:51 AM
I think I'll complain to WOTC about using this bs. I know a couple employees.

Wtf are you talking about. That was directly from wikipedia:


I'm pretty sure if it's their wikipedia page that ALL employees of Wizards of the Coast are completely aware of the buying/selling/trading of their cards for real life currency. Don't you think so hot shot?

You gonna report me to the WOTC police? lol. I haven't even signed up for an account yet Jeeves.

By the way....if you're intelligent enough to read the 7th grade report you will see it listed a little down towards the "in game economy" section of the page. Of course you probably only had to take 7th grade a few times so you should be a pro at it.

10-06-2010, 09:59 AM
You gotta love the irony here. Some of you people bitch and moan about people selling virtual Magic Cards online for real life cash and here you are on this little board here selling off your virtual characters and items for real life currency as well.

What do you say Warrior? Have you ever bought or sold anything on this board for real life cash? And just like the staff at GS4, they turn a blind eye. But you're a fuckin genius. So I'm sure you already knew that.

10-06-2010, 10:06 AM
By the way, here's the main page for Magic Online: http://www.wizards.com/Magic/digital/MagicOnline.aspx

But don't let WarriorBird see that I gave you guys that or otherwise we ALL might be sitting in a jail cell somewhere if the big guys over at WOTC got wind of it.

10-06-2010, 10:07 AM
He's not complaining about what you're doing but the quality in which you're doing it. He's going to complain to WOTC that their money could be better spent with someone that's not a mouth breather. HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

10-06-2010, 10:09 AM
He's not complaining about what you're doing but the quality in which you're doing it. He's going to complain to WOTC that their money could be better spent with someone that's not a mouth breather. HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Ahhh thanks for enlightening us all with your high quality post. We just don't get umz like we used to no mores.

10-06-2010, 10:11 AM
Ahhh thanks for enlightening us all with your high quality post. We just don't get umz like we used to no mores.

One day I hope to be writing at this level:

My question is very simple. For anyone who has tried this online before? And if so, is it a one time fee? And then you never have to pay again? Or....is it a monthly fee? Because if so, I'm not doing it.

10-06-2010, 10:13 AM
One day I hope to be writing at this level:

Like I said, you're just too high quality for me. You might actually get layed in a bar for this shit if you keep it up.....the downside is that the girl will have to be airlifted to your bedroom because she will most likely be 500 pounds of pure lard.

10-06-2010, 10:20 AM
My question is very simple. For anyone who has tried this online before?

You're right. Your question is incredibly simple.

Is this another game I'll have to give up buying packs of smokes for?

10-06-2010, 10:47 AM
Like I said, you're just too high quality for me. You might actually get layed in a bar for this shit if you keep it up.....the downside is that the girl will have to be airlifted to your bedroom because she will most likely be 500 pounds of pure lard.

Can't I get laid instead?

10-06-2010, 12:19 PM
I could care less about people selling Magic cards online. One of my friends plays professionally. I was merely talking about what a lame set of SEO you represent, SuckerFish.

10-06-2010, 12:25 PM
Wow I just found out:

[edit (http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Magic:_The_Gathering_Online&action=edit&section=10)] Automated trading
Magic Online has accumulated a secondary market composed of automated traders, which have become the most common way to obtain cards. These traders, known as "bots", are accounts running programs designed to trade cards at variable prices and qualities. A simple bot might be one that will buy any three rares for one ticket, and offer any two rares it has for a ticket. More complicated bots can maintain detailed price lists and notice trends; for example, if many traders are selling one particular card, that is a clue that the bid price is too high, and it should either stop buying that card or automatically lower the price it bids for it. Lastly, some bots are designed to help advertise competing sellers prices and give users a general sense of the values of cards they have. An example of this is "infobot". A player may chat with infobot and follow directions to inquire about card prices available in the current market supplied by vendors who tell the bot their pricing.
Recurring single client limitations mean that operators of useful bots must choose between running those bots or playing themselves.

10-06-2010, 07:03 PM

10-06-2010, 07:23 PM
Can't I get laid instead?

10-09-2010, 12:05 AM
Alright. So I signed up for Magic Online. It did give me all the cards it said it would. I think I have like 700 free cards or something like that all together and all I paid to play the game was a 1 time fee of $9.99. Pretty good deal if you ask me. I just went to Walmart/WallyWorld and got one of those 1 time money cards and put $20 on it, activated it, and payed the bill.

I created my first deck the other day and it was fun as heck. There are strict restrictions for what cards you are allowed to put in your deck though such as that you are not allowed to put cards from duels of the planeswalkers (the Xbox360 version) in with any other "regular" deck cards that came before it. Only took me a little while to figure out what deck was acceptable to put together.

So now when my girl is playing Assassin's Creed III on the Xbox, I have something to do besides scroll through this message board on the PC. So Win.

10-09-2010, 12:21 AM
Jesus Christ. Shut the fuck up, you asinine web-crawler.

Edit: Some moderator please consider a ban for spamming and/or commercial content.

10-09-2010, 01:20 AM
I think seeing "Walmart/WallyWorld" has made my night. This guy is great.

Also, Assassin's Creed III hasn't been announced yet. Your boss is not going to be happy that you aren't familiar with the games you're advertising, bro.

10-09-2010, 02:07 AM
I think seeing "Walmart/WallyWorld" has made my night. This guy is great.

Also, Assassin's Creed III hasn't been announced yet. Your boss is not going to be happy that you aren't familiar with the games you're advertising, bro.
I meant to say Assassin's Creed II. Thanks for the correction.

The one in Italy. That's the one she plays. It would be cool to work for Wizards of the Coast though in their drawing/picture/graphics department.

10-09-2010, 05:54 AM


10-09-2010, 12:39 PM
Alright. So I signed up for Magic Online. It did give me all the cards it said it would. I think I have like 700 free cards or something like that all together and all I paid to play the game was a 1 time fee of $9.99. Pretty good deal if you ask me. I just went to Walmart/WallyWorld and got one of those 1 time money cards and put $20 on it, activated it, and payed the bill.

I created my first deck the other day and it was fun as heck. There are strict restrictions for what cards you are allowed to put in your deck though such as that you are not allowed to put cards from duels of the planeswalkers (the Xbox360 version) in with any other "regular" deck cards that came before it. Only took me a little while to figure out what deck was acceptable to put together.

So now when my girl is playing Assassin's Creed III on the Xbox, I have something to do besides scroll through this message board on the PC. So Win.

Hey which cards did you get? Can you please list all of them? I'm thinking about playing too. This will help my decision.

10-09-2010, 12:49 PM
Hey which cards did you get? Can you please list all of them? I'm thinking about playing too. This will help my decision.

Well, in terms of what cards I got, there are over 700 total. Some rare, some semi rare, and some common. But the important thing to remember here is that they were all FREE aside from the one time fee of $9.99 I paid to play the game.

Bottom line, if you like MTG, than there is absolutely no reason not to sign up for an account with them. I have more cards than I know what to do with at the moment. I think I will look into trading some of them soon, and then when I collect enough rares, I will probably end up selling many of them off.

10-09-2010, 06:52 PM
I should see if my old account is still active, and give all the cards away.

10-10-2010, 02:56 AM
I should see if my old account is still active, and give all the cards away.

Good to hear it. While you're at it, why not give all your GS4 stuff away as well.

10-15-2010, 04:47 AM

10-15-2010, 10:01 AM
quality post.

10-15-2010, 07:12 PM
Apparently some of the SEO firms are involved in the trading bots for Magic as well as amazon/Ebay video game arbitrage. He's not WOTC's fault.

10-17-2010, 11:58 AM
Magic The Gathering Duels Of The PlanesWalkers for the Xbox 360. Anybody play it? Anyone good at it? At the moment I am in the top 1,000 players on Xbox Live and working towards the number 1 position. If anyone here plays send me a PM with your Live name and I will add you for a 4 vs 4 or something.

10-17-2010, 12:10 PM

10-17-2010, 01:23 PM
Hey which cards did you get? Can you please list all of them? I'm thinking about playing too. This will help my decision.


10-17-2010, 02:42 PM
Magic The Gathering Duels Of The PlanesWalkers for the Xbox 360. Anybody play it? Anyone good at it? At the moment I am in the top 2,000 players on Xbox Live and working towards the number 1 position. If anyone here plays send me a PM with your Live name and I will add you for a 4 vs 4 or something.

I liked your original thread about Magic The Gathering:

I currently play on the Xbox 360 online version and at the moment I am in the top 15,000-20,000 rankings in the World (as far as the Xbox 360 is concerned) out of 100,000-150,000 players. I'm proud of that but my goal is to become one of the top 10,000 players. I've come very close before, at 14,000, but I just can't seem to break that yet.

Also if anyone has any questions about the game, or where to go to start playing online, just PM me and I will explain.

You can still sell your virtual Magic The Gathering cards online, so you can also make decent money trading/selling your stuff as well. With the PC version that is.

However, lets not forget your two most epic threads to date.

Time to switch games guys (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=50787)

Selling off my whole account (http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?t=49932) - WARNING: THIS THREAD CONTAINS SPOILERS ON HOW TO TRAIN YOUR CHARACTER IN GEMSTONE FOR TRUE POTENTIAL.

Now as far as my characters are concerned, none of them are too old yet, but what they do have is potential. Potential for what? Potential to be some of the most powerful characters in the game if trained right.

You know what? Fuck your advice on candles. I don't trust you or Victor Mcarthur anymore.

10-17-2010, 06:27 PM
Actually, I take that back. I still want to know what cards you have.

10-18-2010, 05:55 AM
Actually, I take that back. I still want to know what cards you have.

Well, at the moment I am in love with death touch critters so I have been collecting a lot of them. The only flyer death touch that i know of at the moment is the vampire nighthawk and I have 4 of those I believe so I have been incorporating those wherever I can.

Most elites use artifact creatures and enchantments as their main front line. So having anti artifact and enchantment spells is a must have. Unless you plan on losing within a minute or two.

Right now Showal and I don't mean this in a negative light, but right now if you haven't played yet your best bet is to spend some time in the new players section. Although there are people there who have really good decks but are not good enough to beat the elite so they spend their time messing with all the noobs and crushing them for their own ego trips, so watch out for them as well. But for the most part, after spending time in the new players section and making friends there first, you can build up your deck, and then move onto different sections such as the casual games section. And then the regular games section. Where you do get on the leader board stats at that point. Then, when you get really good, you can move on from there to tournaments, etc.

If you are already playing, what kind of decks do you use? If you're thinking about playing, do you have any experience at all with the game?

10-18-2010, 09:20 AM
Right now Showal and I don't mean this in a negative light, but right now if you haven't played yet your best bet is to spend some time in the new players section.

Did you really just offend me like that? For no reason?

I wish Victor was around. He'd give me some good advice and he wouldn't come out and just be offensive to everyone looking for help.

10-18-2010, 09:28 AM
Did you really just offend me like that? For no reason?

I wish Victor was around. He'd give me some good advice and he wouldn't come out and just be offensive to everyone looking for help.

Well, have at it then. What kind of decks do you use?

10-18-2010, 09:38 AM
Well, have at it then. What kind of decks do you use?

Only card I need

10-18-2010, 10:00 AM
Well, have at it then. What kind of decks do you use?

My deck might not look that great now, but it has potential. Potential for what? To be one of the strongest decks ever, when I get a number of great cards that I don't have yet.

10-18-2010, 11:29 AM
My deck might not look that great now, but it has potential. Potential for what? To be one of the strongest decks ever, when I get a number of great cards that I don't have yet.

You are weaving greatness into this thread.

10-18-2010, 03:41 PM
My deck might not look that great now, but it has potential. Potential for what? To be one of the strongest decks ever, when I get a number of great cards that I don't have yet.

Fucking win.

10-18-2010, 06:00 PM
Only card I need

That card is very nice. I figure the only problem with it is that it doesn't have shroud or protection against black or white or red or even blue with it's Mind Control card. It can be easily dispersed.

10-18-2010, 06:09 PM
This might be my best card at the moment:


10-18-2010, 06:10 PM
With a card like that why would you even bother playing games. You will be way too busy getting laid and being immune to the HIV virus.

10-18-2010, 06:10 PM
That card is very nice. I figure the only problem with it is that it doesn't have shroud or protection against black or white or red or even blue with it's Mind Control card. It can be easily dispersed.

I can counter that with more wolves. Nothing can beat more wolves.

10-18-2010, 06:12 PM
This might be my best card at the moment:


And ya know I just noticed that it's not even a rare. The cool part is that it's type is still a land even though it's a creature as well. Not to mention that you get the added bonus of the druid being out there too at the same time.

10-18-2010, 06:15 PM
I can counter that with more wolves. Nothing can beat more wolves.

This is the card you want if you're going Wolves:


There is another one that's even better though but only for PW that brings out 7 2/2 wolf tokens at once. It's a spell though not a creature. But it depends on the amount of forests you have so if you have 12 forests out you get 12 2/2 wolf tokens at once.

10-18-2010, 06:19 PM
Dude one wolf? People will think you are a total pussy. Then you suggest 7 seperate wolves. Your clearly missing the point. Once you play the wolf pack card the game is over regardless of what happens afterward. Usually everyone in ear shot will just immediately try to have sex with you which is awkward since you will still be trying to hold your trophy.

10-18-2010, 06:21 PM
Dude one wolf? People will think you are a total pussy. Then you suggest 7 seperate wolves. Your clearly missing the point. Once you play the wolf pack card the game is over regardless of what happens afterward. Usually everyone in ear shot will just immediately try to have sex with you which is awkward since you will still be trying to hold your trophy.

One attack with the wolf pack card is not going to kill anybody. Whether you are joking or not. You would need it to be enchanted or something else. Now there is an enchantment that can give it shroud, so that would make it nearly unbeatable. Nearly, because there would still be ways to beat it.

10-18-2010, 06:22 PM
Dude one wolf? People will think you are a total pussy. Then you suggest 7 seperate wolves. Your clearly missing the point. Once you play the wolf pack card the game is over regardless of what happens afterward. Usually everyone in ear shot will just immediately try to have sex with you which is awkward since you will still be trying to hold your trophy.

By the way most people have 4 of their favorite creatures in their deck not 1. I got 4 of those wolves. And plenty of ways to make them a force.

10-18-2010, 06:22 PM
One attack with the wolf pack card is not going to kill anybody.

Mother fucking OVERRUN bitch.

10-18-2010, 06:25 PM
I like the overrun ability, but the tri-howl at moon tap is the best. Imagine it, just imagine it. I can feel the virgins everywhere quivering with excitement.

10-18-2010, 06:25 PM
Mother fucking OVERRUN bitch.

Like I said you need something added to it. And of course counter spells do wonders against that stuff too.

10-18-2010, 06:26 PM
By the way most people have 4 of their favorite creatures in their deck not 1. I got 4 of those wolves. And plenty of ways to make them a force.

Are those wolves a pack though? Do they scream power? Do people who see those wolves immediately fear for their safety? Do women admire those wolves? No. Because those wolves are not in a pack. Its the outlaw wolf pack mentality that wins magic games. Not protection from magic dumb ass.

10-18-2010, 06:26 PM
I like the overrun ability, but the tri-howl at moon tap is the best. Imagine it, just imagine it. I can feel the virgins everywhere quivering with excitement.

You guys would be surprised how many girls play Magic.

10-18-2010, 06:27 PM
You guys would be surprised how many girls play Magic.

I bet they aren't the quivering virgins.

10-18-2010, 06:29 PM
Are those wolves a pack though? Do they scream power? Do people who see those wolves immediately fear for their safety? Do women admire those wolves? No. Because those wolves are not in a pack. Its the outlaw wolf pack mentality that wins magic games. Not protection from magic dumb ass.

There is a creature card for Planeswalkers that when it touches the opponents life it makes them discard their entire hand. It's also multicolored as well. And legendary. Now that's a card. Too bad it's only for PW though.

10-18-2010, 07:32 PM
One attack with the wolf pack card is not going to kill anybody. Whether you are joking or not. You would need it to be enchanted or something else. Now there is an enchantment that can give it shroud, so that would make it nearly unbeatable.


Nearly, because there would still be ways to beat it.

Oh ok. That makes sense. It's only nearly unbeatable because there are ways to beat it.

10-18-2010, 07:41 PM
You guys would be surprised how many girls play Magic.

"Hey sugar, what's going on over there?"



10-18-2010, 09:26 PM
You guys would be surprised how many girls play Magic.

I tap three islands and play FALCON PUNCH


10-19-2010, 07:17 AM
"Hey sugar, what's going on over there?"



Huh...and yet women swoon over skinny rock stars with long hair. I never understood it myself so I am with you on that.

But I think it has something to do with the caveman days when all men had long hair.

10-19-2010, 07:53 AM
Huh...and yet women swoon over skinny rock stars with long hair. I never understood it myself so I am with you on that.

But I think it has something to do with the caveman days when all men had long hair.

But sometimes I gotta admit. I get the urge to just grow my beard out and grow my hair out long. Keep a go-t trim or something and just say f-k it. But then I think.....societies not ready for that right now. lol. Jobs won't like it too much.

I really don't like grooming myself constantly like a woman though. So I may one day just get to the point where I do that. I'd continue to keep myself healthy and everything but it would be a breath of fresh air. But it would be nice not to spend an hour and 1/2 shaving my head, shaving my face, showering, the whole works.

I dream about the day where I could just roll out of bed go take a shower and throw some clothes on and head out. Not sure if my girl would like the long hair look though I gotta ask her about that.

But my girl takes 15 minute showers. The only thing she has to spend time on is her eye makeup. I'm thinkin...wait a second...isn't this backwards?

10-19-2010, 04:09 PM
15 minutes is not a quick shower.

10-19-2010, 11:54 PM
15 minutes is not a quick shower.

Well....sometimes it seems more like 5 to be honest with you. I don't have a stopwatch with me though when she goes in there.

10-20-2010, 12:14 AM
Whenever someone makes the statement "to be honest with you" I assume that most of the other statements they say aren't honest.

10-20-2010, 05:41 AM
I don't believe I would ever publicly say something like I'm in the top 2000 Magic the Gathering players....


10-20-2010, 10:54 PM
I really don't like grooming myself constantly like a woman though. So I may one day just get to the point where I do that. I'd continue to keep myself healthy and everything but it would be a breath of fresh air. But it would be nice not to spend an hour and 1/2 shaving my head, shaving my face, showering, the whole works.

You do this daily? That's your problem. Shower for at most 5 minutes. Shaving past 18 should take less than 5 minutes, especially if you do it daily. Shave your head weekly, at most.

You should spend the time saved working on your reading comprehension or keeping up on your correspondence with Victor Mcarthur.

10-20-2010, 11:27 PM
Well....sometimes it seems more like 5 to be honest with you. I don't have a stopwatch with me though when she goes in there.


10-23-2010, 07:12 PM
So, it took me a bit, but I found all my old information and was able to re-open my MTGO account. Seems I almost have a full set of Lorwyn sitting on it, and could redeem it for real cards if I finish the set.

You have any Lorwyn cards you would be willing to get rid of suckerfish?

10-24-2010, 01:12 AM
So, it took me a bit, but I found all my old information and was able to re-open my MTGO account. Seems I almost have a full set of Lorwyn sitting on it, and could redeem it for real cards if I finish the set.

You have any Lorwyn cards you would be willing to get rid of suckerfish?

Well if you'd have gotten to me sooner I now have only about 4-5 cards left to trade and I am looking for 2 uncommon and 4 common cards at the moment and I will try and get those later tonight.

But once I get rid of the last of my cards I am going to rely on these decks I have built for the time being.

Try Spiderbot. Add it to your buddylist, it has over 2,000 cards for trade. Just send it a trade invite, and then type in trade when it gives the prompt for it. I know the guy that owns it he is cool. He's the one that told me about it. Although I must say, it does everything by the book so make sure you know your prices.

But that's the name to add to your list. Spiderbot.

10-24-2010, 10:18 AM
SuckerFish, you should think out your posts a little more before you post so you don't have to edit them all a few minutes later.

10-24-2010, 10:58 AM
SuckerFish, you should think out your posts a little more before you post so you don't have to edit them all a few minutes later.

It was colonel mustard, in the kitchen, with the rope.

10-24-2010, 11:25 AM
It was colonel mustard, in the kitchen, with the rope.

Victor Mcarthur may not be that good yet because he's young, but what Victor Mcarthur does have is potential. Potential for what? Potential to be one of the best animal care specialists working on animal growth and development ever.

He's also a great friend for hearing that people on the PC were talking bad about magic and defending the game and his friend. He's a hero of mine, actually.

10-24-2010, 05:39 PM
Yeah I know plenty of dealer bots, and I don't feel like trading 20 rares for one.

10-24-2010, 06:06 PM
Having played Magic before, I'd say your sales pitch needs a lot of work. I've come away with all my sense of nostalgia obliterated.

10-24-2010, 06:31 PM
I forgot you were big into Magic Kitsun, did you stop playing? And were you ever on MTGO?

10-24-2010, 07:04 PM
and as a follow up question, have you ever gotten laid?

10-24-2010, 08:39 PM
and as a follow up question, have you ever gotten laid?

Does a hog shit in a barn?

10-24-2010, 08:44 PM
and as a follow up question, have you ever gotten laid?

I think he falls into the getrduuun category. :)

10-24-2010, 09:19 PM
Does a hog shit in a barn?

Only if you don't let your mother in the house. Sick Burn.

10-24-2010, 10:56 PM
Does a hog shit in a barn?

Why did you stop posting as Imp? I think that's the better question.

10-24-2010, 11:14 PM
I forgot you were big into Magic Kitsun, did you stop playing? And were you ever on MTGO?

Yeah. I stopped during Zendikar. And I never got into MTGO. Too used to paying for some physical product and being able to get it at a discount. Paying full retail for digital was just bleh. That and MTGO was buggy as shit back then.

10-25-2010, 08:11 PM
You get your moneys worth either way trust me. I do both as well. MTGO has everything you need for entertainment value as you can get nearly every card ever made in the game.

You can trade for them too in seconds whereas in real life at the moment it's hard to find people who will trade with you every minute or so.

But both games have their advantages. I hold onto my physical decks because I know one day in the future they may well come in very handy. But for now the digital ones are the ones I get the most use out of on MTGO because for starters it's MUCH easier to find people to play with and it's just a click away to do so.

10-25-2010, 08:12 PM
You get your moneys worth either way trust me. I do both as well. MTGO has everything you need for entertainment value as you can get nearly every card ever made in the game.

You can trade for them too in seconds whereas in real life at the moment it's hard to find people who will trade with you every minute or so.

But both games have their advantages. I hold onto my physical decks because I know one day in the future they may well come in very handy. But for now the digital ones are the ones I get the most use out of on MTGO because for starters it's MUCH easier to find people to play with and it's just a click away to do so.

Why did you stop posting as Imp?

10-25-2010, 11:03 PM
Why did you stop posting as Imp?

What is your obsession with the Imp?

The only Imp I am currently familiar with is this one:


10-26-2010, 08:14 AM
What is your obsession with the Imp?

So you're saying you're not this guy:

I currently play on the Xbox 360 online version and at the moment I am in the top 15,000-20,000 rankings in the World (as far as the Xbox 360 is concerned) out of 100,000-150,000 players. I'm proud of that but my goal is to become one of the top 10,000 players. I've come very close before, at 14,000, but I just can't seem to break that yet.

Also if anyone has any questions about the game, or where to go to start playing online, just PM me and I will explain.

You can still sell your virtual Magic The Gathering cards online, so you can also make decent money trading/selling your stuff as well. With the PC version that is.

Who gave us awesome game reviews like this:

After getting rid of my GS4 characters/items now almost a month ago, I needed to find a good game (one that wasn't ridiculously priced like GS4) and so I searched the web for the perfect game that would fulfill my RPG desires. And I found it.

It's called Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. It's completely free to play, although you can purchase things in game if need be.

It is multiplayer, and it has won the following awards:

* Freebie Award: Best Free-to-play-MMORPG, 2009 RPGLand.com RPGs of the Year 2009

* Best Free to Play MMO, 2009 MMORPG.com 2009 Awards

* Best Free to Play Game, 2009 Tentonhammer.com Best of 2009 Awards

* Best Multiplayer Game, 2006 British Academy Video Games Awards

* Most Anticipated Game, 2005 MMORPG.COM Reader's Choice Awards

* Best Persistent World Game, IGN.com Best of 2006 Awards

* Nominee, Massively Multiplayer Game of the Year, 10th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards

* Third Prize, Best Graphics, Les JOL d'Or 2006

* Third Prize, Public's Award, Les JOL d'Or 2006

That's not bad at all for a game that has better graphics than Gemstone 4, more skills to train in, more people to play with, a lower price (free!), and is just as professional if not more so.

Here's the link to the website, hope to see some of you guys there:


The posting style and the retarded nature of the poster bears an amazing resemblence to you.

Strange, two guys that are obsessed with magic and only copy and pastes the writing on wikipedia and other websites exist on the same forums.

10-26-2010, 08:17 AM
Magic The Gathering Duels Of The PlanesWalkers for the Xbox 360. Anybody play it? Anyone good at it? At the moment I am in the top 2,000 players on Xbox Live and working towards the number 1 position. If anyone here plays send me a PM with your Live name and I will add you for a 4 vs 4 or something.

Weird! You got better at the game though.

So you really just recently joined MTGO?

10-26-2010, 03:26 PM
So you're saying you're not this guy:

Who gave us awesome game reviews like this:

The posting style and the retarded nature of the poster bears an amazing resemblence to you.

Strange, two guys that are obsessed with magic and only copy and pastes the writing on wikipedia and other websites exist on the same forums.

Well the biggest difference between me and that guy appears to be that he was in the top 14,000 MTG players on Magic Live and I am now in the top 2,000 players.

10-26-2010, 03:28 PM
So you really just recently joined MTGO?

Yes. About 3 weeks ago now. For people who like strategy games such as chess (although chess requires a bit too much thinking in my opinion), turn based strategy games, etc., why wouldn't they sign up for MTG Online? I mean it's a one time charge of $9.99 and there are basically unlimited cards to mess around with.

10-26-2010, 03:33 PM
And, you can still feel like an adult when you play it.

For the record, I've never played Pikachu or Pokemon once in my life. And I think after the age of 5 it's a good idea to hang the gloves up on that one.

10-26-2010, 04:37 PM
Well the biggest difference between me and that guy appears to be that he was in the top 14,000 MTG players on Magic Live and I am now in the top 2,000 players.



10-26-2010, 04:39 PM
Yes. About 3 weeks ago now. For people who like strategy games such as chess (although chess requires a bit too much thinking in my opinion), turn based strategy games, etc., why wouldn't they sign up for MTG Online? I mean it's a one time charge of $9.99 and there are basically unlimited cards to mess around with.


why wouldn't they sign up for MTG Online?

Why would you lie?

10-26-2010, 04:45 PM
Let's ask Victor123 while we're at it Suckerfish.....

10-26-2010, 04:46 PM
Let's ask Victor123 while we're at it Suckerfish.....

Victor Mcarthur's too busy studying growth and development to respond. He was just being a good friend as a one time thing.

I think today Victor had an emergency growth and development procedure or maybe just a random one to suit his client's needs.

10-26-2010, 09:41 PM

Why would you lie?

I didn't.

10-26-2010, 09:43 PM
Victor Mcarthur's too busy studying growth and development to respond. He was just being a good friend as a one time thing.

I think today Victor had an emergency growth and development procedure or maybe just a random one to suit his client's needs.

Be kind guys. After all there's a lot of castration going on in that part of the World.

10-26-2010, 10:34 PM
I didn't.

You did.

10-27-2010, 02:31 PM
You did.

No No.....I must tell you, I did not.

11-01-2010, 06:15 PM
Here is a really good in depth review of MTGO (Magic The Gathering Online):


The only problem is that it was written back in 2002 so many cards have been added to the game since then. There might double, triple the amount of cards available now.

11-01-2010, 09:40 PM
I think you need to convince Tsin to buy Magic cards from your bot.

02-09-2011, 04:20 PM

Found you, SuckerFish.

02-09-2011, 10:14 PM

Found you, SuckerFish.

Very funny Showal.

02-12-2011, 11:26 PM
MtG is even more of a money sink then gemstone is. funny thing is I started playing them both about the same time but was able to walk away from Mtg after a just few years. Still Having a hard time not playing GS.

02-13-2011, 04:27 AM
I've spent no more than $20 total on my Magic cards I have a little over 1500 and I have all the mythics, rares and uncommons I need. I also have over 20 different deck combinations that are VERY good. So.....it comes nowhere near as close the amount of money a person spends on GS.

02-13-2011, 04:28 AM
I've spent no more than $20 total on my Magic cards I have a little over 1500 and I have all the mythics, rares and uncommons I need. I also have over 20 different deck combinations that are VERY good. So.....it comes nowhere near as close the amount of money a person spends on GS.

If a person uses only the MTGO store they are in big trouble. Trade Bots is the way to go if you are looking for specific cards.

02-13-2011, 07:34 AM
1500 cards? You mean 1500 digital images? I Have over 20,000 REAL cards in my collection.

02-13-2011, 04:55 PM
this game sucks and i quit and i'm telling everyone i know to quit also

02-14-2011, 01:53 AM
1500 cards? You mean 1500 digital images? I Have over 20,000 REAL cards in my collection.

Well....I have maybe....500 real cards in my collection. lol. So chew on that.

02-14-2011, 02:02 AM
By the way Loxe it's important for people not to get confused. We're discussing MTGO (Magic The Gathering Online) http://www.wizards.com/Magic/Multiverse/ not the version for the Xbox 360 which is also good but which is where everyone gets exactly the same cards to play with.

02-14-2011, 03:34 AM
Actually I.R. I always enjoyed MtG, but the player base where i live died out, and when they went from a new release twice a year to to one every four months it became a larger money and time investment than i was able to keep up with.

Suckerfish, I have never played the xbox version. A friend let me play his account of Mtgo for a couple weeks when i was visiting him on vacation. wasnt real impressed. nothing bad mind you just wasnt impressed.

02-14-2011, 03:57 AM
Actually I.R. I always enjoyed MtG, but the player base where i live died out, and when they went from a new release twice a year to to one every four months it became a larger money and time investment than i was able to keep up with.

But that's what I was getting at. It seems like everyone gets caught up in the new releases. Gotta have this card gotta have that card. Gotta have this deck gotta have that deck. Stick with the cards you already have and enjoy them. 20,000 you said? Damn.

02-14-2011, 04:00 AM
Suckerfish, I have never played the xbox version. A friend let me play his account of Mtgo for a couple weeks when i was visiting him on vacation. wasnt real impressed. nothing bad mind you just wasnt impressed.

The only way to succeed in the Xbox live version is to become a pro at figuring out combination decks and strategies that you use on a 24 hour basis instead of game to game.

With everyone having the same cards, there can be no other way. I enjoy going over statistics because I have figured out what strategy works for me. I haven't played the Xbox live version in awhile but last time I did I was in the top 2,000 listings on the ratings roster. Trust me that is NOT an easy thing to do. It just isn't. You lose one game, you lose 1,000 positions. You lose 10 games, you go from being in the top 2,000 to being in the top 12,000.

So the number 1 slot position deserves it's respect and this is what everyone craves for who plays to win.

03-01-2011, 07:21 PM
Good news. Magic The Gathering for the Xbox 360 has recently released 3 new decks to unlock bringing the total decks as of now up to 17. So now there is more variety than ever.

The new decks are a vampire deck, a red and blue deck, and another white deck.

03-01-2011, 08:22 PM
1500 cards? You mean 1500 digital images? I Have over 20,000 REAL cards in my collection.

over 20,000! ::Crushes goggle:: what 20,000, there's no way that can be right.

03-02-2011, 09:08 PM
I should also mention that if the game is keeping with it's tradition for the Xbox 360 version than there should also be 3 new cards for each of the older 14 decks as well which you would have to unlock first to use.

So roughly about 42 new cards from that plus the new cards from the 3 new decks as well. So all together we may be talking maybe somewhere in the neighborhood of close to 150-200 new cards in total. Not bad for the $5 or whatever it is for the expansion download.

I can't confirm this 100% yet though because I still have to download the third expansion pack which comes with the 3 new decks. Which I am planning on doing very soon. But this was the process with the previous 2 expansion packs so I don't see why they would change it now. But who knows because the deck sizes keep getting bigger and bigger. Which I guess doesn't matter all that much because everyone has access to the same decks and the same cards as long as they are able to unlock them all.

03-02-2011, 09:25 PM
Also I wanted to add that it is extremely cheap to purchase the Xbox 360 version of Magic the Gathering for those who might be wondering the price.

I think about 2 years ago I downloaded my version for about $5-10 dollars. Somewhere in between there I believe. And so far as I know the price of downloading the game hasn't gone up at all.

Then all you need to do whenever you want to is download the rest of the expansion sets (there are 3 total) at $5 a pop but this is not mandatory it is only if you want to use more decks. The regular version of the game comes with I think 8 decks of it's own though. So really there is no reason to have to download the expansion packs if you don't want to.

But guys, you're not going to find a better game than this that you can play online with friends or with strangers on your Xbox 360's for $5-10. If anything this is one of the main reasons to download the game just because you can get it for a steal right now. And who doesn't love good deals? I know I do. :thanx:

03-19-2011, 01:04 AM
Alright so I downloaded the expansion pack 3 for the Xbox 360 version of Magic The Gathering and it does give you 3 new cards for each deck you already have (but you have to unlock them) plus it also gives you 3 new decks but you have to play the campaign mode in order to unlock those decks as well. And I don't know about anyone else but it seems like the campaign mode keeps getting harder and harder. No worries though I do like a challenge.

It costs $5 to download the expansion pack for those who were wondering.

I already unlocked all 3 cards for the red, white, and green deck but I still have a ton more to unlock.

You can unlock cards for your original decks either through the campaign mode or through winning matches over Xbox Live. Either way works. But not for the new decks. Those can only be unlocked in the campaign mode. However, for those who don't like to put in the work, sometimes they will come out with expansions where you can purchase each deck separately. But I didn't see any for the 3 new decks yet.

03-19-2011, 01:11 AM
has anyone given a hint in the last few pages of your posts about this that they care? just curious

03-19-2011, 01:17 AM
has anyone given a hint in the last few pages of your posts about this that they care? just curious

All fans of Magic care Jayvn. A fan of Magic The Gathering is a fan of Magic The Gathering.