View Full Version : Favorite Weapon Alter

Jace Solo
09-27-2010, 09:15 PM
Thinkin about getting some weapons altered, especially interested in axe alters, so help me get some ideas working. Please post your favorite weapon alters.

Thanks guys!

09-27-2010, 09:24 PM
Hm, never done any axe alters but this was my favorite of mine:

a tall graceful sanguine eahnor pike
The long, smooth eahnor shaft of the pike has been wound with strips of black suede to provide a better grip on the weapon, forming a webwork of ebony over the glistening red. Shaped like a sinuous, stylized burst of flame, the razor-sharp blade itself is a slightly darker sanguine shade of eahnor. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

09-27-2010, 10:16 PM
that's a lot of adjectives...

09-27-2010, 10:17 PM
I'm full of 'em. And it.

On a serious note, what exactly are you looking for in an axe? What material are we working with? Do you have a picture of an axe you like?

09-27-2010, 10:18 PM
an elegant black vaalorn longsword
The smooth outline of an amaranth blossom has been engraved upon the black vaalorn blade, its slender petals formed of inlaid pieces of white pearl. A strip of white leather wrapped about the sandalwood hilt provides a sure grip. Narrow letters incised beside the blade's central fuller read, "Agony."

an elegant white vaalorn longsword
The smooth outline of an amaranth blossom has been engraved upon the white vaalorn blade, its slender petals formed of inlaid pieces of black pearl. A strip of black leather wrapped about the sandalwood hilt provides a sure grip. Narrow letters incised beside the blade's central fuller read, "Ecstasy."

09-27-2010, 11:11 PM
Hmm, axes. . .

a flame-motif curved mithril balta
Forged from pure mithril, the broad crescent blade gleams with the same silver-blue hue as a glowbark leaf. Smaller shards of the metal chase the haon haft with decorative flames only a few shades darker than the pale wood. As they near the leather-wrapped grip, the flames grow more frequent, overlapping into a conflagration. Tiny letters, inlaid in sharply contrasting scarlet eahnor, spell out the name, "Wildfire." You notice a small enchanter's glyph and Reallia's crafting mark.

I think my current favorite weapon is this one, though:

a narrow curved faenor skinning knife
Streaks of faded sage and bright moss green twist through the dark jade-hued metal in a pattern as graceful and unpredictable as the dance of falling leaves. Layers of varnish draw out the rich grains that trace similar swirls across the modwir hilt. The natural beauty of the deep brown wood is interrupted only near the rounded pommel, where closely-set shards of pale haon and ivory form an inlaid feather whose curve mirrors the sweep of the single-edged blade.

09-28-2010, 06:41 AM
>tap fal
You tap a pale blue engraved falchion.

>l fal
The image of a stargazer lily is skillfully engraved along the length of the blade. A thick strip of black leather covers the hilt, and a meticulously polished blue sapphire rests at the pommel. You notice a small enchanter's glyph and Carpian's crafting mark.
(Master forged, 6x)

>tap kask
You tap a lily-etched drakar kaskara.

>l kask
Stylized stargazer lilies have been rendered along the length of this blade, their petals formed by brilliant crimson flecks within the drakar. The design extends into the polished steel crossguard, etched with twining lilies in exquisite detail. Broad white leather strips tooled with flowering vines cover the hilt and cross over the pommel to cradle a ruby cabochon. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.
(the TAP is how it was sold off-the-shelf from EG 2005, FINALLY added the SHOW a month or so ago)

Jace Solo
09-28-2010, 10:25 AM
Hey guys,
Beautiful weapons so far. I always enjoy reading them.
Materials don't matter to me and will probably not be mentioned in the actual description. Eonake and Ora are the exceptions, and I like the majority of woods in the game too.

Right now, one axe is a bastard axe made of steel and the other is a hand axe of eonake. I might be picking up another soon to replace the eonake one. But the moral is that I don't care for the metals to be involved in the description.

My basic ideas so far is for the axes to match. Current themes are:

I really like the idea of having two tomahawks but I don't know if they'll let it fly. They should, considering there were tomahawks around the medieval times and if we have Japanese weapon types why shouldn't I be able to call my axe a tomahawk. Should that not fly...I like the look of beard axes but hate how it sounds...

To match my new armor:
Ancient Golden Armor
Shiny golden plates cascade over garnet red body armor intent upon silencing the sound of moving metal and encasing the wearer in additional protection. Immense pauldrons, once beautifully crafted wings, have been broken and fractured into jagged shards of twisted metal. Perfectly etched alternating garnet and onyx runes line each auxiliary armor piece from gauntlet to sabaton. Obvious care was taken in the application of each rune, ensuring that their power could not be arbitrarily invoked.


To match my gauntlets:

Wrought from small geometrically perfect plates of an eonake-ora alloy, these magnificent gauntlets show a rare level of craftsmanship usually displayed by the famed Dwarven smiths of Zul Logoth. Ambient light dances brilliantly along each ora vein at the slightest movement. Engraved upon the wrist of the right glove are a few lines of verse.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Common language, it reads:

And thus
In the 4th Age of Elanthia

The First Dreadnaught held aloft
The Right Fist
And breathed the word, "Judgement"

And then unto the Left
He whispered, "Salvation."

OR a Chaos/Order kinda theme....

Basically, I'm open to suggestions and starting almost from scratch.

Thanks for your time guys, I really appreciate it.


09-28-2010, 12:43 PM
Whenever I read cascade in an alter I roll my eyes and stop reading.

09-28-2010, 01:15 PM
Here's what I used before the quicksilver blade and blink mace.

a gilded black glaes crescent axe

Compact in size, this crescent axe is formed from a single piece of translucent black glaes, lending it substantial weight. Intricately etched designs of stylized wisps cover the broad crescent blade, forming heavy roils that taper in spirals to the long spike at the back. Glittering golden veniom is inlaid into the patterns, making them shine against the darker glaes. Gold filigree frames a matched trio of star emeralds set into the haft, and wide rondels cap the leather-wrapped grip below. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

Jace Solo
09-28-2010, 01:23 PM
Whenever I read cascade in an alter I roll my eyes and stop reading.

Would you rather I type out "over lapping"?

It's not finalized but it's close. Would that make you happy? I want it to look it's best obviously.

Here's what I used before the quicksilver blade and blink mace.

a gilded black glaes crescent axe

Compact in size, this crescent axe is formed from a single piece of translucent black glaes, lending it substantial weight. Intricately etched designs of stylized wisps cover the broad crescent blade, forming heavy roils that taper in spirals to the long spike at the back. Glittering golden veniom is inlaid into the patterns, making them shine against the darker glaes. Gold filigree frames a matched trio of star emeralds set into the haft, and wide rondels cap the leather-wrapped grip below. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

That's a beautiful axe. Mind if I ask the properties?
I really want these axes to be my end game weapons so I plan to take them to at least 7x and I'd like to name them.

I appreciate constructive criticism and I'll just assume that was your way of showing it Stray.

Thanks again guys, keep 'em coming.

09-28-2010, 03:05 PM
The glaes crescent axe is 4x with exceptional crit weighting. It's a good, solid weapon.

09-28-2010, 03:51 PM
What's the quicksilver blade?

09-28-2010, 03:55 PM
2x bastard sword with 40 pts of damage weighting.

Tolwynn, I feel like I've owned all of your weapons besides the blink at one point in time.

09-28-2010, 04:03 PM
You tap a glowing black moon axe in a cracked leather belt loop.
>l axe
Dyed a glowing black, the invar moon axe appears simple in design. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

You tap a glowing black fish skeleton arrow in a slender thigh-buckled quiver.
>l arr
The arrow resembles a surprisingly intact fish skeleton that has been crafted from petrified fel. The fins appear to act as makeshift fletchings, the spine has been straightened into a delicate shaft, the tailbone serves as a nock, and the fish's head has had all the teeth filed to razor sharp points. The entirety of the fish emits an eerie black glow that highlights the empty eye sockets and cavernous, tooth-filled maw.

10-06-2010, 08:48 AM
Had this made up yesterday to top off my warrior's vultite katana/wakizashi pair.

You glance down to see a tanzanite and white lace parasol with a lacquered ebony handle in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

>push parasol
You depress a pair of buttons on the handle of your parasol and a blade shoots out from the tip, locking into place.

You glance down to see a silver-washed narrow black wakizashi in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.

>l wakizashi
Lacking a prominent guard, the black vultite wakizashi possesses a perfectly straight blade to create a single line of elegant precision. A narrow edge of silver faintly lines the sharpened blade, casting a cold sheen against the otherwise shadowed metal. The hilt, a lacquered piece of ebony painted with lilac blossoms and coated in clear enamel, remains unwrapped to help it blend seamlessly with an appropriately matching scabbard.

10-11-2010, 02:12 AM
Cool. The bot picked my pike!

10-11-2010, 03:16 AM
Course Ross, I feel the same about your weapons as you feel bout his. what comes around etc etc

11-20-2010, 01:25 AM
Just got this done by a very patient Whuid. I'm really happy with it.
Thanks to Elvenlady for a little bit of inspiration.

a lustrous black walnut longbow

This longbow is crafted from a single piece of finely grained black walnut, lacquered and polished to a rich, glossy luster. The bow's minimalist design is simple yet elegant with its slender limbs tapering into a subtle recurve. The contoured riser is fashioned from white ash and wrapped in cream-hued suede which creates a stark, beautiful contrast with the dark body of the bow. A single word is engraved onto the arrow shelf, "Nightfall". You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

Inspired by these sexy bows. http://montanabows.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=56&Itemid=81

11-20-2010, 01:49 AM
Just got this done by a very patient Whuid. I'm really happy with it.
Thanks to Elvenlady for a little bit of inspiration.

a lustrous black walnut longbow

This longbow is crafted from a single piece of finely grained black walnut, lacquered and polished to a rich, glossy luster. The bow's minimalist design is simple yet elegant with its slender limbs tapering into a subtle recurve. The contoured riser is fashioned from white ash and wrapped in cream-hued suede which creates a stark, beautiful contrast with the dark body of the bow. A single word is engraved onto the arrow shelf, "Nightfall". You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

Inspired by these sexy bows. http://montanabows.com/cms/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=56&Itemid=81

That is awesome. And was Whuid back in RR? He said he was only doing lightening and deepening. Grrr.

11-20-2010, 02:15 AM
Yeah, he came back. He started with lightening but there were only a few of us so he was persuaded to do more. Sorry, and thanks!

11-20-2010, 02:42 AM
a faenor-twined dark veil iron lance

>look lance
Thin, twining vines of faenor are hammered into the dark veil iron surface of this slender lance. A large cluster of verdant faenor barbs tip the end of the weapon. Petals of matte black mithril form a stylized rose-shaped guard. Braided lengths of black and green silk are wrapped around the handle.

11-20-2010, 12:04 PM
an hand-crafted elegant vultite falchion - A series of wavy lines along the honed edge of the blade indicates that it was folded not once, but twice during forging, revealing the exceptional level of the blade's craftsmanship. A complex weave of obsidian leather and verdant silk wrap around the hilt, terminating in a beaded tassel.

Jace Solo
11-20-2010, 01:33 PM
"in a a beaded tassel"? That typo went through?

11-20-2010, 01:49 PM
No. I wasn't in game so I wrote it from memory. Should be once and a beaded. Shhh leave me alone.

Jace Solo
11-20-2010, 02:36 PM
Eitherway, nice weapon.

11-20-2010, 04:02 PM
a scrimshaw ivory-hafted lance ~ Crafted from a lacquered length of smoothed white ash, this lance is inlaid with lengths of scrimshawed ivory, intricately carved with sweeping curls like miniature blizzards swirling about frozen snowbanks. The tip is forged from steel, polished to a silvery sheen, with tendrils that curl about the apex of the shaft, interweaving with the ivory. Subtle hints of mother-of-pearl in the vamplate accentuate the glossy winter sheen of the elaborate but effective weapon.

Thanks to Laphrael for the design!

11-20-2010, 04:25 PM
a leaf-bladed hunting knife:
The darker green veins within the faenor blade have been folded and beaten to imitate the design and texture of a modwir leaf. The double-edged blade gracefully arcs outward and back as it narrows to a razor-sharp tip, the heavy forward weight perfectly counter-balancing the hilt and pommel. Worn, dark silver cording wraps the hilt for a secure grip.

Probably my favorite alter at the moment. Made it a few ago.

11-20-2010, 07:06 PM
Its very nicely done. =)

02-28-2012, 07:03 PM
Just got this done, thought I'd share. I kept the name from the person that had it before.. seemed to fit.

a translucent smoky glaes claidhmore

>look at claidhmore
The immense, yet graceful, blade of this weapon is forged from translucent smoke-hued glaes which is hammered to a keen and viciously sharp point. The fullers of the weapon have been tempered into a darker hue, making the spine of the sword an opaque ebon color. The hilt is fashioned from smooth alabaster willow, providing a stark contrast to the sculpted black glaes of the pommel and sinuously curved crossguard. You see writing etched into one of the quillions.
There appears to be something written on it.

>read claidhmore
In the Common language, it reads:

02-28-2012, 07:46 PM
>read claidhmore
In the Common language, it reads:

It should be spelled "Sentinel". I'm sure you can assist and get it fixed since it's a typo.

02-28-2012, 08:44 PM
a suede-wrapped black ora stiletto - The slender needle-like blade of this stiletto appears ancient, the fine carving and detailed designs having faded with time. At the base of the weapon is a jagged end, suggesting that this weapon was originally the tip of a much larger pike blade. Simple black suede has been used to bind the lower portion, creating a serviceable grip. The base of the grip has been tied off around a single despanal bead carved into the likeness of a fox.

2x, siolan zests

a perfect coraesine-shot pike - Flawless and lustrous, the lor haft of the pike has a silvery finish that stretches across its unmarred six foot length. Misty white coraesine tendrils blend throughout the haft with subtle contrasting grace, growing denser at the center and culminating in cloudy white wisps at the edges. Silver-hued steel rises from the apex and forms the foot-long blade, which is sharp and dual-edged. Dark grey tendrils curl outward from the striated metal, while a cap of grey-veined bands decorates the butt. You notice a small enchanter's glyph and Alerr's crafting mark.
There appears to be something written on it.
In the Faendryl language, it reads:

7x, perfect forging

a spiraling lor runestaff - Crafted from a naturally spiraling branch of silver lor, the runestaff is topped with an eye-etched heliodor caged in silver. Worked along the twisted spirals is a series of images of seductive women, each darker than the last. The uppermost is a Faendryl maiden, followed by sea nymphs, sirens, nedum vereri, demon-winged succubi, and many more. Adorning the bottom is a silver cap etched with a demonic visage. You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

7x, zested, acuity flaring

02-28-2012, 09:42 PM
Not sure if this one had been mentioned, I really liked Augie's tart cutter. Was pretty awesome.

02-28-2012, 10:29 PM
Being that it's my only alter,

You glance down to see an ancient ocean-hued trident in your right hand and nothing in your left hand.
Smooth emerald tips the prongs of the trident, while the polished metal is a dark bluish-grey hue. Dried seaweed has been wrapped around the trident, providing a grip for the wielder. Set into the pommel of the weapon is a cluster of sea blue coral.

Is trident based, (obviously) so onehand/two handed polearm, base metal is eonake.--perfect for my polearming/archer cleric of Charl.


02-29-2012, 09:52 AM
A sharp ancient elven naginata

Forged from ancient blue steel, the slightly curved blade of the naginata has been finely honed to a nearly impossible razor-sharp edge. Embedded veins of dark green malachite and pure black onyx intertwine, running along the length of the silver-hued sephwir wood shaft. Engraved on one side of the naginata's intricately designed blade is the image of a lion, and on the other side the image of a swan, paradoxical symbols of power and grace.

10X naginata with impact flares; max lightened

03-07-2012, 08:24 AM
Just got this one done... I thought it turned out pretty good... My only problem with it was that I couldn't use Ancient where I have "raven black" I ended up getting the GM that didn't like that word.. Though I was able to get another item altered with ancient in its look.

a raven black Saramar-enruned spikestar

Perfectly forged from raven black vultite, the head of the spikestar is molded with gaseous swirls that partially obscure deep craters, reminiscent of the surface of the faceless moon. Eleven battle-worn spikes protrude from the top and bottom half of the head, each etched with a separate Saramar rune. Rivers of blood-red glaes fill shallow channels that slash lettering across the spike-free equator, presenting the weapon's name. You notice a small enchanter's glyph and your crafting mark.
There appears to be something written on it.

In the Common language, it reads:
Lornon's Wrath

03-07-2012, 02:48 PM
Well done.

Jace Solo
03-07-2012, 06:14 PM
Got this one done at EG before my break. It matches the other miner type stuff I have.

a perfect oversized mallet - 7x, perfect, max lightened, knock-down flares.

Clearly this mallet has seen many days inside a rough environment. Covered in dust and worn slightly from use, chips of gems and mineral ores sit worn into the mallet head of the hammer by years of heavy usage deep in the earth. The phrase "Property of the Miner's Union" has been carved into the haft of the tool. You notice a small enchanter's glyph and an unrecognizable crafting mark (one of my favorite parts).

s>clench mallet
You close your eyes and chant as you settle your mallet in both hands. The ground beneath trembles and your body quickly begins to falter and shift, erupting outward into the silhouette of a massive earthen golem with jagged gemstones protruding sporadically from it. Your eyes flare molten shades as the stone shifts and recedes back within you, leaving you gasping from the exhileration.

03-07-2012, 07:01 PM
an angel-set white vultite tetsubo

This massive weapon has been crafted out of a branch of red oak, dipped in varnish, and then coated with white vultite from middle to end. Instead of the traditional plain metal studs covering the business end, tiny angels of red glaes have been set into the vultite, allowing the weapon to rip and tear as well as smash. The faces of the tiny angels appear locked in silent screams. The varnish-covered red oak of the haft has been rounded down to provide a better grip.
There appears to be something written on it.

In the Common language, it reads:

03-07-2012, 07:14 PM
an elegant black vaalorn longsword
The smooth outline of an amaranth blossom has been engraved upon the black vaalorn blade, its slender petals formed of inlaid pieces of white pearl. A strip of white leather wrapped about the sandalwood hilt provides a sure grip. Narrow letters incised beside the blade's central fuller read, "Agony."

an elegant white vaalorn longsword
The smooth outline of an amaranth blossom has been engraved upon the white vaalorn blade, its slender petals formed of inlaid pieces of black pearl. A strip of black leather wrapped about the sandalwood hilt provides a sure grip. Narrow letters incised beside the blade's central fuller read, "Ecstasy."

Why's the black one gotta be agony, and the white one ecstasy?!?

THAT'S RACIST <insert gif here>

03-08-2012, 01:34 AM
Why's the black one gotta be agony, and the white one ecstasy?!?

THAT'S RACIST <insert gif here>
