View Full Version : Dex and Agility Enhancives wanted

09-21-2010, 01:40 PM
Hello Everyone,

I'm looking for +3 or greater Dex Enhancives, Also looking for +3 or greater Agility enhancives.

Need to be able to be worn by a rogue, or Dark Elf, or both:


Jewelry: Rings, Neclaces, pendants, earrings, earcuffs

Pin worn: can work with any, but prefer something more suited to a male character

clothing: Boots or gloves preferred, color not really important as long as it can be dyed. may considered pants and shirts also but please provide a detailed discription of the them.

Perfer to stay away from weapons and armor, may considered double leather or one handed blunts again please provide a detailed discription for consideration.

In all please provide all enhancives on the item, asking price, and trains needed to receive benefit.
